Is This Your Perimenopause Transition?

3 Types of Menopause Transitions

by Christiane Northrup, M.D.


Around age 40, women’s bodies begin perimenopause, the transition leading to menopause (the point in time when you stop menstruating permanently).

The hallmark of perimenopause is a change in the levels of the hormones estrogen, progesterone, and the androgens. Yet this is not solely a physical event—it is also the biggest opportunity for personal growth and empowerment since adolescence. Approximately 40 million American women are going through the menopause process today, so if you are one of them, you are in very good company. Here’s a summary of what you need to know about this transition to help make it as smooth as possible.

There are three types of menopause.

1. Artificial Menopause

About 25 percent of women experience artificial menopause (menopause resulting from surgical removal of the ovaries, surgical disruption of the blood supply to the ovaries, radiation, chemotherapy, or taking certain drugs). For these women, menopausal symptoms can be severe and debilitating because there is no opportunity for gradual adjustment to the hormonal drop-off. Hormone treatments are often prescribed to help lessen these severe symptoms.

2. Premature Menopause

The second type of menopause is premature menopause, which is diagnosed when a woman goes through menopause in her 30s or early 40s. It’s usually secondary to autoimmune disease, nutritional deficiency, or some form of chronic stress (including excessive athletic conditioning) that has adversely affected hormone-related reproductive functions. Premature menopause occurs not only earlier but also faster than normal menopause, often necessitating supplemental hormones to maintain physical comfort during the transition.

3. Natural Menopause

Most women go through the third type of menopause—natural menopause, which occurs gradually, usually between ages 45 and 55, in a woman who has at least one of her ovaries. Many women begin noticing changes in their menstrual cycle and/or mood years before they actually have their final period. This transitional perimenopause period usually lasts five to ten years, though the entire process can sometimes take up to 13 years. There’s normally a gradual crescendo in the beginning, a peak as one approaches mid-transition, and a gradual decrescendo towards the end, as the body learns to live in harmony with its new hormonal and emotional milieu. During perimenopause, periods may stop for several months and then return, and they may also increase or decrease in duration, intensity, and flow. Whether you need hormone replacement or alternatives for symptom relief during this time depends on what else is going on in your body and your life.

Is This Perimenopause or Menopause?

It is virtually impossible to tell when you’re finished transitioning from perimenopause to menopause until it has been a year since your last menstrual period.

In other words, menopause itself can only be diagnosed a full 12 months after the transition is finished.

Nevertheless, because hormone levels both in the brain and the body undergo progressive changes during perimenopause, salivary hormone levels, urine levels, or blood levels can be measured to give you an idea of where you stand. Hormone levels can also help you monitor your need for hormone replacement or your dose.

In order to have the best transition possible, it is important to be optimally healthy going in. That means understanding what is happening in your body, and supporting it so that you continue to produce adequate amounts of hormones for the rest of your life.

Typical Symptoms of Perimenopause:

Many women sail through “the change” without any symptoms of perimenopause at all. Others experience a wide range of symptoms, all of which have physical, emotional, and psychological aspects.

During the years before menopause levels of progesterone typically decline, while estrogen levels remain stable or even increase. This is the most significant issue for the majority of women; many of the early symptoms that women feel are due to progesterone levels that are too low, in relation to their levels of estrogen.

Symptoms of Low Progesterone

This state of a low progesterone-to-estrogen ratio is also referred to as “estrogen dominance.” Some of the symptoms that women suffer when progesterone declines include:

  • Breast swelling and tenderness
  • Mood swings
  • “Fuzzy thinking”
  • Irritability
  • Trouble sleeping
  • Water retention
  • PMS
  • Weight gain

Symptoms of Low Testosterone

Testosterone levels may also start to decline well before the last menstrual cycle. While the symptoms of low testosterone are often more subtle that those of low progesterone, for some women they can be significant. Symptoms of low testosterone include:

  • Loss of sex drive
  • Decreased sexual response
  • Decreased sensitivity in your erogenous zones
  • Decreased sense of well-being, energy, and ambition
  • Depression
  • Loss of or thinning pubic hair

Symptoms of Low Estrogen

Estrogen is often the last hormone to decline, but is the hormone that is traditionally associated with menopausal symptoms. As you approach menopause your ovaries slow their production of estrogen. While your ovaries continue to make some estrogen for the rest of your life and your body is still producing it from other sources, the overall effect is a dramatic drop in the level of estrogen circulating in your body—about 30–60 percent for most women. Symptoms of estrogen decline include:

  • Hot flashes
  • Night sweats
  • Vaginal dryness
  • Decreased energy and ambition
  • Depression or mood swings
  • Dizziness
  • Headaches
  • Mental confusion
  • Urinary incontinence
  • Recurrent urinary tract infections
  • Increased susceptibility to vaginal infections

The Wisdom of Your Menopause Transition

Although women have been taught to dread menopause, this life stage ushers in the springtime of the second half of life and is often accompanied by surges in creativity, vitality, newfound ambition, and the need to be of meaningful service to the community in a larger way.


During perimenopause and beyond, our goals and behavior become more motivated by the demands of our souls, not just those of society. We quite naturally seek answers from deep within instead of looking for approval from the outside.

The menopausal transition is actually a profound developmental stage in which unfinished business from the past comes up once again for resolution and healing, so that we can free ourselves from the outmoded beliefs and behaviors of our past. All the issues that weren’t resolved during puberty and early adulthood—such as body image, relationships, vocation, fear of aging, and self-esteem issues—now arise once more to be healed and completed.

While menopause itself is a normal life stage that does not cause health problems, the menopausal transition is marked by a statistically increased risk for breast cancer, osteoporosis, heart disease, arthritis, depression, and memory loss—all of which can be prevented if a woman heeds the wisdom of menopause and opens to her increased intuitive capacities. There are also a wide variety of options available for addressing and relieving the most common symptoms that arise during the menopausal transition.

Learn More — Additional Resources

For a full discussion of the three different types of menopause and effective approaches for possible symptoms, see Chapters 4, 5, and 6 in The Wisdom of Menopause by Christiane Northrup, M.D.

Last Updated: January 14, 2014

Christiane Northrup, M.D.

Christiane Northrup, M.D., is a visionary pioneer and a leading authority in the field of women’s health and wellness. Recognizing the unity of body, mind, and spirit, she empowers women to trust their inner wisdom, their connection with Source, and their ability to truly flourish.


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  1. Barbara russo
    2 years ago


  2. Christine Gold
    3 years ago

    Does anyone have information about PCOS? I suspect I have it as I have been losing hair, looked up some symptoms. I had a hysterectomy in 2019, leaving 1 ovary. I heard Corticosteroid Cream might help, I’m Vegan and cautious of what I eat and make sure I get all my vitamins/minerals.

  3. Marcy
    3 years ago

    Had a stroke when I was in my 50s. In the hospital the doctors and nurses kept coming in and telling me that is was because I was taking HRT. It was the same time of the HRT studies came out as wrong and that this was a problem going into menopause as probably cause of the stroke. They did not know why I had a stroke. So much disillusionment had caused me so much trauma, not to mention I was paralyzed and could to walk. I knew in my heart that my recent hormones helped me and not the cause of not stroke. They insisted this to be the probable cause as I persisted it was not. I appreciate Dr. Northrup for speaking candidly about women and trauma. I often refer clients to her. book on woman’s health Woman have a lot of fears and traumas and patients are getting complicated information from doctors. We are all different. Our histories different. ACES is now out to help. All this can be exacerbated before and after menopause if not handled appropriately by specialists who need to try to understand histories. Mine was neglected but I will survive. Hopefully someday thrive before I die but HRT has saved my life and continues to put the doctors off for any solutions they try to put on me. I wish I had followed her more consistently along the way. Even now I need to reread her wisdom.

  4. Tonya
    4 years ago

    I’m back again. I haven’t had a full period since May ’21. Just spotting but with PMS. On Sept. 21st, I turn 51 and have been going through symptoms since my late 30s. Hot flashes started back then with body aches. In 2011/12, the new symptoms hit hard. Bouts of nausea, feeling far away from everyone, dizziness, heart palpit3, sweating, freezing, messed up taste, itchy skin, mood swings, irregular periods, burning tongue, dry skin, insomnia, panic attacks, nightmares, headaches, but problems, sore breasts, and other random aggravating things.

    Ladies, it helps to read your stories. Misery loves company. I wish this stuff would leave us in peace. Hugs to all.

  5. Carolyn Hatcher
    4 years ago

    I have a pressure feeling building up from chest to head on and off throughout the day. Anyone else as having same symptoms. Is it perimenopause? I am 55 and have these symptoms for 4 months now that started after missing my period.

    1. Tonya
      3 years ago

      Hi and yes. This past month, I have been experiencing this new uncomfortable feeling as if my head is pressurized and heavy. It makes me woozy. But lately it seems to have eased up. A while ago I got a hot flash that nauseated me. I really hate nausea. I wish you and the res of us well getting thru this. I am now 51 and it seems like it will never end, until I die.

      1. Shannon
        3 years ago

        Hi Tonya, I’m also 51 and dealing with terrible symptoms too including the head symptoms and alot of other things…yesterday and today having a lightheaded spaced out feeling thought it was my neck as lately It’s bothering me again. But I don’t know what it is.. It’s the worst thing I’ve ever dealt with. I can’t plan or enjoy much of anything anymore. It’s like I just want to go to bed early and hide away from everyone!

        1. Tonya
          3 years ago

          Hi Shannon, that feeling stopped for now. I think it is blood pressure related.

          Just a while ago, I started having a nausea spell with gas and it sent me into a full blown panic attack. I had been ok for few weeks but now I’m back to feeling bad.

          I hope you are feeling better.

  6. rachel martin
    4 years ago

    Hi I have commented here a few months ago having all the peri symptoms including feeling of getting a cold, sweats, mood swings etc. Lately I also have a lot of gut issues, issues with constipation diherrea wind etc. I feel bloated after eating although no weight loss or gain. I’m constantly worried I have something serious wrong with me! I now have an ache below my left boob and to the bottom side of my rib cage, probably wind or something but have convinced myself it’s something more sinister! I am 49 and haven’t a clue when my mum or grandparents went through menopause as the all had hysterectomy before they were 30. I’m having a really thought time at the mo as my brother has MND and watching a fit healthy man suffer with this is devastating – could this have an impact on menopause and gut health?
    Thank you x

    1. Tonya
      3 years ago

      Hi Rachel, I understand what you are going through due to going thru it too. Yes, stress and panic make the symptoms worse. I just had a panic attack and held a sturdy pillow and made myself breathe slowly and deeply.

      I have had gut issues for years and it isn’t fun. I wish you well.

  7. Heather
    4 years ago

    Hi all,
    I am 42 and my last period started 14 days ago and it has been pure hell! I have been getting night sweats for a while, but this time I had sudden and unexplained bouts of panic because I thought I was having a heart attack with overwhelming dizziness that turned out to be vertigo. I ended up in the hospital and someone finally saw that my heart rate was only 48 bpm accompanied by an irregular beat. After day 9, my heart rate has been fine with a few palpitations but in the 70 bpm range. They did every test including a ct scan and everything looks great. I am set to see a cardiologist, but I am convinced this is all due to perimenopause. I read that the reduction in estrogen can activate the parasympathetic nervous system which is what slows your heart rate in times of threat. I also quit smoking of day 2 which is great, because I was gearing up to it anyways. I have smoked for 8 years. I went crazy last week with the panic attacks. I have had anxiety disorder my whole life and always able to treat it on my own without medication, but these were out of my control. I have been so confused and not able to remember the simplest things. It almost felt like something had taken control of my bodily systems and I had no choice but to endure it. I am also sooo tired and napping and just feel unwell everyday. I also get very dizzy when I eat anything and anxiety gets especially bad if I had caffeine or alcohol. Has anyone else experienced this, especially the heart issues? I am terrified. I will be seeing a naturopath this week and a cardiologist next week, but I am terrified of my next period coming in two weeks. I am also drinking lost of water, matcha tea, ashwagandha tea, taking magnesium, 5htp, iron, B complex, d3 vitamins, and fish oil. I am not sure if I should now go on antianxieties or do hrt – I am scared to do both!

    Please help.

    1. TIA
      4 years ago

      My name is TIA too and the exact same thing is happening to me. Except I’m bipolar and the panic psychotic thing caused the doctors to inpatient me a label me a schizophrenic. I’m convinced this mood change, body feeling toxic, exhausted when period comes, period super irregular, is all peri menopause I’m 43, no kids, and why I know it’s linked to period. For past 6 months I know my period is coming via the pre week psychosis and day of passing out and seizing. Yes happens day of my period. I’ve smoked 30 years and have been on meds for bipolar for 15

    2. Anna
      4 years ago

      Hi TIA, i had the same issue for almost 2 years, i am 47 and i believe at this point that my dizziness, nausea, anxiety, palpitations have to do with perimenopause that trigger my migraine issues. After almost two years, i decided to start taking the low-dose birth control. I hope they work because feeling like this is horrible.

  8. Joni
    4 years ago

    “The past coming up again for resolution “? I started HRT at age 44 six months post partial hysterectomy. When estrogen alone didn’t work, I was on esterfied estrogen until 2/29/2020 and diagnosis of carotid artery disease. 3/2021, I was dialed back to estrogen 5mg per day. After that, no more HRT. It is 5/27/2021, and I had forgotten why I was on HRT to begin with. Nothing is worth feeling like this. Hot flashes day and night, lack of energy, mood swings. I just thought I would be past this horrible cascade of feelings. Apparently, not. At this point, I don’t care if the HRT hormones kills me. NOTHING is worth feeling like this.

    1. Susan
      4 years ago

      I came here because this is EXACTLY how I’m feeling. I have no words of wisdom for you, just that I hear you I am so sorry….I feel like I’m completely disconnected from everything that is “me”. I started a bit early due to thyroid radiation/Graves and I’m roaring into year 4 and I turned 50 a few days ago. Reading this could last another 9 years makes me feel so dejected. No HRT because of family history, so I’m just stuck trying any tip or trick. In the meantime I hope I won’t die from spontaneous combustion, get so fat I explode, or get institutionalized (though at this point that sounds kind of relaxing as long as they have good AC). Wishing you strength, peace, and a quick journey through hell :))

      1. Angie Beistline
        4 years ago

        Oh my gosh! My name is Angie I feel for all of you women out there as I’m reading your stories my heart goes out to you all because I understand how you feel. I’m 52 on the 22nd of this month and my periods have been here or there for the past 7 months. I feel like I’m crazy sometimes I can’t reason things out properly. Not to mention that I’m separated from my husband of 35 years from just a bad marriage. Just trying to figure out life from here on out is confusing enough without going through perimenopause. It makes me feel like going to work and tucking myself away from the world sometimes at the end of the day which I pretty much have been doing. Still raising a young 13 year old girl trying to be a good mom with all the crazy emotional mood swings and emotional ups and downs, headaches some hot flashes just the emotional ups and downs are enough to make me crazy. Sometimes I just want to cry sometimes I laugh no. It’s just comforting caring about other women’s experiences not that I take comfort in your pain just that I can relate to someone else. Thank you for sharing. I’m going to go get on some hormone replacement therapy I used to be against it for fear of adverse reactions but I’m at the point that I just want to feel somewhat normal again. Please go to a doctor and get the help you need to find some peace in life

  9. WW
    4 years ago

    Anyone struggling with eczema type skin condition? I am 52, started with menopause symptoms a year ago and by end of Nov these patches of itchy skin keep popping up. The itching gets worse in the evening. I have changed all my laundry, hair, body products to organic, all natural. I have tried many supplements, a liver cleanse, progesterone, acupuncture, tested for all food allergies, etc. The only thing that got rid of it temporarily was a steroid, but the itching came back a week later. I’d love any feedback.

    1. Maria
      4 years ago

      Yes. I had itchy skin specialy on my legs. It just went away by itself…now I have to deal with some other stuff! Hope yours will go away soon

  10. Laura
    4 years ago

    Hello, I am so thankful for Dr. N’s work on women’s health and her positive approach to menopause. As I research menopause, most information focuses on the “drama” of perimenopause symptoms with a dearth of information on post-menopause other than a footnote offering confirmation that after a year of no flow you can now say you had menopause and are now post menopausal. I am 53 and believe I have reach the full cycle, 13 months menus free, and I would love more information/a definitive checklist that confirms what post menopause means in terms of not needing birth control, what is “normal” for post menopausal women to experience with their bodies and a general positive celebration of what comes next for body and health care in a holistic context. Thank you!

  11. Janelle
    4 years ago

    Is it normal to have a period for two weeks every month ever since I’ve been off birth control last year when I had birth control I had no periods for a year

  12. Kashish Bagga
    4 years ago

    Thank you dr northrup for sharing these valuable insights around menopause. I was looking for some ways for how to stop spotting on the pill. Would be glad if you could share your views around that.

  13. Nicolle
    4 years ago

    I’m 49 and for the past couple of years have struggled with insanely heavy irregular periods and panic attacks. I’ve gotten the panic under control but recently started getting night sweats (waking up soaked in sweat! It’s crazy!) every few weeks and uterine like contractions/cramps. The cramping is the worst and is literally driving me crazy. I had a cat scan a few months ago and all looked fine according to my doctor. I had a pelvic exam this week – again all fine. The dr. feels it’s perimenopausal. The cramping/contraction feeling is maddening and is sometimes all day long and other times just intermittent.

  14. Mili
    4 years ago

    Hi… i am 45 missed my period for 3 months and then back on schedule again. Past 4 months been have severe GI problems. Stomach pains every 10 to 15 days lasting about a week or so. Clear colonoscopy and clear endoscopy. Is there any connection to menopause? Is there anything I can take to help?

  15. Debbi
    4 years ago

    Hi All, I turned 51 in September and then bam in October my body went mental. One short period then one that went for 14 days. Hormones went mad. Up till then have never missed a period other than when breastfeeding as I have had 4 kids, 1st at 31 and last at 42. Periods always been heavy since I was 13. I have fibroids and some endometriosis as well as larger than normal uterus. Tried the Mirena which moved into my cervix after 14 months and I fell pregnant, mirena was removed when I was 8 weeks pregnant and we have a healthy 8-1/2 year old. Tried another one again which moved down straight away. Tried to have ablation but due to my larger than normal uterus was deemed unsafe. Next option is a hysterectomy but they told me to lose weight first, I got to within 4 kilos of goal weight and dr would not operate, so depressing. Had bloods after the 14 day period to check Iron which was down to 4 and was advised I’m perimeno, so have been put on a mini pill to regulate me. Also had 2nd iron infusion for the year. My grandmother had MTFHR and all my aunties and mother had hysterectomy by the time they 30 due to period issues. If me had to go through what we go through they would not put up with it. Trying some natural menopause pills which have helped my moods and sleep and diet cutting out sugars etc. just have to take it one day at a time. Currently in bed after having bad cramps and a terrible morning on the loo.

  16. Vrle
    4 years ago

    I am 38 years old ,I feel all of sudden nervousness sometimes. Full of anxiety and panicky ,angry and night swets(just waking up in middle of sleep with swetty body).blood tests are normal.only thing is my periods are very regular and changed from 30 to 28 days and some months its 35 days mother went to menopause at 44. I am thinking it could be perimonopause .my symptoms is not only before the period but also aftere period end and sometimes while month some days comes and goes .My query is does perimonopause symptoms occurs only before period starts and ends or is it possible any time in a monlthy cycle?

    1. Denise
      4 years ago

      -In my experience and the experiences of other women I have been in forums with, in perimenopause the PMS type symptoms happen at all phases of the cycle. It becomes unpredictable, at best. The progesterone is lower and the estrogen is erratic. If I were you I would have some lab tests done. Make sure to get the Progesterone tested 19-21 days after the start of your cycle if you can. Estrogen is best taken at 14 days into your cycle but if you do it at the same time as the Progesterone it is still fairly accurate.

  17. Elizabeth Smith
    4 years ago

    i am 45 years of age and about 12 in the afternoon i get very warm and it worse when i am doing house work. I was just wondering if this is perimenopause i also suffer with depression. I do not sleep well . I am suffering from Muscle aches and pains and headaches as well i would be very grateful if you could help me.

  18. Chantal
    4 years ago

    I just want to thank you all for your comments as I am starting to understand what is happening to me by reading what some of you are experiencing. I am going to be 52 tomorrow and I have just had the most miserable night of my life! I went to bed at 9:15 pm last night and I finally decided to get up at 4:30 am since I had ZERO sleep!!! WTF????!!! I am used to sleeping fairly well. This has happened a few months ago.

    I was so miserable that at 12:30 am, I got out of bed (my boyfriend elbowed me by accident then moved on my side of the bed almost pushing me out). I started crying out of exhaustion so he got up, turned on the light, got dressed and told me he was leaving for work…happy birthday dear!

    To add to this list, although I do some yoga and exercise at least five days per week, I noticed I had increasing pain in my knees, I am having difficulties focusing (mental fog and sometimes thoughts that just won’t stop) and I have noticed my hair falls out way too much. Intercourse is starting to feel painful and I am starting to feel “blah” about it which I find horrible.

    I think it was a saving grace for me to find this forum because now I know I am not imagining things and I don’t need to find a way to end my life! Instead, I will look for a doctor who can really help me. I have learned from a young age not to complain so I shut up. But this is too much for me to tolerate anymore.

    I am going to buy Dr. Northrup’s book on menopause so I can regain my sanity.

    Thank you sooo sooo much for all of you who shared your posts. I am sending you all a huuuge .

  19. Michele Zebrowski
    4 years ago

    I am 54 and had the mirena removed September 22 since I have broken out in hives on my face and neck it’s been over a month and I just finished a prescription for steroids and they have gotten worse and won’t go away is there any other treatments for this? Is this related to having the Mirena removed?

  20. Thea
    4 years ago

    Try” Maca” you find it in health foods stores or grocery stores in the vitamin section. I would recommend getting it in capsules
    It helps balance things out. I have been on it for a month or 2 and it has helped me.

  21. Shawn
    4 years ago

    I’m glad I found this site. I’ve read through so may of these threads. I’ll be 52 next month and for the last 28 months I’ve been going through what feels like hell on earth. It started out with not sleeping well, then other symptoms came. I’ve had insomnia, fatigue, brain fog and can’t concentrate at all, I’m moody, achy in joints, have muscle pains, anxiety, depression and itchy skin. I’ve probably left out other symptoms as I’m so tired I can barely type this.I have a period and skip for 4 months, have another one skip 2 months, then have a few in a row. I’ve seen functional medicine doctors, ob/gyn, PCP, cardiologists, and several other specialists . I’ve had full thyroid panel done along with complete blood panels, gut tests, adrenals, and many others. Have zero zest for life, No interest in sex or anything else for that matter. I have a loving husband and 3 amazing children and learn strongly on my faith. I”m just so miserable that I can barely get through each day. I can’t hold down a job, drive a car or even cook a simple meal. I’ve had a dutch test done and all my levels were low, but my gynecologist said that since I’m having periods still that I am estrogen dominant and since Ive had 2 blood clots after 2 surgeries years ago she will not treat me with any type of hormone replacement therapy, so I continue to suffer. Some days you just want to give up because it feels like it’s never going to end. I also have MTHFR, I’m homozygous. Can anyone offer help, please.

    1. Megan Fine
      4 years ago

      Have you heard of valerian root? I hope it will help you.

    2. Heidi Brenner
      4 years ago

      So sorry you’re going through this. I know exactly how you’re feeling. I’m 52.
      BHRT is a life saver for me.
      Go to another Dr and get on BioIdentical Hormone replacement. You probably need testosterone and progesterone.
      Don’t give up until you find someone who will help you.

  22. Marie
    4 years ago

    Hi Dr Northrup,

    I’m soon to be 57, still menstruating every month, coming a few days earlier now but never skip cycles. My symptoms started with a fast heart rate waking me at 2:30 am when i was 45. Then the anxiety kicked in at 45 since i dread going to bed fearing t would happen again. It did, always the same time “maybe oestrogen dips for me at that time.” Anxiety took over making fast heart rate last. Then came the light headed, at times dizzy off balanced feeling. Throughout the years from 45 through now, all of those symptoms slowed. Why I questioned perimenpause, I’ve NEVER had a night sweat other then once, a few months back. Woke with a soaked chest and neck. Never again. Fast forward to tonight. I was fine all day, got off my 2 mi treadmill jog/fast walk, felt great. When dinner time came, standing in the kitchen my eyes became super tired ears head stuffy, i got hot heart rate increased now sadly m head feels off. Sad since ive gone for months without that feeling. My question, can perimenopause cause these feelings out of the blue? I have no children, I’ve NEVER been pregnant by choice, NEVER taken BC Pills or anything for that matter. My BP is normal, i eat healthy “other than chocolate, can’t help it” never drink ANYTHING except filtered water. I do take all my vitamins & minerals. Could the feelings i described tonight be hormonal? How will I know when I’m close to Menopause? Is there a chance I will just one day STOP without skipping cycles? My Mother had 9 girls her last period was age 63, can you believe it? I wish I could question her but, shes no longer with us. Passed at 84 when all these awakenings if mine with a fast heart rate. I did ask he before she passed if she ever had a fast heart rate “she said she didn’t remember but, she said maybe, since she said she had a little bit of everythinh” that didnt help much? Lastly “thanks for your patience” I did have blood work when i had the fast heart rate at 45, I was told them i couldnt get pregnant since my hormone levels showed menopause, REALLY? That was 12 years ago. Ive never skippeda cycle!

    1. Tonya
      4 years ago

      Hi Marie,

      I turned 50 in September and have been going through these issues since my late 30s. I never had children either and started hot flashes in my late 30s but in 2011, the symptoms hit me full force with nausea, dizziness, feeling far away, aching joints, and flu-like symptoms. In 2012, the heart palpitations started on top of all of the rest of these things and it freaked me out. Throughout these years, new symptoms join the list and some replace the older ones only to have the older ones return at a later date. When you get heart palps, cough and that helps to stop them. I wish you luck and hope you start to feel better soon. Hormones control everything and when they are out of balance, they make us feel awful.

    2. Karen
      4 years ago

      I am 51. I never had children, I didn’t use birth control until just recently. It was like I reached year 51 and the extended warranty expired on my body. My heart races, my head feels like it’s buzzing, I’ve skipped periods, and my anxiety levels are unprecedented. I also have the itchy skin on my middle back. I tried birth control in March and missed two days and that was when the racing heart kicked in. I missed April’s period and had my period this month. I feel insane. I have ADHD, but I’m afraid to take Ritalin with the heart issues. So, I guess I’m just writing to say that “ I feel horrible and you are not alone.”

  23. Linda
    4 years ago

    I am doing my best to ride this out – I had my daughter at 45 – I was so lucky, I now at the age of 53 experiencing symptoms – trying to Make the best of it – I find I am very exhausted and my body hurts like achey ): I only missed my period for 3 months and have been regular again for quite some time – I thought by now I would be close to not having it anymore – but it doesn’t seem the case – good luck girls – it has to get better and it will (:

  24. S Gibson
    4 years ago

    Why after 20 years into early menopause am I showing signs of blood the past week. I am on HRT and have been for nearly 20 years. I’m now 44. I have felt a bit bloated recently. I just put in down to putting on a few pounds since lockdown.
    I’m concerned now. Any ideas?

    1. Ksanders
      4 years ago

      Bleeding after menopause needs to be investigated- please don’t delay.

  25. Ardette
    5 years ago

    Thanks for this succinct yet comprehensive account of both the peri-menopausal and menopausal phases of life. It answered a lot of questions I had about what was going on in my body and mind. The way in which you present the science behind this transitional phase in a woman’s life was respectful, easy to understand and quite informative without being complicated.

  26. Caz
    5 years ago

    I’m 45 and for the past year or so I have been getting the same cold virus symptoms every few weeks, it starts with sneezing/stuffy nose, ear pressure and feeling really fatigued. I’m wondering if these symtoms could be due to peri menopause. Anybody any idea? Thanks

    1. Melissa
      5 years ago

      Hey Caz I have also been experiencing this. With COVID out there it is also pretty anxiety producing, but I am testing negative there. I know i am going through perimenopause for several other reasons such as urinary incontinence, sleep disruption, and wacky periods aka irregular and intense. Sometimes there are hot flashes too. So as I have been isolating a lot and masked it makes little sense that I should be experiencing cold symptoms. I have ruled out allergies (I think) too so I am looking to perimenopause for some possible answers. Headaches, lightly stuffy nose, body aches but no temperature. The body aches are also anxiety related. Anyway, thought I’d jump on too and hopefully someone will chime in on this.

    2. rachel martin
      4 years ago

      Hi Caz
      I’m exactly the same! I’m 47 periods getting irregular and have all the normal symptoms. Before and after my period I always feel like I’m getting a cold, runny nose slight sore throat etc! I’m thinking this must be peri related!

      1. Georgina Tacagni
        4 years ago

        I have also been getting this, sore throat, low energy, sniffles, feeling cold as though I am coming down with something at the beginning of most periods. I’m 51 years old so guess it could easily be peri menopause.

        1. Georgina T
          4 years ago

          I have also been getting this, sore throat, low energy, sniffles, feeling cold as though I am coming down with something at the beginning of most periods. I’m 51 years old so guess it could easily be peri menopause.

          1. Melissa Donohoo
            4 years ago

            52 yr old.. I’ve also been feeling ill every few weeks but no menstruation for 5 months.
            Chills, body aches, sore throat, itchy irritated skin. It stinks!

      2. Karen L Harouach
        4 years ago

        Wow. Same issues. 47. Had a child at 40. Hot flashes and night sweats for years. Recently I’ve had the post nasal drip and won’t go away. Meds aren’t helping either. I thought for awhile it was covid. But I havent had a fever. Just bad headaches, sinuses, etc. Seems like I’ve had a cold for over 1 month.

        1. Patricia O'Sullivan
          4 years ago

          Wow. Same here. I’m 53. Haven’t missed a period yet but I do have night sweats, joint pain (mostly neck), fatigue, post nasal, scratchy throat, headaches, shakiness, etc. Feels like I’ve been getting a cold for the past 6 months. Also having trouble sleeping with wacky dreams. Glad to ease my stress a little reading that I’m not going nuts. Thanks for posting.

          1. shelly
            4 years ago

            Me too! How crazy and yes, reassuring to read this 🙂 random sniffles/sore throat, itchy skin, low energy sometimes dizzy/fuzzy/almost headachy, then fine! I imagine that this intense time makes hormones even more hormonal 😉

          2. Melissa
            4 years ago

            Wow. Who knew that feeling like you’re coming down with a cold could be perimenopause?!! I’m 48, started having periods 6 weeks apart for the past few years, now the past several months they’ve been 3 weeks apart. Now I feel like I’m coming down with a cold – the stuffy sensation in my sinuses (but no congestion), fatigue, vague achiness, and feeling slightly cold all day long despite wearing my heaviest sweater and turning the heat up! I have no covid risk factors but it sure does get the anxiety going. I’ve had the cold sensation before. I also have Raynauds and RA which are exacerbated during the PMS phase.

    3. Chrissy Lally
      4 years ago

      I too have been having these symptoms (I am 48 years) . Was wondering if this is part of peri menopause?? Also ringing in the ears!

  27. L
    5 years ago

    Hello I don’t have my period since June 18 about 74 days, I’m having insomnia and dizziness, a lot hot flashes, but my biggest concern is the Insomnia, of course I feel super tired and not energy during the day, I would like some advise, recommendations and what to do about it. I’m really frustrated. I went to my regular doctor twice and he think is Vertigo but even him he doesn’t know exactly. Could you help me please ? Thanks

    1. Kimberly J Mitchell
      4 years ago

      Same here but I am 58 every month for the last 6 months I get chills and semi sore throat no energy and I take vitamins
      Sometimes nyquil cause I’m sore …cant sleep but 3 or 4 hours at night …then a day or 2 later I’m fine …so tired of this .

    2. sam
      4 years ago

      Hi any supplement recommendations for fuzzy head, memory failing and low energy pls?

  28. Nancy
    5 years ago

    I have not had my period for 72 days. Lately I exercise and then I am dizzy tired. It makes me nervous because I’ve had low iron but a long time ago. I eat vegetables and I know iron is fine. I put on ten pounds but with covid and not working, that also makes sense. I want to know if the exhaustion is normal and if anyone has suggestions on food for weight loss. I walk 4 miles a day and got a Nordic bike.

  29. Sharon M.
    5 years ago

    I I am almost 51 years old.,I was diagnosed with perimenopause 6 years ago. I haven’t had my period in 7,months. The longest I have gone without getting my period during this. I am experiencing hot flashes, numbness and tingling,nausea, dizziness, terrible mood swings, irritability, depression anxiety have had this since I am 13, exacerbated when I lost my husband almost 8 years ago and now even worse) tiredness, allergic reactions, foggy brain, breast tenderness, sleep issues, high cholesterol, hugh blood pressure, it llooks like a rash under my skin on my feet and rash up my leg, vthe list goes on. I am already a hypochondriac and read up,on things and get myself more nuts. I am driving my husband nuts, too. I never had a child or never was pregnant. They say it’s worse for women who never had children I know they say a year without a period for sure. Is there a way to find out before the year, which would be 4 months in my case. I tried taking one a day menopause vitamins and seemed to have allergic reaction to it. What can I take for help with this? Let-s say, I am at my wire’s end .

    1. Hope
      5 years ago

      From ovulation to my period (2 weeks) I started taking Chasteberry tablets. It helped me. Also, walking, clean diet and yoga/stretching. I also follow Dr. Northrup’s advice about being positive and using affirmations.

    2. Jen
      5 years ago

      Sharon is the numbness and tingling in hands and feet?

  30. rachel martin
    5 years ago

    Hi all!
    I feel like I’m peri menopausal and have had irregular periods, high anxiety, hot flashes, extreme tiredness, mood swings etc but for the last 6 months after every period has ended I feel like I’m getting a cold, the glands under my chin ache but aren’t swollen and have a funny dry throat – is this another sign?

    1. Jen
      5 years ago

      I have this too! For the past 6 or 8 months I get a slight feeling of unwellness, a very mild sore throat and slightly higher temp before my period. I’m 47 and very irregular this year. . . with Covid I am having to constantly remind myself that this seems to be my new normal.

    2. Deja
      4 years ago

      I am having the same after my period which is only 3 days this month symptoms include dry throat, sore throat ear fullness and soreness in left lymphnode (not swollen) only after my period, goes away but reappears after period, sharp pains in hips, breast tenderness and inner groin tenderness, very very emotional, very irritated I am 38 will be 39 in Jan 2021, having period pains after period, I can’t control my emotions seems like my facial hair is thicker and darker and also experiencing some pigmentation on my upper lip and under arms, I am always hungry and feel bloated. Also having constipation

  31. Nic
    5 years ago

    Hi any one here on HRT. I’m 42 and just started yesterday with estrogel and then Utrogestan after 2weeks for 2weeks. I have to wait to see if it helps. Anyone else taking it and has it helped? X

  32. Sandy
    5 years ago

    Hi all
    Does peri cause shortness of breath?

    1. Maria
      5 years ago

      I had it. The hemoglobin and vit D were low. Took Iron and vit D and the hemoglobin is ok but vit D not yet. I advise for a consultation with a good doctor and a complete bloodwork.

    2. Kel
      4 years ago

      I don’t know but I’m on here trying to find out, I’m peri with many symptoms but for the last 6 months I occasionally have a weird sensation of breathlessness with wooziness and pressure building up my chest to my head. It is so strange, my dr said I’m fine and was probably just a virus but I’ve not had any cold symptoms or fever. And it goes away and then comes back at weird random times. It makes me need to stop and lean on something till it passes? My iron levels are good.

      1. Carolyn Hatcher
        4 years ago

        Hi Kel…did you did out what that pressure was building up from chest to head as I am having same symptoms. Is it perimenopause?

  33. Jo
    5 years ago

    I am 52 and have been perimenopausal for a long time now. It started with super heavy periods in my late 30’s which turned out to be fibroids. That was followed by anemia and, of course, my hair started falling out. The doctor gave me a Mirena and within a couple of months, it expelled itself. They immediately replaced it. When it came time to replace the second one, they couldn’t find it. It’s probably at the bottom of Lake Ontario. They gave me a third one which came out when, some time later, I started haemorrhaging (not related to having the Mirena but that’s when we figure it was lost). In the past year I’ve had two emergency D&C’s.
    Let’s talk about the migraines for a moment. They started in my early 40’s. They are the most debilitating things of life. At first I was taking extra strength Tylenol but that stopped working (Advil never worked). The doctor gave me a prescription but it’s effectiveness was predicated on the idea that I could catch the migraine in the aura phase. So what do you do when you are woken in the morning with a full blown raging migraine? My daughter is a reiki genius so thank heaven for that but there is only so much she can do. And I meditate. I will tell you what helps me the most – cannabis oil. I had never touched weed, not in school, not ever, but as soon as it became legal here in Canada, I ordered some mostly CBD but with a smidge of THC. It puts me right to sleep and when I wake up, I feel much better. I still have that after migraine spongy head feeling for a while, and I have the munchies, but who cares? The pain is gone. I don’t advocate this for everyone. You have to make your own choices. But for me, nothing else worked and the pain was beyond anything I could describe.
    If you think migraines are the worst of it, buckle up….
    The PMS has always been pretty bad but it has gotten so much worse over the last year. In the course of my life, I have had two pregnancies, delivering healthy, happy girls. Great pregnancies! No morning sickness, no insomnia, very minimal heartburn at the end. Well, now I have full on pregnancy symptoms in lieu of PMS. It starts with a migraine for a day then moves to heavy congestion, morning sickness (lasting a week or two), excessive fatigue, massive sore breasts, bloating, etc… Strangely, hot flashes are the least of it. However, whenever you talk to a doctor about anything peri-menopause related, all they want to talk about are hot flashes. They wanted me to try an anti-dpressant/anti-anxiety medication (Effexor, I think) but I can’t take it because I have A-fib. This also rules out hormone replacement therapy, I think. Everything, including natural remedies, seems to be contraindicated. I expect the cannabis oil is too but it’s either that or pass out from the pain. Anyway, we waited a long time to correct the A-fib because you have to take blood thinners for a few months beforehand but when you have crazy heavy periods, and are anemic from it, the last thing they want to do is put you on blood thinners. When my period stopped for a couple of months, we thought we had a window so we went for it but guess what…? Haemorrhage #2 at Christmastime. I went to Emerg on the 23rd, into surgery at 10:30pm on Christmas Eve and was released around lunchtime on Christmas Day.
    My doctor kept saying, “If we can just hang on until you hit 50, Mother Nature will take care of you.” But then it was 51 and now 52. Mother Nature needs to get her butt in gear. LOL!
    Anyhow, thanks for reading. I think I just needed to get this whole saga out of my system. 🙂

    1. Lynda
      5 years ago

      I hear you. Im 54 and the migraines are getting worse not better. Every two weeks I suffer 3 days migraines, followed by morning sickness and tender and enlarged breasts, extreme fatique, sleepless nights ……
      I had a hysterectomy at age 34 but kept my ovaries so still go through all the monthly cycles but with no bleeding. I have asked for tests to see if I have gone through menopause or am perimenopausal but apparently there is no conclusive tests to be had. I dont have hot flushes but have found that the winters are not so painfully cold anymore so must have slightly raised body temperatures.
      My main problem is the migraines, the rest I think are all contributors to the migraines but every elimination diet I try, or sleep pattern I try or relaxation method doesnt work.
      And to top it all off I have gained 15 kilos in the past two years as a result of having constant migraines that make it too painful to exercise aerobically. Grrrrrrrrrr

  34. Mary
    5 years ago

    You guys, I am 51 years old and have had so many of the symptoms you described over the course of the past few years. Things started heating up around 48-49 when my periods got super erratic, and I started getting strange symptoms like chronic boating, increased allergy symptoms, hair loss, sleeplessness, night sweats, itchy skin, horrible PMS, the list goes on….But a few months ago I decided to try the Elimination Diet and really switch up my eating habits. Since taking dairy (except for whole-fat Greek yogurt and the occasional egg), gluten and sugar out of my diet, and seriously reducing caffeine intake, doing intermittent fasting, exercising every day….I have felt so much better. No matter that I have now skipped two periods, I don’t even feel the symptoms right now. My stomach bloat went down, the night sweats have gone away, and I feel great. I think in this day and age, there is so much overlap between everyday toxins in the environment and in our foods, and with our menopause, that it’s hard to differentiate symptoms, and responses to toxins can exacerbate the hormonal symptoms. But we can feel better if we take care of ourselves. I’ve been watching Hallie Berry’s Instagram her workouts and it’s so inspirational. Sure, she has a personal trainer, money and time on her hands….But just the sheer fact that you can be fit, glowing and energetic at 52 gives me hope and inspiration. Good luck, ladies! You are beautiful and can get through this with grace and a sense of humor. Love yourself and treat your body right — you deserve it! Life isn’t over, it’s just getting better!!!!

