Blood Sugar: Your Key to Vibrant Health

by Christiane Northrup, M.D.

Health Videos Wellness

Christiane Northrup, M.D.

Christiane Northrup, M.D., is a visionary pioneer and a leading authority in the field of women’s health and wellness. Recognizing the unity of body, mind, and spirit, she empowers women to trust their inner wisdom, their connection with Source, and their ability to truly flourish.


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  1. Hedy
    9 years ago

    Dear Dr. Northrup,

    Is it possible to get my blood sugar down below 90? I am 72 and have pre- diabetes. I would like to get down to the healthy range you recommend. My doctor thinks I’m Ok with a 120 blood sugar or less. I don”t think so. And my A1c is 6.4. which the doctor also thinks is not of great concern. Again I don’t think so. It seems I must abstain from sugar and fruit 100% totally. I have cut back to the point of eating 1-2 very small pieces of fruit a day and no more than 1/2 tsp. of organic sugar every other day.Must I give that up.

    Thank you for all of your inspirational help.

  2. Mayoke
    9 years ago

    Nice to meet you again!.I’m an HSP coach and I listen to my body. That´s why I stopped eating bread some yeras ago, at first less and less and that felt better, lighter…There´s some Speltbread that I take now and then and that´s fine. I stopped eating potatoes, pastas and other carbo´s too because they made me feel heavy, stuffed inside. I changed to quinoia, Not every day. Mostly I eat salads, and beans, lentils and other vegetables and I feel so much better! I don´t eat packed or canned foods and fruit of course: white sugar never reached my household. Tea and coffee I drink without sugar, but I love biscuits..Now and then I´m celebrating life with a nice pastry and dark chocolate is also present…
    I did not know about glucosemeters…perhaps I will buy one…but I feel good, have no complaints of illnesses that I know of…I control my thoughts, do my morning rituals like you do. I started a week ago with Dwayne Dyers´ Ah:. it´s difficult, but it works for me and today I did the Divine one you introduced to me and it feels good. I am 75 and looking so many years younger people tell me. Love your work and will spread it…Mayoke

  3. Tracy
    9 years ago

    How can I reverse type 1?

  4. Elaine
    9 years ago

    I stopped sugar, wheat, grains, alcohol, caffeine now for 3 months. Since then my glucose levels have stabilized and had to be taken off all bio identical progesterone. No longer needed them. No more stomach issues, headaches and aches and pains. I have lost 30 pounds.

    1. Sharon
      9 years ago

      Hi Elaine
      Why were you on the biodentical progesterone? I’m just interested as I take it since having a total hysterectomy and wonder if I need it.

      Good for you and good luck with your new found energy! Sharon

  5. Sharon
    10 years ago

    I have diabetes in my family and may be close to diabetes. My blood sugar have been and still is below 100 i.e. 90 91. And my A1c has been at 6.5 which I have heard is of concern but I am in denial. The thought of pricking my finger really upsets me and I just don’t think I can do that. Is there any way of checking blood dailey without the prick in the skin?

    Thank you.

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