How to Keep Your Brain Healthy For Life

by Christiane Northrup, M.D.

Christiane Northrup, M.D.

Christiane Northrup, M.D., is a visionary pioneer and a leading authority in the field of women’s health and wellness. Recognizing the unity of body, mind, and spirit, she empowers women to trust their inner wisdom, their connection with Source, and their ability to truly flourish.


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  1. Maria
    3 years ago

    Thank you, Dr, Northrup! the information you provide in your videos always make me feel younger and remove so much of the anxiety I feel about getting older. Your contributions are invaluable!

  2. Pema
    3 years ago

    Thanks for your great presentation. I follow the dietary advice you give as I have a good homeopath/medical herbalist. I teach yoga and have just bought a house with lots of stairs! I walk whenever I can and live in a hilly town. I have a Masters in medical sciences and endorse all Dr Northrop says. Also I practice Sound healing. Instead of the China study, look at the Okinawa study, much more helpful. I am 75 and feel fitter than I can ever remember. Pema, Ludlow, UK

  3. Jane Starrs
    4 years ago

    Thank you so much for sharing this information. I appreciate your time and intelligence.

  4. Marianne
    7 years ago

    Thank you for this wonderful video! I am going to follow your advice and get back to aerobics. Immediately.

  5. Faye
    7 years ago

    Dear Dr. Northrup,
    You always put my heart back in the right place so to speak. I’ve been reading your books for a long time. Now that we can listen to you, your interviews
    On you tube, we are blessed with your blessings for a healthy and joyful life.
    Thank you for always cheering for us on and beyond. Respectfully, Faye

  6. Poisonaero
    8 years ago

    I want to add a few important facts here that enhance the onset of Dementia: ARTIFICIAL SUGARS like Aspartame. Google the effects of this horrid substance, then consider what they are found in such as *DIET* soda and other foodstuffs. Also, factor in consuming processed foods; frozen foods i.e. TV dinners and such; and canned commercial food, and food sold in plastic food containers. Another horrible element that impacts brain degradation is being a victim of DOMESTIC VIOLENCE, and even experiencing a TOXIC environment as a child can impact health later as an adult. One final point that has been shown to contribute to memory loss is lack of education. The more education you have, the better your brain functions. KEEP LEARNING!!! My mother now has advanced Dementia. She incorporated into her life all of the above I listed regarding food, and was a victim of DV for 38 years until my dad died. She stopped learning after high school, and sadly, she believed she knew everything. She got in the way of herself! Now, in full time care, doctors want to prescribe her RISPERDAL! This is a drug that is prescribed to schizophrenic and bi-polar patients. Studies regarding Risperdal have stated that this drug should NOT be given to Dementia patients for it can cause DEATH! says *Risperdal is not approved for use in psychotic conditions related to dementia. It may increase the risk of death in older adults with dementia-related conditions.* BEWARE how YOUR family member is being cared for by medical professionals…there is a HUGE increase in prescription trends in America…especially toward children and the elderly!!!!

  7. Deidre
    8 years ago

    Another thing I’ve learned that helps memory is called “super brain yoga”. You can Google it, but the basics are:
    You cross your arms with the right arm on top, pinch your ear lobes with your thumb and pointer finger, with your thumb on the front of your ear lobes, then do squats. It aligns your left/right brain hemispheres. I watched a news piece on it and it really helped students with autism and ADD/ADHD. They said one boy with autism was head butting, kicking, biting, etc and he was calm after doing this for a bit.
    I try to do this daily, but usually forget!

    1. Vicki
      8 years ago

      Do you cross your arms and pinch lobes at the same time you do squats? With knee replacements, does it matter how deep the squats are?

  8. Sara
    8 years ago

    This was such a Great presentation, Thank you for all the valuable information, I am so glad I got to see it, I am one of those women who has been stressing about forgetting stuff, so its a big relief to know we don’t have to worry about forgetting names..
    I have never seen it explained so well and in a way that I can relate too abd in a short video.
    You are brilliant!
    You just made so much sense and the way you explain is not condescending or fear based
    I am so inspired by you and want to say THANK YOU Again,
    Making changes and what better way to reduce the risk for dementia than dancing, Love it .

  9. NANCY
    8 years ago

    What is the best book/video of Dr. Northrup’s to get if you are a 68 year old post menopausal women with memory problems and with falls?

    1. Betterlifenow
      8 years ago

      Making Life Easy is Dr. NORTHRUP new book, read this & make urlife easy! Listen to Esther Hicks 4 free on YouTube.
      Good Luck!

  10. Judy
    8 years ago

    I really think it needs to be mentioned that starches are not harmful to humans and should not be avoided. See Dr McDougall and the China Study for proof.

    1. Islander
      8 years ago

      @Judy: The China Study has been thoroughly debunked by multiple sources. Google something like “china study debunked” to see why. It’s another case of someone cherry-picking data to fit his thesis.

  11. Ruthie Lewis
    8 years ago

    Dr. Northrup, I want you to know you have made my life! I became aware of you and your book Goddesses Never Age in early spring 2015 and read it before a trip to Greece in late June. I made major changes in how I live, think and eat and am now feel so young and vibrant and tell everyone about your books.