    1. Mary
      5 years ago

      Sorry, mean to say ” since ELIMINATING dairy”

    2. Kel
      4 years ago

      Thankyou for sharing your experience. I have half heartedly begun an elimination diet with the gluten and dairy gone but for 6 weeks I’ve also got to get rid of many nuts, eggs, potatoes and a few other things but been finding it tricky. You give me hope and inspiration that I can do it xx

  35. Linda Medina
    5 years ago

    I am getting hives during menstrual cycle and my menstrual cycle has lasted over 10 days. I am taking antihistamine and steroids with little relief. I am in need a natural supplements to regulate my hormone levels. Any recommendations?

    1. Ginger Ceuise
      5 years ago

      Is clogged nose,itchy throat, and burping part of perimrnopause..

      1. Retta1960
        5 years ago

        I believe it is, don’t count it out. Yes, I’ve also have stuffy nose, especially at night, strange throat sensations, excess gas, yep. I’ve been doing through this almost 20 years, and still going. I’m hoping it will all end soon. Most the doctors I’ve seen and asked them questions, believe me when I say this, they act as if they have no clue what I was talking about. It was really frustrating. A pill for this, and a pill for that. I refused meds, because that’s all they basically know. It is almost like they are saying, “just tough it out, it will be over at some point”. So I’ve been going cold turkey with menopause for several years. But I may get a day two of feeling back to my “normal self”. Only to be continued a day later. It will pass, I really do believe it. Hang in there,

        1. Ginger Ceuise
          5 years ago

          Hi, thank you for replying..yes you’re correct it will pass..also I’m taking Sante Barley…God is our Healer

        2. Angella Kelsey
          5 years ago

          Believe when I tell you I’ve had every symptom of perimenopause and it is out right cruel. It’s frustrating it’s like everyday it’s something new n worse than before. I pray for God’s help

          1. Kelley
            4 years ago

            I am having every symptom in the book as well. It does feel extremely cruel. I’m so sorry you are experiencing this as well. We can and will get through this!

      2. Vickie Al-hazineh
        4 years ago

        Oh my God I’m going through the same
        And much more!! I’m In hell for sure. I’m going through vertigo and constantly..can’t walk right. Un balanced. Migraines…started 3yrs ago. I’m 54. Just turned. Hot flashes a cold. The question will EVER STOP?

    2. V
      5 years ago

      Get your doctor to check your thyroid hormone levels. Google hypothyroid and urticaria (hives) there seems to be a link .

    5 years ago

    Im 39 and I would caution anybody trying DIM . There are hardly any conclusive positive medical studies on it. Read the links i copied below.
    I had zero issues other than some moderate hormonal acne. However i am epileptic and certain seizure meds are rumored to already lower estrogen. I think the DIM lowered my estrogen even more or its being metabolized diff now by my liver, the values of which became elevated after taking it. Upon reading several articles about how DIM helped people with acne i decided to try it. One of the biggest mistakes ive ever made. I now have a bunch of the horrid symptoms peri and menopausal women on this blog say they have. I only took 7 200 mg pills total and stopped taking it about jan 22. I STILL have the crazy symptoms march 17. Been to a bunch of doctors and am waiting on hormone test results and still might do a mri just in case. Im ovulating now march 17 and the symptoms are worse (dizzy, tinnitus, ear fullness, body aches, dry eyes, anxiety prob bc i dont know wth is going on or if it will wear off). Last thursday march 12 it all went away and i thought i had recovered but it slowly came back. This is the scathing review i left about this awful pill.

    Dim review

     This is one of the worst experiences ive had. I dont think its specific to this brand. It’s the DIM. Unless you do weeks of research you won’t know the risks of taking this. DO NOT USE THIS WITHOUT CONSULTING YOUR DOCTOR. DONT DO IT. Im usually never reactive in a bad way to food or meds but i am with this. If you do try only take 75 to 100 mg a day unless you weigh more than 180 lb. I only took a total of 7 pills.
    I purchased a maca root plus dim combination supplement. Started it the end of Dec 2019. The symptoms came on gradually. I first started getting gassy and needing to pass crazy smelly gas more and more. I was only taking one 200 mg pill every 3 to 4 days at this point as i wanted to work my way up. I think it definitely caused digestive sensitivity bc i ate some spicey soup early Jan and my digestive track couldn’t handle it. I had the worst flatulence for 36 hrs straight that ive ever had. My period was approaching soon after which is when things started getting wild. Back pain, boob pain, headaches, body aches in my arm pit and groin area and vagina, noticed i wasn’t going #2 daily like usual. It was like PMSx100. I dont typically have strong pms symptoms. I got my period on the predicted day and it was shorter by 1 day. The crazy symptoms all vanished during that time but then reappeared when my period was over. The week prior to my period i had been taking the pills every day for three of the days. I figured out it was the cursed dim and stopped. 7 days post period I still had the rotating symptom head ache or body ache but at least the farting and digestive issue went away. By feb 7 i thought the effects would wear off bc it seemed to be dissipating. NOPE. the following week feb 10 was mid cycle/ ovulation week where hormones shift/ change.
    Now the head and body aches disappeared and i got this slightly dizzy off feel which is still going on to today. 2 of those days had moments of nausea. feb 17 still had the dizzy ear issues plus body aches issue and occasional head ache. I was hoping by that week end when it was 7 days past ovulation this would go away. Id been to two urgent cares and got lab work done but not hormone labs at that time (feb 16 all came back ok except the liver number). Started to feel better then my next period came. It was 4 days late (felt awful during this time but better when it started) March 1 and only lasted 2.5 days which has never occurred before. Ive missed work bc of this.  Def think it did some thing to my estrogen that im not tolerating. 

      1. steph
        5 years ago

        were you also detoxing your liver at the same time you were taking DIM?

  37. Shelley
    5 years ago

    Hi. I am almost 47 and wondering if I am in perimenopause. My cycle is a little erratic. I missed two periods it returned two weeks ago, it has now returned again. Is this a sign? I’m confused as I’m normally fairly regular. I don’t have many other symptoms, maybe a little moody!!

  38. Alicia Walker
    5 years ago

    Hi! Ok heres a little rundown of me-
    Im 33 – 1 child 7 yrs ago- have never had regular periods since I was in high school. Have had no period since my sons birth and now 7 years later I’m starting to spot more and more. Cramps intensifying. Ive always been an anxious person with sky high levels of intense panic and anxiety. Depressed is the normal state of mind for myself since I can ever remember. Havent taken my depression or mood stabilizers tho in 6 years. Also ive been in active addiction except for when pregnant and then 6 months after his birth. I lost my mother 6 years ago and have absolutely no one to turn for advice on what to do. No health insurance no job no hope it seems. I’m scared. And at the wits end of all I can take. Please someone if havs any advice contact me. Also ive been sweating every night in bed so bad i wash my sheets daily. I have no sex want to at all no desire. I’m in a relationship but with an understanding guy. I have worse mood swings than anyone I have met or heard of. Help or say there iz help

    1. kl
      5 years ago

      Hi Alicia,
      I read your message asking for reassurance and saw there were no replies so here I am – going to try to reassure you. Yes, you are probably having early or pre-menopause. Please don’t be worried about it and try to follow the article’s advice to eat healthy regular small meals throughout the day to maintain your energy and sugar levels. Try to drink milk and eat calcium for your bones. try to do some yoga and meditate to find peace and regulate your sleep. Remember you are not alone and I will be following the same advice that I am giving you. Take care and don’t be scared – you are not alone! 🙂

    2. Delores Dickson
      5 years ago

      OMG you are telling my story as though I’ve told it to yo. I hope and pray there is relief in sight to my knowledge I have been going through this perhaps 7 10 years I thought I was the only one and this amount of suffrage I would love to communicate via this site to compare things you may have tried why he may have tried that may or may not work this is like a curse being put on your body oh my God

    3. Coree Rimar
      5 years ago

      I’m 37 and have had a lot of symptons and also have gone thru some similar issues in life. I don’t know if you will see this since it looks like your post was a bit ago but feel like our situation is similar and would like to chat if you would be up for it.

  39. Cece
    5 years ago

    Hello, omg I’ve been going through menopause for about 7 years, well premenopausal for 6 1/2years in the last six months menopause, at first Not so bad but then bam, Night sweats, hot flashes, and fuzzy brain like dah,, Iv always been very organized person and very clear minded so this was hard for me, now I can’t get settled anywhere, iv moved from Illinois to Florida and back to Illinois and back to Florida again, well one of my daughter lives in Florida but I hated here I wanna move back to Illinois

  40. Amanda B
    5 years ago

    Hi, girls!
    I am 36, and for the last year or so I have been experiencing cyclical episodes (every 4 weeks) of these symptoms: anxiety, SOB, nausea, weakness, brain fog, shakiness, pins and needles in my hands, hot and cold flashes. I have these symptoms for one day, then they subside. I am nauseated and tired for several days after the episode is over. My GYN believes that it is “due to my ovulation” and has prescribed combination birth control pills. Do any of you believe this could be lerimenopause?? I still have regular periods, so I’m wondering if it could be PMDD instead. The symptoms are scary and at times I have extreme nause and the kind and needles at random times.
    Any insight is greatly appreciated!

    1. Rebecca Krieg
      5 years ago

      Hi. I’m 40 which is why I’m reading this Web page. I have symptoms like yours but mine are due to chronic tick borne infections that wreaked havoc on every aspect of my body years ago. What struck me about your post was your symptoms seem extreme like mine were. I’ve never heard of these as PMDD or perimenopause symptoms but I could be wrong. I eventually tested positive for babesiosis ( which explains my sweats, nausea, etc, lyme disease which explains the neuropathy, and one more tick disease). I hope you don’t have chronic lyme but you might want to rule it out. That’s difficult to do though. You’d need to see a Lyme Literate ILADS dr. A regular dr is very unlikely to check correctly or even take you seriously. And even if they take you seriously, they aren’t likely familar with the better quality testing labs, blood markers, or other diseases associated with an immune system breakdown (my lymphocytes were low for two years into treatment and I contracted an antibiotic staph infection, and pneumoniae from a crashed immune system). Anyway, sorry for throwing all this info at you. Like I said. Your post stood out to me bc of the symptoms. They just seem extreme. Now, if your symptoms are actually due to PMDD or perimenopause, then I suggest using bioidentical natural progesterone cream, USP certified is wonderful. I buy mine from amazon or grocery stores. It’s bioidentical hormone replacement, NOT projestins like from a dr. Office. It’s a cream that you rub into your wrists, 2 times a day to balance and replenish all of your hormones. It definitely works for PMS. If all else fails, try the cream first and see if it helps. Sorry again for all the info. I wish you the best.

    2. Nikkie
      5 years ago

      Hi Amanda B
      Did you find anything else out about your symptoms? I have the exact same issues as you around the time of ovulation. It’s really spiked my anxiety levels as I keep worrying that it’s something underlying but the Drs keep just saying it’s anxiety. The thing is, it happens for a few days each month so although I do suffer with generalised anxiety this particular period of time is different from the rest of the month and it’s quite debilitating. Just because it started after having children and as I approached my 40s I wondered if it’s to do with peri menopause?
      My mum has reached menopause at 43 and I am 41.
      Hope you found some answers to help you.

      1. gurp
        5 years ago

        The weakness, tingling in hands and feet, cold extremities, anxiety, sometimes out of breath, foggy-brained, heart palpitations, etc. is often caused by low iron, or thyroid, or low blood sugar for me. It started in my early thirties and took me ten years to finally figure out what was happening. For me, it was mostly low iron, however, my thyroid is sometimes off too and it happens a few days before my period starts, though it can happen at any time. I feel like my hormones are out of whack especially since I have dryness and low libido, but the blood work comes back fine with the occasional under active thyroid or anemia. It’s very frustrating. I want my life back.

        1. Nikkie Grimshaw
          5 years ago

          I did have low iron and low folate last year but I take regular supplements now. I will check my levels though and my Thyroid. Thank you.
          Good luck! X

        2. Alex
          4 years ago

          Please consider histamine intolerance.

      2. Krystal
        5 years ago

        Hello ladies! I was so glad I found this thread. I’ve been experiencing unregular menses for the past 6 months. Last month my mense was 10 days early and lasted 10 days. Then this month I haven’t had one yet…. i don’t believe I’m pregnant due to the other symptoms. I’ve had hot flashes and night sweats for a month now, can’t sleep, dizziness, tiredness and brain fog. I’m 38 and dont know what was happening to me. I have had high anxiety and stress due to losing my job of 18 years and all this virus stress.

    3. Malena
      4 years ago

      Hi ladies, I am 45 years old and have been experiencing crazy symptoms of perimenopause since 5 years ago. My body has been going crazy due to anxiety, nausea, dizziness, fatigue, mood swings, hives. I thought I was going mad or possessed. After going through tons of medical tests, my OBG said it was Perimenopause. Even though I still have regular periods, I am experiencing weird symptoms (shaking due to an extreme hunger, food cravings, shortness of breath, low heartbeat, nausea and dizziness) a couple of days before period. Does anyone share the same unpleasant experience? 🙁

      1. Malena
        4 years ago

        Also need to add that I am having gasses at nights.

      2. Eileen
        4 years ago

        I am 46 years old and experiencing the same symptoms.. dizziness, sob, foggy, dry mouth and eyes.. so many fluctuations.. kinda scary and wondering how long this will last ?

  41. Mel
    5 years ago

    O my goodness ladies. Love to you all! We women go through so much in our lives don’t we!? I can relate to nearly every comment here. I will be sharing this page with my husband to give him insight into what goes on with us and hope he will understand and not think I’m a being a hypochondriac with all my varying symptoms. I feel guilty when I’m having difficulty functioning sometimes. We need to take good care of ourselves. I feel really badly for the ladies out there who have any carer responsibilities or work they have to do in spite of symptoms. We are warriors girls!!

  42. Therese Wihlborg
    5 years ago

    I’ve red a lot about Perimenopause on different websites and I really liked this one. Is it normal to have a lot of pelvic pain after menstruation that goes on for many days or even weeks during Perimenopause? And my night sweats are over which we’re heavy during some months. . Does it mean that I am closer to menopause? I am only 41.

    1. Kay Kay
      5 years ago

      I’m going through that right now. The nausea, pelvic discomfort and sweaty hands are unreal. My doctor just ordered a bunch of tests and an Ultrasound.

  43. Jessica
    5 years ago

    Hey Ladies!! I am 43 years old and have been going through perimenopause for the past few years. In the beginning, it was more or less erratic cycles, with spotting in between, but my symptoms have worsened over time. The emotional highs and lows, anxiety, depression and body aches have been the worst and tend to show up around my cycle and times of the month when estrogen is at it’s highest. I finally decided to see a hormone specialist in October 2019. The specialist that I see only does bio-identical hormones, which are like our natural hormones. She did a large panel of bloodwork and it turned out that I had MTHFR, no testosterone and was in estrogen dominance. Your healthcare provider CANNOT look at the levels of each individual hormone and determine that everything is fine. On my panel, each of my hormones were within normal range, but the ratios between my hormones showed that I had way too much estrogen and not enough progesterone to offset it. Since October, I take micronized progesterone at bedtime each night (progesterone has a sedative type effect), which helps balance the over abundance of estrogen that I have, which in turn stops most of the emotional ups and downs. I still have a few, but I started on the lowest dose and will most likely be increased this month. I also get a testosterone injection monthly for the past few months. For those that have lost their libido and feel like they are running on fumes most of the time, testosterone will be your best friend. I really hope my suggestions help someone out there.

    1. Jennifer
      5 years ago

      Would you be able to please share how much progesterone you’re using and which days of your cycle? I too have MTHFR mutation, low testosterone (supplementing now), normal estrogen (as long as I take DIM), and have been on progesterone cream (40 mg daily) plus prometrium (100mg nightly) and STILL can’t get the ratio right for estrogen/progesterone. I’m curious what your doc has you doing. Thank you!


    2. Alisa
      5 years ago

      Would you mind sharing who your doctor is?

    3. Eileen
      4 years ago

      Which dr did you see Obgyn or endocrinologist for the bioidentical hormones?

  44. Sherila
    5 years ago

    I am 48 and have, for the last 9 months, felt a “hollowness” in my vagina. The discharge coming out of me has been INTENSE . . . and I have been tested for everything but nothing sticks (no BV, no Chlamydia, etc., etc.). The discharge literally falls out of me and into the toilet bowl in larger “chunks” (sorry to be indelicate). I can feel the discharge coming down each time. My anxiety is through the roof.
    My periods are still fairly regular though they have lessened in flow considerably.
    I think my urethra/bladder is also playing games. I now have to pee constantly – and urgently – it is very frustrating.
    Vagifem for the last 7 weeks hasn’t made much of a difference in terms of the hollowness feeling and now, it is back worse than ever.
    I am also being tested for NCAH (Non-Classical Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia) having an original diagnosis of PCOS that my endocrinologist must find suspect, obviously. I have no idea if any of this is connected.
    How long is it normal to feel this hollowness? Should I be looking at something else as a cause?

    1. Alisa
      5 years ago

      Would you mind sharing who your doctor is?

  45. Natalie
    5 years ago

    Hi all,
    I am 54 and started symptoms at 40. It is reassuring to read the wide variety of symptoms that can occur with this. Currently I am dealing with the anxiety and mood swings that often result in crying jags. I was relieved to hear that it was common. One thing I wanted to share is that I have had good results with lessening hot flashes by drinking rose tea. I notice that my flashes are also cyclical and occur more often around the time of my period. I found that brewing a tea from rosebuds (you can usually find them in specialty tea shops) cuts down their frequency. I’m sure it’s different for each individual, but it really helps me and I wanted to share.

    1. Lisa Lewis
      5 years ago

      Since I stopped eating refined sugar and bread I don’t have any more hot flashes or night sweats at all.

      1. Jessica
        5 years ago

        At 41, I have recently started to get shorter cycles and spotting before my period. My period is not super heavy and only lasts 2-3 days. The spotting has gotten worse however. It lasts for 3-6 days. I found out that I had low pergesterone when I had my only child 6 years ago. The only other Peri menopause symptom I have is slight anxiety with my period. Not sure if I am dealing with the start of perimenopause or something else. Has anyone else just had issues with their cycle?

        1. Mathilde
          5 years ago

          Hello Jessica

          I am the same age as you and I have exactly the same symptoms. Spotting occurs 3 to 4 days before my period and continue another two days after my period. Also, my cycles, very regular up until last year, can now be anywhere between 24 and 28 days long.

          Nobody is giving me answers as to what the reason might be; I also have the feeling that it might be caused by low progesterone but I am not sure!

  46. Yellow
    5 years ago

    I’m 48 and have been coping with somewhat severe symptoms for about 6 or 7 years. Here’s what I’ve learned:

    1) wear very thin cotton loose fitting night shirt. Do not use a comforter or duvet. A cotton sheet and coverlet might be all you need. Leave window open for cool breeze or AC on. This helps with night sweats and insomnia.

    2). Get sleep!! Go to be early, sleep often, nap on weekends.
    Sleep as much and as often as you can. Don’t think that you can still pull all nighters, just can’t do it without severe punishment for days. Meditation before drifting off works wonders.

    3). Eliminate or significantly reduce all meat and dairy from diet. There are a ton of hormones in these foods which just exasperate the perimenopause time.

    4) avoid all aspartame and MSG to reduce migraines. Always carry OTC pain killers in your purse, if you sense a migraine coming on take one right away and drink something with caffeine like a sugar soda or strong coffee, it does work.

    5). Have period weekends. If you have heavy, painful “looks like there was a violent murder in my toilet bowl” periods. Clear your schedule, stock up on Always, black towels for shower and bed, Tylenol, tequila, chips and chocolate, and binge listen to Netflix from the comfort of your own bathroom. I figure it’s going to happen, I’d rather be comfortable when it does. And don’t be embarrassed about it. This is what you’re going through, just don’t be a people pleaser this weekend, take care of you.

    6) have a period kit in your purse and a change of clothes in your car. Change of clothes in case of a sudden period flooding accident or something lightweight in case of a hot flash. Period kit for purse should include several pads and tampons, packets of feminine wipes, Tylenol, change of panties, plastic baggies for stained panties till you can get them home to wash or to keep your pad if not in a place you can dispose.

    6). I’ve found the following mix of high quality vitamins taken daily really reduced my symptoms, reduced the amount of flooding periods I was having. It took a few months to see a difference but I definitely saw a difference and when I stopped taking them I had a whopper of a period, horrific bleeding and clotting, PMS, etc. So I’m sticking with it till this nightmare is over:
    -High quality health food store multivitamin with lots of micronutrients.
    -1000iu omega 3 (helps with aches and pains and a most definate mood booster, my non prescription anti depressant)
    -calcium (found this really helped with leg aching I was experiencing suddenly with perimenopause)
    -bisglycinate magnesium (MUST take this form of magnesium or you’ll have horrible diarrhea). It really helps with the inexplicable anxiety that comes with perimenopause.
    -B50 complex for energy
    -3000iu of D3. D acts like a hormone in the body. I am not a doctor and I’m not sure exactly how it works but I am sure that this is what is helping me not flood as much.
    – iron supplement. I hate taking this pill and really only do every few days because it will cause constipation and for some reason I worry what it’s doing to my guts but I am deficient (iron deficient WITHOUT anemia).

    7) Try yoga or just light walking in nature. Pay attention to the trees, the wind, the birds and small animals, the moon and stars. Just zone out.

    Take care of you.

    1. Yoko
      5 years ago

      Hi Yellow,
      Thank you for sharing.
      I’m 50 this year & so far it’s not severe symptoms yet, I have decreased ambition, fatigue (suddenly feel super sleepy while driving) & heavy bleeding like murder scene sometimes.
      I like your ideas how to cope with perimenopause, especially having period weekends.
      It used to make me sad during period, but I feel happier when I prepare like that.
      I didn’t take a nap since I thought it looks lazy, but I will do more often.
      Thanks again. Take care!

  47. Sally Lakatos
    5 years ago

    Hello dear Ladies,

    You know the best tip i have noticed all have been sharing here is “hope” and “Faith”!

    So thankful to all of you and you Dr. Northrup for sharing the knowledge and love.

    I am 41, soon to be 42 and have been experiencing night sweats just before my periods. The breast tenderness was the worst this month and my hypochondriac self feared the worst despite having a recent US along with a Mammo that gave me a clean bill of health. The breast tenderness disappeared almost around the 3rd day of my cycle. However, the insomnia….has left me completely fatigued and really down. Its like i ask myself….”Will i ever sleep normally again? ” If anyone could shed some light on overcoming my Insomnia, i’d be forever indebted!

    Thank you so much and i wish you all an easier transition with lots of good tidings from me!


  48. Mrs. J Mey
    5 years ago

    Hello, I am 41 years old and have been experiencing new, odd symptoms over the past several months. I have health anxiety and have been scaring myself by searching my symptoms online. I have also noticed my menstrual cycles are becoming more irregular. Last September, I began having weird stinging sensations off and on, primarily on my legs and arms, as well as a burning sensation in my feet from time to time. Well, those symptoms completely disappeared but were quickly replaced with widespread intermittent twitching sensations, from my legs to my upper back. I went to 2 doctors who tested my reflexes and said they were normal. I also had bloodwork done which came back as having slight Vit D deficiency (24) and very low testosterone. I have been supplementing but does not seem to help. Any direction or advice would be much appreciated!

    1. Lolena
      5 years ago

      I have been experiencing the twitching and burning and pins and needles as well. Am in peri almost on to menopause. I have lost progesterone levels, as well as testosterone one. Saw two neurologists and all is normal. Taking magnesium, put they haven’t settled still it has been 10 months now.

    2. MsLeigh
      5 years ago

      I am not a dr, but I do know that vitamin D deficiency with a number of 24, is NOT a slight deficiency. It is very deficient. A typical MD uses a different range than someone more holistic, like an integrative health practitioner or ND. You might consider taking 50,000IU vitamin D one time per week until your levels are up again. You may well notice a decrease in your anxiety as well. Also, was your VitB12 tested? Some of your other symptoms sound like B13 deficiency. I’ve also notice many people who are low in D are also low in B12, and zinc too (just something I’ve noticed when talking to girl friends). Magnesium may assist with your anxiety symptoms. Be sure all supplements are High quality. In this area, you really do get what you pay for. Specifically with the hypochondria symptoms, grounding exercises are important. Get outside barefoot, take gentle yoga classes, meditate, play in the dirt or sand…connect to the earth, allow arwareness and acceptance of your body, and it won’t scare you as much. this advice comes from my own experience with these same issues, and as a mindfulness instructor, where I help people with these same struggles. Be well 🙂

      1. Mrs. J Mey
        5 years ago

        Thank you so much for your reply. I did have my B12 level tested and it came back 370. I have heard both low and normal for that level. I greatly appreciate your time in responding to my issues!

    3. Mrs pp.
      4 years ago

      Any resolution on the twitching?
      I’m in this position, mostly on my left leg, feels like popcorn popping under my skin, not visible. I’m scared out of my mind and my doctor says it’s stress and I’m not in perimenopauce. Can’t seem to accept it’s just stress. R u still experiencing the twitching ?

    4. Sharon
      4 years ago

      Hi I was wondering did you ever get to the end of your burning and twitching. I am getting same symptoms and am worried. Thanks

      1. Melissa
        4 years ago

        I know this is an old comment but I will get bad twitching in my legs and back from my anxiety! Sometimes in my arms and face too! Stress and anxiety can do some awful things to us.

  49. Sarah Soebbing
    5 years ago

    So many of you have described very relatable scenarios, and it’s incredibly helpful to read these comments and hear such familiar and terrible stories. It’s tragic how little the medical community knows about women’s health needs. Until I started reading testimonials like these, I thought I was dying on many occasions. I am 41 now, and for five years I have been having night sweats (the soaking through my clothes twice a night kind). For the last two years, there have been so many other issues; vertigo, hot flashes, uncontrollable muscle spasms in my legs, irritability, anxiety, weird feelings of coldness in my head, strange things in my vision, moments where I felt very strange and very much “not myself,” heart palpitations, trouble breathing, insomnia, feeling extra tense and tight everywhere, joint pain, and on and on. These symptoms come and go in terms of severity, but many are much worse around my period. I had one early and VERY heavy period about 6 months ago. My doctor says all my levels are normal, and she doubts I could be going through perimenopause at this age. But I must be; it is the only explanation. I wish more doctors were better trained at helping women navigate the very strange and complicated road of “the change.” Thanks so much to all of you. Without reading these kinds of stories, I don’t know what I would have done.

    1. Charlene
      5 years ago

      Could be thyroid disease- you need to have your thyroid tested via blood test.

    2. Candice
      5 years ago

      Did your doctor do the blood or saliva test? I have been told the blood tests are not always accurate due to fluctuations in our hormones.

      I started having all of those symptoms around the age of 41 and did the saliva testing. It showed my progesterone was low in ratio to estrogen. Also, my cortisol was a little low.

    3. Eileen
      4 years ago

      I have the exact symptoms .. it is so scary!!!! It has to peri menopause!!

  50. Elena P.
    5 years ago

    I’m 39 years old. About two years ago, I started experiencing vaginal dryness and frequent UTI’s and was finally diagnosed with BV. I’ve been to numerous doctors and kept asking them to test my hormones because I suspected that my BV had to do with hormonal changes and due to dryness, however, they just dismissed me with a bunch of antibiotics (which I did not take). Two years later, I’m still living with a chronic BV (I’ve tried many natural remedies including boric acid but it always comes back). However, recently, I also started new disturbing digestive symptoms that are similar to IBS , false urges, going from constipation to diarrhea in one day, cramping, bloating, gas and lower stomach upset. I went to see a gastro who performed stool tests and blood tests but everything came back normal. When I told him about my BV and possible hormonal changes and disrupted flora in the gut and vagina, he just dismissed me. My stomach always gets aggravated even close to my period and around ovulation. It’s a nightmare! I also started to experience headaches, dizziness and tingling sensations in my head, depression and mood swings. Can this be perimenopause and is it common to have digestive symptoms or a change in b bowel habits during this time? I would greatly appreciate any advice or input .

    1. Maria
      5 years ago

      Hi Elena I can’t give you any advice but I can tell you that I am going through the same stomach problems lately even I had never had any issues . Every month is different and I just to learn to live with, hoping that when I will reach menopause everything will go away. Not to mention that I experienced almost all the symptoms everyone listed on this page. I am 51 and I am fighting this horrible period for years. Many times I was thinking that I will die or I am going crazy.

      1. Gigi
        5 years ago

        Hello Sarah! I hope this finds you well, my name is Gigi i have been suffering with peri for the past 4 years on and off some days are worst. I can relate to your post it is as if you were describing my symptoms when you wrote vertigo, hot flashes, uncontrollable muscle spasms in the legs, irritability, anxiety, weird feelings in the head ext.. my primary concern for now is the leg spasms if possible can you share if you found relief for it I don’t know what else to do I have tried Magnesium, yoga, stretches,walking ext I feel exhausted.
        Take care!

    2. charlene
      5 years ago

      Hi Have you been to your local GUM clinic they are life savers compared to the doctors and they know everything to do with down there! I was diagnosed with vulvodynia which I suffered with for 2 years before I went to them and got a diagnosis! Good luck!

      1. Sherila
        5 years ago

        What is a GUM clinic?

    3. Tracy Fletcher
      5 years ago

      I suffer this as well elena p had ct scan to find out I had diverticulosis which is pockets cavitys in the wall of the colon hope this helps

    4. Melanie Hiske
      5 years ago

      I am so glad to have found this forum. I experience the stomach issues at period time as well. The best way I can describe it is like a giant bubble right in my stomach that won’t pop. And it hurts. Everything starts out ok on the first day and just when I think it might be a month that is somewhat better, the bubble shows up. Ugh. Does that make sense? And I feel I have had every perimenopause symptom. Sometimes it feels all in one day!

    5. Jo walley
      4 years ago

      Multigyn was amazing for bv ! Only thing that helped me x

  51. Emma Quinn
    5 years ago

    Thank you for your informative article about menopause. It really covers all the information as clear and simple as possible for perception. I am 39 years old, but I am already experiencing something similar to the first symptoms of perimenopause. I am often worried about insomnia, sweating, anxiety and irregular menstruation. I think this is the symptom of menopause.
    I like the way you described the clear transition from perimenopause to menopause, as well as the details of each type of menopause. According to your article, I have a natural menopause type. Thank you very much for helping to understand that my symptoms are not signs of premature menopause, because I was already starting to worry about this.

  52. diana
    5 years ago

    I am 42. My periods have been a little irregular timing wise over the past few months. Last month I missed one altogether although still had a day of cramps as though it was happening. my missed period has coincided with lower back pain (very low). I am not sure if it is just a coincidence or if they are related.

  53. Jodi
    5 years ago

    Hello Ladies,
    As I sit here and read thru all of your post, my heart and prayers go out to you all!! I’m post meno and I stop counting how long I have been going thru all of the 66 meno symptoms. I’ve had everyone of them at least it seems like it. I’m still suffering and I have no period for over 3 years now. The most disturbing for me is this head pressure and feeling off balanced. This part has been going on for several years, and no one seems to know how to fix it. Doctors want to give me anti dep meds, even a Meno specialist. I’m not depressed!!!! It makes me angry when a doctor tries to tell me about how I feel and what I’m feeling and its do to anxiety… I guess I would have anxiety feeling this way and not knowing why or what is going on. And a doctor can’t tell me what it is or how to fix the problem.. I feel like I’m in another state of mind. Feel like I can just pass out at any given time!! Heavy head, hot flashes, anxiety, fatigue, hot flashes, ear, face, neck pressure, body aches and heaviness. It feels like my head in an elec shock state, it’s crazy. This is 2019 and you mean to tell me there is no safe cure for menopause, everything they want to give you causes cancer, or a risk for something else that is not good for our health!! We as women know our bodies, we know what we have exp and what we have not, we know when something is not right, if I come to you as a doctor and tell you my symp, then you should believe and try to get to the root of the matter. Is there not a medicine out there that does not have side effects or causes cancer or heart problems!!!!! I’m baffled by the medical world we live in today!!!! It is so unexceptable!!! But, I’m not giving up, Praying for you all. God Bless

    1. Deb
      5 years ago

      I just just getting the same symptoms. I can’t even go walking or drive its gotten so bad. I feel lile I’ve got permanent flu. Can anyone help with answers?

      1. TF
        5 years ago

        hello, I believe that the headaches and feelign like you have a permanent flu are symptoms of declining progesterone in the body. I had the exact same symptoms when I removed the Mirena coil which provides progesterone, felt like I had a head cold or flu and constant headaches, dr explains it is the sudden decrease in progesterone. Wishing you all the best…perimenopause is not easy, i’m right there now and working on a healthy lifestyle and daily exercise and good food to make the transition as easy as possible. Also supplementing with magnesium, vitamin D and omega to ease off some of the symptoms.

        1. Nessa
          5 years ago

          I’m 42 now and felt like I was going through perimenopause from 2013. It started with bad panic attacks that I didnt know about. Thought I was having a heart attack. Heart racing. Experience night sweats, vertigo, headaches, aches all over my nody especially in my arms shoulders and fingers. Mood swings I’m talking extreme. Buzzing sound in my ears. This some serious stuff but it gets better. Some good days and some not so good.

      2. Monique
        5 years ago

        I was feeling the exact same way! It all came out of no where! I couldn’t drive for 2 months… I thought i was dying of SOMETHING just didn’t know what! I had blood test, heart and lung X-ray and CT scans.. The only relief I got was when I started doing mindfulness meditation! It helps so much! I also did health anxiety meditation… it got me through the feeling sick part of this peri menopausal thing I’m going through! I also had really bad anxiety, and not feeling myself at all.. When my mood goes down and I don’t feel well I refer to mindfulness, and try to just be in the present moment! Maybe this can help you as well!

    2. Jane
      5 years ago

      I am 48 and I definitely think have hit perimenopause. My periods are erratic. They can disappear for 3-4 months and suddenly reappear. My mood fluctuates, sometimes it is optimistic and there are days of feeling blue. I have developed this really annoying symptom with my ears. I have chronic ear effusion which comes and goes. This is often made worse with exercise I find and will lead to the ears becoming really stuffy triggering tinnitus. I have seen my GP and ENT surgeon who do not seem worried and I am always prescribed the usual nose spray and antihistamines. Often I can feel off balanced with occasional vertigo. This is always linked back to my ears. I guess this is all due to hormonal imbalance ?

      1. angela shirshac
        5 years ago

        How are things ? i also have something in my left ear and not sure if its peri related, i’m 47 and have been dealing with this for 2 years, never has issues with my ears.. I’d like to hear more of your symptoms.

        1. Melanie Hiske
          5 years ago

          What is with the ear thing?? I get that too. It all of a sudden gets stuffy and then the ringing starts! The things we put up with at this stage are staggering!

          1. Pamela
            4 years ago

            Check if you are clenching your teeth, that was happening to me and after a good visit to the dentist he sorted it out.

      2. Lisa Rust
        4 years ago

        Since 2018 aged 54, literally overnight I got severe reflux issues, congestion in the nasal passages and tinnitus. It was so worrying, I wondered what the hell was going on. The reflux issue caused an asthma like symptom because my airways were getting blocked by mucus, and this happened night upon night until I saw my GP. Been really careful with my diet since all this started, so I don’t induce the acid, and things have got much better. However, I have very dry eyes which can make my eyes blurry, and the tinnitus still. Waiting for test results re: reflux to see if there is a mechanical issue, I’m guessing if there is not a problem, then It’s highly likely triggered by hormone fluctuations. I had no issues whatsoever before all this.

    3. Sandra
      5 years ago

      Maybe you should try lose dose Estrogen? Educate yourself on the extremely flawed Women’s Health Initiative study. Read Estrogen Matters by Dr Avrum Blueing, it’s an eye opener. Also go to NIH and search HRT. HRT is safe for most women.

    4. Serena
      5 years ago

      Can i ask where you feel heaviness, i experience this in my legs sometimes back and shoulders? Feels like a rag doll

    5. Tracy
      5 years ago

      I feel exactly like you do and I sympathize Immensely!
      It’s absolutely horrible to deal with these symptoms and everyone just tells you that it’s all in your head!
      I also have weird feelings lately that involve weird smells that give a deja by feeling!
      It is the weirdest feeling and makes me feel like I am in a dream and in between 2 worlds!
      It is affecting my professional and private life.
      I don’t know what to do or if this is even normal for menopause!
      Someone please help!

      1. marianne
        5 years ago

        I have been feeling the same way …weird scary feeling like i’m in a dream; like my mind and body are not totally in sync. Very alarming to me. Thinking of going to neurologist but after reading different blogs I feel and hope this is part of some women’s menopausal symptoms. I truly helps to know you’re not alone. Thanks ladies for being so open on these weird symptoms.

  54. Gina
    5 years ago


    Try 15 years. That’s about where my older sister was when she finally hit surgical menopause after hysterectomy and bilateral oophrectomy at about 53. She had a small fibroid and multiple cysts on her ovaries and tubes. She also had some abnormal cells in her uterus. She’d been having a lot of pain and spotting and bleeding.

    I started my peri around the same age as my sister, 38ish. Now at 42, I also have a small fibroid and a complex cyst on my right ovary.

    I have hope, though. The ultrasound that found the fibroid also said it’s degenerating. I believe that’s due to the calcium d-glucarate I’ve been taking to get a handle on my very estrogen-dominant PMS. I have another ultrasound next month.

