Dancing to Be Felt, Not Seen: The Health Benefits of Dance

by Christiane Northrup, M.D.

Ageless Goddesses Wellness

Christiane Northrup, M.D.

Christiane Northrup, M.D., is a visionary pioneer and a leading authority in the field of women’s health and wellness. Recognizing the unity of body, mind, and spirit, she empowers women to trust their inner wisdom, their connection with Source, and their ability to truly flourish.


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  1. Ilona Glinarsky
    7 years ago

    Hello, dear Dr. Northrup! I have been a huge fan of your wisdom and your knowledge from the first moment I can across your “Women’s Bodies, Woman’s Wisdom” book in my early thirties. It opened my eyes and explained so much of my health “issues”, which went away as soon as I addressed my heart’s desired and made some big and bold changes in my life.
    One of the most amazing gifts of that journey became learning to dance Salsa (first), and then discovering Argentine Tango. Partner dance became the biggest healer and equalizer of all things that were out of balance in my life!
    Its been almost 22 years since I started dancing social partner dance…and now I organize thee big tango events in Los Angeles and teach Argentine Tango for the last 18 years. I am now basically known as the Tango Evangelist, sharing the “good news” of dance with anyone and everyone.
    What you said about tango dancing is 110% true and I so appreciate the fact that you give such a wonderful testimony to the transformative, healing magic that tango offers. Thank you for being such source of inspiration to so many! If ever in Los Angeles, please come out and dance with us. Blessings…Ilona Living Tango

  2. Thank you for your sharings. I am a woman, who believes in ageless living and being.

  3. Elena
    9 years ago

    Love your phrasing “dancing to be felt not seen”! That’s exactly what we need to hear when our dancing skills have become rusty and TV is discouragingly full of high-level dancing virtuosos in castingshows 😉

  4. Paula Prober
    9 years ago

    I so appreciate your work, Christiane. Your book on Menopause was particularly helpful. I wrote another post on the benefits of tango on my blog and included a link to your post. Here it is: https://rainforestmind.wordpress.com/2015/09/14/gifted-lonely-learn-the-argentine-tango/

  5. Karen
    9 years ago

    Love this! I followed my heart when I saw some swing exercises on the ‘Biggest Loser’ so I was checking on the computer if there was anything like that on the east coast. Came across the New York School of Trapeze and in the corner saw ‘Beantown’ well I got so excited there was something close to me and immediately signed up. I was a little nervous. But did it, with a niece of mine for support. My goal was to be ‘caught’ by my trainer. I did it 🙂 at the ripe age of 59! It was a blast.

  6. Maria
    9 years ago

    I have followed your advise on many topics, and I am so with you on “Living your best life”
    We all have choices to live and dance with Life (I love that saying of yoursChristiane) and it is all so true! Choose to live in Joy, Love Life, Enjoy each day and be alive!
    thank you for all the uplifting talks and Wisdom you share with so many of us, You dance the Tango Beautifully. Bravo!!

    Wishing you much love and Angel Blessings.

  7. Cheryl
    9 years ago

    Thank you for all of your sharing. I am going thru cancer again. When I look at all your work and view
    points on so many subjects. I have hope and I know I can do this and pick what my body wants to do,
    re: cancer and the choices. This time I am in charge. Thank you again.

  8. Marigold
    9 years ago

    Would have loved to see more of you and Sidney dancing! Great video, thanks ;D

  9. Frances
    9 years ago

    I love you! Thanks for sharing your wisdom , knowledge, and experience.

  10. Mary
    9 years ago

    I listen to you and feel the 48 year old in my 73 year young body. I have questions I do not want broad cast may I have a private email with you?

  11. Paula Prober
    9 years ago

    I, too, started dancing the Argentine tango in my 50’s. It’s so satisfying as an art form and exercise as well as an opportunity to feel attractive at any age. Being held in the arms of creative, sensitive, often-younger men is kinda swell, too! Thank you Christiane. I love your work. (my take on the tango: https://rainforestmind.wordpress.com/2014/04/14/you-need-the-argentine-tango/ )

  12. jennie hallberg
    9 years ago

    I’ve been a writer since my teens, mostly poetry but later in life newsletters, all the song for a band, and a small hand booklet for people who would like to get a tattoo. I just finished a self published book titled Invoking The Spirit…at 70 years plus…. you are right it’s empowering, and I’m working on two more books for next year. I am grateful for my creative mind and that I still have it to express my experiences in life. I’m an herb specialist a philosophy major and past yoga teacher. My tour of life will not be over till I say so, but actually you are saying it and teaching even better than I am….you are a blessing, and I sell your goddess book in my small rental shop…The Herb Room.

  13. fran
    9 years ago

    Thanks to you for the perfect post on “Our oh so appreciated” Wayne’s moving on. You said it all from our hearts and we thank you.

  14. Susan
    9 years ago

    I am living my” soltera’ dream of 15 years — living simply for the past five years in South America — everyday I feel like the French call of joy, fetez la vie – as I open the curtains on the new day… Celebra su vida in Spanish. Vivo la vida sencilla … totalmente.

    I have learned so much here, patience, waiting, being a new immigrant here and accepting a long and often frustrating process to end with a national ID card, new travel experiences, new cooking skills, even new love for my teaching field and knowing myself better by being alone and loving it. Please know that those who follow your prescription of bliss, find it — I know it works for me.
    Thanks, Dr. N. Susana

    1. Sally
      9 years ago

      I love the Tango! My dance partner is no longer on this realm. Tango was his favorite dance and he is probably teaching the angels to dance. I still go to my favorite “watering hole” where we often would dance and still dance with whomever asks me. I am 80 years old and can still keep up with “the beat”.

    2. chantal
      9 years ago

      I love your comment. As I was reading you I could feel your vibration of freedom, your sense of joy and joie de vivre. What a wonderful discovery. I am not sure where you live but my husband and I lived in (Cuenca )Ecuador and we loved it. Lots of expats there. I am sure we are returning but I am not sure when.

  15. Kath Hedstrom
    9 years ago

    Thank you, I have used your books for years, love you video messages and loving advise. Xokath

  16. Christina Jubb
    9 years ago

    Sharing this, as it fits perfectly with my Multi-Sensory Therapy for Mind, Body and Soul model. Keep it up Christiane! Love and light. T X

  17. Debbie
    9 years ago

    Hi Dr. Northrup,
    thank you for sharing everything….. you are so ensiring to us, we need more of you. Dr. Wayne Dyer will truely be missed, and you are correct, what a way to leave.

    Take good care, again thank you!.

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