    The next May, my mother had a heart attack and I was armed in helping her achieve full health and continue to live independently. She will be 85 in July and still does everything, driving, errands, church, etc. all on her own. She is a tough cookie getting her to change her ways, but I credit everything I’d come to know and practice over the previous year. I say all that to simply give you a huge THANK YOU!

    I do have a big question about facia. I’ve heard you talk about it and want to learn more and work on it more, however, I recently came across something called the Facia Blaster. Do you know anything about it? I have some concerns about the technique.

    Much love,


  12. Robin Litman
    8 years ago

    I live,love,love you!!! I am 59 years young, and you have helped me more in the last 25 years than my hands on Doctor You have been and continue to be my go to person for women health concerns/questions! Thank you for giving so much, Love, guidance and knowledge to us!! You are a blessing

  13. Diane Thacker
    8 years ago

    Dr. Northrupt !!! you are beyond the best in relaxing our minds !! Yes, what you said in this video makes perfect sense. You explain it so simply and natural.. Yes, I learned something in this video, to never give up and not to think OLD… Thank you beautiful lady !!!!! love, love, your videos !!!!

  14. Joyce Grimwade
    8 years ago

    This was so relevant and presented us a great fun way. I’m completely with you and tango forever!!

  15. Theresa Leitch
    8 years ago

    Thank you for your advice. I am going right now to pitch out the chocolate biscuits I just purchased.
    I am one of those who lives in fear of Alzheimer’s I watched my Brother dissapear and other members of the Family change. At 74 yrs I am very afraid.
    I was interested to see aerobics helps. I have been diagnosed with Stenosis my Dura tube damaged. I wondered how I could do aerobics or significant exercise to help my brain.
    I have to admit to having a disconnect with hope lately. Forgetting words and of course names.
    Thank you for you wisdom and kindness.

  16. Albina De Leo
    8 years ago

    You are the best Dr. C !
    I just luv listening to you. I got up this morning feeling blah and now I’m ready to rock n roll.
    I have all your books, listen to all your flourish shows and just talk about you to everyone that needs inspiration.
    We should all age (oops) mature, the way you do. And then we’ll all stop complaining.
    As the italians would say: Sei fantastica !!!

  17. Danielle
    8 years ago

    Love your videos and how you make topics I’m not always interested in learning about interesting enough that I want to listen and learn. Thank you.

    P.S. You have such a calming voice – would have loved to have had you as my doctor all these years 🙂

  18. Freya
    8 years ago

    I just think your fab, I love your delivery…. Such an inspiration… You really made me smile tonight thank you….

  19. Marie
    8 years ago

    Wow, can she pack in a lot of useful, life changing info into a short clip!! Read her books and bought online info from her too.

    I have a question – I am curious – Why should you not drink coffee with caffeine on an emply stomach? Yikes, I need to know beause I do it every morning!!

    Please respond – Thanks!!

    1. mary
      8 years ago

      thank you so much for your factual information… thank you even more for your presentation , which is done with ease and simplicity,,, helping us not to fear the unknown so much and knowing that there are still things we can do to help us keep healthy.

    2. Katie
      8 years ago

      Marie – a good explanation on caffeine can be found in a book by Sara of her books is called ‘the hormone cure’ and you might be able find her book(s) at a local library.

  20. sunny
    8 years ago

    Dr. Northrup,

    So love your videos and easy to understand explanations. The smartest people are able to communicate on a level that others can comprehend, and therefore, that makes you extremely gifted. Thank you for these free videos!!!! You are an inspiration to all women, and men too.


  21. Monika
    8 years ago

    Great words, thank you so much for all the books and speeches. I am a big fan of you, Louise Hay and Wayne Dyer. And I really mad my experience, Love works and all your tips too. I had some issuse but all is gone and I am healthier then ever with 59 years. A lot they lough at me when they see what I eat or drink. I say, I will see who is laughing later on. Best wishes to you and much love. Monika from Germany

  22. Julie
    8 years ago

    Loved the information and statistics you shared and how you deliver the message with such authenticity. I have long been a follower. Thanks so much for all that you share.

  23. Joke
    8 years ago

    Dr. Northrup, what a nice video. I am from the Netherlands. Does it mean that processing painful memories is a good thing. I did not understand that from the video. I do a lot EFT and that really helps. But you also said something about sometimes you forget old painful memories. I did not understand that. Maybe it is my English.

  24. Becky
    8 years ago

    I am striving to be gluten free but I find the gluten free bread contains sugar. I feel I need carbs as I have trouble gaining weight. Any alternatives ?

  25. Donna Williams
    8 years ago

    Thank you Dr. Northrup! Your email with how to keep your brain healthy was the first thing I opened this morning and I’m so glad I did..thank you for being a big part of my support circle!

    Donna Williams

  26. Laura Quackenbush
    8 years ago

    Great brain info. I was feeling my mind was goi g, now I know otherwise. Thanks for the positive info.

  27. Hazel H. Streb
    8 years ago

    I absolutely love your spirit, attitude, gift of teaching to all who will listen, and how to live a healthy and joyous life! I truly love and appreciate you. Thank you.

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