    I’m determined to reach menopause naturally, without surgical intervention. I’ll be seeking out a good endocrinologist after the first of the year to help me out with my hormone issues (serum levels of estradiol and progesterone were both quite high when I had bloodwork taken at the height of PMS a couple of years ago).

    I LOVE reading stuff like this that helps reframe peri for me. I AM seeking healing for old issues. I didn’t know it related! I’ve also started a business with my partner and left the corporate grind to move to the country and live surrounded by beauty. It’s been 2 years and the company is experiencing growth.

    If I can just get a handle on the PMS and some of the other hormone insanity (my kingdom for the ability to sleep 8hrs straight again this could be the absolute best time of my life.

    Thank you, Dr. Northrup. You are a comfort.

  55. Serena
    5 years ago

    I have muscle twitching, fatigue, rapid heart rate and muscle weakness however every test under the sun cant find out whats wrong, apparently im not in menopause, im 44 and had this for the last year, my period still regular but only lasts 2 days and light, i also have hashimotis, starting to think its perimenopause after reading others on here, what can i take to help? I have 3 children to keep up with

    1. Ali
      5 years ago

      I’m 44 and I have the same symptoms. I believe its perimenopause for sure! I take evening primrose which helps. I also read a medical study that says that 750 mg/day of Vitamin C can increase progesterone (which may help with these symptoms).
      Good luck

      1. Serena
        5 years ago

        Thankyou will give this a go

  56. Lisa
    5 years ago

    Hi there,
    I’ve been reading the forum and have had similar symptoms. Trips also to emergency for panic, anxiety, fast heart rate. I feel like I develop a new symptom each week. Anyone experience mouth sores inside the roof or back of mouth?

    1. Serena Baddeley
      5 years ago

      Have you had your b12 checked, this can cause rapid heart beat, mouth sores, anxiety etc

    2. Jen
      5 years ago

      I hear you. Been to hospital for same. I never know how I am going to feel from day to day. Yes, I have mouth soars in my inner lips bottom and top.

      1. Jennifer Kaffenberger
        5 years ago

        In a 41 year old and have been having peri problems since I was 39. I’m reading all your posts and I’m in tears. I’ve thought I was going crazy. High anxiety, mood swings, night sweats before my period, heavy periods where it’s hard to leave the house, my hands and feet tingle, tinnitus , vertigo , frequent uti’s , and just so on…. this is a crazy stage and I want help. I’ve read about natural hormone replacement . Where do I go??? I need help

        1. Tree
          4 years ago

          Reading these comments are making me cry too… from relief… from feeling like I am bot Alina actually and am not going crazy. Thank you everyone for sharing your stories.

    3. Anita
      5 years ago

      Get checked fir Hashimoto thyroid disease. You may have antibodies and still have ok thyroid. This makes you feel terrible. I had mouth sores. Bone pain, anxiety, panic, feel off balance, hair loss, Weight gain, tired, no sex, sad, no energy. Seems peri menapause and Hashimoto have same symptoms and can be triggered by peri menapause. Good lick

      1. Dee
        5 years ago

        Headache, anxiety, ringing in left ear, insomnia and what feels like vertigo for the past week. All worrisome. I’ve tried ginger tea, Epley maneuver, and there’s a little relief then the light-headedness. I’m early 50’s and seven months without period.

    4. debbie tucci
      5 years ago

      yes…. I’m so sorry to hear that…but relieved at the same time. Been to 3 doctors and they can’t figure out why. I think you just did!!! Thank you.
      Also can’t swallow drier thing like I used to. I don’t feel like I’m producing enough saliva. Roof of my mouth was COMPLETELY numb for 3 weeks.

    5. Melanie Hiske
      5 years ago

      Oh my goodness! Do you get a burning sensation as well on your tongue and mouth?? Was prescribed for oral thrush but I don’t think that’s what it is. As far as I know it’s linked to hormonal changes.

  57. Leah
    5 years ago

    I had a hysterectomy with ovarian preservation 33 years old;
    I had a son and daughter already,and had tubes tied @ 28
    Then my gyno told me at 33 that I had a precancerous cyst
    that would turn into cancer in 5 to 10 years so that was my
    Anyway in the last 7 years I’ve experienced SEVERE memory
    loss,Severe lack of awareness to the point that I was leaving
    valuables at grocery stores and restaurants, also have been
    having cramping in my left breast for years,waaaaay low sex drive,
    Severely low motivation/ energy,wanting to not leave house.
    I recently read that a weird symptom of menopause is foul breath-true
    or not? Oh yeah and one side of head migraines- takes excedrin extra
    strength to put them out!! Also I’ve had lack of circulation in alot of places
    never had issues with before.Has anyone else had digestive issues?

    1. Cherise Edwards
      5 years ago

      Yes a lot of digestive issue with what I’m feeling I am 46 . A lot of off balance and anxiety along with insomnia .

  58. Tammy
    5 years ago

    For a couple of years have had gradual symptoms, knew it was perimenopause wasn’t to concerned knew I just had to tough it out. Then this last year everything went crazy and wasn’t sure anymore, started with muscle twitches especially in the abdomen was convinced that I had a cryptic pregnancy for awhile. Then dry eye started, painful cramps, still muscle twitches, bloated hard stomach, can not lose weight (which by the way causes depression and eating more). Periods coming closer together, headaches, and lightheadness. Feels like either I am going insane or convinced I have some horrible deadly disease (ovarian cancer, als, ms, etc) Doctors look at me like I am not all there, told them about feeling something in abdomen like movement and they think I am crazy. Doctor just says not to worry and pushes it all aside, would like confirmation that it is perimenopause and not some horrible alternative, just to set my mind at ease. This site helped some with confirmation that there is more symptoms then just usual listed.

    1. Marie
      5 years ago

      YOUR definitely having perimenopause symptoms. I’ve had them PLUS. Not only lightheaded but spinning dizzy. Heart palpitations that would wake the dead, extreme anxiety made worse when the lightheaded dizziness hits. I do not have hot flashes only hot flushes, which does NOT include sweating. I never sweat during these feelings! That’s another reason why I questioned perimenopause as most Women sweat. I have never missed a period. I’m pushing 56 chose not to have kids, so I don’t. My mother was 63 with her last period. Lived a cancer free healthy life until 84. Never was she even hospitalized only for childbirth. I know I’m perimenopause just my age.

      1. Gina
        5 years ago

        Hi Marie.

        I don’t sweat either. I have what I call night flashes. I wake up in the middle of the night in the dead of winter feeling like I’m burning up from the inside out. Not a drop of sweat.

    2. Jacqueline Bellendir
      5 years ago

      Yes, I get muscle twitching also. It started in peri and now I am post. Right now I am getting a lot of twitching. Was diagnosed with Benign Fasciculation Syndrome but I believe it is hormonally related.

      1. Lolena
        5 years ago

        I have had muscle twitching also for about 8 months now. All bloods and tests have come back normal. And have had the same diagnosis. Have you tried anything that has helped the muscle twitching?

        1. TF
          5 years ago

          Try magnesium

      5 years ago

      Wow, I had the same feeling in my stomach… almost like the 1st signs of a baby moving (I have 4 kids, and had partial hysterectomy) so I know I wasn’t preggo… also started about 3 years ago with anxiety, shortness of breath, hair thinning…. just a few months ago the muscle spasms when I lay down, dry eyes, peeing frequently…. then 4 days before Christmas 2019 my stomach was bloated and still is… then the emotional part, muscle weakness, insomnia, slight headaches, can’t concentrate‍♀️ What we have to go through…..

      1. Donna
        5 years ago

        Oh my goodness!!!! That’s exactly what is happening to me. I am so glad I found this forum

      2. Christine
        5 years ago

        Seeing so much of how I’m feeling !! Glad I’m not alone

    4. Serena
      5 years ago

      Yep sounds like me im 44 and tests say im not in perimenopause but ive had all the above and just want a diagnosis mine been going on for over year

    5. Randi
      5 years ago

      I’ve been having muscle twitches in the abdomen too! I’m so glad to see that someone else has this symptom. It’s been driving me crazy plus I’ve been worried.

  59. Roxanne
    5 years ago

    Hi has anyone gotten a fast heart rate/pulse rate in Premenapause? My is literally been going on 3 weeks, i cannot sleep! Anything i can take for it? What is causing it? Also since these 3 weeks with the fast pulse rate & period i wake up in the middle of the night with a headache, almost every night. Also this started a few days before my period from ‘ hell’ arrived. I literally had clumps of old blood come out on day it flooded my toilet. I am only haveing periods about every 4-5 months so it all accumilated, i guess. I also out of the blues got dark circles under my eyes & FATIQUE like i never felt before! What can i do for these awful dark circles? The doctor did say im slightly amemic for loseing all that blood & my period still going after 3 weeks! I am takeing iron supplements. Also for rhe first time in my life my thyroid is slightly hypothyroid, is this all due to premenapause? The doctor will wait to treat me for my thyroid since its slightly elevated & my t3&t4 are normal. I also cannot lose weight, its frustrateing. Sometimes i forget names of items or i feel like im in a daze! I feel offbalanced driveing & feel dizzy & like i will lose control. I have 4 fibroids. I am 51 years old. My ob/gyn wants me to start a low dose birth control pill with 20mcg of estrogen. Will this help?

    1. Megan
      5 years ago

      The frustrating thing is that no woman experiences perimenopause the same. I’m reading these comments to find out if anyone else has had migraines and vomiting, which for me, started this year in April. It doesn’t happen every month (my cycle is still regular/normal) but happened this morning and 6 months ago. I reviewed the notes I’ve been keeping and just now discovered these days of migraine and vomiting are happening on the 1st day of ovulation. I’m 51 years old and will be making another appointment with my OB/GYN soon. I highly recommend following whatever yours is recommending, as we really have no other option but to do what they think will help. Good luck!

      1. Shauna
        5 years ago

        Yes! I have had migraines (but not like the migraines I used to get — somehow these are different, more tension related) and nausea/vomiting! It’s horrible! I get super tight muscles, mostly in my neck and shoulders, moving up into my jaw and head, but also all over. I am tight literally everywhere. Anything that helps relieve the tightness is only temporary because I just know it’s somehow due to hormone levels. And then the nausea and vomiting — again, it’s not like a stomach bug or flu. This is just different and awful and I can’t think straight or focus on anything and it takes several days to subside. Sometimes pain meds and a muscle relaxant help, other times nothing. And, while I know in my gut it’s hormonal, there is no regularity or predictability to these “attacks.” I really need to do something!

        1. Mira
          5 years ago

          Megan and Shauna,

          You might want to try making notes and following the Moon cycles to possibly, predict the upcoming ones. I am an astrologer and astrology still being sort of taboo (thankfully much less than before), I am reluctant to praise it directly, but it might help one better understand their body rhythms. Follow if you can, Full Moons, New Moons, and if possible, Mars (ruler of Aries) and its 2-year and retrograde cycles for energy levels and headaches.

          I hope that helps!

          Sorry if I offended anyone here; some traditional religious beliefs reject astrology. In its core, astrology describes the rhythms of nature that we are all a part of.

    2. Marie
      5 years ago

      I would say NO to your Dr regarding poisonous pharmaceuticals. Dark circles sounds like anemia due o blood loss, dizziness is too. I’m a *FIRM BELIEVER* in natural ways vs physicians ways. B 12 would be a MUST. I take 5000 mcg daily which everyone needs.
      You’re also right about skipping periods causing excess flooding. YOUR getting (however many months you skip at once). YOUR progesterone/oestrogen have to be in balance to have monthly periods. If they’re not you’ll skip.
      Hang in their and know this isn’t abnormal but, quite common. Also being a Mother *having had children* DOES cause heavy periods.
      Your diet must be clean and natural too. Believe it or not diet has a lot to do with our health. Soft drinks are a no no, Diet soft drinks are worse a big no, no. Pre packaged foods a huge NO, NO. Canned foods a NO, NO. if you love candy. Once in a while eat dark chocolate over 72% cacoa less sugar than milk chocolate. Vitamins & Minerals are a MUST. The ONLY thing we drink in our home is FILTERED WATER. Organic Fruits and Vegetables. YOUR life/health WILL IMPROVE. Losing hormones is normal. We have no choice but accept it, it’s happening regardless. Exercise daily also is a life style in our home. GOOD LUCK. Keep in mind going to a Dr will lead you to toxins via prescriptions, it’s a business, KEEP that in mind. They’re not here to fix us only prescribe to hide symptoms which sadly only allows symptoms pills hide to last longer. Hormones cause symptoms we must ride it out. Our mothers/grandmother’s made it. So will WE. hugs

    3. Esther Elizabeth Cox
      5 years ago

      Oh my Gosh. Yes. I am 51 having high pulse, and blood pressure especially spikes during hot flashes with no or very little sweating. The Ob I saw says it’s only a hot flash if you sweat… But look how many of these women aren’t sweating! Getting the muscle twitching when I try to lay down a force myself to sleep. I get only about 3 hrs per night now.
      I would give ANYTHING for birth control, or anything to help balance this. Right now I just have cardiology saying it’s not my heart and the Ob I have seen once saying it’s not likely my hormones can cause this. But it ALL started the end of October. My last period for 3 months was the beginning of October.

      1. Angela
        5 years ago

        So many doctors are so incredible stupid these days. “It’s only a hot flash if you sweat”?? Don’t they even understand basic biology, endocrinology, and the nervous system? A whole slew of vaso-motor functions happen before any sweating shows up. The sweat is the symptom of all the other stuff that happens first and it is the body’s way of trying to cool itself back down, as it is doing it’s job in sensing that something is happening in the vaso-motor system, which involves the nervous system, which involves the endocrine system, etc. It’s like so many doctors don’t understand how everything is connected together in the body. It is a system. The ankle bone is connected to the foot bone, and so on.

        Just so you know, palpitations and cardiac symptoms like heart racing is totally normal in peri-menopause, as your hormones fluctuate. When estrogen drops, you can get the cardiac symptoms. I’ve been having those for about a year and they have only recently started to decrease. Now my progesterone is dropping, so I’m bleeding and spotting constantly.

        Just remember that these ugly symptoms are very normal. It is easy to experience anxiety over them during this time in our lives. Try to practice deep breathing and know it will pass. Getting through the attacks is better if we learn how they roll, and figure out how to breathe and get through them. Hang in there!

    4. Sue
      5 years ago

      I had the racing heart, dizziness, and flushing through my legs. The racing heart doesn’t let your body sleep, so my doctor did give me sleep medication. I didn’t take it for very long. One good night sleep got me through a few days of feeling better.

    5. Serena
      5 years ago

      Yes terrible fatigue, muscle twitching and rapid heart rate have seen cardiologist whos ruled out heart issues

    6. Petra
      5 years ago

      My doctor put me on low dose birth control 3 months ago because of heart palpitations. Unfortunately that put my blood pressure through the roof. Be careful with the pill! Side effects could be bad at our age. I’m off it again now. And right now dealing with my hormones going crazy. Headaches, heart palpitations again. My doctor wants me to go see a cardiologist. Which is crazy, because I already know they won’t find anything. I had like 3 EKGs over the past year, all normal. Frustrating. I will try a more natural approach. Will try some D3 and B12 vitamins. And cut dairy out of my diet for a while.

  60. Sad in Sask
    5 years ago

    I have found out what perimenopause is in the last hour… It’s the first time I’ve been able to piece together all that’s been going on for the last few months. In January I moved half way across the country. The previous June I had noticed a lot of periodic heart rate flutters, high BP (I’m usually very low) and difficulty losing weight. I was also dribbling a little every time I used the bathroom and began using panty liners every day – I figured it was due to my job, it was pretty stressful. After moving I noticed my allergies get bad and I kept itching and getting little bumps especially on my legs. Convinced it was polyester I got all new 100% Cotton sheets and started doing the laundry with natural hypoallergenic products but with little reprieve. I ended up chalking it up to the city water and started on oatmeal soap. I also noticed that every month or so I’d get a bad headache on one side of the head and literally max out of doses of advil, Tylenol and aspirin – all that would fix it was waiting 48 hours. Didn’t seem to be related to my periods but how could it, I’ve been on Lo Estrin since May of 2000. I started thinking about taking out shares in deodorant since June of this year and switched to organic to avoid allergies… I wake up in the morning and I can smell my arm pits – I don’t remember ever having this problem at least not so much. The cat started obsessively trying to sniff and lick my arm pit but that’s apparently a weird thing cats do but it never happened till now. Since being layed off from my last job in July I have now missed three periods in a row. I went to the hospital a month ago and got tested negative for pregnancy and positive for Vitamin D deficiency – just turned 38 last week. I’ve eaten a plant based diet since September 1st and that’s helped a little with the bloating, nausea and fatigue. However for the last few days I just feel the most overwhelming sadness considering nothing is all that wrong… Besides the usual crap of people being jerks on Facebook, cyber bullying, being told to leave town, that I’m a worthless person, a failure, etc. (that happens to everyone online in small towns though… I think) Wine doesn’t help… Spirits don’t help… I just feel like I watched a really sad scene in a movie but periodically all evening and keep crying for no reason. Dreams are bad too, always stressful or sad. This seems like it might be what I have… I never thought that all that weird stuff would corolate.

    1. Tonya
      5 years ago

      I can understand you. Back in May, I woke up one morning very sad and thought that my mother was dead. She wasn’t but I started having dreams of her dying and she actually passed away at the end of July ’19. Right after this, I had my last period to this point. I am heading towards November with nothing, but I feel like I am having phantom periods with cramps and head aches, etc. And the past three days have been awful! I can’t seem to get out of a deep depression and I’ve been having a GERD attack from Hades! I know this stuff is hormonal and will either pass or it will kill me. I want to cry but, I can’t and that is frustrating me too. I am having dreams that show me I am losing control and jeesh, I could go on and on. You are not alone and I pray this stuff eases up on everyone that is going through it.

  61. Jen VanBenschoten
    5 years ago

    I’ve been too dizzy to drive for almost a solid month now. The last 2 weeks have been full of emotional breakdowns, sore nipples, difficulty concentrating, and wild swings in mood and sex drive. It feels like I’m going crazy. I’ve taken 2+ boxes of pregnancy tests, but I’m not pregnant. And unfortunately I can’t take HRT because I have a history of migraines and at a high risk of stroke. I can’t get to work without help. I’ve already lost one job, and I’m going to lose my other job if I don’t get some relief soon.

    1. Sask
      5 years ago

      I just went in and they gave me blood work for hyperprolactinemia, thyroid, pregnancy blood test, and I forget the rest… Going for ultrasound this week. The hyperprolactinemia seems to be the second leading cause of these symptoms after pregnancy and before perimenopause.

    2. Thelma
      5 years ago

      I am sorry you feel this way. I myself have been going through all those symptoms for the past four monthsbthe only good thing is I quit my job and have been able to receive unemployment at least for 7 months. So here is hoping I feel better by then. I am thankful tonGod I can be miserable at home. By the way I haven’t driven in 3 months but have goos friends and a hubby that drive me around.

    3. Teresa Coates
      5 years ago

      Omg it so helps knowing I’m not alone!! I haven’t worked for 3 months due to dizziness. Turned 50 in July 2 days later started swaying! Like the ground wasiving! Frontal headaches! 2 ENT consultants neurologust and gynaecologist later! To be told its perimenopause, has caused me depression anxiety like I’m going crazy! The more I walk the fuzzier and duzxier I get! Has taken my life over! Finally started on hrt last Wednesday so fingers crossed light at the end off very dark tunnel! Also developed tinnitus which I’m hopi g is hormal vestibular I balance as well. Anyone else out there can relate to my living hell?? Thanks ladies xx

      1. Mardi Emard Colburn
        5 years ago

        Google and talk to your doctor about “vestibular migraine”. They can last for days, weeks, months…even years. I was dizzy for over two years, almost every day (some days better, some days worse) with vertigo, head pressure, lightheadedness, ground swaying, etc. I also had ear pressure and tinnitus. You don’t have to have the headache pain either, it can just present with dizzyness. I now take a low dose of Norvasc (generic is Amlodipine) every day. It is a calcium channel blocker, and it has really helped to reduce my symptoms. Hope this info helps!!! 🙂

        1. Alison
          5 years ago

          I have been dealing with the vertigo and migraines for 12 years. This has been a particularly bad last 12 months. I have tried lots of migraine meds. Currently on venlafaxine and Emgality injections. The emgality has been wonderful in reducing headache days, but I have yet to find anything that can prevent the vertigo. Sometimes it will last for a couple of days and sometimes for months… I’ve had my head in an MRI more times than I can count, and heave spent thousands medical bills all to be told “it’s migraine.” So I’ve just had to accept that this is my life, and try to do the best I can with God’s help.

  62. Dizzy in Denver
    6 years ago

    I can’t tell you how comforting it is to read all these testimonials and know that others have been through the same or similar to me. The crazy and varied symptoms of what I now know to be peri-menopause. It all began for me with headache and vision disturbances that took me twice to the ER, catscan etc..then extreme dizzyness, low blood pressure issues (fainting if I stood up too fast) blood sugar issues.. tingling in hands and feet, anxiety, mood swings, heart palpitations, extreme fatigue, and night sweats. I’ve had an mri, days of bloodwork at the endocrinologist and no answers from any doctor about what the hell was wrong with me. Only relief I’ve had has been seeing a TCM doctor who says that although my hormone levels look ‘normal’ in bloodwork, the system is no delicate that a tiny shift in levels can really throw you out of balance. I’m currently taking a chinese herbal remedy (geng nian an wan- if anyone is interested) and symptoms have all resided and are at a bearable level. Recently my insomnia and irritability has started to come back a little so I am thinking to try a progesterone cream as well.. I’m a little confused though about the protocol. Can I just do progesterone, or should I be using estrogen cream as well? Advice welcomed.

    1. Thelma
      6 years ago

      The only thing I can comment on is that I am with you on all the symptoms of low blood pressure low sugars fatigue anxiety sky high and trying to tough it out since I have had exams done and all looks normal. What a crazy finale to the monthly routine but hopefully it gets better soon.

  63. Mandy
    6 years ago

    I had my daughter at 40, a surprise after 10 infertile years. I’ve probably been in peri for a while, if that’s possible during years of breastfeeding. NP’s thought a progesterone cream would help the heavy periods. Nope. Doc thought supplements would help the weight gain and foggy brain. Nope there too. But now that I’m pretty consistently having night sweats whether I’m sleeping on the main level or in the basement, and my daughter quit nursing a couple of months ago after 3 years loving it, and periods are not so heavy anymore but still as regular as ever, I’m nearly certain I’m in the middle of peri. Outside of waking upon discovering I’m so sweaty, I’m finally not experiencing insomnia if I’m sleeping alone, it’s very dark, and the house keeps quiet.

  64. Maura
    6 years ago

    Hi. I’m 47 and I don’t know if I’m going through perimenopause or there’s something more serious going on. Last fall, I started getting weird pain everywhere. In particular, I had pain in the side of my breast on one side. It was awful. And then one day it was right behind my nipple on one side. I was completely freaked out. It took me 4 visits with my dr to convince him it was something other than anxiety or a pulled muscle. Turns out a lot of the pain was gallbladder related and once I had it removed most of it went away. Except the nipple pain. It was less than before but it always reappeared in the middle of my cycle. I told my gyno and was reassured that it was normal with aging and getting closer to menopause. It still freaks me out though. Especially when it happens and my period just ended! But I have terrible anxiety all the time and any little thing sets it off. I don’t sleep as well as I used to, my hands fall asleep at night, my second toe on each foot goes numb a lot, I’m anxious more than I’m not, I’m definitely not interested in sex anymore, and my periods have gotten worse. I have PCOS and didn’t have regular periods until I had kids. But they were never like this before. They’re intense for 3 days and then done. Cramps used to be on the second day but now they’re on the first and are worse than they were before. I have to take alternate between aleve and tylenol before they ease. And to top it all off, this week I’ve started having periods of fuzzy head. I feel spacey and lightheaded every once in a while and that is freaking me out. I feel like I’m going crazy with worry over every little symptom! I read through these comments and have hope that it’s all related to perimenopause.

    1. Thelma
      6 years ago

      Maura, I am 52 and have been going through your description for the last 3-4 years. There are days I do not dare to drive due to the foggy mind and the anxiety. I quit my job 5 weeks ago so I could eliminate some stressors and it has helped. I have read Dr Northrup’s books and that always gives me comfort. Prayer is an important part of my life now and I hope you can find some kind of resignation that this is part of a change all women go through except some of us get all the symptoms while others don’t.

  65. Debbie
    6 years ago

    I started 3 + years ago with quick on set of severe nausea followed by what felt like I was going to pass out. Then I would be foggy for a good 20 minutes depending on how severe the episode was. After I would be like nothing ever happened. I have kept a typed document of every situation and symptom since the beginning. Some days just a little dizzy and other days nothing. I had a menopause specialist and saw my Internist who did blood work and sent me to a Neurologist and Cardiologist who did every test possible including vertigo testing. The situations continued to happen until August 2018 when the episodes turned into Amnesia. Same feeling on set of Extreme fast Nausea and then 20-30 minutes later I would be extremely foggy and then perfectly fine. Saw another Neurologist who had MRI MRA EEG, EKG, Carotid, Echo cardiogram, 15 vials of blood etc. Everything is perfect. That Neurologist said based on my documentation and all tests he believes it is caused by lack of estrogen and has heard of this in extremely rare cases. He was in contact with my Menopause Specialist. However, the Menopause Specialist has not heard of this reaching out to other Physicians across the US. She was hesitant because I am not a year without a period. But did prescribe Estrogel .06% every other day and it did help for 30-40 days. Then as I stopped having my period and the hot flashes and night sweats have returned and gotten worse the Amnesia episodes have returned. They tend to be cyclical, but lately I have been way may nauseated a dizzy almost daily. My menopause specialist has be seeing another Neurologist in a month to try to a definite diagnosis before giving additional estrogen. I am trying to find anyone who has had or is experiencing Amnesia related to Perimenopause.

    1. Edith
      6 years ago

      Thank you for sharing this. I have begun to experience dizziness and am having perimenopause symptoms. I have never had BP issues or any other dizziness inducing problems. I think it might be perimenopause connected — but try to explain that to the doctors… Now I have to try to see my regular doctor first, and my OB Gyn quickly said that dizziness is not a perimenopause symptoms (eh, what?). I will continue to investigate since this is fairly new to me. Oh the joys of menopause.
      I hope you get relief! I cannot imagine what you are going through.

      1. Marina
        6 years ago

        I have recently been experiencing on and off dizziness too. I had my blood work checked, EKG and CT scan and nothing. This dizziness comes and goes with pressure around my head (similar to a tension headache). I am 43 years old and have not missed a period. I have had shorter cycles by a few days but that is it. Also, my anxiety is higher than normal. Any help???

        1. Kel
          4 years ago

          This sensation you mention is wgat I’m experiencing, comes on like a wave, is frightening then passes. But today abd tonight it’s happening a lot. Did you resolve this issue?

  66. Melody
    6 years ago

    I’m 48 and saliva testing over the past 3 years has shown a rapid and steady decline in both estrogen and testosterone, with testosterone being radically low. My question is this: While I can find a wealth of information on raising estrogen/supporting low estrogen symptoms naturally, I’m finding almost nothing on how to raise testosterone/support low testosterone symptoms. Any advice or references to sources greatly appreciated! Thank you so much!

    1. Rose
      6 years ago

      If you watch Menopause Barbie on YouTube she tells you the natural way to get testosterone. I think she list 4 items and tells you how strong the are. Capsaicin-Donmoma-some kind of pepper and paprika. But you should watch her-she is the most informative on all of this and I know I have misspelled a couple of the items.

  67. Carlota
    6 years ago

    what about nausea as a symptom? I have been feeling nauseated most of the time, and with headaches.

    1. Christiane
      6 years ago

      Just about anything can be a symptom, including nausea. Nausea can be a signal that you can no longer “stomach” certain conditions or people in your life. And that change needs to happen!!

  68. Kristin
    6 years ago

    Yes. Reading all of this helps ease my mind. I don’t know what I would have don’t without reading what other women are going through. Late 30s started feeling strange right before my period.
    Insomnia bouts started then too. Around 40, more feeling very odd and ill during ovulation and still do to this day
    at 47. Ovulation occurs approx. 2 weeks after the start of your last flow. Back to early forties, I started feeling intense burning in breasts during ovulation. Early forties till now, I feeling weird sensations like needles and pins in my arms and legs..or sometimes just burning. OH, did I mention the dizziness and vertigo for the last couple of years? Once I realized that was part and parcel, I quit caffeine and do hardly any alcohol. Any kind of stimulants make all of your symptoms worse. Now for the last 6 months, I get this odd nausea. BUT, my period is still on time. Will it ever end?

    1. Christiane
      6 years ago

      All of this can be part of the change. I believe you could use a little hormonal support. So– I would recommend either progesterone cream ( Emerita is a good brand) or Pueraria mirifica– first day of period– take daily for 3 weeks– then stop of a week. ( All this could really really help. I can feel your transformation from here. Have heart.

      1. Joy
        6 years ago

        I am 44 years old and having done unexplained heart palpitation since 1.5 years ago. In the beginning it was few seconds and couple times a day and I had heart ultrasound, stress test and another test that reads my heart and everything came back normal. And suddenly few days ago I started to gave very fast heart rate and also seems getting low heart rate as well is this a symptom of premenopausal or it is something else?
        I forgot to mention that I went to emergency room and had complete blood work, chest X-ray and the electro heart reading done two days ago and d try thing is normal. I have thyroid problem and get tested for it yesterday and my doctor is going to test my adrenal gland (urine test) by me collecting my urine for 24 hours.
        Please help me to figure out if it is something connected to menapouse.
        Thank you,

      2. Erica
        5 years ago

        Can I also take the progesteron creame if I want to have a baby?

      3. Erica
        5 years ago

        Can I take the progesteron cream if i think I have estrogen dominance OR is it best to have it medicatie confirmed by bloos test, what is the right way to really know if you have estrogen dominance d’r?

    2. Marie
      5 years ago

      Kristin when you have dizziness/lightheaded does your last 3-4 hours? Mine does but it’s about a few times a year. Makes me so mad. Heart races, I get out of bed, it slows down, then I “stupidly” google my racing heart then it starts up again then I become lightheaded. Maybe anxiety kicks in causing it to last…

      1. Kristin L Wilkens
        5 years ago

        Sure! Comes and goes…for days…then it disappears for weeks. It is definitely cyclical and I really believe that the symptoms you feel depend on how well you take care of yourself.

  69. Tara Coulbourne
    6 years ago

    I am 46 in perimenopause. For 5 years, I was on Mirena which finally I got taken out on 3/29. During the time I was on it, I suffered burning at the opening of my urethra, lower back pain, insomnia, pelvic floor muscle spasms, sciatica and weight gain. The only positive was no more periods.

    The day it was removed. All the negatives went away. The Ob-Gyn placed me on the mini pill, which I started the following Sunday. By that Saturday, the burning came back worse than ever which made me want to live in my bathtub and cry. The pelvic floor spasms, lower back pain, insomnia and some new ones popped up, dizziness and anxiety attacks.

    The doctor doesn’t think it’s my hormones, but my uterus. I stopped taking the pill. Since then the burning is not as intense, but it’s still making my life difficult.

    I’m at a loss of what to do. Help!

    1. Christiane
      6 years ago

      Well I can tell that you don’t react well to synthetic progestin– THAT is what is in the Mirena IUD and also almost all birth control pills. Might I suggest you try my perimenopause supplement made from Pueraria mirifica. It is really worth a try. ( Also– try some kind of dietary cleanse. Some choices include The Colorado Cleanse by Jon Doulliard, The Bulletproof Diet, Always Hungry by David Ludwig, or the Whole 30, or The Vital Mind Reset in the book A Mind of Your Own by Dr. Kelly Brogan. There is no one right diet for everyone. But take a moment and tune in to FEEL which one of these choices are right. Your body needs a reset button. And one of these will do it!

    2. SUE
      6 years ago

      2 years ago I started to suffer from anxiety, panic attacks, nausea, vertico and sudden extreme tiredness.
      I visited the doctors and insisted on a brain scan, chest xray and various blood tests. Of course everything came
      back fine except for my Thyroid antibodies where raised but my T3 / T4 / TSH were all normal.
      Anyway the outcome is that my symptons are of Peri-menopause. I still have periods and do not want to use an
      estrogen gel. Any ideas??

      1. Dana
        6 years ago

        Sue, you just described me. Have you found anything that helps with your symptoms yet? I just started maca and am hoping it’ll balance out my hormones, the doctor wanted me on estrogen patches but I’m trying to go the natural route. I’d love to know if you found anything to help with your fatigue, it is driving me crazy!

    3. Andrea
      6 years ago

      Just read this, have you ever had a doctor – specifically a urologist – talk to you about pelvic floor disorder? Google it. Your pelvic floor muscles are unable to relax, basically, and you can feel like you are in a constant state of UTI. MANY women are just told “you have overactive bladder” when in fact they have pelvic floor disorder.

      I went to my OBGYN for urinalysis a couple of times, convinced I had a UTI and they were always negative. First urologist I saw did not even examine me, test, nothing – just said at my age it was overactive bladder and prescribed meds that I would have to take “for the rest of your life.” Second opinion. Physical exam. Bladder scope. Removed meds from first doctor and told me about physical therapy.

      I went to a physical therapist for this in 2017, for six weeks. I now do exercises every single day to try to keep this in balance. It is a miserable feeling!

      When initially diagnosed and told about physical therapy I was very unconvinced. But I had been suffering for 6 weeks, thinking I had a UTI the entire time, and unable to physically function. I was willing to try just about anything.

      If this helps anyone who reads it, I feel like I have done something huge for humanity!

    4. Becca
      6 years ago

      I tried depo provera and Mirena. Both are progestin-only contraceptives. When I was on them, I was severely depressed, brain foggy, and anxious. When I stopped, the symptoms cleared completely within a few days. Some people can’t handle progestin-only contraception. The mini pill is progestin-only. Maybe you are one of those people like me.

  70. Joanne
    6 years ago

    Dear all,

    Does any of you suffer with burning mouth, numbness and pins and needles in different areas, face and scalp tics and twitches.? I am so bothered with all these symptoms and it worries me so much day and night.

    Any reassurence would be highly appreciated.

    Thank you ladies.

    1. Dee
      6 years ago

      I have suffered from burning mouth syndrome for about four years. I have several chronic health issues (including very painful interstitial cystitis/migraines/scalp pain/hypertrophic pelvic floor —-muscles are too tight and very painful). Burning mouth syndrome is harder to deal with than any of the above listed issues – or several additional ones. I have to use a mouth wash for dry mouth several times/day every day. When I’m having a flare of burning mouth syndrome, I have to use a mouthwash with lidocaine in it to numb my tongue. Stress is a huge aggravating factor. Mast cell disease appears to be underlying cause of many of my issues. You should research it.

    2. Shirley
      6 years ago

      Hi Joanne, yes I get numbness and pins and needles. Its mainly during the night for me, I wake up with ‘dead’ arms or legs and then get the pins and needles when I move. I’m very anxious about it but I really think it’s just another weird perimenopause symptom. I’ve had it for a few months now, hoping it’s just another phase and will get through it.

    3. Patti
      6 years ago

      Hi Joanne,
      I have pins and needles and twitches all over. It bothers me as well. I try to forget about it but it keeps happening. I just started a low dose of bio identical hormone cream and I also take calcium magnesium zinc supplements. Hopefully my body will relax soon! Good luck to you.

      1. Lori
        6 years ago

        Hi Patti,
        Did this work? What bio identical hormone did you start taking? My body has been twitching for 3 months now. Definitely exacerbated by my period. Then it goes to pins/needles/burning/itching then this vibrating. It’s happening in my face too! UGH! I had about 3 weeks where it died down and then at the start of my period it flared again…..didn’t stop until I got my period AGAIN a week AFTER my last perioed stopped. Hoping you had some success.

      2. Lolena
        5 years ago

        Hi Patti, did the low dose od bio identical hormone work to calm the twitching?

    4. Tonya Brooks
      6 years ago

      Hi Joanne,

      Yes, I get the burning mouth thing as well and the numbness with pins and needle feelings. Here is a tip for anyone who has a limb that is asleep or numb. Shake your head side to side and it wakes the limb up quicker.

      You are not alone.

    5. Tracey
      5 years ago

      I currently am in the perimenopause stage (I think). I am 51 . The most worrying symptom is involuntary leg and arm movements and muscle twitching and that can be in the arms, legs, stomach and shoulders. I did have a break in periods for 52 days, but these have returned and are severely heavy with clots which have caused iron deficiency. I also get the hot flash. I also get 3 day migraines (something I have never had before) either followed by an aura (which is scary). I can be nauseas for a couple of days and have dizziness and disequilibrium! Awful symptoms and no sex drive whatsoever. Life feels quite miserable.

      1. Reen
        5 years ago

        This sounds a lot like me. Nausea and dizziness/ear fullness upon awakening. Periods heavier than when I was in HS. Increasing headaches. Also 51 y.o. Blech.

      2. Laurie
        5 years ago

        This helps so much to know I’m not alone. Life has been feeling miserable here, too. Here’s to getting balanced and feeling better soon.

      3. Lolena
        5 years ago

        Hi Tracey,

        Hope you are doing better. I have had the muscle twitching for over 8 months now in legs, arms, shoulders and buttocks! I feel inner shaking dizziness and nausea. I’m 48 and I believe toward the end of perimenopause. Brain MRI indicates that all is normal. No No doctors attribute it to hormonal changes which is quite frustrating!

  71. Anna
    6 years ago

    Thank you. Now im beginning to understandwhat im going through. More learnings for the coming days. Hope i could share my symptoms to your group. God bless!

  72. Tammy
    6 years ago

    I’ll be 50 May 2019. I have a 24 year old, a sixteen year old, a 7 year old and one who will be 5 this month, all healthy and normal pregnancies. I’ve had regular periods (no change in flow, or days) through January. My husband and I had an accident the first week in February. I had no period in February, and still haven’t had one this month. I took pregnancy tests, but they turned out negative. I felt something different about a week after our “accident”, and I feel all of the pregnancy symptoms that I never felt during periods (many articles I’ve seen say they’re PMS symptoms, but my periods were always easy). Maybe the accident was just a coincidence. If I go to a doctor they’ll automatically say it’s menopause if they do the urine test (which it might be), but why are women always automatically judged on their age, instead of looking at ALL of the possibilities. I was treated so badly with my two youngest children, and it made to feel worthless. All of my children came naturally, and are are equally healthy. I’m having an HCG quantitative blood test done next week to make sure. At least I’ll be armed with information before I have to see another judgmental doctors office staff…

  73. Lynette
    6 years ago

    How do you move into the creative, etc. phase when the anxiety, depression, hopeless feeling along with the physical periods, palpitations, leg tingling, etc. makes it difficult for me to function day to day?

    1. Thelma
      6 years ago

      Thank you for asking the question I am in the same boat I am 52 years old and going through the same c…p so reading all the comments make me feel better and hoping for that transition soon. I don’t know I imagine myself as Betty White no cares in the world once we get past this.

