Physicians Embrace Argentine Tango

by Christiane Northrup, M.D.

Medical Insights & News

According to a news release from Reuters this past August, physicians around the world are turning to Argentine tango to treat patients with conditions ranging from Alzheimer’s to Parkinson’s disease. Phobias and marital problems are also being treated. Reuters interviewed the chairman of the International Association of Tango Therapy (IATT) who explained that many elements of the dance can be used to help people. An example is focusing on learning the eight basic steps to help Alzheimer’s patients improve their memories. He also said that focusing on the tango walk—which requires grace, can help patients with Parkinson’s. This is supported by a study done at the University of Washington School of Medicine where researchers found that patients with Parkinson’s improved their balance when they took tango lessons. And when it comes to marriage therapy, Italian therapists found that focusing on the trust needed in tango’s close embrace and backward movement was useful for couples. No kidding.

My favorite part of the report was about a weekly tango class at the Borda Hospital, a psychiatric facility in Buenos Aires, Argentina, the birthplace of tango. This class helps people relax and enjoy themselves in the hospital environment. And the teacher of the class, a psychologist, adds that many participants have responded by improving their appearance and personal hygiene. The dance has also removed barriers between patients and staff. (Henao, Reuters 8/31)

Though I do not have any of the illnesses listed above, I can attest to the fact that Argentine tango has improved my balance and also my ability to walk backward while completely trusting my leader. I’m certain that the close embrace also causes my oxytocin levels to soar, thus helping me bond with our tango community. It also helps keep my circulation strong.

But you know what I really think? I think that all the people involved in this research are really hooked on Argentine tango and wanted to figure out a way to dance more at work! Since I started dancing, I have noticed that my work seems to interfere with my dance schedule!

Last Updated: September 30, 2009

Christiane Northrup, M.D.

Christiane Northrup, M.D., is a visionary pioneer and a leading authority in the field of women’s health and wellness. Recognizing the unity of body, mind, and spirit, she empowers women to trust their inner wisdom, their connection with Source, and their ability to truly flourish.


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  1. Ilona Glinarsky
    9 years ago

    I am an Argentine Tango instructor, life coach and a public speaker based in LA, who utilizes tango as a tool for healing, personal growth and transformation. This dance is so rich and multi-faceted, that it can indeed be used in unlimited ways and applied to a wide range of “imbalances”. My vision is to bring Argentine Tango into the public arena to re-educate people about the true nature of this dance, apart from performance aspect. I really hope to make this dance even more accessible to anyone regardless of their age, ability, cultural context or socio economic background.

    As a huge fan of your work, dear Christiane, I am so very thrilled to know you too have experienced the magic of tango – the best anti-aging medicine of all!

  2. Keiko Negoro
    10 years ago

    I am an intermediate level tango dancer in San Diego, CA. I am very interested in the use of tango dancing with Alzheimer and Parkinson patients. I met a couple in Vienna, Austria, that have a tango festival for Down Syndrome dancers. I love tango dancing and what it has brought to my life and i would love to share it with others. Do you know anyone in San Diego that would be interested in a tango program? I contacted the local Parkinson agency and never received a response. I am not skilled enough to teach myself, but i could perhaps find teachers.

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