      1. Louise
        5 years ago

        AMEN to that Thelma! Bring it on because these symptoms really suck!!! 🙁
        Strength to all! x

  74. Nina
    6 years ago

    Hi everyone.
    In the same boat but has anyone suffered from severe nausea and vomiting which is exactly like morning sickness but mine lasts all day ?

    1. Erica E.
      6 years ago

      YES. Dealing with it right this minute at work…it’s been the worst symptom for me. And if I hear “Are you sure you’re not pregnant???” one more time, I’ll scream! Hopefully it gets better for us 🙁

      1. Ginger Ceuise
        5 years ago

        Same here shortness of breathing..anxiety..clogged nose..burping..what to do???

        1. Sara
          5 years ago

          Exactly the same, shortness of breath,anxiety, clogged nose, sweating, bowel issues, burning skin on foot…going for a job interview tomorrow, only God knows how I’ll manage

    2. Vivian Castro
      6 years ago

      I’m going through that now I’m 54yrs old

    3. Katerina
      5 years ago

      Hi, yes!!! I’m 50, my cycles just started getting irregular and i have the worst morning sickness that lasts all day. Have had a battery of upper GI tests done, blood work, everything is normal. Feel so relieved there are others out there going through the same thing. I’ve googled myself 5 kinds of cancer, had to get back on Zoloft for the first time since my post partum depression 9 years ago, and just can’t wait for this crap to get better. The only silver lining is the weight loss because I, normally a huge food lover, can barely make myself nibble on dry toast… fingers crossed we all get through it soon!! xo

    4. Megan
      5 years ago

      Yes, which is why I started scrolling through all of these comments yesterday. I’m 51 with regular cycles and very few perimenopause symptoms. But yesterday, for the 2nd time this year, I spent hours vomiting and the rest of a 36-hour cycle suffering a horrible migraine-like headache. The nausea lasted all day despite having thrown up everything in my stomach. I started tracking my period on the “Life” app and discovered that these 2 experiences of nausea and vomiting happened on day 1 of my ovulation cycle….so at least now I have a little something to work with. After reading what so many other women are going through, I feel a bit blessed that I’m currently only dealing with this. But it still sucks!

      1. Tracy Hoot
        5 years ago

        I have been lying in bed all day extremely nauseated with vertigo. Reading these posts has given me some comfort. I am 56-years-old and believe I am perimenopausal. About a year ago I missed three periods in a row and experienced hot flashes at night. Those symptoms went away until now. I missed one period and again experienced night time hot flashes. The flashes went away after two weeks and now I am experiencing debilitating nausea and I have sore nipples. Has anyone found anything that works for the nausea and vertigo?

        1. Mindy
          4 years ago

          I take a non drowsy Dramamine and my vertigo dizziness usually gets better in about 30-60min. This was prescribed from a doc I saw in the hospital after an ER visit for vertigo so bad I couldn’t stand up. She gave me Meclizine, which is the active ingredient in non drowsy Dramamine. It has saved me.

    5. Lolena
      5 years ago

      Yes, I have had those. And they last from 24 to 48 hours.

  75. Maureen
    6 years ago

    Sorry but I forgot to mention the terrible irregular heart beats with Estriol!!

  76. Maureen
    6 years ago

    I am 53, 5’8 and 115#. had a partial hysterectomy in my 40’s and before the hysterectomy I was Estrogen Dominate per my NP. I actually do not suffer from the “typical” menopausal symptoms but I do have anxiety at times and sleep problems. It’s a bizarre anxiety and I experience it upon waking, as soon as my eyes open and I actually think it wakes me. Its the same feeling as one might feel when they miss a step going down the stairs. But as soon as I get up it goes away(cortisol?) I workout, eat well and take my supplements.
    I also have noticed in the past year skin changes…creepy skin on my biceps and my upper thighs. If I ever try BHRT Progesterone I get the worst Whoosing sound in my head and I feel physically horrible!! Estrogen in the form of Estriol causes me severe headaches/Migraines with ocular aura’s and I’m like PMS on steroids!!
    Guess its time again to make a appt with my NP. Hope she takes my health insurance!!

  77. Jennifer
    6 years ago

    Ok… I had all the symptoms that everyone’s talking about. I’ve read thru majority of responses and hardly any of them speak to the use of progesterone cream.

    Progesterone cream has been a life changer!

    The backstory: 4 years ago I got involved with an emotionally unavailable man. I was 42 years old. We did break up/make up relationship for 3 years. During this relationship I started to get migraines and started seeing neurologist. I kept a log and saw a pattern that it would only happen 3 to 5 days prior to my menstrual cycle. The neurologist told me that they were not menstrual migraines… they were!

    When relationship finally ended for real I could not seem to process it. I was sad, depressed, would wake up in the middle of the night, couldn’t sleep, full of anxiety, cry all the time (often for what seemed to be no reason at all so I attributed it to the breakup. In truth, he wasn’t all that so I really just couldn’t make sense of what was going on). Not to mention the night sweats, brain fog and not being motivated. The breakup and was The Perfect Storm to cover up my periomenopause.

    I had some stomach cramps and went to an OBGYN to find out I had ovarian cysts. They suggested I try a Skyla IUD. It made me more depressed and crazier than I’ve been in my entire life (because of the hormones) so I had it removed after 3 months. I felt better within 24 hours of removal. Of course the OBGYN told me that not being able to cope, not knowing who I was and depression were not from the IUD. Amazingly once it was removed I was back to normal. It was the IUD.

    I started researching online and stumbled across a website about pmdd. It’s PMS on steroids and crack. The hormones make us all crazier than we already are. Lol! I had been seeing a therapist for quite some time and didn’t feel like I was getting better and she had suggested antidepressants. They made things worse as well so I stopped. I kept up with my ‘Feeling Journal’

    Long story short about a week before my menstrual cycle I would get so sad, cry, depressed, lethargic, unmotivated, hopeless, night sweats, headache, anxiety oh, forgot to mention the cystic acne… I went to see the OBGYN and asked if maybe I had pmdd. She recommended a blood test and sure enough, I had been in perimenopause for the last 2 years. She prescribed progesterone cream. I thought, ‘Yeah right, a cream I rub on my skin is going to help with all this.’

    It has, it does. I swear by it!! The first two months were tricky because my periods have gotten irregular. Note that you could set your clock by my regular periods up until about three or four years ago.

    The way I’ve been instructed to take it is a week after my period I apply the cream on my inner arms, inner legs or chest every day until period starts. When period starts I stop using it and then wait a week after it stops and start applying 30ml again.

    I got an Rx and get it filled at Prescription Alternatives. It’s progesterone 100mg per milliliter cream and I apply 1 ml to the skin daily for the two weeks each month starting 1 week after my period begins.

    I would have never believed applying a cream would have relieved so many symptoms that I thought I could no longer live on this planet with. It has seriously changed my life. I hope this helps some of you beautiful women searching for hope!!

    1. Heroneya
      6 years ago

      This sounds so much like me! Everything from your age, your relationship story, your state of mind/emotions, your symptoms. Looking back at my blood work throughout the last 4-5 years, I can see that my hormones started changing right about when that relationship began causing me a lot of emotional stress. Thank you for the progesterone tip.

    2. Christiane
      6 years ago

      Dear Tammy, I sure wish that your experience– of being judged by doctors– were not so common. Unfortunately, that is where we are in the medical system these days. I love that you are taking your own health into your own hands. An accident shakes up the energy field of the body. And can make your period go away for a while. Certain types of trauma also can put a woman into premature menopause. How about trying the Emotional Freedom Technique. EFT. Go to . You’ll find the information and instructions you need there.

      1. Joy
        5 years ago

        Hi I’m 42 turning 43 this yr and for a few months now I’ve been having like “sea sick feeling” of my head and worse when driving. I went to optometrist and ear doctor and to my primary doctor and evrything is normal. Then lately I’ve been putting eye lubricant drops and it helped me a little esp I get off balance too. Just went to my doctor recently and had myself checked coz I feel off and blood works came back all normal. But I’m worried that I’m losing weight coz I don’t feel like eating which I love doing before. I also gets vaginal dryness and reduced urge for sex. My anxiety level is high and sometimes I feel like crying. Am I going to perimenapause?

        1. Joy
          5 years ago

          I also having night sweats since last yr but recently getting 2 episodes in one night. I can’t help but worry about my health. And I’ve been taking primrose evening and it seems helping me with my symptoms gradually. I’m expecting for my period to come next wk and I get mild abdominal cramps and pain. I still get my periods evry month but I get after 23-24 days and last month only lasted two days.

    3. Christiane
      6 years ago

      What you are describing is also a kind of PTSD related to being in relationship with someone who is unavailable– and may also have been what I call an energy vampire– and you– an old soul empath. Please check out my blog on the energy vampire situation– or my book Dodging Energy Vampires– so very many women suffer physical symptoms when in relationships that are not healthy for them. But they don’t know it. And most of the medical profession doesn’t know it either!! I’m so sorry this happened to you and is so common!!

    4. Ali
      5 years ago

      I have started having debilitating nausea, to the point I cannot stand up or function.
      I have had many many other symptoms and I was just talking with a friend about using progesterone cream , yet as I researched the creams the different companies have different directions so I’m super confused as to which cream to try.. any advice?

    5. Tracey
      5 years ago

      I currently am in the perimenopause stage (I think). I am 51 . The most worrying symptom is involuntary leg and arm movements and muscle twitching and that can be in the arms, legs, stomach and shoulders. I did have a break in periods for 52 days, but these have returned and are severely heavy with clots which have caused iron deficiency. I also get the hot flash. I also get 3 day migraines (something I have never had before) either followed by an aura (which is scary). I can be nauseas for a couple of days and have dizziness and disequilibrium! Awful symptoms and no sex drive whatsoever. Life feels quite miserable.

    6. Louise
      5 years ago

      Thank you Jennifer! ❤

      Is the progesterone cream still working for you to relieve most of your symptoms? Did you have dizzy spells/lightheadness/vibrations/tremors? (previously or still currently?).

      Louise x

  78. Melissa
    6 years ago

    I came here feeling so depressed and at my wits end, but that quickly changed once I began to read all your comments. I can’t truly express how wonderful you all are. Men have gotten it wrong(of course) for millennia….women are absolutely brilliant, fabulous and awesome human beings. They are truly the best. No one loves you like your mother holds very true and no one can make me feel as good as a bunch of strong, crazy, loving and beautiful women! I’m 46 and have been dealing with perimenopause for two years and it’s driving me crazy. I come here from time to time to regain my sanity and focus. Between the hot flashes, itchy skin, heart palpitations, bloating, water retention, weight gain, anxiety, dizziness and oh so much more, I needed a sanity check today.
    Thank you all for bringing a huge smile to my face, and in some comments, causing me to belt out laughing at my desk. I simply don’t care what my co-workers think, I needed those laughs like coffee needs a cup. Have a great day everyone!

    1. Tonya
      6 years ago

      Hi Melissa,

      For some reason it seems to help when you come to places like this and read about other ladies going through the same thing you are going through. Here is a tip for the heart palpatations: Cough and it helps stop them. I’m just past 48 and have been going through these crazy symptoms since my 30s. I hope you start feeling better. 🙂

    2. Christiane
      6 years ago

      Natural progesterone very often relieves the heart palpitations. Check out Emerita which is available on Amazon. Of course they are also a signal from your heart– about loving yourself MORE. And also staying away from too many stressors ( easier said than done). My own supplement PM Plus can also be a game changer. ( Thanks for weighing in here!!

      1. Louise
        5 years ago

        I wish we could like on comments! ❤

    3. Anna Pickess
      5 years ago

      Hi Melissa I’m also having itchy skin do you mind me asking do you take anything for it or apply any creams I’m sick of taking antihistamines was wondering was there anything out there I could use

    4. Louise
      5 years ago

      What an awesome woman you are for such gorgeous observations! I hope YOU’RE having a great day Melissa! ❤❤

  79. Anne
    6 years ago

    I am 44. Since the birth of my son 5 years ago I have had some burning sensation in my skin on and off for longer periods. I an quite sure it is hormone related as I had it first time in my late 30’s just after a early abortion (burning skin and tingling). Now I have started to have a awfull burning and itching in my scalp and forehead. I also have Night sweatshirt but they might be anxiety related. I am quite anxious about this. Could it “just” be the hormones playing a trick on me again? Not dry scalp and no rash. Can any of you Ladies relate?

    1. Tara
      6 years ago

      Hi Anne,

      If you want my humble opinion, the symptoms you mentioned are almost definitely hormone related. I am 42, started going into perimenopause about 4 yrs ago. The very first symptoms I noticed were INTENSE itching/burning on my scalp…like seriously, I’m talking, not even being able to focus at work, or watch an enjoyable night of television, because I’m sitting there scratching my head and body like a crazy person, lol 🙂 Mind you, I’ve never had issues w/ dandruff or dry scalp in the past, so I found it very weird that suddenly out of nowhere I began having these problems. I also broke out in weird rashes/eczema on my ankles, and later on my breasts and rib cage. Around that same time my period came and never left..basically it hung around for a good 6 weeks! I knew then that it had to be hormone related, because I also had a bunch of skin issues/rashes during my pregnancy 20 yrs ago. I bought some OTC Progesterone cream on Amazon, brand name of Source Naturals, and it pretty much saved my sanity. Literally within 24 hrs of putting this cream on, the rashes on my ankles went away!! I can’t tell you how overjoyed I was, because they’d been itching 24/7 soooo bad!!! Within a couple of weeks, my scalp started going back to normal too! In combo w/ the Progesterone cream, I also ditched all of my shampoos w/ Sodium Laurel Sulphate (SLS) in them, because I’ve read that ingredient can be very harsh on the scalp. I started buying shampoo without SLS and parabens, and also started using much thicker conditioners. On top of that, I started doing a baking soda treatment on my scalp about once a week. I bought one of those squeeze plastic bottles for dying your hair at my local Sally’s Beauty Supply (You can also buy them on Amazon for less than $2), filled it about a quarter of the way w/ baking soda, the rest of the way w/ lukewarm water. When I showered, I would get my hair nice and wet, use that bottle to squeeze the baking soda/water directly onto my scalp. I would then wait a couple of minutes, rinse it out and use a ton of conditioner (the baking soda can be a bit drying w/out conditioner) and let me tell you not only does that work wonders, but it leaves your hair super soft!! You can do the same thing w/ half apple cider vinegar and half water in a squeeze bottle. I use both actually. The apple cider vinegar rinse I use after shampoo, before conditioner, about 2-3 times per week. When we get older our bodies start producing much less Progesterone…the Estrogen declines too, but usually the Progesterone declines faster, leaving us w/ “estrogen dominance”….I suffered all the symptoms of estrogen dominance back then and I’ve been using Progesterone cream for about 3 yrs now. I am not nearly as moody before my period (I had serious mood swings before), barely any cramps, no more itchy skin/scalp, much less bloating before period, and a lot less hot flashes. You can purchase a bottle for anywhere between $13-$20 on amazon, and it usually will last anywhere from 2-3 months. I highly recommend it! I hope this helps!!

      1. Christiane
        6 years ago

        Great comment! Thank you!

      2. Inma
        5 years ago

        Dry syndrome?
        I am 46 and for more than a year I have been experiencing all the symptoms you have described above, but the main one has been dry throat, eye and lately my nose. My eyes feel so dry that I can’t be without my eye drops constantly, my voice was hoarse and throat itchy, my nose gets so dry that it sometimes bleeds. I have lived a hell of a year going from one doctor to another, with tests, etc… Some mentioned Sjogren Syndrom, others it could just be a dry Syndrom because of menopause. I am terrified thinking I may have Sjogren since it is an autoimmune disease that can be very dangerous. I only pray for this to be a symptom of menopause and perimenopause which has been confirmed by my gynecologist. Antibodies were negative twice and once positive but at the very limit and according to doctors they were not enough to confirm autoimmunity. Has anyone had a similar situation or symptoms? Please help me!

        1. Eva
          5 years ago

          Im 49 about a year ago I started getting all these weird feelings,dry eyes ringing and itchy ears teeth pain tingling tongue and so much more I honestly was about to check myself into the hospital thinking I was seriously ill thank you Everyone on this forum for sharing these symptoms.

  80. Everything started to change at age 40. Anxiety crept in and all of a sudden I started getting cystic acne on my jawline…and I hadn’t experienced acne as a teen so it was extremely self-esteem crushing! The night sweats then followed and I assumed it was something I was eating. I had jumped on the ‘fermented food’ craze, eating sourkraut and kimchi as well as juicing kale, spinach, and beets everyday and eating kale salads with vinegar with a lovely glass of red wine. I assumed the acne and night sweats were my body’s way of ‘detoxifying’. This went on for a year with my face turning increasingly red and the cystic acne now taking over my temples and cheeks. Not one to wear a lot of makeup because I like to be natural, I was caking it on just to pick up my kids from school. I cried everyday over the loss of my face and became very anti-social (I work from home). When your close friends start saying your face ‘actually looks a little better today’, you know everyone has noticed the changes you’re experiencing.
    I went to my doctor, a naturopath, and a private ‘female’ issues doctor and was given creams and salves to cover it, but still no answers to the cause. I had blood tests and saliva tests and three different allergy tests. The last allergy test revealed an overload of histamine, but no other allergies. I was then referred to a dermatologist and was told I have Rosacea and that it is common in middle-aged women who have hormone imbalances. At least I had an answer! I started researching Rosacea and Histamine overload and realized it was what I was eating that was causing everything! I had assumed it was all perimenopause related. So, I threw away the medicated creams and bit the bullet…I cut out all high histamine foods (alcohol, chocolate, fermented foods, vinegar, spinach, tomatoes, spicy foods, dairy, and nightshades) and within two weeks my face was back to normal. My anxiety lessened too. I still have insomnia and the odd night sweat (I’m now 45). My point is, you may think you are being healthy when what you are eating is actually increasing/adding to the symptoms of perimenopause. Changing your diet will at least eliminate some of the symptoms. I wish I knew why women don’t talk about these kinds of issues more openly. I’m grateful to have found this blog.

    1. Christiane
      6 years ago

      Thank you so much for this post. I know it will help many people!

    2. Dee
      6 years ago

      You need to do some research on mast cell activation syndrome. Mast cells are what release histamine into your body (along with many other mediators in addition to histamine). There are many health issues which are related to mast cells. Your body may produce too much histamine (or other mediators) or your body may not be able to clear them out of your system correctly. My face and chest would randomly become flushed and I had MANY other conditions related to it (i even had some bad irritation on my chin area which turned out not to be cystic acne). I had horrible endometriosis because of it and also very painful Interstitial cystitis (studies have shown more mast cells related to both). Burning mouth syndrome and itching skin/scalp issues, along with random trips to ER for allergic reactions (and Dr not knowing cause). Severe allergic reactions to insect venom also. Many autoimmune issues have been linked to mast cells like fibromyalgia, lupus, rheumatoid arthritis and chronic fatigue. Terrible night sweats and migraines. Dr. Lawrence Afrin is an expert about it and has written articles and books about it. I can’t tell you how many doctors had never heard of it. Luckily, there was one Dr in a five state region who had experience with it. He was close by my home which was amazingly lucky. He is a oncologist/hematologist. The foods you listed would help with mast cell disease because of the histamine. I found a 100 page article written by Dr Afrin one night at 3 a.m. (miserable so not sleeping again) and it helped me finally have an underlying cause for all of these idiopathic chronic health conditions that I’d been dealing with for decades.

  81. Maggie May
    6 years ago

    It’s remarkable how little information is available w/r/t perimenopause. Doctors, even female ob/gyns treat me like they don’t know what I’m talking about. You’d think the vast market of suffering people, at least, would spur them to action It feels pretty sexist and judgmental. I also had a doctor specializing in bioidenticals write me a message – in all caps – tell me she couldn’t treat me because I wasn’t in menopause. As if I didn’t know.

    For someone who never really suffered from PMS and had a wonderful and easy pregnancy, I am bowled over by permimenopause. Beginning around 47 if had, heavy periods, sharp pain in my ovaries during ovulation (really excruciating), heavy and very painful breast during both ovulation and pre-period, debilitating depression, lethargy, crazy mood swings and irritability, loss of libido, etc. I’m now 51, and it’s still happening. I still get my period every month. Sometimes it lasts 3 weeks. My ob/gyn has ordered many expensive tests that conclude that everything is “normal”. But life stinks right now. I’ve tried progesterone creams and generic prometrium, but I don’t think I have the dosage right, because the symptoms persist. I need help. and if not help, at least support.

    1. Andrea
      6 years ago

      HI Maggie,

      Thanks so much for your post. For the past three years I have been struck down by a depression and anxiety that has made it almost impossible for me to parent, work or live any kind of fulfilling life. I am convinced that it is related to perimenopause. I haven’t had a period in nearly six months. And before that I didn’t have a period for eight months and then to my dismay I got it at the eight month mark. Needless to say, I too have found no one who truly understands how horrible this depression, anxiety, fuzzy thinking, mood swings, irritability, no interest in sex, lack of ambition, fearfulness and chronic fatigue really is. Again, I so appreciate your post. I am 52 years old and praying that I am coming to the end of this nightmare that is my perimenopause. Oh. I take numerous anti depressants as well as estrogen patches and an IUD for localized progesterone. Nothing has helped. Nothing.

      1. Jennifer
        6 years ago

        The iud is giving you progestin… not progesterone. I tried an IUD and the side effects of it made me absolutely crazy. I started progesterone cream and it was a game-changer. Life is so much better. Check into it!

        1. Christiane
          6 years ago

          You are absolutely correct. Natural progesterone ( NOT synthetic progestin) can be a game changer during perimenopause. And so can Pueraria mirifica– it’s so helpful that I started a company to make sure women got the right stuff. (

    2. Janis
      6 years ago

      I want to encourage you to find a Dr that will give you a CA125 blood test. I went through this for years, I finally insisted my friend, who is a MD do something because Indidnt think this was right. She finally said she could do a biopsy but Drvhesitate because it is painful. I told her I wanted to have it. I had cancer of the uterus, we caught stage 1, almost unheard of according to my oncologist. He also said women need to have CA125 blood work anyntime they have blood work. It isn’t believed to be a reliable indicator but he says especially if you can establish a normal for you it is more reliable. Mine was low only 7 but my friend who didn’t catch hers until stage 4, hers was 456!

      If you believe you have a problem, be your own advocate. Insist they make sure you don’t have a problem. I did and had mine removed & did not require radiation or chemo because we caught it so early. Good luck & don’t give up.

      1. Christiane
        6 years ago

        Unfortunately, that Ca 125 test can be very misleading. It can be high when there is no cancer– as in endometriosis. Trust me– I used to order this test a LOT. And when it is even borderline high, you are forced to check things out further– often involving anesthesia and surgery to get a biopsy. And most of the time, it is NOT cancer. You were fortunate. Many people have the idea that “catching it early” is the name of the game. And so we try to come up with more and more “disease screening”. Unfortunately these tests far too often lead to unnecessary treatment that is far from benign. Mammograms and ductal carcinoma in situ are good examples of this. So– before you ask for a ca 125, just understand that getting this test is not as straight forward as we wish it were!

    3. Don't suffer!!!
      6 years ago

      Please take these 3 things!!! (google Smoky Mountain Nutrition for the full blog)

      Perimenopause and full blown menopause can be helped with three core products: Estro-Life, Progesto-Life, and DIM.

      Estro-Life is an estrogen supplement cream that helps you regain desired levels of the hormone that has traditionally been most closely associated with femininity, as well as menopause treatment.

      Progesto-Life is a progesterone supplement cream. In recent decades women and medical professionals alike have discovered just how important progesterone is to menopause treatment. Because progesterone levels decline drastically during menopause, a progesterone supplement is actually thought to be even more important than estrogen to successful menopause treatment.

      DIM rounds out the picture by promoting the body’s natural metabolism of the excess potent forms of estrogen. In our modern world, potent estrogen levels are often elevated, even when overall estrogen levels are deficient. This causes an imbalance with progesterone, called estrogen dominance. Menopause slashes progesterone levels, making estrogen dominance prominent and problematic.

      1. Regina
        6 years ago

        Do you take them all together or at specific times of the month?

      2. Maureen
        6 years ago

        Have you had you hormones checked before starting these 3 things? Also, What time of day do you take the DIM?

      3. Christiane
        6 years ago

        There are many many ways to achieve these results– and these products are examples. There are many others as I have noted in my book The Wisdom of Menopause.

    4. Norealanswers
      6 years ago

      i agree there is a bias against proper research, information and discussing this topic openly. It’s staggering why there isn’t more hard data, more options and help. I get the same strange attitudes and blank stares at the doctor’s offices and from peers/friends….this is the 21st century right? I’m searching for hard data re: prometrium vs compounded progesterone, pros/cons, dosage etc since I’m still in perimenopause –I’m needing to combat sleeplessness and a few other issues.

    5. Clarissa
      6 years ago

      I had many terrible symptoms( breast tenderness, headaches, cysts, mood swings, insomnia, joint pain, heavy periods) beginning about 3 years ago, but I started using an essential oil blend called clary calm by doterra. It has helped significantly. It took about 2 months of regular use to,see improvement, but with daily use it is amazing at balancing hormones.

    6. amy
      6 years ago

      Look up ashwaganda. I had these same symptoms. I noticed results immediately however it took a full 3-4 months of regular use before I started getting completely normal periods.

    7. Thelma
      6 years ago

      Thank you Maggie for sharing your symptoms. I myself go through the painful ovulation and the week before my period is also very painful. There are times when my period is normal no pain but others it is unbearable. If I take Ibuprofen it will take the pain away but will cause me severe nausea and vomiting so I am balancing out whatnis better. To tolerate the pain or have all the other symptoms. Praying we all recover soon.

      1. Susan
        5 years ago

        I’m 53 and havent had a period in about 10 months. I rarely get hot flashes and overall feel good. However, I’ve noticed about every 4-5 weeks I have a day to a week of feeling awful. No energy, nausea, feels like I’m getting a cold or flu or allegeries. Then it will go just go away. I’ve started tracking these symptoms, I’m thinking its hormones since it seems to happen monthly. Does any one else have this?

        1. Irena
          5 years ago

          Susan – this started for me last October with a very severe and weird episode that lasted weeks. Since then, the episodes have been intermittent, they come and go every couple of weeks. Sometimes it lasts 2-3 days, sometimes over a week. When it originally happened last October, it started suddenly with a brief ocular migraine and tinnitus, which kicked off everything. Followed by weeks of nausea, horrible brain fog, malaise, food sitting in my stomach etc. I was like a zombie for weeks. I had a brain MRI, stomach MRI, endoscopy, chest xray, pelvic MRI, blood work, and all was clear. Went to every specialist I could think of, no answer. Everyone pushes anti-depressants as a solution :-(((. As I mentioned, now these episodes come and go, every time with persistent mild nausea and overall fatigue and malaise. I am 45 y.o. and I’ve been in perimenopause since around age 40 and have experienced many different symptoms over the years, but this is new to me.

  82. Frances Hadassah
    6 years ago

    Can you help? I’m 46, started perimenopause most likely 14 months ago, just around the time of my wedding in October 2017.
    I had most of the symptoms, of what was worst: hot flashs, insomnia, irritability, repetitive urinary tract infections, urinary incontinence, heavy and irregular periods with spotting in between, fuzzy thinking. No saliva test in Canada, Doctors refused saying they do blood tests and that’s it. My progesterone level was found just a little bit under average. I was trying to get pregnant at the time but didn’t work. I tried Prometrium for 2 weeks in April to ease symptoms.
    The last 4 months were difficult because, my husband asked for divorce and my symptoms switched to something else. Now I have: heavy periods but regular with strong cramps (teenager cramps?); fallowed by several days when my ovary hurts like crazy; I have trouble sleeping and feel feverish in the morning; I awake early every morning because contraction-like pain in the upper uterus. I had two pregnancies with induced labor (oxytocin) and so, when I say it feels like contraction, and it’s located same place, I really mean it. I just don’t find any information about why a woman in perimenopause would have high oxytocin levels. My new husband left me beginning of August and returned to the US and asking for divorce. I took a pregnancy test beginning of September that was negative. I had 4 regular cycles since then. The pain I feel in my ovary is worrisome. My appoitment with a gyneco is End of January.

    1. Amy
      6 years ago

      You poor Dear!
      I’m so sorry you are dealing with all of this and that on top of it your husband left you. My heart broke reading your little story, more now I suppose because I’m going through this hell called menopause and the only reason I survived this long (just two months!) is because my husband has been here for me. I wish I had words of wisdom for you but all I know to suggest is that you look on Amazon for testing products that does use saliva. Perhaps ask your doctor about an endo ablation. I’m 48, had one at about 40, and have barely had a period since. No cramps either! I pray your suffering ends soon!

  83. Tamsine
    6 years ago

    Hi. Yikes, is this really happening?I’m 45 and getting chronic eye pain/ headache just before my period which makes me feel like curling up in a ball. I had eye operations when I was tiny but I haven’t suffered any pain since other than sporadic attacks once every year or so related to allergy and sinus issues. However , in the last few months I’ve started getting them before every period more or less. I don’t think it’s migraine as I don’t get the aura thing but it hurts when I bend forward which is apparently sinus related. They last for 1-2 days. Why is it in my eye where I had trauma as a child? Is this related to a drop in hormones? I’d like to find a natural way to ease the symptoms – I’ve read that magnesium and b vitamins can help. I’m also vegan so not sure if this affects things. I get my eyes tested regularly and there’s nothing wrong with them other than long sightedness and dry eyes which I’ve had since being a toddler. Any sharing welcome. Thanks

  84. Patricia
    6 years ago

    I’ve been reading through a good portion of your comments but have not seen my particular problem addressed. I’m 51 and still have a regular period but have noticed for the past year that during the week leading up to my period and the first days of it, my head slightly shakes from side to side. It’s most noticeable when I am looking down. I also have a flare up of itching of my varicose veins on my legs. The two symptoms come and go at the same time. I was wondering if any of you have experienced this and if you have any advice on how to fix those tremors. I’d love to know what I could do to reduce them. They are beginning to be noticed by others and I have people telling me to “relax”. Thanks so much!!

    1. Hope
      6 years ago

      I am 52 and also have regular, though shorter and lighter periods, and I have all sort of weird recurring symptoms. I keep a daily journal of any symptoms on my cell phone’s notepad app. I have read about a plethora of other symptoms like yours on other sites that go deeply into perimenopause symptoms. I communicate with my Doc. and keep track of what provides relief or peace of mind. Don’t give up researching, talk to your healthcare provider!

    2. Bert
      6 years ago

      Perhaps you have Essential Tremor starting.

    3. Lisa
      5 years ago

      Hello Patricia,
      What a relief to find someone else who is researching tremors and perimenopause!

      I am 50, perimenopausal, and have just developed a tremor in my hands the past 3 weeks. Of course I immediately thought of Parkinson’s Disease! However, when I look at other symptoms I have had in the same time period, it matches up with hormone fluctuations: 2 periods within 2 weeks, acne, muscle twitches, 2 yeast infections.

      I don’t understand why there’s not more information on the internet about hormone fluctuations and tremors. Most search results just make you afraid that you have Parkinson’s!

      I agree with Hope’s response to you- I also try to find research that provides peace of mind. I think this article is reassuring:

      Good luck- let’s keep sharing information to help ourselves, because I also have not found doctors to be much help when it comes to answering questions about the effects of fluctuating hormones.

  85. Thelma
    6 years ago

    I’m 41 years old and I believe I have perimenopause, I have all the symptoms hot flashes, moodiness, irritability, insomnia, night sweats, breast tenderness. etc.. I already went to see my gyno twice, but as I had cancer in 2010 they don’t want to give me anything… I’m looking for a natural remedy or something that can help me, but still don’t know what to try, My mother in law takes Estroven but I haven’t found if I can take that because of my previous history with cancer.. this has been happening for more than a year like almost two, I really want to find a solution as is really hard to be this moody, my mind is very chaotic too because all this, plus is hard to even sleep when you need to change your clothes 2 or 3 times at night due to the hot flashes.. I don’t feel myself anymore even my husbands says I don’t smile like before. I’m a pranic healer and not even with energy therapy I have achieved anything.. I really want to find something as I really feel very lost. thank you for all your help.

    1. Michelle
      6 years ago

      Hot flashes are liver related. Check out Anthony William aka Medical Medium. He has incredible healing information and the gives root causes for most symptoms and conditions. He is the answer to most people’s ailments and thousands of people are healing with his information which is ahead of its time.

  86. Lisa
    6 years ago

    Wow, am I happy to have fallen upon this blog!! Seems to me perimenopause and menopause is nonessential with very little resources. I would have loved for my PCP or GYN to have presented educational material at my yearly check up around age 40! 12 years later at 52 I am now chasing medical journals and any legitimate educational material I can find to help me understand the changes that are taking place in my body. So, I skipped my first periods in June and July. It returned in Aug and I’m back on a regular menstrual cycle. I’m having most trouble with heart palpitations, but have experienced several of the symptoms that others have shared. This has been going on for a couple of years and I’ve noticed that it only occurs when there is a hormonal change. I had my hormones checked recently by GYN and both are very high! I recently saw a cardiologist, shared my thoughts, experience, symptoms, the EKG’s I had done on myself while at work as well as the research I had done, but I feel he dismissed the relation between perimenopause and heart palpitations. I am scheduled for an Echo and 48 hr holter monitor. My desire is to do this menopause thing holistically, but I feel a support group and more education would be helpful as well. I want to embrace the changes without physicians wanting to prescribe meds for every symptom and I don’t want perimenopause/menopause robbing me of the joy that this stage in life has to offer. Is that asking too much?
    Thank you everyone who has shared their experience. That in itself is reassuring and comforting, which decreases my anxiety and concerns, which lessens my heart palpitations. It can become a vicious cycle if we don’t learn and take control!

    1. Donna
      6 years ago

      Hi Everyone
      I turned 57 in August and am going through menopause hell. Woke up one morning last April with major anxiety, scared, shaking for no apparent reason. I am normally very calm, laid back, roll with it type…but have been very restless, irritable and not finding joy or happiness in anything. I thought I was losing it so I went to an Integrative female GYN figuring she would be able to help. Long story short, she basically made me feel like an idiot for thinking it was all hormone related. I went to my primary care doc who at least put my mind at ease saying he had many women he sees with the same complaints. I talk to anyone who will listen and read/reread articles about the psychological affects of menopause trying to reassure myself that I am not losing my mind and going to be miserable the rest of my life. The hot flashes, night sweats are nothing compared to psyche stuff. Also, my hands shake…WTF. Would love to hear from any of you …with symptoms in late 50’s. Thank you

      1. Lisa
        6 years ago

        Your not alone. I’m 55 and the night sweats and lack of sleep is horrible. Feel irritable and have no patience. On top of that Anxiety sometimes is over the top and I have to talk myself through it. It doesn’t help that I have a stressful and demanding job so between home and work it’s insane. My primary prescribed Buspar which helps(non addictive). I do not want to take pills but there are days where it helps a lot. Periods have been gone for 6mos and come back. This happen twice.. can’t wait for 12 mos!!! Hope this helps.

        1. Donna
          6 years ago

          Hi Lisa
          Hope you still check this site… My sleep has improved, still get hot flushes here and there…but the irritability, impatience and discontent remain. It’s very disheartening…but everything I read says it does eventually get better and end. Most days still feel like I’m going crazy…Trying to accept what’s going on but it’s not easy! Hope you are well…

      2. Heather
        6 years ago

        I totally agree with you about the psych stuff! I’m 49 (will be 50 in May) and have had trouble sleeping, night sweats, heart palpitations and also “woke up” one morning in December with major anxiety and panic attacks. I’ve never in my life experienced anything like it, no history of anxiety at all. My doctor prescribed Lexapro, which I’ve been taking for a month, and said that studies have shown that it helps more with perimenopause symptoms than hormone therapy (which she said doctors rarely suggest anymore because of the strokes and heart problems it can cause). I really don’t like taking any prescriptions, but I couldn’t live with the panic attacks anymore. I recently started taking a women’s supplement from doTERRA that has calcium, magnesium, biotin, and vitamins C and D in it. It’s helping me sleep better (probably the magnesium) and have fewer heart palpitations. Hang in there…

        1. Donna
          6 years ago

          Hi Heather
          Just saw your post. How do you like Lexapro? I’ve been on Celexa but haven’t really noticed a difference. I hate taking meds too…but tried HRT and it didn’t do anything. The anxiety and irritability is the worst, luckily I haven’t had panic attacks..just feel restless and on edge all the time. Can’t relax..I’ve been sleeping better, still wake up in middle of night but can fall back asleep. The ONLY thing keeping me sane is knowing this stuff is normal in menopause even though it doesn’t feel like it. Talk soon..

        2. Ali
          5 years ago

          Hello!! Can u pls tell me the name of the Doterra supplement? I would like to try it.

    2. Gayle Haston
      5 years ago

      I too am experiencing heart palpitations. I am 51 and am going through perimenopause. My symptoms started several years ago. I was diagnosed with tachycardia about 10 years ago, which is under control now but I have other symptoms such as mood swings, crying for no reason and hot flashes, irregular periods and fuzzy thinking. It is frustrating but I am doing strength training and accupuncture and it is helping a lot. I have bouts of anxiety also but not as often as I used to. I skipped my first period this month, so I keep hoping I am on way to getting through this phase of life. I just try to enjoy life as much as possible and keep my mind off of it.

  87. Ann Marie Barnes
    6 years ago

    Ugh, I’m 48 yrs old and im just realizing what’s happening to me. Reading this I realize I’ve been experiencing symptoms for about a year. The last 2-3 months have been the worst: insomnia (almost every night), overall aches and pains, exhaustion, moodiness (especially depression/bouts of crying/lack of motivation), irregular periods ranging from extra heavy to barely spotting, but the most recent is nausea, which seems to occur when my period comes on (or is supposed to come, but I just spot). I never actually vomit, and I can eat food, but the feeling of nausea is horrible. I’m a workout nut, and I ordinarily lift weight (heavy) 5 to 6 days a week. I’m used to muscle soreness from training, but it seems like my recovery time is much slower than it used to be. I’m on day 4 and I haven’t stepped foot in the gym because I have no desire. I’m not an emotional person, but I’ve cried 3 times since yesterday (over nothing). It’s 2:45pm and I’m still in my pajamas…I feel like I’m losing my mind. I’m gaining weight and eating like crap, but I can’t get myself together to reel it in. This isn’t me, and I don’t know what to do to snap out of it. These feelings seem to worsen around my period (kind of like extreme PMS), but the nausea is the most recent addition. Also, I can’t seem to tolerate breads or pastas anymore (gluten intolerance I guess). I ate them my while life with no problems, but for the last year or so I’ll get horrible reactions like headaches, joint pain, terrible bloating, diarrhea, etc. Oh, and the itchy skin I’ve read about below…I have that too. Now I’m crying again, because I’m tired and frustrated with feeling like this.

    1. Wendy Monette
      6 years ago

      Hi Ann Marie,

      I’m also 48 & sharing some of your symptoms. I just wanted to reach out & let you & anyone else going through this that it’s alright. It’s alright to cry & eat junk: be gentle on yourself & focus on the balance & betterment you want to feel; it will come. Dr. Northrup is right: this is a time of change & the shedding of old fears & limitations. Even though we might not feel it right now, the truth is that we are strong, beautiful, creative beings. Even though these symptoms can feel unpleasant, we are lucky to be experiencing our lives as powerful women! All the best, ✌️

      1. Christine
        6 years ago


        Thank you for your post! I am going through so many of the same things explained in Anne-Marie’s post…and feeling awful about it. Your reply was comforting…and I especially appreciated your reminder to focus on “balance and betterment”. I printed your post off as a reminder for myself that I can look at from time to time. Thank you for helping me (and I’m sure others) with your sentiments of support 🙂

      2. Melissa
        6 years ago

        Hi Wendy,

        Yes, thank you for this comment. I too am experiencing everything Ann Marie mentioned in her post. I’m miserable and sad because this is just not me. I’ve tried the progesterone and estrogen creams, but just can’t seem to find the right balance. They do help sometimes, but not nearly enough. I’ve also become intolerant to most of my favorite foods. I’m at the point where I’m afraid to eat because it’s just not worth the suffering afterwards. The bloating is horrendous. Anyways, I wanted to thank you for your encouraging words. I will continue to focus on balance and good health.

    2. Christine
      6 years ago

      I have everything you just talked about plus bad headache the week before my period. You are not alone

    3. Deanna Morris
      6 years ago

      I’ve been doing some research on food intolerances during peri, pre and menopause and found that gut issues and histamine intolerances can really affect your hormones. It’s worth taking a look at.

      1. Kristin
        6 years ago

        I agree completely. My gut issues were finally balanced last fall when I took matters into my own hands (cut out alcohol and used vitamin b complex, milk thistle and adrenal support herbs, quality probiotics along with oil of oregano and Undecylenic acid) which helped my adrenal glands significantly. While my gut was healing, I was exhausted, had constant thirst and urinating, and my liver was sore from the intense detox. Not to mention the intense anxiety I was feeling physically and emotionally.

    4. Mennyjenny
      6 years ago

      This is me. I’m so sad about it. My husband thinks I’m crazy. It has affected all areas of my life.

    5. De Ann
      6 years ago

      Ann I know exactly how you feel. I get joint pain, muscle aches, dizziness, cold flashes/chills (no fever), confused, foggy thinking, extremely forgetful, panic attacks, tearful (normally I may cry 1-3 times per yr), lack of motivation (usually very ambitious & follow through) not any more, I even get a weird crawly feeling on my scalp, itchy spots on skin in random areas and when I go to scratch it its like an itch that I cant scratch, my periods are every 21 vs my normal 30 days apart, I have no sexual desire whatsoever, palpitations, I crave sugary foods, I used to weight 108 lbs now Im at 121 which I dont mind because I was think before, I get snappy with others, I notice a lot of tension in my forehead like I constantly have to remind myself to relax my face/neck/shoulders. I used to love seafood…now I carry an epi pen because of sever allergies since last yr, I already had IBS but its way worse now. Doctors blow me off as I am 40 but its been going on for almost 2 yrs now. I had a slightly high bad cholesterol and low vitamin D level as well. Both have improved but Im due back in a few months to check back. My dr keeps trying to push anxiety meds but I dont want to take them. Oh I almost for my seasonal allergies seem worse and I now have asthma. Its like every week or month its a new symptom…I miss who I used to be mentally. Ive gotten so lazy and careless..sometimes I get dolled up to trick myself, I avoid social media during my worse moments because peri dosen’t seem to be the popular topic. I feel like running out of my body…Hold on Ann! We are all in this together!!

      1. Dee
        6 years ago

        De Ann –

        All of your symptoms match mast cell activation syndrome. I feel like a broken record on here but hardly anyone knows about it and it’s caused me serious issues for a very long time. I started having the worst tension in my forehead and eye pain, along with chills, muscle aches, horrible anxiety, scalp problems, itchiness that i couldn’t do anything to relieve it, etc. I don’t have it but IBS is related. Also, seasonal allergies are related -that’s why we take antihistamines – because the mast cells are releasing too much histamine.

        1. Rose
          6 years ago

          I too believe that I am suffering from this but I believe that I am allergic to my own progesterone or hormone that my body makes around ovulation. Upon looking at my symptoms from old calendars that I used to track I noticed that I would get a runny nose and feeling like I was getting a cold with a horrible sinus headache and biting eyes-it happens when I ovulate which has become a nightmare for me and when I tried the combo-patch which had progestin in it. It was so bad last month that my husband and I were thinking I was being poisoned. My perimenopause has been hell-with horrible joint and bone pain. Muscle burning and fatigue but then it can go away for a while-it makes me believe that this is some sore of reaction going on in my body. I also had a long bout of stress hives that would come and go when I was stressed-even just running late for an appointment would set them off but then they almost vanished when all this perio symptoms started. My perio also started with severe rage and horrible uterine cramps-PMs on steroids-pmmd? I think I saw a link between these. I am going to read everything you had said but would like to know who your doctor is and any other information you care to share would be great!!
          Thank you!!

      2. Vikki
        4 years ago

        De Ann –

        This is exactly the language I’ve been using!! I want off the ride. Ob/gyn pushed Lexapro. But my shrink (who I started seeing because of all this) and I prefer we find an alternative. I also have to avoid social media when its bad.

        It has been 2 years since your post. Did you find anything that helped?

  88. Christine Terry
    6 years ago

    This has been a living nightmare for me. Entry into perimenopause was not a gradual crescendo, It was an absolute train wreck.

    Mine started with crippling panic attacks that I’ve endured with NO HELP other than shrinks filling me up with SSRI’s that did NOTHING. I slept almost 3 years of my life way, and after a fun episode of serotonin syndrome I weaned myself off for good and will NEVER put that stuff in my body again. Now I’m given little handfuls of Lorazepam 0.5 mg here and there when I’m really off the rails…It’s about as helpful as a tack hammer to the head. Sure, knocks you out to sleep..I don’t want to sleep I want to FUNCTION.

    I can live with the hot flashes, dry vagina, etc, I cannot live with the panic attacks, chest pains, heart palps and the never ceasing tension in my chest that keeps me in a constant state of agitation and fear to even move. I’ve had my thyroid and all that tested always comes back normal, but when I mention menopause I’m dismissed after being given more pills. I’m so tired, disheartened, discouraged and very very angry that I’ve suffered like an animal for four years. As I’m writing this now, I’ve had a fun filled morning of sobbing and wailing like I just lost all my children. I’m not asking for a magic pill to turn me into Suzy Sunshine, just help my hormones so I’m not hiding in my house afraid to move.

    1. Hope
      6 years ago

      you are SO not alone. Hugs from Oregon.

    2. Mandy
      6 years ago

      Hi there!!! I have the exact same symptoms as you!! It really stinks. Do you mind me asking your age? I’m only 41 but my mother started perimenopause at 42.

    3. Em
      6 years ago

      Sounds like you may want to get 20-50mg Progesterone Cream. Low P can cause terrific anxiety and even panic attacks. See an ND for that Rx. The cream is custom compounded and applied at bedtime to the inner labia. HTH.

    4. Marla
      6 years ago

      I am just beginning the chaos! But I found CBD oil and I feel it is very calming. I have horrible back pain, crazy extremes of pain and flow of period, crazy weird symptoms, chills, mood swings, crying at everything. I get swollen feet then waalaa…back to normal! The itchy skin thing… THANK GOD you guys said that because I thought I was loosing it!! I can’t concentrate and swear I’m all of a sudden ADD!! I used to remember everything (names, numbers, what I needed at the store). I’m lucky if I can find my way home from work! Exaggerating of course, but that’s honestly how I feel! I get depressed, then I’m fine. I feel like I’m dying, then I’m fine. I get horrible anxiety attack’s and end up at the Doctor with a new ailment only to be told, “there’s nothing wrong!” I just need to feel normal again!!

      1. Kelly
        6 years ago

        I’m 41 and this started about 2 years ago but just recently I’m at wits end. Swelling one day normal the next. Crying every single day. Feels as if i have a UTI but cultures come out clean. Everything burns down there. Cystic acne starting everyone. I feel helpless. CBD is not legal in my state yet either..

    5. Vikki
      4 years ago


      This is exactly what I’m going through right now. Thank you for sharing. I see your post is 2 years old. Did you every find anything that helps?

  89. Coulson Duerksen
    7 years ago

    There are many resources available. Here is one:

  90. Janine
    7 years ago

    Hi, I notice you did not mention disrupted sleep in any of the lists. My “friend research” has this as a consistent symptom across 100% of them. I’m 51 and started having early AM insomnia about 3 years ago. It’s gotten a bit better but still an issue sometimes. Curious why you don’t mention it and who else out there has noticed this.

    1. Nina
      7 years ago

      I relate! Waking between 3 and 4am and being unable to go back to sleep has become the norm over past year resulting in 6hrs max sleep a night. Experiencing mild depression/general despondency and lack of mental clarity, which is out of character. Would like to hear what other women have found helpful. Thank you.

    2. Beth
      7 years ago

      It’s listed under low progesterone as trouble sleeping.

    3. Beth
      7 years ago

      It’s listed under the low progesterone symptoms as trouble sleeping. This is one of my biggest complaints is insomnia.

    4. Beth
      7 years ago

      It’s listed under low progesterone symptoms and also estrogen dominance. One of my worst symptoms

    5. Julie
      6 years ago

      I used to wake up at 3am like clockwork and then not be able to go back to sleep but then I discovered something that helps my insomnia… I set a soft phone alarm for 1am. When it goes off I go to the bathroom and take 3mg of liquid melatonin. Because I’m still really tired at 1am I go right back to sleep and sleep until 4:30 or 5, which is much better than a 3am wake up!

      1. Louise
        5 years ago

        You guys need to read all about adrenal fatigue (ie it affects all our hormones and every facet of our health, and wellbeing) by Dr Lam. The man is amazing! Has written over 1000 articles on it. I think it will really help you and other ladies here to read his work. His articles are extremely thorough. Much love and strength to you all x

  91. Denise Wilson
    7 years ago

    So….. the latest “pause” was about 8 months. I thought I was almost there. Feeling pretty good, energy levels good. I had been on nuvaring for hormone replacement for several years which helped with the worst of the perimenopause symptoms. My body told me about a year ago to stop – severe headaches, terrible cycles when I had them. So doc and I decided to let things be and stop. All good. went 8 months no cycle. Feeling good.

    then I had a cycle a few months ago. Then nothing again. Clock reset I know. BUT, the last month or so the worst symptoms are back…night sweats, severe dry mouth, no energy, forgetful and irritable. God am I prickly……I have not changed my supplements, my diet is good (keto/low carb helps with night sweats a ton), etc. Is this normal in the process? Thanks

    1. Michelle
      6 years ago

      Actually keto/low carb is the worst diet for night sweats. They are liver related and you need to be low fat to heal the liver. The liver also needs lots of glucose from fruit. Check out Anthony William aka Medical Medium. His information is light years of any others.

  92. Janean
    7 years ago

    Hi, I’m 51 and have been pretty regular except now. I had my period in Feb. then skipped March and started again April 20th and having prolonged bleeding. It was pretty light but it’s been 19 days and I still have my period. I’m going to have an ultrasound today to make sure everything is ok. Just was reading about seed cycling and didn’t know what was the best seeds to start with during my period cycle?

    1. Janean
      7 years ago

      Also would I benefit from using Young living oils- progessence plus?

  93. Candance
    7 years ago

    Hello I’m a 42 year old woman that is having a heck of time. I woke up one day so dizzy lightheaded and could barely walk! I’m still working, but I’ve been seeing a chiropractor and thought it could be my neck setting on a nerve, but no luck, seen my regular doctor and blood work comes out good but she didn’t check my hormone levels, now I’m seeing a neurologist and he ruled out autoimmune disorder, in the meantime I’ve realized I haven’t had a period for 3 to 4 months and was wondering if I was going through the change??? What can help lightheaded, anxiety, vertigo, is there something that can help????

    1. Candance
      7 years ago

      Also having night sweats

    2. Reina
      7 years ago

      I had a sudden onset of vertigo that came with viral conjunctivitis. I recovered by doing vestibular exercises developed by an MD at the University of Colorado. If you look for vestibular exercises on YouTube you should find a video of how to do them. In my case I had to do them several times for it to help with the dizziness and I had a bit of residual dizziness after which I was told by an audiologist is because the brain takes a few days to re-set after an imbalance in the inner ear. Good luck!

    3. Lepa
      7 years ago

      Hi, check out Sophrology (a relaxation technique), helps ease anxiety.

  94. Catherine
    7 years ago

    My OB-Gyn recently had my estrogen levels tested as I was complaining of hot flashes and night sweats which have been particularly difficult in recent weeks; I wake up several times every night, drenched in sweat, and need to change my bedlinen every morning. My OB-Gyn told me my estradiol levels were borderline high so no estrogen was needed (I have just turned 49).

    My periods have been regular since my late teens but I have not had any in the past seven weeks. There are no signs of it being on its way either.

    I am trying to get the following questions answered: can estrogen dominance cause symptoms such as hot flushes and night sweats? Should I ask to have my progesterone levels tested as well, or could I just try out OTC progesterone cream (ProgesterAll) and see if it makes me feel better? Can estrogen dominance cause periods to stop?

    I’d be most grateful for any input or suggestions!

  95. Ellie
    7 years ago

    Anyone else ever experience eczema and itchy rashes for the first time since perimenopause started?

    1. Melody
      7 years ago


      1. Janean
        7 years ago

        Yes I get itchy mostly at night when going to bed

    2. Michelle S.
      7 years ago

      Yes! All of a sudden I’m sensitive to mascara and eye make-up and get an itchy rash around my eyes if I use it.

    3. Beth
      7 years ago

      YUP! Got much worse this past year. Have a “scar” patch of eczema/rash that won’t go away, it gets lighter, but won’t disappear 100%.

    4. Sandra
      6 years ago

      Oh my god yes!!! Im 39 and all of a sudden I’m having night sweats, hot flashes, eczema, missed period!!!

  96. Ms. P.
    7 years ago

    I am 49 now , but my symptoms started when I was 45. I woke up one day feeling a bit light headed and very anxious(feeling restless in the stomach and that feeling when we are nervous). I went to to my PCP and my BP was bit elevated (131/90) at her office. But two days after that I felt the same anxious feeling with extreme cold and body shaking and I went to ER and my BP was again high, and tested for everything and they couldn’t understand why my BP was high. but after a couple of hours BP came down normally. They thought it was a panic attack and gave some tablet for it. But I have been having these episodes of cold, shaking and my BP going up on and off for a few days every month around my periods. These symptoms come suddenly. I still get my periods regularly every 26 days, though lighter than before and also shorter cycle(mine used to be 31 days or so). The feeling of cold, shaking and can feel the heart beat is very terrifying and feels like some impending danger. Is this perimenopause related or some other thing. Does anyone have these cold shivers, shaking and BP spikes ? Having these symptoms for 4 years. I am on a light does of BP medication (Carvedilol) too.

    1. Leigh H
      7 years ago

      I’m 49 and recently had this happen to me at night while sleeping. I’m sweating then heart racing, then get up feeling panicked and then shake. Been to the er and a cardiologist nothing wrong, going for a stress test to be sure. My pulse jumps up every time this happens and wakes me. It’s not every night, but often. I still get my period regularly and it’s heavy. I’m hoping it’s hormonal and I can start bio identical hormones to fix my problems.

    2. Mrs Hall
      7 years ago

      This Is at Sakely what I am I have been experiencing lately and especially around my cycle almost exactly to the ER test results come back normal very terrifying.

    3. Claire
      7 years ago

      Hi I have just the same cold shivers then hot palpations dizzy wobbley legs shake tremours had all test ok blood pressure gets high every time visit docs I’m 49 and been suffering for about 7 years period are like yours anixztey sleep here and there it’s not nice

    4. Judy
      6 years ago

      I had the same symptoms of anxiety, feeling cold, night sweats. Testing confirmed estrogen dominance & low testosterone. Bioidentical testosterone really helped the anxiety. I also take Pure Balance to rid my body of excess estrogen. This helped for a while, then after a year or so, more fluctuations & symptoms of anger, depression. I’ve been off of the testosterone for a week & feeling better. Libido is lowering, so I may try to take testosterone again. J

    5. Sheri
      6 years ago

      OMG! I’m so happy to have found this response. I am having the SAME issues – feeling anxious, plus the anxious stomach (I feel nauseous and don’t want to eat), the cold and hot and sometimes leg shaking. In Aug. I had it off and on for a couple of days before my period started and then suddenly I was fine. In Dec. I had it again — off and on around my period but then also for two days the following week. I started testing my BP regularly that time and my elevated BP freaked me out (and that anxiety just made the symptoms worse I think) so I finally went to the ER when the symptoms lasted all day. They tested everything and couldn’t find anything wrong. I spent Jan. doing stress test, echocardiogram and a 30-day heart monitor and those results all came back normal. This month (Jan.) my period was a week early, and for the last two days of it and the two days since, I’ve had some of the same symptoms (but not as bad – no shaking or hot and cold, but anxiousness and the nauseousness/lack of wanting to eat). By the way I also still get my periods pretty regularly every 26-28 days (except for the occasional delay that can be anywhere from a few days to (as in Jan.) a week.) and they are a little lighter than they used to be. I also have been on a beta blocker for years – Atenolol.

      In addition, I am also going through a stressful time right now in my life so I imagine that only spurs on these anxiety symptoms. BUT when they “just happen” to crop up around the week or so of my period, it is hard not to say they are hormone related. But frustrating as well, because you don’t know whether these are real medical issues or just perimenopause.

  97. Lori
    7 years ago

    Is it okay to take Amata and Black Cohosh at the same time?

  98. Ferndina
    7 years ago

    My 40’s has been pure hell! I felt wonderful when I was on birth control Paraguard for ten years; I loved it. When I took it out everything went down hill. I have fibroids, enlarged uterus, recommended hysterectomy, lost all my beautiful hair, cant get it to grow back. I am so emotional, my daughter says I am mean all the time. I get so frustrated with her I now know it me not her lol I cannot stand the sight of men right now, sex blah, relationship blah no interest at all. Thank you Dr. Northrup for putting things in perspective for me. Now that I know what I am experiencing, it is time to create a lifestyle regimen to help me flow through this transition journey.

    1. Sarah
      7 years ago

      I could of wrote this myself! I would’ve 41 and I have become a monster, anxiety and panic attacks took over, I can’t stand the smell of my husband or my son.. Maybe it’s all men I guess.. But night sweats, can’t catch my breath, itching, I can’t get out if my head from over thinking, hair loss also, it just won’t grow and suddenly turned gray! Like literally overnight! I hurt.. Headaches, I guess I’m a big ball of hormone fun

      1. Rosa
        7 years ago

        Have you checked your thyroid? Sounds like yours is low. Request TSH, free T3, free T4, TPO antibodies and reverse T3 tests. Good luck!

      2. Kelly
        6 years ago

        Sounds identical here. 41. Cant handle husband and son. Thick hair is gone by about 35%. I hurt all over, itching, crying, cold then hot. Uterus hurts. It all came very quickly. My anxiety is unbearable. I cry every day. My traditional medicine doctor offers a hormonal test kit for $500 then takes weeks for results. I cant sleep at all. I have vertigo that is so severe its terrifying. I have sensitivities to everything i eat now too. My stomach aches all the time. Its almost like i became a totally different person over a short time. My Gyn said its just my age and possibly early vaginal atrophy.

  99. KC
    7 years ago

    I approached three doctors when I was 33, 7 years ago about hormones before one said, let’s test them. Because of my age the others said, you are too young. Tests showed they were within normal range but I had never felt so bad in my life. My youngest was not even two when I started feeling bad. I had insomnia, anxiety, depression, foggy brain, major PMS, awful. Finally, a different GYNO that didn’t deliver my kids suggested trying some compounded progesterone as I can’t take estrogen because of a genetic blood clotting disorder. After a week of using it I noticed I was sleeping better. I charted all of my symptoms for there on. After a cycle or two I saw a behavior therapist. It did wonders for the irrational worrying I was experiencing. I still have to use techniques once in a great while but I found it very therapeutic. Then about 9 months after using the compounded progesterone I met with a Naturopath doctor. Before I go further, I met with my GP initially which was one of the doctor’s that told me I was too young to be experiencing anything hormonal and that hormone testing isn’t accurate and expensive. He ended up giving me a prescription for an antidepressant and antianxiety meds that made me even more miserable. So after being on it for a week and seeing the GYNO that suggested compounded hormones, I stopped. It was the best thing I ever did for my situation. I really felt it was hormonal and I wanted to treat the cause. The Naturopath doctor helped me with supplements and replenishing my adrenals which balanced things out. It took some time but I finally felt like I could grab the bull by the horns again and live my life and enjoy it. We have changed things up a couple of times but the last 7 years have been good until April of 2017. I had turned 40. I started experiencing panic attacks, I would all of the sudden get hot and feel like there was no airflow, panic and my heart would race, so I would crank of the air and cool off, then I was ok. This happened a handful of times. Then in fall of 2017 I started feeling an unbalanced sensation, almost like I was hungover but I wasn’t. I would feel anxiety and nausea, my nighttime vision wasn’t like it used to be and I felt like I was looking through a fish bowl. I noticed the anxiety, panic and nausea was increasing a week or so before my period. I finally saw my GP the week before xmas and explained I had been sinus and/or ear infection sick two times over the fall so he prescribed me a stronger antibiotic to hopefully kick what was left because I also felt like my right side wasn’t draining as well as my left. Each morning it’s more congested. If the meds didn’t help then I was to see an ENT. The meds didn’t do much but before seeing an ENT I went to a different eye doctor. I had my yearly in 10/17 but nothing changed. When I saw the new guy he did an extensive workup since I was having issues and he hadn’t seen me before. He said my current prescription was almost twice as strong as what he said I was reading at! I was in shock. How could it change that quickly? So we adjusted my prescription and he wants to make adjustments slowly but things did seem better after making that adjustment. Then onto the ENT. Hearing tested good, CT of sinuses which showed a crooked septum but otherwise good. Nothing on the scan would cause the unbalanced feeling, etc. So I am back to square one. I am seeing my Naturopath next week. One thing I have looked into was looking back at my cycles. This is something I have charged since having my first baby. In the last 12 months, the majority of my cycles were shorter, some period days were shorter. I also have spotted right before starting my period which is unlike me. My latest cycle was a bit odd. Leading up to starting, the week prior, my symptoms were not fun. Last Friday when I got home from work, I started cramping like I was starting and all of my symptoms disappeared, tender breasts, anxiety, nausea, gone. Went to the bathroom to check nothing. Nothing Saturday morning. Saturday at lunch time I had some spotting and then Aunt Flo arrived. Never had all my symptoms let down and not started right away or started and then the symptoms let down. Does any of this sound like Perimenopause or just an inbalance?

  100. Tara Evans
    7 years ago

    Hi everyone, I’m 46 and been noticing symptoms the last 4 years, mostly skin and digestive irritation, irregular cycles with more PMS and depression with lots of public crying, which is always fun! It drove me to desperation 18 months ago and I really felt like jacking life in. I did try talking to my mother and stepmother about it and was reassured to hear that they recognised the hopeless feeling that sweeps over me. I have had a hell of a journey the past year, had to leave my husband because of his lack of support (luckily I don’t have children), sold almost everything I owned because just owning things and having to dust them, etc, was too much for me mentally. Been homeless a year now, sofa surfing and staying with family. Not easy! The best time for me was this summer, I walked a National Trail by myself and stayed and worked on organic farms (WOOFing) and during that time I experienced almost no symptoms, either PMS or IBS. So I joke to my friends I have a cure for perimenopause – just get rid of your life and possessions and undertake hard physical labour every day and you’ll be fine! Not been so good since returning to my hometown again. Seriously though, we can get through this with courage, taking care of our bodies and putting ourselves first in our lives. All power to you and hope you all find your way. I love your approach Christie, thanks for sharing it with us.

    1. MrsW
      7 years ago

      Hello everyone and Tara – your note struck a chord with me. I am 46 and I have been having bad peri-menopausal symptoms for 2 years (but I only realise that now). Very heavy periods, but still regular, and I can cope with that. It’s all the other things that I’m struggling with. Physically, I have put on weight, my skin and hair have changed, terrible digestive issues, bad bladder control, often tired. Emotionally, I have bad anxiety and I just don’t feel myself at all. My worst symptom is breast tenderness/pain which radiates out to my armpits and is almost constant for the two weeks prior to my period. This fuels a lot of anxiety about breast health so I have very regular comprehensive checks. I have always been such a capable person, I am professionally qualified and I own a decent business. I have three lovely children and a fantastic husband. But I have become a dumpy, frumpy, moaning middle aged woman and I hardly recognise myself a lot of the time! I agree with the comments about physical exercise. I feel good after a day gardening but pretty rubbish when I’m sitting at my desk at work shovelling biscuits into my face. I have now decided that enough is enough and I need to take control of my health and my happiness for the next phase of my life. I’m going to overhaul my diet and take up some proper exercise. I don’t want to get any drugs or HRT from my GP. In any event, whilst an excellent doctor and a good friend, when I tentatively mentioned menopause to my GP, she said she had no time for the menopause! I’ve started taking lots of supplements – I can’t tell if they are making a difference physically but I think the process of taking them makes me feel better – starflower oil, magnesium, a general Menopause multivitamin and whatever else I fancy. It’s great to find this website and I would really welcome any comments on breast tenderness – tips, etc. Thank you and love to all! P.S. yes, HotflashMama, I had terrible pins and needles and tingling (which obviously my health anxiety convinced me was MS) but which I think could be a vitamin/mineral deficiency. I read that the magnesium should help the pins and needles and I think it has a bit.

      1. Bella
        6 years ago

        If I didn’t know any better I would’ve thought I wrote this !
        What I find so surprising about this whole experience is how unprepared I was with information. After reading everyone’s comments it sounds like we’re in the same boat. In school we learn all about menstruation in human sexuality. So when we get our periods and we become sexually active and we have babies all that sounds normal to us because we’ve been exposed to it through education. But this perimenopausal and menopause transition has me googling things as if they are alien symptoms!

    2. Kat
      7 years ago

      When I was your age, doctors chalked everything up to that time of life… but I ended up figuring out that I had a bunch of nutritional deficits, mineral imbalances, heavy metal build up (eventually had two root canal teeth extracted, immediately felt depression lift)… and mold irritates me. Wonder if your walkabout helped you with some of that too. I wonder where your feet would like to take you next.

      1. marihari
        7 years ago

        How did you figure out that you had heavy metal build up? And mineral imbalances?

  101. HOTflashMama
    7 years ago

    Anyone have tingling hands and feet?

    1. Maria
      7 years ago

      Yes, I’ve had that quite a bit, went to the doctor, she wanted to do a nerve test which I declined, to bad they don’t all understand these unusual symptoms of hormone imbalance, thankfully for blogs, I’m reassured that im not going crazy and these weird symptoms do exist, hang in there, mine stopped after a few weeks.

    2. Beth
      7 years ago

      100%, its awful!

    3. Teri
      7 years ago

      Yes!! That is why I checked out this blog. I know it has been six months since you posted. Are you feeling better? Has the tingling improved? Three years ago, I experienced tingling and my doctor took blood tests and it revealed my level of vitamin B1 was depleted and that could cause tingling. So I started taking 100mg. of B1 and it went away. Now it started again , mostly in my arms and feet, but also my neck, hands, it just moves around. I started taking B1 again but it’s not working as quickly. I have not had a period in nine months, so I am definitely in perimenopause and just read last that decreasing levels of estrogen can cause the tingling sensations. I am going to see my doctor but was curious to know if others had this and what they did.

      1. keisha
        6 years ago

        I am 37 and also have the tingling in hands, feet. sometimes it creeps all over my body.

  102. Gretchen Guttridge
    7 years ago

    HELP! I am going through hormone HELL! No Dr. believes me and it is becoming very frustrating. I am 34 and began having systems about 8 months after the birth of my second child. I have dizziness, digestive issues, anxiety, depression, muscle cramps, sleep problems, heart palpitations, short of breath! I have a history of anxiety and depression but this is different, and I am tired of all the Doctors telling me it’s anxiety! I need some help please.

    1. Kathryn Wells
      7 years ago

      Try changing your diet to autoimmune paleo or keto. Sugar can often exacerbate hormones and make our symptoms worse. I just started keto paleo a week ago and have lost 11 lbs without restricting calories. I drink a lot of water, and supplement daily with magnesium, sodium and potassium. This is because when your body goes into ketosis, its important to drink a lot of water, and so those three minerals are shed very easily. Try it out and see how you feel after the keto flu has subsided (6-14 days after starting the program)

    2. Kathryn Wells
      7 years ago

      I forgot to add that these 2 protocols will help with your digestive issues, mood swings and even depression. Cramps and dizziness are often a sign of low electrolytes. Try drinking more water with magnesium, sodium and potassium. But also go see your doctor to make sure it’s not something worse.

    3. cvapatient
      7 years ago

      Find a good doctor, I believe dr. Nystrup can refer to one in your neighborhood. For muscle cramps you can take magnesium every day and epsom salt baths. (see “women’s bodies, women’swisdom). The extra magnesium may help you with cramps, sleeping problems and depression. But first of all have yourself checked thorougly so you know there is no other cause for your troubles.

      Sending you a healing ball of energy 🙂

    4. Chris
      7 years ago

      Ketosis / Low carb and intermittent fasting almost killed me. ( So many health problems, and depression so bad I could hardly go. ) BEWARE – just saying. May be it worked for some, but not for me. There is no “magic bullet”. We are all individuals <3

    5. Claudia
      7 years ago

      I’m in the exact same situation. I’m 34 and mine started after i stopped breast feeding my daughter. The only thing that helped was taking a progesterone only bc pill but unfortunately that seems to lead to more depression.

    6. Rosa
      7 years ago

      Sounds like low thyroid. Request full thyroid panel

  103. Carol
    7 years ago

    Hi everyone,
    I am glad to be able to talk about what l am going through at the moment as it always helps to talk and share our challenges. I am 43 years of age. June last year, all of a sudden l had the worst headache in the back of my neck and followed by a panic like attack. This went away in a couple of days, but every month after my period would finish, three days later, the same thing would occur – neck pain, followed by the anxiety. By the fourth month, the anxiety lingered and became severe with extreme restless legs, and night sweats. I was crying, anxious, restless, nervous and confused. I didn’t want to eat at all. I have seen nearly every specialist you can think of from a Neurologist, Internist, Gynaecologist, Ortho Molecular specialist, Psychologist and Endocrinologist.

    I have had to quit my job as every morning around 5.30am, l wake with heart palpitations and restless legs. I am currently on a low dose of anti depressants and also taking the birth pill.

    What seems to ease my anxiousness is to move, this also helps with my restless legs. I still have not received confirmation that l am in the pre menopause phase but all my symptoms, including dryness and low sex drive all point to hormonal imbalance.

    I hope we all find relief soon xoxox

    1. Kelly
      7 years ago

      Restless legs can be related to blood sugar. Adrenal dysfunction can cause all of these symptoms and it cascades into hormone imbalance. I would look into getting tested for adrenal fatigue and check your fasting blood sugar. An easy way to check for adrenals is to have a urine test and look at sodium and potassium levels to see how far apart they are.

      1. Sharon
        4 years ago

        Hi I was wondering did you ever get to the end of your burning and twitching. I am getting same symptoms and am worried. Thanks

  104. Bea Saunders
    7 years ago

    I’m 48 years old now but in my late 30’s early 40’s I was a hormonal mess and didn’t know. I was a raging lunatic, I was moody to say the least, zero sex drive, irregular periods and always hangry!!!! I thought the issue was everyone in my personal life. (At work I was fine).
    I spilled my guts to my PCP one day and he said I was depressed and prescribed a low dose antidepressant?????? Which did sorta help for the moment.
    After finding a great GYN doctor in May of last year (hard to get in) — I’m now in a good place but not without some mishaps…..I did try an IUD August of last year which after 2.5 months turned into a nightmare with severe bleeding, a visit to the ER and a D&C. My GYN prescribed me bioidentical hormones I started 1/1/18 and so far so good!!! No hotflases…sex drive has improved and I’ve lost weight. I’m hoping this might be the answer to my perimenopausal stage until I fully hit menopause. I’ll keep you posted. Wish me luck.

    1. Carol
      7 years ago

      Hi Bea,

      Glad to hear you are feeling better with the bioidentical hormones. I will look into this myself.

      Healthy regards,

      Carol Jabbour

  105. kimmiepoo
    7 years ago

    I am having most of the symptoms mentioned in this forum ,HOWEVER, I am also having some other uncomfortable little gems. Swollen and irritated down south. Lots of discharge but also very dry down there. I have found the Replens moisturizing gel and it has been a God send. The heart palpitations, flushing, hot flashes and the worst sleep I’ve ever experienced in my life can go elsewhere as well. I cry all the time and am pretty much miserable. This came out of left field for me as well. I noticed some irritation the week before Christmas and thought it was a yeast infection and I treated it as such which didn’t help at all. Then my period came right on time but with no PMS at all. I have always had severe PMS symptoms and this month I had none. My period has always lasted exactly 7 days with bleeding all the way til the end. This period was 4 days and the heaviest bleeding it’s ever been with large blood clots. I turned 41 in September so I guess this is par for the course. I am hoping to get in to see my doctor this week and get something figured out. This can’t be my life now 🙁 I am not married and have no one to talk to about this. I’m so glad I found this place with these stories. I’ve never be so down. Thank you to all for sharing your stories.

    1. Carol
      7 years ago

      Thanks for sharing, I really can relate 🙁

      1. kimmiepoo
        7 years ago

        You’re welcome Carol. How are you managing? I went to the doctor last Friday. A female doctor no less and was told “there is no test for hormones”. She said that normal is between 90 and 100 and therefore it cannot be tested? She wanted to do a biopsy instead. I walked out and will not go back. I have found another gyno and go see her on the 6th. She will do testing I know. I’m managing. Last night was pretty rough with the hot flashes but it could always be worse I guess. I miss the old me though. 🙁

        1. Kristin
          7 years ago

          Same experience. For 5 years my female OBGYN who is in her 50’s told me that hormone testing wouldn’t do any good if I was still getting a period. Unbelievable how unhelpful some doctors are!

        2. Liz
          6 years ago

          Finally found a MD/Functional medicine doctor (she’s both) after hearing the same thing about no test for hormones. The test you’re looking for is called the DUTCH hormone test. You may have to pay out of pocket and go to a functional medicine or natural path doctor, who often do not take insurance. But the test DOES exist and I’m still frustrated by how little my PCP and GYN seem to understand about balancing hormones.

    2. jennyRuth
      7 years ago

      I can identify completely. One thing that really helped me was progesterone cream. I use about 90mg a day topically. I tried the progesterone pills but they were too expensive and also – felt strange. The cream helps my moods, migraines, cravings, sex drive…you name it. There is a lot of research out there around using progesterone and it all leans towards positive results. I was resistant at first around hormones but, after dealing with so much intense stuff, I went for it. I am super happy I did. Dr Northrup has some information on it too. Take care of yourself.

    3. Nicky
      7 years ago

      Hi Kimmiepoo. I know it’s been a while since you posted this but I had to reply and let you know that I am experiencing the same stuff. I’ve done tests and all is well … they say. The anxiety and gastro symptoms are the most challenging things to deal with for me. Hang in there. You’re not alone in this. This too shall pass …. just wish it would roll along a little faster

    4. Bella
      6 years ago

      the Swelling down there! My Gyno’s look st me as if I’m crazy, but this past fall it was so swollen it blocked my urine flow!!! Caused a UTI & yeast infection!
      Finally in one of my books I found a name this is Atrophic Vaginitis. My docs NEVER used this term. I found it in books!
      Also read up on Leukorrhra.

  106. Danelle
    7 years ago

    I’m a natural redhead. Most people I know seem to be going through perimenopause easily, but I’m a mess. I feel like Edith Bunker in the “Edith’s Problem” episode of All In The Family. I’m moody, depressed, anxiety-ridden, angry, can’t sleep, can’t get up in the morning, no energy, no ambition, gaining weight, digestive tract is acting up, and while I’ve always been fairly able to get along with almost everyone, I feel like I’m now constantly in conflict. To those of you who have tons of peri symptoms – are you redheads, too? Do we redheads have it worse?

    1. Ginge
      7 years ago

      Im too a natural red head. Im 43yrs old and it all started last year for me. My sex drive went down hill. I started to get a burning red face at 5pm every night that lasted a few hours. Followed by night sweats every night. Had a few weeks where i felt like i had the flu, then i started to take a wellwoman tablet every day for a year and all was good. Untill now. Since end of November 2017 ive been real crap!!! Im normally a very bubbly outgoing person who has turned into a recluse. My family are grown up and seeing the changes in me alongside my husband of 22yrs who is struggling to understand me. I no longer have a sex drive nor do i get aroused. My boobs are full and tender, i have bloating. I hardly sleep. Constant weeing thru the night. Headaches on and off day and night. Dizziness foggy head. Feel like im not on this planet. Forgetful. Real low .aches and pains.i struggle to go to work and struggle with making conversation with anyone. Need to get back in bed as and when i can. I cant take much more of feeling like this i just want to be me again. I had bloods done last month for all fatigue related things all were fine. Waiting on my last weeks bloods for hormone tests although this may be unreliable due to me taking the birth control which has stopped my periods for a few years now so i dont know where im at naturally with my menstral cycle right now. Also i get really cold feet when i get into bed but they are sweaty at the same time. I just hope i get some joy from these bloods as i was starting to think i had something drastically wrong woth me till i read these other womans same symptons.

    2. Karen
      7 years ago

      You described my symptoms and what I’m feeling to a tee! But alas, I am not a redhead (although I do have reddish undertones).
      At 52, I still have regular periods, but am now miserable a majority of the month vs the 3-4 days leading to my period. Ugh.
      I just recently started reading The Wisdom of Menopause, which has helped me feel like I’m not the only one!! If you haven’t read it, I highly recommend.
      Hope things get better for you soon!

  107. Dee
    7 years ago

    46 yo, no period for 6 mos. migraines, dizziness, off balance, no energy. This happened last year-8 mos no period then boom a period regularly for 4 mos. can I start taking hormones?? I’m miserable.

    1. jennyRuth
      7 years ago

      Try progesterone. That should ease things and balance your cycles a bit. Don’t do estrogen though, it is nasty.

    2. Maria
      7 years ago

      You could try a low dose of natural progesterone and the low dose estrogen patch, they helped me and I spent years afraid of trying hormones, if they don’t work, you just stop!! Good luck

  108. Rebecca
    7 years ago

    All I can say is I am grateful to all those who have posted here and I wish we could all go out to lunch one day. Perimenopause insanely sucks. I have had crippling pain in my head and face and — and is there a DSM entry called bi-polar-insomnia-narcolepsy disorder? This is where you can only sleep from 12:30 AM to 3:15 AM one day and then can’t get out of bed the next day. I try to walk 3 miles per day or go to the Y, but the headaches and this sleep insanity interrupts my gym or walking routine all the time. I am chronically tired, and this affect my mood badly. No one told me that peri-menopause would utterly destroy my life, my ability to have some semblance of a normal sleep schedule, and my ability to hike or work out without fear of bringing on a crazy headache. I asked my mother about it – she said “eh, nothing really happened. I don’t remember.” I am going to remember this part of my life, even if I would like it to be over with and forgotten about. I am single and these crazy symptoms make it impossible to get enough social activity into my schedule, also — so I spend too much time alone.

  109. sandra
    7 years ago

    If this is part of the golden years that were talked about when I was young I will be glad to end without them. the sweating alone has cost me my job accused of doing drug/drinking not the case drug test on the spot proved that. my daughter said I was dead to her 3 years ago and her last words were your a disgusting FAT PIG have gained 40 lbs in less than 6 mos cant stand being around anyone the slightest noise gives me headaches so bad that I cant see and throw up for days on end. On the months that I do get me period it takes a ultra tampon, a pad and depends just to make it to the pharmacy to pick up all the prescriptions that the doctors think will help non of them have made a difference except to depress me further as the anti-depression medication has caused me to gain 30 more lbs in 5 weeks. Now having lost my job I do not have insurance to cover all the different lets try this lets try that pill the doctors are trying to give me. Also I have no clothes had to make a dress from a sheet just to have something to ware to the doctors. My family has now uninvited me to all holiday parties saying I am a disgusting disgrace to them and they don’t want to be embarrassed by me any more. My boyfriend walked out saying all sorts of mean nasty things from what a pig I eat a 900 calorie a day diet because I am now so fat I’m diabetic. Now the Insomnia part of this has lead to an eviction notice from my apartment management neighbors complained about lights on ,the tv and shower going late night early morning. Friends no longer call or want me around they say I smell well with the hot flashes and sweating 3-5 showers a day I still stick I cant even stand myself. Now I’m being told I have anywhere from 5 to 10 more years of these problems and some women they never do get the medication right to help with any or all the symptoms. I use to live the perfect life made 200,00 plus a year, vacations, new cars , clothes, friends, a husband, family now I live on the street my hair is falling out , teeth are loose and rotting and my food comes from a dumpster and on the good note my mother & most of the women in my family went thru 15+years of menopause before they didn’t have a period for a full year but non of them suffered barely any symptoms. I have no ambition , don’t care , can barely think straight all I see is endless and unnecessary suffering for years to come. I am now being asked to leave the library do to a nasty smell. Well least I can say not wanting sex or to be touched anywhere breast sagging belly and cellulite and fat have strechted the skin on belly and legs so badly that it has cracked and puss like cellulite ousies out along with the acne I didn’t have as a teenager and all the doctors can say is try this drug or that one and its part of life well no one should suffer like this for 10+ years and be told its part of life, yea no life I ever expected to suffer thru but it is all the truth.

  110. Kathy Lainey
    7 years ago

    I’m 56 and still in perimenopause. I don’t have many issues with hot flashes or night sweats but I am having issues with insomnia. Probably a year and a quarter ago my periods were long, flooding, and full of clots. The bleeding was so bad that I became dizzy, short of breath, and pounding heart after these episodes. This happened around July or August. The next couple of periods were pretty much normal. In November, my period was the same as back in July or August. The next several months extremely light periods that didn’t last long. This month (November), my period lasted one day but was flooding and full of clots. The insomnia, the dizziness, the shortness of breath, and debilitating fatigue. Will this ever go away? Will I get to that promised land you talk about? I have no energy, no ambition, no motivation, and extreme lethargy.

    1. Janean
      7 years ago

      What is the longest amount of days you flowed? I skipped one month and then when I did get the next month am still flowing for 19 days. So sick of it.

    2. Donna
      6 years ago

      Hi Kathy
      I’m new to this site, just seeing your post. Wondering if you’ve reached the “promise land” after Meno yet? I turned 57 in August, last April woke up nervous, scared, agitated and shaking for no apparent reason. I usually handle stress etc pretty well, and there was nothing that “triggered” this…I never even would connected it to menopause until I started looking things up online. Without rambling on about symptoms, and there have been many….the worst for me have been the not finding joy in things I used too, irritability and restlessness. I’m totally not myself….and it’s scary.

  111. Margaret
    7 years ago 45 yrs still on my menstrual,I have no sex drive,my mood is low most of the time,muscle stiffness in neck,around shoulders etc… Im still holding it all together.The Doc doesn’t listen,hormone levels are so so..when Im on my period I’m exhausted…wrking or either sleeping…buts it’s the pain,I cannot say I’m used to it…5years nw but mentally it’s draining,from the person I was to nw..well it says it all,is anyone experiencing this.????. Pl

    1. Vanessa
      7 years ago

      Have you tried to work with a doctor trained in functional medicine, or a doctor of naturopathy? They use different ranges that what conventionally-trained MDs use. So you may look “fine” in the eyes of conventional medicine, but not necessarily so in the eyes of alternative/integrative medicine. Most importantly, you should not have to suffer or have to get “used to it.” You can find a Functional Medicine provider in your area on this site: (The Institute of Functional Medicine). Hope that helps!

      1. Grace
        7 years ago

        Thanks for sharing! I am going to find one in my area. 🙂

    2. Cheryl Stevens
      7 years ago

      I am 48 and am experiencing daily neck and shoulder aches, severe fatigue, terrible anxiety and just want to hibernate until it is all over. Finding it hard to function and the pain takes all my energy.

      1. Debbie IS
        7 years ago

        Hi Cheryl I have just found this forum and have the same symptoms as you, bad neck and nd shoulders and really lethargic with no energy. My doctor thinks it is Chronic fatigue syndrome but looking at this site I think it may be peri menopause feeling pretty crap really. Can’t say about periods as am on the coil. Going mad indeed!!! Anybody any suggestions I do have night sweats but not day ones.


        1. jackie
          7 years ago

          hi Debbie,
          I’m reading this forum I’min perimenapause and I also have the symptoms ,you should try the adrenal cocktail Google it it will help with fatigue.

        2. Jackie Munoz
          7 years ago

          Hi Debbie,
          I’m in perimenapause I suffer on a daily basis but my biggest issue right now is burning sensation around body and itchy skin, I did have really bad fatigue it’s subsided alote you should look in to adrenal cocktail it’s suppose to help with adrenal fatigue.
          Hang in there

      2. Joanne
        7 years ago

        Hello Cheryl,
        I am 49 and have the exact same symptoms. I thought it was my mattress lol but, I think it may be perimenopause.

  112. EllaRaye
    7 years ago

    As i type this, I lay (or is it lie?) in my bed fearing the second worse headache in my life…my first worse was yesterday…so bad I zipped to the ER fearing real bad news…CT scan showed no bleeding or anything abnormal with my brain…800mg motrin normally knocks it out but that wasn’t the case yesterday…i was probably born with headaches which became predictable but more painful with birth control pills in my teens…at some point I started having tension headaches with the occasional migraine and all of them nearly stopped when I transitioned to vegetarian diet 11 years ago…this past April I went to my private doc bc my cycle started changing and i experienced hot flashes…she said I was perimenopausal without any tests and i told her I wanted to go at it natural so no HRT for me…most women in my family had complete or partial hysterectomy so i had no clue what to expect or when this would occur…i just hit 43 years in September and i want to embrace these changes but in the last 3 months I’ve had headaches again…the 1st 2 were announcing my cycle just like when on BCP, but this cycle I barely got a headache in the beginning but yesterday (last day of my period) it brought tears and fear…my cycles were 26 days, now 23 to 34…thats fine..the flow is all over the place and duration is the same 5 days at this point..i could bleed for weeks and be fine but these headaches I can’t deal with…especially if they’re as bad as yesterday…ER prescribed a barbituate and nausea med that im hesitant to take…im getting a daith piercing next week to see if that helps with the headaches…im already on celexa for anxiety but i want off those as well bc it does nothing for anxiety on the road and makes me so tired…id like to know what my hormone levels are as well as Iron since my VA doc claims I’m ‘slightly’ anemic… like I said..i want to be happy abt this but it seems like my body is trying to kill me…

    1. Jb
      7 years ago

      Try eating red meat before and during your period

    2. jennyRuth
      7 years ago

      My migraines went out of hand as I entered perimenopause. It is actually common for women to get them because of the progesterone drop that is happening. Try progesterone as the pill or topically. It really helped get the horrific painful migraines back in check and also helped my moods. So few doctors every suggest it and yet there is loads of research showing how helpful it can be on many levels plus, it doesn’t have the dangerous side effects that estrogen does.

  113. Stephanie Doucette
    7 years ago

    Absolutely some of the best writing and humor here!!! Ahhhhhh…. therapyyyyy! I’m taking a deep breath, putting down my knife and erasing the text I was just about to send my effin husband!! Ladies, thank you!! Ditto to so many things that you have all written. I feel like I am safe walking into the grocery store with all the “public” out there for at least the next 30 minutes!! Whoosh! ❤️

  114. Edith
    7 years ago


    I am going through hell last year in Oct I start having Digest system problem. I got full quick and start having skipping heart beats can’t sleep waking all through the night. I start going through this in my late 3o’s now I am 48 . I see a period once out a year, I cramps like I am about to come on and don’t see nothing. My Appeti go up-and-down weight go up-and-down . Somebody please help me.

  115. Yadyra
    7 years ago

    After a life of regular periods my peri-menopause started with a no period month, and two months later, a period that doesn’t go. I don’t sleep well and I am bleeding since four months ago. I went to the doctor and said I have an ovarian tumor and enlarged uterus. My biopsy was ok. My anxiety escalated some days but now I feel better, although I have cramps and back pain. I took a progesterone injection two months ago and my period stopped for three weeks and started again. I don’t know what to do.

    1. Rebecca
      7 years ago

      How did the progesterone injection make you feel? Did it help? Thanks, R

  116. Nina Rae
    7 years ago

    I feel healing just reading about everyone’s experiences. I come from a family whose women seemed to “sail right through” menopause, and quite frankly, I am doing the opposite. Like another reader, I wonder what demon it is that has possessed by body and mind lately. My first lovely arrival into the 40’s was a fibroid the size of a golf ball, that turned by usual “every 28 days and light/moderate for 4 days” cycle into a butcher house of pain, blood and misery. Sex at any time of the month left a scene that should be yellow taped off and the detectives called. Then the headaches came – big ones. The kind that make you dream about ice picks to the skull that may release the pain, but you know that isn’t an option. Yes, I’ve tried all the triptans and “best” migraine meds. Meh. Then my lumbar vertebrae decided to spit out several levels of discs. Apparently, my “gusto” for life and the ligaments and tendons in my spinal column do not get along. Looking at the x-rays, my bones look 10 years older than I am. Thoughts of great-granny humped over at the dinner table, her chin barely above the plate, trying to eat without many teeth plagued my nightmares. Then came the mood swings. Miss “Peace and Love” and “Don’t Worry Be Happy”, enjoying bare feet, sunshine and going with the flow became Miss “War and Misery”. Family started to dart to the corners of the house and I took a new interest in gangsta rap music – it was a vehicle to let all that negative energy out. My once athletic body was overworked and undernourished. Yes, I was working 16 hours a day at an executive level with a pager and two cell phones. I dumped sugar and caffeine in whenever I could, like stopping at a gas station for fuel. Kids were grown, yes, but my divorced parents slid into elderly-ness and all that entails: endless doctor appointments (translated: hey boss, I need to leave early, AGAIN), and a new knowledge about their body functions I was not prepared to know about, or care for. Finances were tight. Morning commutes were hellacious, and I began lecturing all the drivers on their assinine behavior and lack of skills, in various degrees of colorful language. When a lover noticed things were “dry” down there, I wanted to put a bag over my head – and his. Didn’t he care that my boobs were now uncharacteristically enormous? God suddenly decided to move my C cup into the D-zone. But they hurt. And I have a fan in EVERY room. Sometimes two. With the A/C on already. I drive the care with the thermostat set on 60 degrees F, just so I can down another cup of coffee. People started asking me, “Are you ok?” They must have noticed that I was wobbly on my feet, dizzy again. Honestly, I started to remember how I once was “back then”, or “when I was younger”, with a new depression that it wasn’t all that long ago. The therapist put me on anti-anxiety meds and sleep meds and said “slow down”. But honestly, I can’t even get going. My brain is so foggy, I wonder if I will ever be the intelligent, sharp scientific woman I once was. Will I ever by athletic again? Should I start wearing “comfortable shoes” and pray that I don’t grow a mustache or lose bladder control? Is this the slippery slide? The silent torture? My GP says “oh, you’ll get through it”. I’m not. I’m 50. I haven’t had a period in 6 months. My body is in rebellion. I certainly do not need to be 25 or 35 again. But I would like to not scare my family away. I’d like to be “me” again. Until I came here and read these stories by these women warriors (and we all are, honey), I thought I was losing my mind and body. Now I found my humor and a sense of hope. Thank you.

    1. Liz Hait
      7 years ago

      Hi Nina,
      I just heard about Dr. Northrup today and logged on to her website. Here I found your story first and I can completely relate. I’m on the 7th WEEK of my having period. I’m 52 years old and I didn’t have my period all summer long, for it to come back full force August 11 and it hasn’t stopped since (maybe a total of 3 or 4 days in between that August date and today). I just had an ultrasound yesterday where they did find a fibroid the size of a golf ball, in addition to cysts on both ovaries. But no phone call as of yet, which I suppose is good news, but I’m ready to do whatever it takes to stop this damn period. All summer I had hot flashes, brain fog, moodiness, sleep disruption (although now, I’m so tired from these 7 weeks, I’m sleeping really well). I went on depressants for the moodiness, but I’m done taking prescriptions. I just want to work on what’s wrong with my inner energy that’s producing these crazy symptoms. I actually don’t work crazy hours and my daughter is all grown up and doesn’t live me. I am however in a new relationship and we haven’t even taken it to the next level (sex) because the week after we met is when my period came back! He’s been a complete saint. Anyway, I just wanted to connect and tell you that you are not alone. I would like to be me again too. Take care.

      1. Tammi
        7 years ago

        Liz- Have you tried Reiki? It’s a form of relaxation that’s supposed to facilitate the body’s natural innate healing abilities. I’m in the process of seeking out alternative therapies since a) my mother had a bad experience with hormone replacement therapy, and b) I avoid drugs like the plague. So, as soon as I find a reputable local practitioner, I’m so there, because it sounds amazing! 🙂

      2. Lee
        7 years ago

        Oh my god I love this post!! Humor will get you everywhere. Thank you for making this insanity funny. You will be better than before! I was told this is the time to take extra good care of yourself. It really is true. SLOW DOWN. Drink water, try to sleep/rest. Take vitamins (especially Calcium/Magnesium). Go for walks. Sounds corny, but your body is trying to find a new normal and it’s completely taxing! Here’s another great resource that I found all of this from: It will take effort to focus on yourself, but you owe it to your body after years of going through monthly cycles. Stay strong!

    2. Tammi
      7 years ago

      Nina- I just had to comment and thank you for sharing your experiences. Your writing style is hilarious, and while I’m sorry to hear about everything you’ve been through, I appreciate the comic relief. This topic can definitely use some levity. And laughing sure beats crying… or screaming. 😉

    3. Nina,
      You rock! You made me laugh as I lie here in bed on a Sunday morning beating back a migraine and searching up hormone creams and praying I don’t have a brain tumor because I am dizzy and get pulsing twitches in my head and this feeling of craziness which is the latest development in this string of unfortunate events called premenopause… Thankyou for being so honest.. just read that caffeine is really bad for estrogen dominance. So dammitwhy coffee?? It’s one of my few pleasures…
      It really helps to know that we are all going through this… if only we could believe that it will end as all those lovely ladies in purple with silver hair and wisdom lines seem to promise…
      Right now the effects are so visceral it’s hard to see a way through it
      Thanks again

      1. Juanita Gonzales
        7 years ago

        For everybody dealing with dizziness, I had scary dizziness that kept me from driving. I started progesterone cream at 100mg 2x a day and it stopped it 98.9%. Seems if really stressed I can get dizzy a little. It’s not a cure but it helped me a lot.

        1. Diane Guevara
          7 years ago

          Juanita, I have dizziness now and then while just sitting at my desk at work! I have used progesterone cream before and it worked for my ovarian cyst situation in my mid to late 30’s…I am 52.5 yrs. Old. Still in peri menopause..ugh…

    4. Victoria
      7 years ago

      Start using bioidentical hormones asap! Menopause is optional!

  117. Marvella Alarid
    7 years ago

    Hi Lovely Ladies,

    I am 50 and have been going through menopause for about 5 years. I have had every symptom you can think of and times have felt like I’m going crazy. I can assure you this is not the case.
    I have turned to a naturopath to help me. She does a full panel of tests and will not only look at the levels but how you are feeling. Most doctors will tell you your levels are in a good range but that is not the full picture. I take bio-identical hormones and they are modified regularly based on my symptoms that can change at a moments notice. Don’t let regular doctors dismiss your symptoms.
    I recently started to notice breast discharge in one breast. I am having my prolactin levels checked. High levels of prolactin can also be a result of menopause and this can result in lethargy, weight gain and even eye problems, which I’ve had all.
    Do your research and don’t let anyone dismiss your symptoms.
    You are deserving of feeling great even going through this change.
    I hope this is helpful information.

  118. Marvella
    7 years ago

    Hi Lovely Ladies,

    I am 50 and have been going through menopause for about 5 years. I have had every symptom you can think of and times have felt like I’m going crazy. I can assure you this is not the case.
    I have turned to a naturopath to help me. She does a full panel of tests and will not only look at the levels but how you are feeling. Most doctors will tell you your levels are in a good range but that is not the full picture. I take bio-identical hormones and they are modified regularly based on my symptoms that can change at a moments notice. Don’t let regular doctors dismiss your symptoms.
    I recently started to notice breast discharge in one breast. I am having my prolactin levels checked. High levels of prolactin can also be a result of menopause and this can result in lethargy, weight gain and even eye problems, which I’ve had all.
    Do your research and don’t let anyone dismiss your symptoms.
    You are deserving of feeling great even going through this change.
    I hope this is helpful information.

  119. Eunice
    8 years ago

    I just turned 50 and my whole body changed !! I feel like I have hit a brick wall. For about 8 months I have had an irregular menstrual cycle. Miss 2-3 months and then it comes like Niagra Falls. Over 2 months I suddenly developed severe headaches. I go through at least 5 days out of the week with headaches, body shakes, etc. I have had just about every test done from blood work, MRI’s head, neck and spine to a Spinal Tap. Lyme Desease, Lupus.. everything . All the test results were normal. My Dr. Decided to put me on low dose birth control to see if this controls the headaches and everything else I’m experiencing. It helped a little but I still have the headaches, shakes, feeling a sense of hot shock waves, depressed. I’m now going to acupuncture to see if there is any relief. Is this normal for pre menapause? I’m totally miserable and feel bad my family has to witness this. Before all this I was very independent, active, happy person.

    1. Maria
      8 years ago

      Hi, when I turned 50 I had the same thing happen, not sure who’s body I’m in at the moment, I had a period where I had headaches all the time also. I also get the shakes, hot flashes, nausea and shortness of breath, I could go on and on with these weird symptoms. you’re not alone, read as many blogs on the subject as you can and it’ll ease your mind, some people have no symptoms and some have it all!!! Hang in there, it’ll pass eventually

      1. Ursula
        7 years ago

        Maria did it pass for you how long post M things settled the anxiety and shortness of breath and nausea and sever gerd reflux killing me im 50 missing a period

    2. Mary
      8 years ago

      I turned 50 last year and peri menopause has turned my life upside down. I had a 2 week period! My coworkers and family are driving me crazy! Sex? What’s that? Read Dr Northrup’s ‘The Wisdom of Menopause’ and get educated. Much if what you experience she talks about in her book. Incorporating vitamins and progesterone cream has helped me tremendously. And no, this is not a paid sponsorship. My only regret is that I wish I discovered Dr. N. sooner.

    3. Nina Rae
      7 years ago

      I feel you. My every 28 day regularity for 4 light/moderate days turned into a roulette game — you never know when it will strike, and when it does, better hope you have a second set of clothes! I have tossed several pants and underwear in the trash, to the point that I didn’t even want to buy/wear nice things. My southern region was demon possessed, surely. I’m now at the point where it’s been six months since the last period and the last few weren’t bad. Hope that’s a signal of things to come. Hang in there. It’s a roller coaster ride.

    4. MsMagenta
      7 years ago

      I highly recommend trying progesterone cream. I get mine at a compounding pharmacy so it comes in a container that gives measured amounts. I have had menstrual migraines my whole life and they got really bad as I got into early perimenopause. Menstrual migranes are triggered by the natural drop in progesterone. When we begin our change those progesterone levels drop. Dr Northrup cites studies that show daily use of progesterone can really reduce or even eradicate those awful headaches. The other bonus w the cream is it helps mood, creates calmness and improves sleep. Topical seems to work better for most women. Plus, it’s more affordable than the progesterone prescription pill. Try it out. I use 45mg at night.

  120. Shani
    8 years ago

    Ladies, what can I do about the tiredness I’m experiencing? I’m exhausted by 1pm most days then I’m making poor choices with food because I’m over tired. Have any of you got suggestions of what I can take? Plus I do work out and eat very healthy

  121. Jaime
    8 years ago

    I had partial hystorectomy in 2015 just had my labs drawn and my fsh was 8, tsh 0.850, estridoil 67.5, progesterone 4.5 and free testosterone was 1.2 The doctor said all my tests are normal but I’m not sure I agree. I’m losing my hair (think I have some aga too) I can’t sleep at night I toss and turn and I would rather clean dishes then have sex. Since I have no idea were I am in my cycle it’s hard for me to know if my levels fit the normal ranges without a period. Any suggestions??? I thought about trying progesterone cream not sure if that’s a good idea

    1. B
      8 years ago

      As a nurse and a patient those numbers are very low. Find a new doc asap. Do some research to find a good one. Bring your issues up front with him:her. Sometimes a functional med doc is better about these things.

  122. amywads
    8 years ago

    I am 46 years old endurance athlete that i believe hit premature menopause about 6 years ago due to low body fat and a lot of training. I have always had high ish cholesterol and i know estrogen is very related to cholesterol higher estrogen, lower cholesterol, I believe even when i was young, my estrogen levels were low, as i was very infrequent with periods and had trouble getting pregnant. thus high cholesterol all my life. so my question is should i be supplementing with bio identical progesterone, estrogen or both ?

    1. Vagia
      8 years ago

      Hi! I am a cross fit athlete and I faced a premature menopause too! No muscle tone, no energy, no sleep! I am 41 years old and I am on hrt, that gives me back my past self! I did it immediately after checking my hormones and I feel better now. I also add more protein in my meals and vitamin D! Hope it helps! 🙂 Vagia

  123. Lynn
    8 years ago

    I’m 39 years old and recently noticed some changes. I live with anxiety and have a lot of stress in my job and home. But lately my anxiety has been worse with a nervous belly. I also had an experience where my face got red and I felt like it and my legs were on fire. The AC was on and the hubby was fine. I took my temp and it was 98.3. I sat in front of a fan and felt better.
    Is this a hot flash?
    Is it normal to get a red face??
    Do any of you suffer from bloating and/or shortness of breath.
    I don’t really have any resources in my life do I am thankful for any input!

    1. Elle
      8 years ago

      Yep. All of that is part of the change. You’ll notice more changes as the years go on. It can get a little scary because you don’t know if it’s normal. Research and find things that work for you to manage it.

  124. DA
    8 years ago

    Fo-Ti has removed my Peri-M. symptoms completely. Hot Flashes, sleep issues, mood and weight issues. After that result, I added Vitex (Chasteberry) to help with cycle irregularities. I also eat a highly nutritious whole food, plant based diet, aerobic exercise 3 or more days a week and modest caffeine intake from White & Green Teas predominantly.

    1. MK
      8 years ago

      FoTi increases testosterone.
      Chasteberry increases progesterone.

  125. Dee
    8 years ago

    i’m not sure what is going on with me. I got married 2 years ago and I guess I was happy. I turn 47 in a couple of months, I don’t know it is something hormonal or not. I just don’t like my husband anymore. I don’t want him touching me, making sexual comments and everything he does just irritates me. I don’t think I have any other symptoms. My sex drive is their but I don’t act on it because it will make him think that everything is good with us, and I don’t feel like it is. I have periods, I don’t get hot flashes I don’t have trouble sleeping. I just don’t want to be married or tied down. I feel like I need to focus on myself. I have taken care of previous husbands and children since I was 17. I got divorced at 37 and my second husband died after battling leukemia. I now take care of my grandson, who is the light of my life. He is 5 and will be starting kindergarten in September so I won’t have him all of the time anymore. I have been his main caretaker since my daughter went back to work after having him. So I feel like it’s time to figure out who I am and what I want to do with my life. I might change careers or go to school. I don’t know yet.
    I feel trapped. I feel like I just want to be left alone to explore life. I don’t know how to explain this to my husband. I feel bad. I don’t hate him or want to hurt him. But this is how I feel. And I know it hurts him.
    I told him that I need space and asked him to move into another room but he won’t. the way our house is set up that would put him by his son’s room with a bathroom in between and me on the other side of the house with my own bathroom. That’s why I haven’t just moved myself. I don’t know what to do.

    1. Elle
      8 years ago

      Susanne Summers talked about not liking her husband during her change. You have to learn to find ways manage this. There is hope! Many women go through this. Watch a hilarious show or movie a day…this simple thing helps too. Laughter is the best medicine try to keep things light as best as you can. You’re going to get through this ask your husband to be patient and help him to understand sounds like he loves you

    2. MsMagenta
      7 years ago

      It’s okay to feel how you do. It may just be that you are no longer into him. This can happen. It doesn’t necessarily mean perimenopause. Have you thought about going to a couple’s Counsellor? There is a really good therapist online here in Camobrll River, Canada named Justice schaunfber (poor spelling)? He has a book called “The Reconnection Book for Couples”. It really has helped me and my relationship. You can download it from him.

  126. Kate
    8 years ago

    I’m 45 and I get once in a while hot flashes. I gained weight a few years ago but this only made me sexier. I admit experiencing ups and downs with my sex drive. However, none of this bothers me. I actually feel quite good about myself and I have more confidence and self esteem than ever before. I rest more and enjoy the finer things in life. As if the pressures and desires from earlier ages have suddenly disappeared and I am happy because finally I feel free to be myself and I don’t give a **** about standard opinions anymore. So, ladies there is a perimenopausal bliss!

    1. Jennifer
      8 years ago

      Congratulations. I am envious. Your experience sounds glorious. I am also 45. The GYN pried the birth control pills from my hands for blood pressure reasons last fall. I bought a lovely sweater at a black friday sale, but I have never worn it. Within five weeks of stopping hormones, the hot flashes started and have not let up much. I don’t think I zipped my coat ever during the winter months here in Kansas. Saved on heating bill, so that’s a plus. No one prepared me for this. The furnace from hell that emanates from the chest while those around me think I’m nutz as I peel clothes down to a tank while they’ve got their heater on under their desk. Or when I spend some time inside the door of the tater tots freezer at the wholesale club. It creeps up and *bam*. I am confident women got burned at the stake for this. Because men weren’t any smarter about women’s bodies then than they are now, and this feels a lot like demonic possession. Plus all the other things. When you start the pill, they tell ya you will gain weight. I stopped the pill, and surprise, I’m peri-menopausal, so I’m going to gain weight. Eleven pounds in two months. Meh. Weight gain is far less of an issue than the internal combustion. I can work with the curves. Good on ya for your attitude about that. Truly, that’s beautiful to hear. For me, it could be like this for the next decade. How lucky am I to start at 45? Might as well get to it. I wasn’t doing anything anyway. I know I’ll get through this. Know you are a lucky woman. I ain’t mad at ya, sista. All I ask if that you be supportive of the rest of us.

    2. Monica L
      8 years ago

      I will be turning 50 in November, and my Dr told me I am post menopausal already. I gained 40 lbs in a year and feel like a bloated, beached whale. My legs and ankles are SO sore from all the water retention; it hurts pretty bad, and I have the nastiest heat rash on my lower legs. Ugh x 10. and the hot flashes…??? Now I know why my mother was always half naked around the house.
      However, having been very underweight most of my life, everyone is telling me how great I look now; my facial features have filled out, I have phenomenal boobs, just major curves going on. I’ve never had so much male attention in my life! And like Kate above, my confidence is through the roof. I recently got out of a very destructive and narcissistic relationship, it took me almost 2 years plus meds & therapy, to almost heal completely up. Breaking free and having control of my own life again is extremely liberating and confident building.

    3. Denise Elfenbein
      8 years ago

      Thanks for sharing!

  127. Donna Kilfoyle
    8 years ago

    I’m 49. After I had my son at 34, I had mid cycle bleeding for quite some time. I had a interior biopsy, which came back fine. Later on I had a D&C, but I still kept spotting. Eventually the spotting stopped, mostly. I’ve also had night sweats for quite some time. My periods did become more regular after I did have child #2, even with the spotting. Now these last couple of years I’ve had a few times where my period was really late. This period I started on Sunday is over 2 months late. This one has been the biggest gap. My last period was February 13 and this one started April 30. I’ve never had heavy periods are really bad cramps. But, before I realized I had started my period on Sunday, I was having a lot of dizziness in the night. I felt like I was drunk, because the room felt like it was spinning. Once I got up for the day, I was fine. Last night when I laid down I was looking at Facebook and got dizzy all of a sudden, again. When I got up in the night I was still a little dizzy and wobbly. Now that I am up, I fell okay. I have in the past and when I was younger, gotten lightheaded during my period, but never dizzy. I was also extremely stressed the day and night before, with my daughter going to prom. It was really bad. So, I didn’t know if all of the stress, me being 49 and starting my period almost 3 months late had anything to do with the dizziness I experienced.

    1. libby
      8 years ago

      glad i saw this. thank you. i am 43 going on 44 and last 3 months or so have noticed a lot of symptoms. longer pms, irregular periods – usually late and have had some horrible vertigo a couple of times. i also get these hormone type surges that feel like some one has given me drugs. going to docs next week to get hormones checked. i’m really healthy otherwise and made some massive changes last year like leaving my husband and stressful job – and am living a much happier life…so hopefully this all sorts itself out without too much challenge. thanks

    2. Tonya
      8 years ago

      I am going on 47 in September and I can tell you, that I know all about that dizziness. It was really bad for me in 2011 and 2012. It came on suddenly while I was in public and it felt like I was in a tunnel far away from everyone as the world spun crazily. The hot flashes and night sweats started in my late 30s and I still get them. It feels like spontaneous human combustion! I swear that I am surprised that I haven’t caught on fire by now. I could be fine one moment and the next, severely nauseous and dizzy. It is awful and oh the cramps. I’d gone from April to July without a period and then bam! In late July, it hit me hard and heavy and the cramps felt like someone was just clamping on my uterus and not letting go. I honestly thought about going to the hospital and screaming at them to take everything out of me that one night. I have always had cramps but that last one felt like it was not going to ease up. I tried to out last the pain but I cracked and scrambled for two ibuprofen and that was the only thing that stopped those vicious cramps. And I just started my period for this month but it is really light so far and quiet. Then, just a while ago, out of the blue I got a wave of nausea from nowhere. UGH! I hate nausea! I would rather deal with the cramping than to be nauseous. My doc told me I was perimenopausal and I told her that I know that. I am just hoping it ends soon. Good luck to you and everyone else that suffers with all of these hormone issues.

  128. Stephanie
    8 years ago

    Thank you Dr. Northrup. I so admire you and you are my go to when it comes to women’s health and wellness.

  129. Pebbles
    8 years ago

    I had a baby in my early 40’s and it seriously took years to get my weight back to my prepregnancy range and it was extremely difficult to lose the weight. I’ve been very disciplined to not gain weight since then but have not had a period for 3 months and I’m getting alarmed because my weight keeps creeping up no matter what… nothing is working..
    Very demoralizing and frustrating. I really love my wardrobe and in a short period of time nothing fits. I feel so uncomfortable in my body like I can feel it holding onto fat… every day for 2 months now I feel like my period is going to start but it doesn’t and the symptoms of bloating, h/a, tension,weight gain,cravings,increased hunger are making my days challenging to cope with these unwanted symptoms. I’m feeling a lot of anquish that I will never again be the person I feel on the inside…like Mother Nature is going to turn me into a matronly looking person I won’t recognize.

    1. Kristine
      8 years ago

      Hi I have had a similar experience with weight gain as soon as I got 47 this year. Super annoying I also developed terrible periods, fibroids , and bloating and weight gain. Plus random UTI symptoms. Nothing seems to help. I did cut out all dairy and animal products which helped a little. But still experiencing horrible and long periods and PMS. I just started on birth control pills to see if that helps. Any other suggestions out there? I’m. Trying to be accepting but this sucks.

      1. Becky
        8 years ago

        I have tried birth control and two other synthetic progesterone meds to control the heavy periods after ablation failure that did not work. I pushed my dr for prometrrium that is naturual and I feel like myself again with more energy and sleep better. I took two 100 mg pills for about a week to stop the bleeding and back to 100 mg per day since I only have a month supply. I think I need 200 mg per day, just testing this out. I have read that some take 300 mg per day. It may depend on your weight. My pharmacist told me this medicine is preferred over synthetic hormones now.

  130. Markus Dunnell
    8 years ago

    Thanks for every other excellent article. Where else could anyone get that type of information in such an ideal way of writing? I have a presentation next week, and I am on the search for such information.

  131. Cheryl Stevens
    8 years ago

    I don’t know where to start!
    I am 48 and have been experiencing generalised anxiety, some hot flushes, night sweats, aching muscles regularly, off balance, heart palpitations, extreme tiredness and general flu like symptoms 4-6 weekly. I often worry I might have something other than peri although my GP has confirmed this. He also did full blood tests and prescribed folic acid as deficient. I guess I am just looking for reassurance that all this is quite “normal” and will settle in time? I have suffered for approx 4 years.

    1. Marie
      8 years ago

      Hi Cheryl, have you tried homeopathy?

    2. Paulette
      8 years ago

      Sounds very much like me.

    3. Jacqueline
      8 years ago

      I get flu like symptoms every 4 to 6 weeks and that routine has been ongoing for more than a year. I describe it like having a 50% flu. I’m taking HRT – estrogen and progesterone. I’ve had blood work done and isolated that my iron was a bit low. Despite visits to my family doctor and obstetrician, I can’t seem to get a handle on this. Approximately every 4-6 weeks, I’m down and out for almost a week. Sometimes longer. I’m 51 years old and am very healthy and very active. I’m a competitive runner and I also swim for cross training. My training has been sporadic at best given that each month or so, I have to stop everything until the dizziness and nausea subsides. Has anyone gotten any feedback on what is happening?

      1. Deneen
        8 years ago

        have your physican do a Western blot test for lyme disease. That was exactly the way I felt, and now that I was treated by a great LLMD, I have my life, vitality and health back.

    4. Annemieke Leiden
      8 years ago

      I have been helped by an acupuncturist who specializes in women’s treatment. It has helped to get back in my body. He also encouraged me to dismiss the IUD and to rely on mother nature and his treatment instead of artificial hormones. I am still in that process and I try to listen to my inner voice. It seems to improve over time, although gradually.
      Also I have been taking Qi gong classes and the excercises help on all levels. A full body massage every now and then helps a lot as well. Plus Epsom Salt baths 2 times per week.
      I wish you well, and recommend to read the book “womens’ bodies, womens’ wisdom” as that contains good advice on how to tackle specific issues.
      Be kind to yourself and your body! Sending you lots of positive energy 🙂

    5. Manuela
      8 years ago

      I hear you Peri.How are you doing now? It’s been going on for a few years for me too.It seems to get worse now.Will it ever go away?

    6. Dexiyd
      8 years ago

      have your doc do a genetic test to see if you have a MTHFR defect. causes all kinds of havoc and affects your folic acid and your bodies ability to activate it.

    7. Hi
      I am having the same experience… think something is really wrong…, get tests done… normal but fsh is 44 (high)..
      Just can’t wait for it to stop; don’t trust the meds; maybe just the progesterone cream.,

  132. kciardella
    8 years ago

    I hope you can help me. I am 49 and have been trying to decide if I need a partial hysterectomy. For over a year now, during my period, on about day two, it is like the entire seven days of my period wants to come out all at once. I am unable to use tampons at this time which I always was able to use. If I try to use a tampon, the blood clots go around the tampon and come out. I try to stay home, close to a bathroom, during these two days a month. I continue to get my period monthly and have my period for the seven days, still heavy on day three. I stopped taking Advil and Aleve to lessen the bleeding, only taking tylenol for headaches. I have a tumor on my liver just under 4cm that is a hormone driven tumor that only grew during pregnancy (I have 4 children) and is stable, actually getting a little smaller each year I get it checked. I have never been on birth control pills and have been advised not to take hormone replacement because of the tumor. I do have bad PMS symptoms which I recognize and try to control with diet, therapy and relaxation techniques. I have most of the peri symptoms, all but the hot flashes. I don’t drink alcohol and only have one cup of coffee a day. I have had many blood tests and had a sample of my uterus checked. No cancer. I have had two recent very bad experiences with bleeding while out that were very hard to deal with and embarrassing. After reading one of your books about menopause I felt I should not have the operation. I think the tumor is what is complicating things since I am unable to take any medications. Am I candidate for surgery since I am limited with my options?

    1. Sue Hunt
      8 years ago

      I’m 51, have no tumor and have the same experience with ridiculously heavy flow day 2 and 3. I usually do last 5-7 days, but day 1 and 4-7 are usually much more manageable. I still use those ginormous tampons (not so much clotting – maybe that is the tumor?) and keep them with me at all times 🙂 You’re not alone. 🙂

      1. Traci
        8 years ago

        Have you tried Vitex and DIM and or Calcium d-glucarate for level out your hormones? I was having the same experience and now my periods are almost non existent and I feel one thousand times better! If you have not visited Lara Briden’s website, you really should. I would take the natural approach to fix things before surgery.

  133. Fiona
    8 years ago

    I am 46 and have used natural progesterone on and off when I have needed it for years. I recently let 2 or 3 years tick by because I thought everything was regular and it was quite expensive so I didn’t use it. Now I am going through these awful symptoms at night either mid cycle or at period time. When I lie down to sleep in drop off because I am tired but then am woken over and over with panic attack like symptoms, they can be in different parts of my body. I can have inner tremors and heart beating too fast and back pain and hallucination type dreams. It’s horrible. Does anyone else feel any of these things?

    1. Kristen
      8 years ago

      Yep! 42 here. Getting all kinds of bloodwork to see what’s going on. Sigh. Fun, isn’t it? Keep me posted.

      1. Celeste
        8 years ago

        I am 42 also. I truly hope you have a better experience than me with the blood work. I went to an OB GYN who’s also a Dr. of Osteopathy, which supposedly means that he’s taught to treat the patient not the disease, and to also treat ther whole patient, not just the tits and bits….well that’s a crock of shit let me tell you. This man listened to me sob about my symptoms, he got my husbands horror story of my symptoms and reassured me this was typical perimenapause…ordered blood work, he took one look at it and said there’s no possible way it’s Peri….you’re obviously depressed…want some xanax and antidepressants? Ummm Noooo but I do want to kick this trash can across your office! FYI….unless it’s in black and white on your lab results…be prepared to get zero credit for knowing your own body! Hugs!!!!

        1. Venessa
          7 years ago

          BAM ! My thoughts exactly ! It irks me to my core when we are treated like nut cases. We live in these bodies, we know when something is amiss. I despise it when they drop the Rx for AD. This is typically done globally. I reside in South Africa, and it’s no different. AD are prescribed at the drop of a hat. We either get on board with their “treatment” plan or take the highway. How on earth can AD address hormonal issues ? SMH !!! I was like poo’ed poo’ed, shop shoo’ed out of my gynae’s rooms because my symptoms did not display the typical symptoms. Lab results suck, as they are so broad. What they reflect is not a one size fits all (although this is what these male gynae’s try and drum into us). What these results reflect, does not necessarily mean it’s optimal for our bodies to function optimally. I’m SO over all my symptoms, not to mention the useless “help” we receive from doctors who claim to know how we feel, and what we experience on a daily basis. Yeah right, they have lived through perimenopause and menopause ! They’d never come through on the other side if they had to encounter these ghastly, daunting and debilitating symptoms, daily, and for years. I’m in perimenopause, turning 48 next month and it’s relentless. I don’t have the typical hot flashes, nor night sweats, (except the night or two before my menses commences). My menses have also changed from 5 days to a day and a half, and are coming closer together. I too feel like I have fallen off the turnip wagon, and at times have lost my every last semblance of sanity. I absolutely am not wanting any form of HRT, other than BIHT, and supplements. I have Dr. Northrup’s book “Wisdom of Menopause”, and will start reading it shortly. I had an ablation in September 2015, as well as a ligation ( biggest mistake of my life). Ever since than, it feels like I’ve been hit by a sledgehammer daily. I knew about two months after the operation that my hormones were thrown into hormonal turmoil. Obviously none of the doctors want to admit this. Hell yeah, I know something was amiss as my libido was always sky high, along with other normal functions that never took an effort is now almost impossible to do. Low and behold when I saw my results for my Testosterone, it was tanked out. Almost unreadable, that coupled with low progesterone and ever dropping estrogen is leaving me feeling like . Doctors need to LISTEN to us before just formulating their own ideas. Nobody know their bodie’s better than us who live in them daily. Oh and dare not bring any materials from the Net to substantiate your findings. That is a huge NO NO !

          Anyone have teeth and gum issues during their perimenopause ?

    2. Atoya
      8 years ago

      I’ve had similar. I’m 44. I will almost be asleep and my body will shake. Like cold chills. Then heart races… then it will cycle over and over… I usually wake up with sweat on my chest the next morning.

      1. Lisa
        8 years ago

        Oh my gosh this exact thing happened just the other night…severe chills then eventually hot hot hot
        Woke soaked
        It was the child’s that was new

    3. martha bailey
      8 years ago

      maam i am 42. this is so me every night. i do not like it at all.

    4. Jill
      8 years ago

      Yep, I am 48 now but this hit me at all once at about 44. I was never someone who felt anxious and literally overnight it was like I was someone else- anxiety that grew into full blown panic attack, always at night shortly after falling asleep. I also has severe dizziness, weird heart palpitations (kind of like a tugging) and migraines at this time.

      This went on for three months, finally eased up after I started going for regular massages. I wish I went sooner because I lost 3 months of my life – totally preoccupied with all this at work and at home. Turned into a complete hypochondriac. Thankfully it all stopped.

      I am still in perimenopause now but think it’s close to ending- i have a light period about every 4-5 months. I rarely get nightsweats now but a whole new level of fun has replaced it (frequent UTI’s, back pain, dryness, etc).

      The worst part of it all when it started was everyone thought I was nuts, my GP wanted to put me on antidepressants (didn’t take them). I wish I had done more holistic practices earlier- chiropractor, massage, meditation. Meditation helps a ton. And I am not a woo woo person, but self care seemed to be the best treatment. Hoping this next transition gets easier, the urinary stuff is not fun.

    5. Candy Warren
      8 years ago

      Use Cymbalta or its generic version. Your panic attacks/anxiety attacks will go away. I swear by this. It me when I hit at age 47. I’m 58 now. Still on the stuff. But I wouldn’t trade not taking that pill each day for another panic/anxiety attack ever again. My PA-C started me on Lexipro first for quelling this problem. I bumped into an old high school classmate that turned me onto Cymbalta. Lexipro still allowed heart fluttering (part of the panic/anxiety symptoms). Cymbalta removed all symptoms. No, I don’t work for or have investments in the company that makes Cymbalta. Us sisters in menopause must help each other out by sharing our successes in fighting the horrible effects of menopause in our lives. Now if I could just get rid of this damn “Menopause Rage” that is causing me grief and anguish I’d be a “Happy Camper”. Good luck and God bless you.

      1. Sue Hunt
        8 years ago

        I was on Lexapro for 6 years after my parents died and I divorced. I wouldn’t recommend it. It spiked my blood pressure and cholesterol levels to the point where the docs wanted to medicate me for THAT, TOO! After being off it for a year, my levels returned to normal and haven’t been elevated since. My advice would be don’t do it. Once you’re on that type of medication, it is VERY DIFFICULT to get off of it, and you must wean yourself little by little over a long period of time. The problem with Lexapro is that the dosage was so low, it’s tough to wean yourself off of. Just be careful. Psych meds should be a last resort!

    6. Julee Bennett
      8 years ago

      Hi Fiona. I’m 46 as well and I’ve also experienced those exact symptoms. Remember, you are the boss of your brain and you get to choose your response to these feelings. When you train your brain to relax and not respond in a concerned way, you are telling your subconscious mind that you refuse to give these feeling any attention whatsoever. You will be amazed at how quickly those feelings disappear. Much of what you are feeling is hormonal, so don’t worry just find things to distract yourself immediately after waking up, things that bring you joy, and creative things you love. Also pay attention to your breathing and stretch when you awake. It tells your brain to relax, and the body will respond. xo Julee

      1. Jeanette watts
        8 years ago

        This is a great reply julee, and works well for me to.

        Jeanette x

      2. Maria
        7 years ago

        Great comment, that is the answer! We have the power to heal ourselves or to meke us ill

    7. Irma R
      8 years ago

      Im 41 years old and in experiencing almost the same symptoms dizziness heart beating fast. I’ve had blood wok done for sugar levels ekg CT scan and all comes out negative. Not sure if it’s panic attack or hormones changespecially?

    8. Kristen
      8 years ago

      Hi! Sounds just like me! Let’s talk! How are things going since you posted this?

    9. Kinn Adams
      8 years ago

      I am 51 and am dealing with the same issues especially at night and it’s scary to say the least. Hang in there because this is a bumpy road for both of us.
      K. Adams

    10. Tonya
      8 years ago

      I too have the hallucinations after I wake up suddenly in the middle of the AM. I get the panic attacks and feel like I am dying. Heart jolting and just flipping out. You are right. It is horrible, but I am glad that I am not the only one that experiences it. I will be 47 on Sept 21st and have been going through perimenopause since my late 30s. It sucks! I wish you well.

      1. Kristeen
        4 years ago

        I think I get this too. Once in a while lately while waking/semi-asleep I become aware of seeing patterns and shapes swirling. Sometime bright colors and other times softer/bluer like a gauzy layer. When I open my eyes (with heart pounding) I still see it alittle. Usually goes away from 1-5 minutes. If I turn a light on I can’t see it any more. Some call it phosphene or hypnagogic hallucinations. I’m 54 and going through perimenipause. Has happened about 6/7 times over the last 5 years but happening more often now. What do your hallucinations look like? See your post 4 years ago so I’m hoping you better now.

        1. Sam
          3 years ago

          Kristen, I have the same phosphenes lately and I’m going through perimenopause. I’ve also had difficulty sleeping lately and wake up every hour or two!

  134. Amanda Kruger
    8 years ago

    My periods has always been regular never been on the pill and I am healthy fit women. I just turned 47. In January I had a mid cycle bleed for 5 days on the 5 Jan. Then on the 8th February I had a clear blood spot bleeding. When I wiped after using the bathroom I saw clear blood and believed my period started. Only to find my tampon with a small amount of brown blood. The following two days I had mild cramping with no bleeding. It is 21 days later and have developed sensitive nipples. I have done a pregnancy test and came negative. Yes my boyfriend and I have had unprotected sex the last three months. I don’t have any of the premenopausal symptoms either. I am at lost to what is happening to me.

    1. kerry
      8 years ago

      Peri – menopause !!

  135. CC3
    8 years ago

    Hi, I just turned 44 and 2 months ago all of a sudden I started having heart palpitations/ pvcs (sometimes every few beats). My periods are perfectly on time but recently I have been extra moody/weepy/hot and I feel my hormones are extreme (more cramps, worse pms,sore breasts, I cry easily). My pvcs got better for a couple weeks then returned with a vengeance, I notice them even more when I get cramping and hot all over which is happening even in mid cycle, I have a hard time sleeping at times. I had an echo which showed my heart to be normal, thyroid is normal (slightly anemic only) and I wore a holter for a week (waiting on those result,s but if it were serious I was told I would know right away). This has made me obsessed with checking my heart rate, I can literally feel all my beats and it’s driving me crazy, I just want to be my normal self again 🙁 I have been trying my best to just go on as normal as possible, but in my mind it’s always there. I am wondering if this could be hormonal related? Do I need some type of hormone replacement even though my periods are normal?

    1. Maria
      8 years ago

      I went through what you are going through last Summer, I literally could feel my heart skipping beats and it scared me, so I saw a Cardiologist, who had me wired up to a Holter Monitor, I had an echo cardiogram and a then a nuclear stress test where they put the dye in and guess what nothing wrong it came back all hormone related. So what I have been doing since is putting a couple of drops of pure frankincense oil on the bottom of my feet and massage it in and it has completely helped. I do not get them like I did the cardiologist said mid Forties is when it tends to happen.
      Good luck with everything.

    2. Lisa
      8 years ago

      At 48 major heart skipping anxiety etc. blood work fine
      Dr said anxiety. I am also in full blown perimenopause. I’ve finally began to accept that a huge amount of this is hormones! I do not take drugs for anxiety I found a great book dare. But knowing this should ease at some point helps. Heart much less skipping now

  136. Sharon Davis
    8 years ago

    I am 61 and unable to masturbate or be stimulated like I used to. I have been in (chemically induced) menopause since 2003, due to chemo. I found your book, The Wisdom of Menopause, about 8 years ago and I eagerly started bioidenticals including testosterone, at that time. Unfortunately, I chose to stop taking them after 2 years, which was the biggest mistake. Very soon, my clitoris shrunk and my urethra started protruding over time. I’ve become very depressed, gaining weight and developing high blood pressure among other things. I have lost drive and do not feel much like a woman anymore and yet, I still look young and I desire to feel better so I have finally decided to start bioidenticals again, assuming it’s not too late. Doctor, can you give me any advice? Do you think they will work for me now?

  137. Tra
    8 years ago

    I am 51 years old and just experienced my period ending and then around 5-7 days l had what appears to be another period. Went to the gyn and now I am going to do a sonogram and biopsy to make sure there is no endometrial cancer. This is my gyn’s protocol.

    Has anyone dealt with this before and what should I expect going forward. Frankly, it feels nerve racking since I was someone with a consistent period. If anyone has had a similar experience–please provide insight.

    As I read some of the comments–I have probably been in peri for a few years.

    1. Jill
      8 years ago

      yes, My symptoms too. Periods close together and lots of spotting. Sometimes two periods in one month. Sometimes only a few days without spotting leading up to heavier bleed again. This has been going on for two years. I was sent to hospital for tests but they were clear. As yet, I have been given nothing to combat this and I would be very grateful to know if there is a solution.

    2. Adrienne Kenyon
      8 years ago

      Hello, I hope all is well with you and you are in good health. I am also 51 with identical symptoms. Can you give me any advice?

      Thanks in advance!


    3. Tania
      8 years ago

      Yes! I started going through peri menopause at 38. Just before I turned 39, this happened to me. I chart regularly and was confused as to what to do, and because I was used to my cycles getting longer and longer (35-40 days), I was less concerned. At 42 days late, I saw the OB and she confirmed that’s when I got pregnant. I still believe that this pregnancy was different from the others because I was still experiencing some of the peri menopausal symptoms. I have lived a very stressful lifestyle for years. About a year after I had our baby, I had many blood draws and labs. Mostly normal with high platelet production. Now that it has been two years since our son was born, my body has reset the clock and I’m going through peri menopause again.

    4. Diane Guevara
      7 years ago

      I am 52 1/2 and in a long peri menopause process…was put on a low dose birth control about 3+ years ago so that I would only have one period per month. I would have my 7 day period and then have another period a 1/2 week to a week earlier than when my next period should be, so, I was probably having an extra 2 or so periods a year. Was annoying to my husband as it “seemed” like I was always on my period. I am wondering if I should go off the pill and suck it up regarding the bleeding and try the homeopathic remedies, etc. I am doing pretty good. Oh, I WAS having a VERY heavy day 3 or 4 of my period, but that has subsided the last 5 months. Thank God!! Do get some dizziness while just sitting at my desk at work, which I thought meant I needed a neck adjustment (I have had 3 whiplashes)…now I have learned peri menopause gives many of you dizziness. Wow.
      And the strange flu like symptoms. I missed work last wed and stayed in bed. Chills and was exhausted and felt feverish but wasn’t. I have some anxiety that I manage through mindfulness…breathing, relaxing, being the moment, closing my eyes…let the thoughts roll bye like a news ticker…
      Moodiness and depression hits for a few days each month..woke with a sweaty chest this morning and now I know it is peri menopause
      My period was supposed to start yesterday…so sweats must be connected. I lost my husband to cancer 22 mos ago and am finally in my right mind. Cannot wait to read Dr. Northrups books on this subject. Thanks for all of your shares

  138. KG
    8 years ago

    Dear dr christiane, thank you for the this amazing resource and all that you do. To all the sisters here who comment, support and share – thank you so much!!!

    I’m 35, married, and had a termination about 2.5yrs ago. My periods have always been and are still on time, painless, but now last just about 2 days. No weight issues but Over the past 2 years, beginning incidentally at a seriosuly stressful time at work and marriage, I began getting nausea, faintness and dizziness, couple of incidences of rapid heartbeat, anxiety, huge fatigue, couple of incidences of cold and hot during sleep, low ambition, indigestion/upset tummy, and twice a uti.
    All of these I’ve charted almost cylically occurring in the days in the phase between the last day of my period and day before ovulation usually. sex drive is low, except a few days just before period.
    Please any advice would be hugely appreciated! It’s all compounding my anxiety and I’d love to get these under control and plan a family soon. Thank you so very much. Love to all.

  139. KG
    8 years ago

    Dear dr Christiane, thank you for creating this amazing resource and the wonderful work you do! And to all the comments and suggestions here- THANK YOU sisters.

    I’m 35, have had one termination about 2.5 years ago. My period is always on time, lasts just about 2days and only mild/ almost absent cramping or pain.
    However over the past 2’years (beginning at what was a very strained time professionally and relationshipwise) started getting nausea, indigestion, anxiety, short episodes of rapid heartbeat, one episode of uti, couple of instances of cold/hot in the night, dizzy and very fatigued – all mainly in the days between the last day of period and ovulation time.
    Very stressed in the marriage and work. Generally low sex drive throughout the month too, except for a few days right before period.
    Tired of dealing with this craziness, is it hormones or intestinal parasites? any advice would be so appreciated!

  140. Zelda
    8 years ago

    Can someone help me? I am 39, have regular periods and had a normal fsh done 2 months ago, but starting 2 months ago, I have gotten hot flashes, burning breasts, join pain and night sweats before and after my period. I have never had symptoms after my period before. Currently, I can barely move from the constant hot flashes and burning breasts, which seem to have gotten worse. I understand I am probably in perimenapause, but it is so intense!! I am having a really hard time. I went to the dr who took blood but I wont have answers until next week. No one seems to be able to help me and I barely sleep because of the pain and hot flashes. Any ideas??? Please help.

  141. Diana
    8 years ago

    Just wondering. They say when women work together their periods can go in sync at times. I have not had a period in 4 years, I am 55. I do on occasion have what I call ‘faux’ ovulation or ovary cramps mid-month that swtich from left to right every other month. Been to Dr. and all is fine by the way! And then, 12 days later, I get what I call a ‘faux’ period. Cravings, bloating, crampy, moody and then, nothing happens.
    I have been workingin an office for the past 6 month with 18 women 1 male! Most of which are young. Since then, I swear with all that estrogen around me, my ‘FAUX’ symptoms have increased. Is it at all possible much like periods going into sync, could my body being around so much estogren be causing my faux symptoms to increase? I was estrogen dominant most of my life. I swear my body misses it and, if it can catch estrogen in the air, it will! Just putting it out there if anyone has ever heard or felt this.

  142. Stephanie
    8 years ago

    I am 56 and my periods have just started to change, after having an ablation procedure.
    I have to take iron or end up needing a transfusion. My HOT FLASHES are making my social life miserable. My PMS is lasting as long as 3 1/2 weeks.
    My cramps cause me to go to bed, even with ibuprofen and acetaminophen in between.
    I take iron, vitamin C, magnesium, calcium, K2, D, B complex, citalopram and bupropion.
    I go to water aerobics because it is the only exercise I can do without sweating to death.
    I’m a healthy eater, have occasional caffeine and a couple glasses of wine per week.
    Do I just have to deal with it?
    I feel like I’m going to be in the Guinness Book of World Records as the oldest woman still having to buy feminine hygiene products for herself. Lol. Help!
    Any suggestions?

  143. D2
    8 years ago

    I am a woman age 42. I am looking at my life hormone cycle and wondering how I may have been able to better balance my system. I was an athlete very physical in dance and weight training 4% body fat 14-16yrs old. I was originally put on low dose birth control pills to encourage a period. later I had a boyfriend and we were together for about 8yrs during that time we got pregnant a few time. Each time the doctors raised my dose. I diligently took these pills on a timer because I was told even a variation of a few minutes in time could cause me to get pregnant again. At one point around 20yrs old I was on the highest dose available. The final straw was a series of events regular leg pains, angina attacks and finally a tubal pregnancy. Through all of this I am thankful to my mother my rock, she stood by me during my procedures and finally convinced me to stop taking these pills.

    what transpired was incredible to me – I stopped getting pregnant and stopped having chest pains. However I did go through bouts of the blues regularly but it was generally something that could be managed with basic personal care (food rest and a bit of TLC).

    at 39 I had a massive gum surgery immediately after I have felt changes in many ways physically; hair nail texture changes, acne between my brow (ive never had acne my whole life) day napping from exhaustion and headaches (also a new thing for me) .On the mental level a complete disconnect – no focus or sleeping at night, Everything seems to effect me in a fight or flight manner when I used to be a calm person, but the most painful is my apathy and disinterest in things that previously gave me joy.

    Ive been managing things admittedly not great but doing ok seeking refuge in my lady lunches or time to decompress. As well as seeing two doctors to ask about menopause and was basically brushed off told this couldn’t be my issue and I am too young. Then this past spring I had an oops moment during sex and took Plan B (just in case), for a few months I went into an emotional tail spin. it was Dark, I began to scare myself with the thoughts that went through me. I thought I was loosing my mind. I only felt normal for a few days just before and during my period.

    a dear friend recommended an acupuncturist & Naturopath in October. She had my blood tested every 5 days and we found my progesterone way dropping mid cycle to post-pardum/post menopausal levels and coming back up just before and after my periods. After using progesterone yam cream I felt incredible then my period came mid-cycle. We stopped the cream and I am again monitoring my blood levels. even though its not there yet it feels great to know I may be in the right track.

    Here is what I am wondering now,
    1. is it possible that my progesterone has always been low mid-cycle and taking birth control pills actually enhanced my abilities to get pregnant? it possible that the gum surgery may have released lay ten toxins and chemicals into my system that are creating an imbalance in my hormones?
    3. with all the hormones being modified and adjusted in different ways how can I best self monitor my (progesterone) levels to other than weekly blood tests?
    4. do you have a network of hormone specialists? how do I find therapists that understand these changes and the resulting emotions of loss related it?

  144. Crystal Baughman
    8 years ago

    I’m 37 and I’m convinced I’m starting premenopaus/menopause at a young age. Symptoms started around 36. Changes in my periods, mood, depression, skin, vaginal dryness (which is the most frustrating symptom), brain fog, night sweets. My mom also started her change in her 30’s, but never will really talk about it. It seems very young to be starting this and I’m having a hard time emotionally with it and I don’t know of anyone else my age experiencing this. Doctors don’t seem to listen very well to my concerns, however my theorpist has been very supportive and believes that I may be right about my assumption I’m starting to go through changes at a young age. She actually recommended I look at Dr Northrup site as you have a lot of great information on aging and thus seems to be a topic that has been coming up a lot in my theorpy sessions because I’m having a hard time navigating these changes and keeping my mental well being healthy. I’m finding lots of great information on this site however I still feel very lost going through this and I’m not so sure it’s normal to be starting premenopaus/menopause so early.

    1. Christiane
      8 years ago

      You could very well be going through some changes ..but they don’t have to be “perimenopausal” per se. I’ve seen women actually stop periods for a year or two at around your age. Only to have them come back again later. So– instead of worrying about it, I suggest you take something like my AmataLife Pueraria mirifica supplement to help with your hormones. And then just let nature take it’s course. You also probably need more magnesium. Most of us do. I recommend Dr Carolyn Dean’s ReMag. Just google it. My Amata website is I also recommend that you read the section on Menopause in my book Women’s Bodies, Women’s Wisdom or also the Wisdom of Menopause. Chances are good that you have years before your final menstrual period. So sink into this process and enjoy it. Christiane

      1. Susan
        8 years ago

        Hi Christiane,

        I just turned 56 years old and have been going through perimenopause for at least 6 years. Symptoms hot flashes (several), difficulty slleping or staying asleep, weight gain, some anxiety, and irritable mode at times. I am a person who lives a very healthy life style – clean eating, exercise on a regular basis (free weights and cardio).
        So here’s my story – When I was 36 I have a hysterectomy leaving 1 ovary, so still on my own natural hormones. I’ve tried different antidepressants which ended up the symptoms were not worth it. I then took Estradiol which was my magic pill – back to my normal self – great mood, energy, no more inner tube belly, no more hot flashes and could sleep like a baby. 4 years ago I was diagnosed with lobular carcinoma in situ (LCIS) and was immediately taken of the estradiol. All my symptoms immediately came back.

        In reading your article about Pueraria Mirifica, can someone with LCIS take this?

    2. Estelle
      8 years ago

      Hi crystal I just want you to know that I started going thru my change of life at the age of 35 and stopped having period by the time I was 39. I was told it was normal by my doctor back then because it was heretary . You see on my dad side of the family, he had ten sisters and we all started our periods at the age of 9 and 10. By our mid thirties we all started our change of life and finished before we reached forty. We’ve never had any problems and we have been enjoying life without those periods. I always thought , it’s a blessing.

  145. Verena
    8 years ago

    Dear Dr. Northrup,

    I want to use this place to thank you for everything you do and especially for the daily health recommendation. They help enormously on this journey. I really feel myself widening, opening up and smiling when I read them, and learn to trust the path, sometimes even when it’s feeling like it will last forever and never stop. Things click into the right places again, after being busy someplaces else for so many years.

    1. Christiane
      8 years ago

      Thank you so very much for this!! Christiane

  146. Maria Allen
    8 years ago

    Hello- I will be 51 in the spring and wanted to share some stuff regarding perimenopause and life itself. I have been “perimenopausal” for about six years now. The last three have been unbelievably intense. Personally, I have some challenges in my marriage and emotional issues that compound the up and down hormones of pre-menopause. My periods have been very heavy and I have been on and off iron supplement. Somehow I have had the courage to only consider getting my uterus out as a last resort. Right now, my physical health seems to be a lot better, as I take the time to pamper myself when needed and consume heathier food, along with some vitamins. But the thing that has been the gamechanger for me is cutting out coffee and all caffeine, including chocolate. I still consume a little coffee in the morning and have an occasional bit of chocolate. My periods are calmer now and the pain is down too. Yet this whole story would not be complete without mentioning how I have allowed God to guide and inspire me throughout this !

  147. Janna Taylor
    8 years ago

    Perimenopause has been the most challenging part of my life. I noticed in my early to mid-forties that my period had become very heavy. For about two years it was 21-23 days apart, but the bleeding was intense with severe cramping. As the days between started to spread out, so did the intensity of the bleeding. Out of the blue, I developed severe anxiety and panic attacks. The panic attacks sent me to the ER three times, before I finally believed the doctors who kept telling me that I was fine physically. I had MRIs, EKGs, Echo-cardiogram and numerous other tests just to reassure me that I wasn’t dying from some strange disease. I still experience the “dreads” from time to time. I continue to have hot flashes, night sweats, insomnia, my face and extremities tingle. I am often dizzy. My thinking is clouded and I get tongue-tied very easily. Really, the list goes on and on. I just turned 51 and I hope that I am turning the corner back to normalcy. I know the symptoms are better than they were a couple years ago. My periods are starting to spread out a little and I have skipped a few here and there. I am not taking any medications, but I am taking a woman’s multivitamin, extra calcium, magnesium and B-12. Good luck to everyone on this journey!!

    1. Lynn
      8 years ago

      I cannot believe how similar my symptoms are to yours. I am 49 and have been noticing mood changes for a few years now. This too has been the most challenging time of my life. About six months ago I missed a period for the first time, then that same month I had my first panic attack while driving. I called 911 because I thought I was having a heart attack. I went to the ER and they said it was just panic. I didn’t fully believe that and since then have gotten a full cardiac work up – EKG, echocardiogram, stress test, and a calcium scan. I have zero plaque in my arteries and my overall risk of heart disease is very low. Yet I continue to struggle with panic and anxiety. My dr gave me xanax if I am having a panic attack and at first I took it here and there. It helped, but it’s no way to live! It has been probably three months since I have taken anything. I have tried meditating and exercising. Both have helped but the anxiety lingers. I even have the tingling you speak of. Overall perimenopause has knocked me on my ass. I went to see a new gyn who recommended the birth control pill to get me through this. I worry about the side effects but might give it a try. Thanks for sharing your story. Talking to other women going through this has really helped me.

      1. CJW
        8 years ago

        This sounds like me too. However, I am also experiencing very strange migraines with during REM sleep that wake me 2-4 times a night. It is so scary and makes anxiety go off the charts so I am doing as much as I possibly can to reduce stress and manage the anxiety. I have been to the ER 3x so far thinking I was having a heart attack because the palpitations go with it and scare me too. I do not like taking xanax either. I am still looking for a doctor that supports natural remedies. I have seen 3 gyn’s in my insurance network thus far and they all just want to give me a birth control pill. I am 53 and do not want to take them for fear of the side effects and dangers of those. I am still looking for natural remedies and someone to help support my decisions without throwing a synthetic pill at the symptoms. I would love to know if anyone else has experienced the nocturnal migraines. Thanks for sharing….

      2. Lisa
        8 years ago

        Please purchase a book Dare. It saved me regarding the understanding of panic and anxiety.
        I have that but better. but at 50 I get night sweats, chills, low drive, tingly toes, rach heart or skipping.
        I’m hoping to learn about natural progesterone or estrogen creams …

    2. Tracy
      8 years ago

      I am in the same boat as you. You are describing everything I am and have been going through for the past 3 years (I will be 48 in a few weeks). I have good weeks and bad weeks with this. I am seeing a hormone doctor and getting bioidentical testosterone pellets for the past year which help with some symptoms. The dreads you mentioned are so bad that I had to quit my high paying job and now see a therapist to help with them. I am definitely not who I used to be, a very strong, confident, highly motivated woman who had a clear career path that I have now stepped down from. It is very sad but I try to make the best of the situation and listen to what my body is telling me. I see a naturopath and take quite a few supplements that are helpful as well but I know my hormones still get out of whack especially the week before my period and I have been unable to use progesterone cream to help because it causes terrible insomnia and nervousness. I look forward to being on the other side of this I think, although my hormone doctor has said I am still quite a way from the end. Ugh!!!!

    3. Diane Rios
      8 years ago

      Oh thank you for this. I was looking for someone going through what I am – it’s unbelievable. I turned 50 this year and that’s when it all began. I haven’t slept more than 3 hours a night in months, waking many times a night completely soaked in sweat, my bed is wet, I have to change my night gown three x a night – I have migraines (never had headaches in my life), I am like an emotional volcano – the current political situation is not helping – I feel fragile and vulnerable and angry. The sweating thing and the no sleep thing feels like it’s killing me. Can you die of hot flashes? Can you die from lack of sleep? I feel desperate! 🙁

      1. Jody ramminger
        8 years ago

        Bio identical progesterone has been a life saver for migraine s are gone and most of the hot flashes. Also taking b6 and bcomplex has calmed my nerves

  148. Oak
    8 years ago

    Interesting, helpful and a bit scary to read everyone’s experiences. I think I’ve begun perimenopause (very early stages) but I’m not suffering many symptoms yet. Rather, I keep thinking I’m pregnant because of the long PMS symptoms and occasional periods several weeks late. I’m 47 but had my only child at 41 and a miscarriage at 43. My little guy wishes for a sibling and I guess the only real challenge I’m having is accepting that it probably won’t happen. I know it would be infinitely harder if I didn’t have any children. So far I haven’t seen the grieving part of menopause mentioned here. Others?

    1. Stephanie
      8 years ago

      I can definitely relate to that. I have been married twice (this last time married at 38). I, too, had a child at 41 and at five he is asking for and wanting a sibling (I have older children that live in another state-22, 20, 15). It is very difficult, especially when my friends as younger and are still having children. It is definitely a grieving process that is not talked about often. You are not alone.

  149. BrittB
    8 years ago

    Hello Ladies – aren’t we all in the thick of it! I am 46 and started peri-menopause about three years ago. I believe my initiation into this joy ride was a migraine that lasted on and off for a month followed by a light period for three weeks. Since then I have night sweats and insomnia on and off. During ovulation I get elevated blood pressure and rapid heart beats for about 24 hours. Stress tests & EKGs shows nothing wrong. Then everything goes back to normal – for about a week. Then the migraines, nausea, and crashing fatigue start right before my period – which by the way comes when it wants to and has more blood then most crime scenes. I have cramps that remind me of labor. Blessedly, it only lasts 5-6 days. My periods can come 60, 45, 31, or 20 days – basically puberty in reverse. Anxiety and the fatigue come and go – again no rhyme or reason to it. Doc tested my FSH two years ago was at 21.8. Not menopause but certainly not fertile Myrtle. I feel like some days I just can’t handle the physical symptoms because they are so exhausting. Then, just like that they are gone. I am not a candidate for HRT because my mom had post menopausal breast cancer possibly due to HRT (she is cancer free now 🙂 )so i get to tough this one out. Anyway ladies, we are not alone and we are not shrinking violets. We are the stronger sex. Hang in the Peri-sisters. Brighter days ahead.

    1. @Sandyluv2bhapi9
      8 years ago

      Hello, everyone. This is definitely NOT my idea of fun! I truly appreciate this forum and your willingness to share your experiences. I was beginning to think I was at the point of no return, until I read your post MsBrittB. As I was reading your initiation story, I felt as though I were reading a page of my own journal; it gave me hope at a time when I need it most. On Saturday, 10/22/16, I will be 42. I am having the migraines, nausea, crashing fatigue that is unbearable, anxiety (without good cause or reason–other than the fact that I have been having mind-blowing migraines, I feel my ovaries are trying to jump out of my abdomen and, I am, losing my mind), light periods with cramps that would disable a blue whale and night sweats, coupled with inability to regulate body temperature during waking hours. Additionally, all lab and diagnostic tests appear within normal range. Progesterone cream 2x daily seems to help with night sweats, a little. My mom and grand-mother are breast cancer survivors, also. You are absolutely correct, we are not shrinking violets, far from it! We endure and persevere. To your point, Yes! We ARE the Stronger sex and gender. Thank you for your post! You shed some much needed light on my day. Be Well Ladies.

    2. Diane Rios
      8 years ago

      YOU made my day!!!! 🙂 So true and so funny! You’re so right we are not shrinking violets, we are basically wizard warrior goddesses by the time we get through all we have to get through in life. I had heard of menopause of course, all through my life from my mom and aunt and friends, but I did not see this coming. At 50, having just got the last child out of the nest, I was so ready to use my newly-liberated strength and hard-won wisdom to make my life easier, but OH WELL. My body had other plans. My symptoms are extreme right now – almost no sleep at all – for months! – and I’m up many times a night soaked in sweat, burning up then freezing cold, over and over and over. I’m totally exhausted, angry, frightened, confused….woot, it’s a total party!!!!!! Can’t wait for those brighter days ahead, I hope they come soon.

    3. Vanessa Barisano
      8 years ago

      I am so happy to find these comments and to hear women speak openly and honestly about their experiences.
      Britt, I too am 46 and started peri about 2 years ago with onset of random anxiety, insomnia, premenstrual migraines and extreme fatigue and occasional hot flashes. I can relate to you b/c i too have the anxiety and fatigue for no rhyme or reason. It’s a struggle especially 3-4 days before my 21 to 35 day periods. My mom too had post menopausal breast cancer after hormone replacement so definitely not a candidate for HRT either! My friend recommended Dr. Northrup’s books…..I know we found the right place for insight and wisdom in this journey! wonderful about your mom’s recovery, God Bless!…. my mom did well too after treatment 🙂

  150. Tonya
    8 years ago

    Hi, misery loves company. 🙂 I started having hot flashes & night sweats in my 30s. I had a great aunt who started hers in her 30s. I just turned 46 on 9/21 and I can say that back around 2012, I had a really awful time with nausea starting up before my cycles and this went on until earlier this year, when things seemed to calm down. But now the random nausea is back, panic attacks, mood swings, craving food like crazy, putting on weight that I can’t shed. My doctors told me that I was too young to be going through menopause, so, one put me on Synthroid for my thyroid. It helps to read other’s experiences so that I don’t feel completely alone & insane. Thanks.

    1. Jaime
      8 years ago

      I am 38 and recently found I am pre menopausal and taking estrogen, progesterone and testosterone. I had a 13 lb weight gain which caused me to start investigating.

  151. Tina
    9 years ago

    Does this perimenopause cause your periods to change in odor? I had the normal type of menstrual odor and now @ age 45 since my periods started going off course, they have a nasty strong smell that I myself can smell during the 1st few days. It’s horrible. Is this normal?

  152. Ellie
    9 years ago

    How I knew that perimenopause started for me was when I woke up one morning with nausea and awful anxiety and heart palpitations. At first I thought it was just stress, but it continued every morning until it had gotten to to the point where other symptoms started. Just before my period, I had the worse PMS I ever had. Crying for no reason, breasts so tender, gastro issues, bloating..just didn’t feel like myself at all. Even after a hysterectomy to remove endometriosis, I still feel like this most days. I used to be able to sleep in late on weekends, but my body jolts me out of bed and just wants to move. Mainly exercise! If I don’t get out and exercise I feel anxiety. Must be my body’s way of telling me that it was time to change my life. Just wish the other symptoms would go away.

    1. Michelle Helliwell
      8 years ago

      Ellie I have all your issues. It’s awful. The racing heart,palps,internal buzzing,jumpy muscles and now onset of arthritis. I am also on HRT which I thought would make it go!

      1. Sandra
        8 years ago

        Hi Michelle, I’m 54 and feel that I’ve been going through menopause since my last period which was in June 2015. I’m extremely hot almost all the time and yet I didn’t think this was menopause because I’ve always been hot. Whenever someone in an office where I’ve worked has asked me what I think of the office temperature, I’ve always said “don’t listen to me. I’m always hot.” In fact, my nickname for myself has been “Waldron (my surname), the cauldron” because I’ve always had a hot body core temperature. I’m emailing you because of what you said above “jumpy muscles”. Every now and again, I’ve experienced a terrible Charlie Horse while laying in bed. I started taking Ionic Magnesium Citrate Powder which is entitled “Natural CALM” and it has helped enormously. All you do is put a teaspoon of powder which has an Organic Raspberry-Lemon Flavour in a glass of orange juice and drink. It is quite delicious! I also recommended this to a male friend (a retired firefighter) who had a charlie horse while sitting with a group of friends in a bar in Sep. 2016. He tried the Natural CALM. I saw him recently and he said the Natural CALM stopped the charlie horse episodes. Perhaps it could work for you and your “jumpy muscles”? I’ve noticed that I have jumpy feet in bed. I’m going to take some for my jumpy feet tonight.

      2. A Muise
        8 years ago

        Wow…first time I have heard anyone mention internal buzzing!! I have this as well!..Terrible feeling 🙁

        1. Shay
          7 years ago

          I also have internal buzzing. There are forums online with hundreds and hundreds of women who are experiencing this unique symptom from menopause.

  153. Alysa
    9 years ago

    Feeling awkward not knowing what’s going on. This is the first time this has happened. I am a few weeks to my 50th birthday. My menstrual cycle ended a few days ago. I had a few days of nothing. Then, I started menstruating again.

  154. Cat
    9 years ago

    I’m cracking up laughing at this very moment, after reading the first lines of this article!! I turned 40 just recently, and my first post-bday period started yesterday… much heavier than they’ve been starting over the past 6-8 months. About a half hour into my evening shift, I had my first hot flash!! Nauseating to say the least! I guess it’s time for me to implement all those things I taught my mom after I first saw one of your PBS specials, 20 or so years ago!
    #firstfortyperiod #firstflash #f….!

  155. Christine
    9 years ago

    Hi! I am 51 and new to what my doctor told me is Perimenopause. I sometimes seriously think I am going crazy. Told that what I am going through is “Normal”. Heavy gross periods, back pain, migraine, brain fog, weight gain, sugar cravings and worst of all FATIGUE. Have had every blood test, ultrasound, thyroid check etc. Very very very frustrated. My husband is very understanding but he has no answers or experience. Hoping reading more of your posts will help.

    1. Traci
      9 years ago

      Hi Christine,

      I started taking DIM and Calcium D Glucarate for high estrogen I’m sleeping better, feel better and I lost almost 20 lbs. with no change to my diet. I was also having heavy periods so I took Vitex for a couple of months and now I have not had a period in over three months. I will take that over the heavy period any day! Plus I feel normal, even without the period and no PMS. I’m going to 49 in Jan.

      1. Cate
        9 years ago

        DIM has also been central to a major improvement in my perimenopause, which sounds a lot like Christine’s. I have also gone to regular acupuncture with an acupuncturist who specializes in women’s health, which has radically changed my health. Giving up alcohol, sugar and white flour while getting vigorous exercise has also made all the difference. Perimenopause has been an agonizing experience for me, and I am tremendously grateful for the treatment and self-care that has led me back to balance. Christine — it might help you to know that feeling like you’re going crazy is a documented symptom of perimenopause. I’ve been there and it is awful!

        1. shyla
          8 years ago

          thank you i am preimenopausel as well thanks for the last statement i do very much feel like i am going crazy and horrible forgetfulness. go through stages of panic attacks, its effecting me at work i am 40

  156. TL
    9 years ago

    I am 48 years old. I had a partial hysterectomy at 41 due to fibroids (still have both my ovaries). I don’t know if I’ve entered menopause since I can’t rely on the classic signs (period cessation, etc.). The last year I’ve experienced some insomnia, depression, nausea, and recently, anxiety, quick temper (I’m usually pretty easy-going), hot flashes and fatigue. How will I know if I am in menopause?

    1. NorCalGal
      8 years ago

      I’m in the same boat!! Christiane, how are we to tell given our unique set of circumstances?

      Thank you.

  157. misskyagirl
    9 years ago

    Thanks you so much. I am a 46 year old who is dealing with the insomnia. Today it was 320am……but that is so much better than 115am or 145am…so I will take it…I am also doing my saliva test today….and I have a wonderful gyno is is very holistic/natural…so once we figure out what is going on we can go from that point. I am not ashamed to say that yesterday was a melt down…..I was just so TIRED….and sometimes all I can do is just cry and let it out. I start my yoga teacher training today and I am thrilled….I will not let this transition in my life stop me from continuing this journey. Yoga has helped tremendously!

  158. Sharon
    9 years ago

    Wow..what a relief am not experiencing everyone symptoms here..terrible shortness of breath!! Thank u all for sharing. .am 47

    1. misskyagirl
      9 years ago

      I have also experienced the shortness of breath….thanks for sharing that…I thought I was just crazy…omg…what I roller coaster ride this is.

      1. Stephanie
        9 years ago

        Me too! Thinking I’m super out of shape or something but I’m not I’m very active! Feel sob

  159. Donnie Biel
    9 years ago

    Thanks so much for providing individuals with an extremely breathtaking possiblity to discover important secrets from this site. It is often so amazing and full of amusement for me and my office fellow workers to visit your web site no less than thrice per week to read through the newest guides you will have. And of course, we are certainly motivated with all the exceptional points you give. Selected 3 points in this article are surely the finest we have ever had.

  160. Ellie
    9 years ago

    I am 45 years old and am certain I am in heavy perimenopause. For the past few months I have not felt like myself. I am anxious, feel depressed some days, getting frequent hot flashes especially before periods and ovulation, frequent nausea, headaches and severe PMS which I did not have before. I have these awful mood swings where I just want to cry for no reason. I also have endometriosis for which I am having a partial hysterectomy soon. Does this sound like “the change”?

    1. Yasminr
      9 years ago

      Im 35 and the same. I had the Impanon removed and spent nearly three months in bed with severe anxiety, dizziness, chills, hot flushes ect. Im still suffering 8 months later

      1. Ellie
        9 years ago

        Oh dear..I was pretty much the same. Spent most of the summer enduring severe endometriosis pain followed by a hysterectomy. Had all the symptoms you mentioned. Certainly tough!

      2. Dee
        8 years ago

        Hi Yasminr, how are you? I’m just wondering if you have recovered. I’m almost 35 and I’ve had a similar experience stopping birth control. Have you recovered? Anxiety and depression have been the worst things for me. I hope you have recovered and if so what has helped? Thank you.

    2. Ellie
      9 years ago

      Thanks Marty. Once I had my hysterectomy, they ended up removing an ovary as well. My hot flashes were so bad as well as the mood swings that I had to have a small dose of Estriadiol every day. Right now i still feel nausea some mornings, but it is this ongoing feeling of uneasiness and anxiety that is really hard to shake. I do take an antidepressant that worked for over 10 years, but now that doesn’t seem to be helping. Some days are better than others. I do have a bit more energy since being on Estriadiol, but I still don’t feel like my happy-go-lucky self I used to be. Perimenopause is really tough on a lot of us. Especially when we are hit hard with symptoms all at once. Like I was. Didn’t know what was happening to me at first. Very scary.

  161. LHill
    9 years ago

    Currently, I am a 47 y.o. experiencing all these horrible symptoms. I have a cramp on my middle/upper spine, then the pain travels to the bottom on and off, my joint and muscles hurt- the pain travels, I have a crawling like sensation on my thighs, and tingling at times, tinnitus, dizziness, small hot flushes, painful teeth for no apparent reason, cold feeling sensation in my spine, lack of focus, extreme anxiety, feeling like I’m going to drop dead any minute, headaches, and dry mouth. I am going back to the doctor tomorrow even though there I have had numerous tests done, such as: muscle nerve testing, MRI, and blood work that give me a clean bill of health. Please provide a name of doctors who really know how to treat these menopausal issues. In addition, I have taken vitamins, and still don’t see any improvements; I had done acupuncture, had taken alternative Chinese medicine- Three Immortal and can’t seem to find any relief. Please advise.

    1. Wendy
      9 years ago

      I am also 47 and started experiencing noticeable changes last year…just not feeling myself. I was having extreme anxiety and insomnia. I will go several nights in a row without sleeping which of course affects my mood the next day. I had my yearly physical last November and all my blood work came back perfect. My gyno put me on Lutera low dose BC pills last July and I had an ablation done. Even with these two things, I still struggle emotionally and physically some days. I have a lot of tingling in my entire arms at night and nausea mostly in the evenings. I don’t have the motivation for my job that I usually have. I don’t have friends my age who have gone through any of this so I don’t feel anyone understands the frustration of it. I know my husband is tired of my complaining and I am tired of hearing myself talk about it but it’s not in my head. I know what I normally feel like emotionally and physically. The really bad evenings with the severe cold sensation then a mild hot flash right after won’t let me sleep and I don’t want to get out of bed the next day. Thanks for sharing your symptoms. I read there are 35 perimenopausal symptoms that you can experience in the 5 years leading up to menopause. My mom told me she sailed through it and didn’t even have a hot flash! I meet with my gyno next week and will discuss all of this then, although I feel there’s not much else o can do. I take the BC pills and eat right and exercise. I am not overweight either. Some days I feel like I’m going to lose my mind because I feel so bad and everyone around me gets on my nerves!!

      1. Ellie
        9 years ago

        I know how you feel. It is very frustrating when you are going through this and there is no one around who can relate to it. You seem to be trying everything you can to get back to your “normal” self, but for some reason you just feel very different. Between anxiety, feelings of sadness, nausea and other gastrointestinal issues, not getting a lot of sleep, feeling sluggish, and not to mention the low libido…it really plays a toll on a woman. Even lifestyle changes and medication don’t really seem to do everything to make you feel better. You feel like you are just getting through some days.

    2. Sharon
      9 years ago

      Feeling same as am going to die any minute..terrible shortness of breath

    3. Mary Fletcher
      8 years ago

      Hello You sound EXACTLY like my sweet friend Julie. Long story short…it was toxic mold in her AC unit blowing thru her home. Get your home tested for mold (air samples). She had Aspergillus mold ! Air scrubbers are going as we speak! She was forced to leave her home due to hurricane Matthew & while she was “away from her HOME” she started feeling better!!!!! This was an eye opener that it may be her home making her sick! You can google these mold symptoms & sick homes etc.
      U feel better soon! My friend has been staying w friends now for about 20 days & feeling better each day.

    4. Tonya
      6 years ago

      @ LHILL,

      You sound like me. That tingling in my left leg that goes with the crawling feeling is highly annoying because the first thing I think of is stroke. I can’t tell you of any doctor that can help, but you are not alone. I have all of those symptoms and I just turned 48 in Sept ’18. Doctors have no idea and keep thinking it is always the basic heart and head problems. I wish you and everyone else going thru these things well.

  162. Rachelle
    9 years ago

    I believe that I have been in perimenopause for about 4 or 5 years, I started out with periods being a few days late, sore breasts, then they jumped to a week late, until they where a month late, or even skipping periods.
    Today I’m almost 47, and I have migraines, hot flashes, and I get cold easily, frequent urination, and no period for two months and counting.. Please anyone else experiencing this

    1. Veronica
      8 years ago

      Yes I started a year ago, at 45 fatigue, dizziness, very tense head, I had to go to the Neurologist, because I was afraid that it was something else, and he said is menopause, I did not believe because at the time I was still having my periods, I have frequent urination, now no period for 3 months and still not feeling well, everyday is a battle
      I don’t feel my self anymore, sometimes I think it may be something else, I can’t believe that menopause can
      give you all those symptoms it’s terrible!! taking some Bioidentical Hormones they help with fatigue and concentration, and feel more motivated I really reccomend for hot flashes. I hope this help.

  163. Nga Hoang
    9 years ago

    I am a 45 years old Asian female believing that I am going through perimenopause help!

  164. Kerri jenkins
    9 years ago

    I am 49 and have been experience these symptoms for several years. I have also recently lost 75 pounds and have thyroid issues. When I finish perimenopause will I be able to start losing weight again? Also, when I go into actual menopause will the weight gain stop if I continue to eat healthy etc! I have been doing paleo lifestyle for the last 3 months and am eating very healthy compared to the processed foods of before. also I have an under active thyroid and a on medicine for this. Can this affect how long perimenopause hangs on?

  165. Stephanie
    9 years ago

    Is it normal for alcohol to affect you differently when going through perimenapause? Like intense moods, irritability and anger.

    1. Traci
      9 years ago

      Yes because it raises estrogen which is more likely elevated because of peri menopause, especially in relation to progesterone. I take DIM to get rid of the excess estrogen and it has worked miracles in my life.

      1. Iona McCulloch
        8 years ago

        Tracy, do you find that the DIM affects any medications that you take. I took it for a few days and it completely knocked out the effects of my pain and sleep meds so I stopped it as I need them to remain upright.

      2. Gale
        8 years ago

        What is DIM? Thanks. I’m 47, and feel like I’m experiencing the hot flashes at night. Some insomnia. Had an ablation a year ago. Worried about weight gain. I am active. Yoga and running.

  166. Lisa
    9 years ago

    I am 43 next month and have had irregular periods since the age of 39. In the last two years I have had only a handful of menstrual cycles. I am a high school teacher and the reason I bring this up is because my last two periods were the first week of school (August 2015) and the first week of school (January 2016). My hormones have been tested a few times and I was diagnosed with premature ovarian failure. Everything I have read says that lifestyle, stress/athleticism can lead to early menopause. Perhaps that is me as I have been under a ridiculous amount of stress in my life and I am fairly athletic. It has been difficult. My husband and I do not have children. I am the only person in my circle of friends to whom this is happening. I find myself depressed for absolutely no reason. It is difficult to deal with even small problems/setbacks. Maybe I am depressed. I don’t feel like myself. Recently my breasts have become incredibly tender. They have been this way for about 3-4 weeks. I have this crazy fear of breast cancer or that early menopause means there is something very wrong with my health. I have other physical symptoms as well. I feel very alone and wish there was a support group or something for people in similar situations.

    1. Leigh
      9 years ago

      Lisa, Alot of other women have written that they have the crazy fear of something being wrong with their health. I have experienced it also. Its perimenopause anxiety. I understand it all. Small problems that you let roll off your back before now seem like big issues. The depression and not feeling like yourself, tender breasts etc. Thats why they call it the change. It does change you. We have to remember there is nothing medical wrong with us. Its a natural part of life and you are not alone. Your friends are not going thru it now but boy oh boy will they. And guess who they will be turning too for support. Yes you dear Lisa. God bless you and I will be praying for you.

    2. Rattler
      9 years ago

      I started my peri-menopause when i was 39, after having a miscarriage. At the time i just thought it was stress making me moody and effecting my periods. Only after having my 8th miscarriage jan 2016 did my doctor decide something wasn’t right, i was told in march i’d hit the peri-menopause. Last week i was told i’ll never concieve again i’m too close to menopause. I’ve been offered HRT so going to give it a try before i kill someone.. Your not alone, i think it’s harder when your not ready for it. I certainly wasn’t.. Don’t dispare though, speak to a female doctor i’ve found them to be more helpful and understanding. Hope this makes you feel better.

  167. Heather
    9 years ago

    I am 33 years old and have two children. I have been experiencing shorten and lighter periods for several months, mood swings, hot flashes, dryness and pain during intercourse and lack of energy. I have seen 2 different doctors and told them I felt like I was going through premenopause and they both told me I am too young for that. Is there anything that can help me feel “normal” again?

  168. Lindsey Milligan
    9 years ago

    Hello, I am 38 yrs old and have always had heavy painful periods except when on birth control. I haven’t taken birth control for many months, close to a year. About 6 months ago, I noticed my periods were almost absent, light bleeding for a day or so, severe headaches. When to GP he put me on a high blood pressure pill for the headaches. Then went in for my annual with my guano in March, and have been bleeding since. Have high risk HPV, had a cervical biopsy, came back fine. Continued to have very heavy bleeding a clots, gyno put me on progesterone pills 20mg 3x day. Lighten bleeding for a few days. Had vaginal ultrasound, showed very think endometrial strip, possible mass. Had endometrial biopsy, came back possibly polyp. Gyno put in mirena, started have extreme cramping, and still bleeding, gyno said take more progesterone. To no avail, after 3 months of bleeding nothing has helped and gyno, is not worried about it. So here I sit, with sleep interruptions, irratability, constant bleeding and feeling of now hope in sight. Is my gyno a fraud? Or am I overreacting. I mean 3 months of constant bleeding, have our and taking another 60mg of progesterone with no relief. Other symptoms not sure are related are heatburn, change in bowel movements, lack of ambition, anxiety, lack of appetite, but weight gain, increase in blood pressure, constantly fatigued. Please help me understand if I am crazy or need to see a specialist.

    1. Lisa
      9 years ago

      This sounds terrible. I hope you find relief soon.

    2. Denise
      9 years ago

      Get ablation. It is a laser that will virtually eliminate your period. Your Gyno should have told you about this. Get a new one.

      1. Kristen
        8 years ago

        My doctor recommended this and I am wondering if you had it done. I’m worried because lots of people on forums mention weight gain and I am already very overweight. Would love to hear about your experiences.

        1. Tracy
          8 years ago

          I had an ablation several years ago and it did not stop my period, they were slightly lighter for about a year but now just as heavy as ever. My hormone doctor told me that some women who have a “spongey” uterus that the ablation does not work for them. I wish I would have known that before I had it done. It was a more painful recovery than what I had been led to believe and it was for nothing. I had the ablation because my periods were so heavy they made me anemic. If considering ablation, you may want to talk to your doctor about whether you are truly a good candidate. I’m not sure if they know how to tell if the uterus is spongey ahead of time or not.

  169. Betsy
    9 years ago

    I’m 42 now. Four years ago, so 38 yrs old, my cycle disappeared for six months then came back and never left for until I began birth control 4-6 mths later. After using them for one year I quit and resumed a normal cycle. Well last July 2015, I had a cycle, the nothing until December 2015. Again, period would not stop and it was excessive. I started bc again in Feb and am still on them. Period is regular but side effects are horrible. I had hot flashes I’d say 2014. I’m having insomnia and some depression which I’m attributing to bc as it didn’t start until about April. Labs are not conclusive because from what I understand they have to be monitored at different points in your cycle to show a true picture. It’s also been my experience that all docs don’t buy into ” peri menopause” and that does not help us at all.

  170. Tricia
    9 years ago

    5 years ago I started with flooding periods, cramps periods that would last 2 weeks a few months lasted longer than two weeks. Periods that would come every 2 weeks. Now, my period comes when it wants I spot here and there. My breast are tender and lumpy. These changes started when I was 46 I’m now 51 and I truly hope this roller coaster of periods and flooding are getting close to ending. It’s near impossible to go out when your flooding.

  171. Misty
    9 years ago

    I am 42. I have had regular periods up to about 3 months ago. For 2 months my cycle was a few days short. This month it was a few days late & now I am having another period 2 weeks later. I thought I might be too young for these hormonal changes so I took a look at my diet. The only thing I did different was drink Rooibos tea & add collagen to my breakfast. I stopped those two thinks but still got the random 2nd period this month. I feel extra tired & definitely more introspective & sensitive. Do you think I could be in perimen pause at 42?

    1. Gail
      9 years ago

      absolutely! I started at 38 with the fuzy thinking, insomnia, and sudden panic attacks along with almost overnight loss of libdo. Going on 7 years of thisplus weight gain and near constant water retention. All of this has caused my to become a hermit o the world.

  172. J.
    9 years ago

    I’m 51. Regular periods. Slight symptoms like night sweats and irratibility. Last month I had the worst symptoms. I had extreme hunger like nothing I had ever experienced. Nothing satisfied it. It lasted 3 days. The next day I woke with anxiety in my chest like someone had died. This went on for 2 days. I kept saying to myself “this is hormones”. The hunger came back one more day. Then I felt like I was going to ovulate. I get the pain in my ovaries right after I ovulate. I have charted myself for 20 years. Well the ovulation pain lasted a week. I went to doctor to find that I had a cyst on my ovary which had ruptured and hemmorhaged. I asked the dr. If this could of caused all my symptoms. She said possibly. I say definitely. I know 2 other woman this happened to. One was so depressed she couldn’t get out of bed for a month. The other thought she was going crazy. Both had cysts. If you are getting strong unusual pms symptoms. Go to doctor. Get a vaginal ultrasound. It’s worth a try.

  173. Brenda
    9 years ago

    I am 49, will be 50 in January. I went 8 months without a period then had one May 7, this one was kinda heavy, more so than “normal”. I started again 3 weeks later, this time its very heavy with cramps for 3 days. Is this “normal” or should I consult with my OB?

    1. Maria
      9 years ago

      Sounds familiar, I didn’t have a period for 5months then stated back in May and hasn’t stopped for a month now, my Gyno checked with ultrasound and found I have enlarged uterus due to low progesterone, you might wanna get it checked out just to be sure, good luck, Maria.

  174. lynda
    9 years ago

    Hi I’m 49 female please can anyone advise me .. I’ve had uti past 3 months been on antiobics that they keep giving me every time I go Dr been on 4 lots now … Trouble is my urethra is very sensitive I think its to do with my estergeon levels …. Red in side vigina had camera done but all normal Dr just says I’m going through the change … Is their any cream I can use to ease my pain in urethra … Thank you ,.please help at my wits end Dr or useless just keep giving my antibiotics that I’ve stopped myself … I’ve been using d mannose which is great but still have sensitive urethra ..

    1. Anon
      9 years ago

      Colloidal Silver, specifically the MesoSilver brand (they have a website) was the only thing that helped me, and without side affects.

    2. PeriCrazy
      9 years ago

      GoldenSeal also works very well for UTI. Research it.

  175. Wren Willow
    9 years ago

    I am a 51 year old woman in perimenopause. I have had irregular menses for about a year and many cycles have become very painful and accompanied by heavy bleeding. I skipped January’s period and in February had a very light bleeding, which was followed by watery discharge, which felt like I went incontent over night. Since then (now it is May) I have had this pink or light yellow discharge, that is continuing to be watery and interrupted by bleeding. It has no scent and is not accompanied by pain and is not as profuse as it was, when it first started. two to three maxipads within 24 hours.
    I have been on Chinese herbs, Vitamin A, Bcomplex, C and Edry, see an acupuncturist weekly, without much success.
    Little sex drive, and irritabilty are my constant companions, too.
    Is this the new “normal” or do I need to seek the help of a gynacologist, as these are symptoms of another condition than I think, they relate to.
    Thank you for your response. Wren

    1. Sherri
      9 years ago

      Hi Wren, I’m 49 and have been perimenopausal for 5 or so years now. I’ve had heavy periods that came anytime even when I was on the pill and have skipped some periods also. I also had the same watery discharge lately that was pink, but also has been very dark and thick at times. I became so weak lately I went to the ER three times over the last few months only to be told nothing is wrong, which is good but not common to what I hear are classic symptoms. Last ER doc who was female said I need to start the BHRT that my NP perscribed the day prior and that would make me feel much better. I’m on day 9 and feel remarkably better, with no shortness of breath and my weakness is improving daily. I would highly recommend BHRT and wish you well!

  176. Dawn
    9 years ago

    Are headaches common in perimenopause? I am 46 and I can’t sleep well, hot flashes, periods constantly here and there however this last month I had my period 3 times. I just have this headache that won’t go away! Is it from this?

    Thank you,
    Dawn U

  177. Mama Lola
    9 years ago

    I am 48 years old, I had a partial hysterectomy when I was 40 but still have my ovaries and tubes and have been suffering from migraines for the last 3 years. I get them around every two weeks. They seem to be cyclical. I also have digestive issues once a month. I started a smoothie of veggies and fruits every morning and that has helped my digestive issues so far. I am typically very good otherwise with what i eat. I prepare whole natural foods for me and my family everyday as well as homemade Kombucha. I had read that estrogen helps with these migraines as I really don’t like taking the sumatriptan that sometimes doesn’t help anyway. I have been taking an herbal suppliment Peri menopause support with soy isoflavones black cohosh and dong quai but didn’t see any difference in my migraines. I recently went to my gyno to discuss estrogen but he did not have much to say. He thinks the herbal stuff is a joke as, expected. As far as estrogen pills he said it was up to me and gave me the prescription. He didn’t take any hormone levels and didn’t even ask about my diet or exercise. I decided to take it for a couple of months to see if it works on my migraines. What is your advice?

    1. Fe
      9 years ago

      I can relate with you… Been looking for a med doctor who can really understand and diagnose my uncomfortable feelings. If this is part of our perimenopausal or hormonal changes of our body then why cant they give solutions at least minimize the uncomfortable feelings we are going through. Ive been to different doctors but still Am feeling the same. I hate this feeling headache, fuzzy mind, anxiety, etc. When will these end?

  178. Terri Coulter
    9 years ago

    I’m 56 years old and my last period was 16 months ago. I just started bleeding a little, is this something to be concerned about?

  179. Iris Prcic
    9 years ago

    I am constantly itchy all over. Is this a symptom of perimenopause?

    1. wendy
      9 years ago

      This is actually a good question, my itch is from Candida Overgrowth, i have it all over, but perhaps it IS a symptom because yeast overgrowth is worse during Perimenopause?

      1. Tammy
        8 years ago

        I have been going thru the change for about 3 yrs now and heavy bleeding . Now for the last 4 months I have had itching and irritated vagina dr gave me estrogen cream worked alittle while then quit I am so miserable . Just had hormone blood work done . I don’t know the results yet . But I have tried everything anyone else doing this ???? Help !!!!

  180. Kim Anthony
    9 years ago

    Thank God for this opportunity to talk to you Dr. Northrup. I had a partial hysterectomy 4 years ago for fibroids. My problem is that for the past 2 years I have been suffering with increased symptoms including hot flashes, headaches, blurred vision and mental fogginess. The past 6 month have been the worst. I am a hormonal mess. Hot flashes 5 times an hour that cause the headaches and blurred vision. I have recently quit my job because everyday I was experiencing these symptoms. I have been to my PCP, neurologist, 3 eye doctors and have had many different tests. My PCP insists that I am not in menopause because of my blood tests. Headache specialist thinks its perimenopause. I have recently started taking supplements, cut caffeine and sugar, and going to the gym. The gym definitely helps. But I am at a loss because I don’t have any answers and I feel so alone in all this. Where do I go from here for help? I have an appointment with my GYN but she has been unable to help me figure this out up to this point. Who do I turn to? My life is at a stand-still. Please help! Thank you!

    1. Rhonda
      9 years ago

      I experienced the same symptoms. Even worse. So much in fact that I developed panic disorder. I had no idea why I had the shakes. My family thought I maybe had taken drugs-which was proven through urine tests. I made my doctor test my hormone levels-even begged and finally she gave in to testing. Yes, I was in perimenopause. I was nervous, scared, panicked, sore muscles from being tense, headaches, and easily fatigued. Get on medication as soon as possible.

      1. wendy
        9 years ago

        Let me tell you something that will change your life, you are NOT dying!! which is what i thought when i went into Perimenopause, it is your ADRENAL GLANDS freaking out, they have their OWN job, and now they have to help out during this time of life!!! GOOGLE: “Adrenal Fatigue During Perimenopause” you will be SOOOO glad you did,
        long and short? the Only thing that helped me was Hand Fulls of Vitamin C.
        No Adrenal Disease, just Exhaustion…Some Docs say it dont exist, you must have either Cushings or Addisions, i am here to tell you that is NOT TRUE!
        The Adrenals make lots of Hormones,.. but get this???!!! they are making TOOOOO much Cortisol when you are in Perimenopause and THAT is the Cause of your Panic Attacks

        And Honey? PLEASE dont take Anti depressants for this, God oh PLEASE.

        Vit C lowers Cortisol, i have been in the middle of the worse panic attack, swallowed 4x 500mgs of Vit C and kissed the Ground that GOD gave us, it works within just a few minutes (and i am not heavily religious!!LOL )

        Wendy in California Age 51 and BEEN THERE.

        1. Jackie
          9 years ago

          Thank you for this awesome advice!!!! Just what I needed to hear.

        2. Stephanie
          9 years ago

          Thank you SO much for leaving this response
          I really needed to see this …….it’s like you left it just for me to read . May God bless you for being a blessing to me !

        3. Sherri
          9 years ago

          THANK YOU WENDY!! I am going through it too!! Exactly!! BHRT is helping but I have also been wondering if my adrenals are not ready for this rollercoaster because I have had severe exhaustion that has put me in the ER twice in the last 2 weeks!! Thank you so much I will check it out!! God bless you!! and wish you well!

        4. Tracee
          9 years ago

          Wendy thank you so much for sharing your information ..I just took 4 vit C’s gosh I hope this works.I have severe Hormone problems from peri-menopause. I hade cancer at 34 and went on hormone suppressing drugs which put see in “fake” temporary menopause. and now 12 years later I’m going through it naturally but it seemss my symptoms are way more severe tan anyone I know and its debilitating. I am looking fir a Doctor to go to as my quality of life now is close to nothing. Any other tips are very much welcomed and appreciated ..I am feeling calmer already ..thatnk you wendy and god..I love natural ways to treat these symptoms..god bless you dear ..hugs.

        5. C
          8 years ago

          Adrenals control critical hormones. The online video by Dr. Lam in California explains the cycle very well.

        6. Heather C Baxter
          8 years ago

          wow this helps! I will try the vitamin C, I have my stash ready! Thanks

    2. wendy
      9 years ago

      read my post to Rhonda below, i meant it for Every lady here.
      My eyes started to go becasue of the high Cortisol/Adrenalin output during perimenopause, it was my Adrenal glands, they are fine, just stressed…my pupils were sooooo constricted, it freaked me out INSOMNIA ! heart palps, you name it, getting better now 6 years later.
      I had 20 20 vision before all this

    3. Peri
      9 years ago

      I’m 45 and am premenopausal. Last 2 week have been the worst yet. just a few symptoms that someone might be able to relate too (I hope so) is I’m having a hard time focusing in any conversation and knowing how to reply which is so embarrassing, Keep thinking of horrible things from the past that I’ve either heard about or saw, crying frequently, depressed, no energy, can not focus on my job. One night recently I was driving home and by the time I reached there I was shaking and burning up so badly I could barely get out of the car and into the house. I had to eat crackers and soda and lay down. It was horrible. I have a dr. appt. middle of June. I do hope there not something else wrong with me and that it is premenopausal symptoms. I’ve never felt like this. It is horrible and embarrassing. How do you explain to anyone like husband or co workers? This behavior is quite the opposite of how I usually am. Awful!

      1. Ellie
        9 years ago

        That’s how all of mine started…along with nausea and IBS flare ups.
        Anxiety attacks, intrusive thoughts, crying, no energy, couldn’t concentrate, feeling depressed and thinking about the past. All of that plus feeling physically sick from nausea, bloating, headaches, tender name it.
        Welcome to the next phase of my life I was told!

  181. Aurieona
    9 years ago

    What is the product you have talked about for vaginal dryness when I’ve heard you on hay house radio? Thank you!

    1. 9 years ago

      Hi Aurieona, you can find it here: Pueraria Mirifica Plus Vaginal Moisturizer

  182. ab
    9 years ago

    I am almost 50 will full-on perimenapausal symptoms. I look forward to being on the other side! My health is a little complicated because I also have Epilepsy, currently controlled, but it wasn’t when they symptoms started 3years ago — like getting my period 2x in a month. Since I have grand-mal seizures, keeping them in control is important on many fronts. What are your feelings about combining the Pueraria mirifica with Tegretol? Do you have any experience with that? Is there any evidence that it lowers the seizure threshold? My doctors are fine with herbs as long as they are safe for me to take. Thank you!

  183. Freddie
    9 years ago

    Please I really need help. I’m 48 and have been a happy energetic yoga and meditation person perfectly happy into all natural food and life but the past couple of yrs I started having peri menopause rage and anxiety so bad I started taking Vicodin to calm down just to get through a day when I have to deal with people. I’m ashamed of this but I can’t deal with any stress or rude people without going nuts. I’m not violent but I’m scared I might if pushed! I can’t work unless it’s at home alone on my computer but even that is getting to be tough with fatigue and depression and no desire or drive for life. Im fat now. I’m not me anymore. I’m alone 99% of the time I’m losing the house I proudly bought all by myself 15 years ago. I’m in los angeles. I need help can you refer me to a Dr. who can help with hormones? I’m afraid of antidepressants. I tried the Barbara Streisand place but it’s $500 just to get in the door after a month or more wait.
    Can you tell me
    Does the rage and crying come from low progesterone ? What causes it? I cry over the slightest thing.
    I can easily wean off the pills but then when I do the hormone issue rears its ugly head. Then I start again. Please help I’m desperate!!!!

    1. Midwest_Mama
      9 years ago

      try Julie Ross.

    2. Cyndi
      9 years ago

      Consider using some over the counter progesterone cream. Look for one that has the label USP on it and also one with no parabens. I use 20 mgs. nightly of the Progest by Emerita, and it has helped my sleep and my moods immensely. I was also getting horrible heart palpitations from peri-menopause, and they are gone too. There are instructions inside on how often to use it. Some women notice a difference right away, and others might notice a difference in a week. Give it a try. It saved my life. And yes, you are experiencing peri-menopause. Your hormones are fluctuating and your body doesn’t feel the same. I cried over everything too. Good luck.

    3. Gwendolyn
      9 years ago

      When I read your comments I immediately related to them. While my situation is slightly different, I too have sudden outbursts of uncontrollable rage. While I hope I would never get to the point of harming someone, I cannot be 100% sure because the rage I feel is so great. However I am only 43 and have already been on a strong antidepressant for several years. I have a medical condition that prevents me from working so I am at home alone most of the as my husband has a job that involves him being away most of the time. I do not understand what is happening because I am not this person. I feel as if someone else has taken control of my emotions and body. I am gaining weight at a rapid pace. My moods are like being on a roller coaster. I have night sweats sometimes to the point to where it feels like I’ve just gotten out of the shower. I can cry over the simplest things. And am often depressed. I don’t understand why because my medication has always controlled this. I’ve always been aware of menopause but this is the first I’ve ever heard of peri menopause. I am going to see my local physician next week to hopefully find some answers. Unfortunately I am aware that it may lead to me taking more medications. Because of my physical condition I’m already on several medications as it is. This is certainly not the quality of life I expected. I just wanted to give a shout out to you to let you know you’re not alone. I hope you find your answers and have peace n

      1. Candace dussault
        9 years ago

        I feel exactly the same way . I cry all the time and I have been on antidepressants for years that have kept that at bay. I have very little energy sleeping 12 hours and still feel like I could go back to bed and sleep more. I am a runner and had no problems up until 6 mos ago ,however now my muscles hurt so much that it has really created havoc and I have cut my running way back . I can remember the day probably 7 mos ago when I looked in the mirror and it was like over night my legs and hips were about 1 inch bigger and it has gotten worse . Of course this is very depressing as well. I feel my body is not providing enough glucose for my muscles and it is causing me to be very hungry after working out. I have hot flashes and night sweats constantly , however I tried an estrogen patch which made me want to just lay in bed and wish for death … Ugh!! I take black cohosh which helps but not enough and I am afraid because it says weight gain . I am going to try natural progesterone cream so I will let you know how I make out with it . Good luck to you . The crazy thing really is that I thought I would love menopause as I had terrible one and when my hormones were at their highest levels is when I felt horrible and so I naturally thought menopause would be very good for me …. Boy was I wrong !:(

        1. Candace dussault
          9 years ago

          One meant to be pms

    4. Jennfier
      9 years ago

      Why are you afraid of antidepressants? You’re depressed and you are losing your house. Give it a try for a month and see if it helps. Forget about all the societal baggage about antidepressants and see if it helps you. Your MD can prescribe them, but if you want to give it a real shot of it helping go see an expert-go to a psychiatrist. Get real help before you lose you house.

      1. Aimee
        9 years ago

        I suffered from depression & anxiety since childhood…. But didn’t realize it until I FINALLY got help in my early 30s. I fought going on antidepressants too. Don’t. I thought they would “change me.” YES, THEY DID, but in the very best of ways. It’s like the “real me” was able to come out for the first time in my life. At first I was on Zoloft, which worked okay, but then my doc out me on Wellbutrin, which has been tremendous. I’ve been on exactly the same dosage for about 8 years.

        And I’m here because I’ve been having the mother of all yeast infections for the last month-and-a-half…. Which has been really awful. I’m 43, a proper weight, and quite active, but this yeast infection has laid me low. After a bombardment of 14-days of Diflucan, I am finally having symptom relief, but my doc has suggested following up with vaginal estrogen cream, and I’m going to take her up on it. I’m also making pro-biotics a permanent part of my diet, rethinking my undies (I think thongs are a thing of the past for me…. they are awful anyway LOL!), and VERY CONSCIOUSLY not letting life events stress me out (work, my teen son, taking on the troubles of friends too much…). Meditation is helping too.

    5. Carolyn
      9 years ago

      Freedie, i totally understand how you feel, and are experiencing the same debilitation. I dont know what the answer is but i know this, just dig in and do as much research as you can, try different things…. one you could try and put into google is orthomolecular hormones, their should be a product that comes up, try that… as for paying 500.00 for the right to good health, that is rediculous. I have just turned 40 and for reasons i dont know, my hormones have taken over, and the rage is so scary i dont trust myself not to go off the handle.

    6. Debra
      9 years ago

      Omg Im the same way….I don’t even go out much anymore cause Im afraid Im going to get myself killed if I click on the wrong person. The 5-HTP works good for me but I tired taking all this stuff now….Was in tears earlier thinking about may have to resort to the HRT and really didnt want any Rx drugs in my system but so close to suicide cause Im tired of dealing with this along with other life issues got going on….Wish you well.

      1. helper
        9 years ago

        The changes in hormones can be so extreme during perimenopause, and the endocrine system is so complex. Underactive thyroid, stressed adrenals, too much cortisol, not enough progesterone, too much estradiol. Try small amounts of progesterone cream to see if this helps the anxiety and rage.

  184. Robin
    9 years ago

    I am about to turn 47. My menstrual cycle is regular. I Recently (about 6 months ago) became sexually active again after many years of abstinence. Every time I have sex without a condom with my new partner I end up with BV (and a UTI). After I use the metro gel and antibiotic for the UTI as directed by the OB I end up with a yeast infection which then needs to be treated with terconazole as the diflucan does not work on the yeast that turns up in the culture. I am pretty convinced that all of this is a result of peri menopause and my body not being able to maintain a good PH level after intercourse. I would rather not use condoms as we really don’t otherwise need to, we are both STI free and he has had a vasectomy.
    Should I be taking estrogen to help my body (vagina) maintain balance? I am at my wits end with this and my doctor does not seem to know what to do with me except continue to write prescriptions.

    Please help !

    1. Lucy
      9 years ago

      Just a quick note on vaginal yeast infections: A doctor told a friend of mine that the best way to get rid of one is to get boric acid (from a pharmacy), fill a gelatin capsule with it as best you can and insert it in your vagina. You may need to do this a few times over several days depending on how out of balance you are. The idea is that candida is always present and thrives in an environment of a slightly different acidity than our bodies are naturally. The boric acid helps return the vaginal ph closer to that natural level thus making it harder for the yeast to survive and easier for what’s naturally supposed to be there to thrive and keep the candida in check. I have used this technique quite a few times over the the last 15 years and found it quite reliable. It’s better than the creams that wipe out everything leaving you wide open for another infection…And of course you can help it all out by keeping your sugar intake down.

    2. Arya
      9 years ago

      Probiotics may help in preventing these issues.

    3. Tara
      9 years ago

      Why my husband and I first became intimate I started getting chronic yeast infections. I had never had them before. I tried all of the typical allopathic remedies, but nothing worked. My Chiro recommended Biotics ADP (Oregano) and their FC Cidal. I took a round of that for one or two weeks and haven’t had one since. .. that was 9 years ago… I don’t remember the dosage, sorry.

    4. Sassy Red Gal
      9 years ago

      Both of you should think about a candida (yeast) cleanse. A man can carry candida infection and be asymptomatic. It can be a vicious cycle. Also, Apple Cider Vinegar to balance your(both of you) PH levels. Essential oils can also be very helpful to deter UTIs and candida(and make some nice romantic oils.

      1. Kim
        9 years ago

        I am now doing the candida yeast cleanse now.. I’m just stumped on what to eat

        1. Stephanie
          9 years ago

          Hi Kim, try reading Anthony William’s book, Medical Medium. He offers delicious, healthy recipes that help rid your body of candida. Food is medicine! ♥ Here’s an article from his site about Candida.

    5. Meg
      9 years ago

      I too have experienced this nightmare BV- Yeast cycle! It’s just horrible and disheartening. I have terrible reactions to antifungals. I have a wonderful Gyno who had me use boric acid vaginally to get the ph balance correct. I initially had a script filled at a compound pharmacy but now order the boric acid powder and gel caps on Amazon. I use them preventively after sex and stop the madness before it starts! Google boric acid and BV -Yeast . You’ll be glad you did!

  185. Debra
    9 years ago

    I need helppp bad with this transition because I am not one of the fortunate ones that’s going through this smoothly. I am having severe acne, depression and night sweats which keeping me from having restful night sleep. Supplements have been helping some which are Evening Primrose Oil, Vitex, Borage Seed Oil and find the Oregon Grape Root as a blood cleanser to help acne. Started back on my healthy eaten to see what happens but if any suggestion would be welcomed.
    thank you

    1. Christiane Northrup
      9 years ago

      Please try the Pueraria mirifica supplement I created. It can work wonders with perimenopausal symptoms of all kinds. And let me know how it works for you!

      1. Debra
        9 years ago

        Are there samples to get cause can’t afford to buy more thing that does not work.

      2. Nicky
        8 years ago

        Is this product recommended for use by those of us with a strong family history of breast cancer or should we avoid it?

  186. pei
    9 years ago

    Over the past decade, I have the typical symptoms of the perimenopause, with palpitations, aching joints, sweats, irregular periods, etc. Having diagnosed with autoimmune disease (sjogrens) and pcos in my teens and twenties, it does not really help with the hormones. Even once had high prolactin levels which indicated low ovulation although periods at the time was normal. Now in my early 40s, like to know anyone who are in similar situation and are facing possibility of early menopause?

    1. Christiane Northrup
      9 years ago

      Please try Read the testimonials. SO many women have been helped!

  187. Kristy
    9 years ago

    All of this it’s crazy that’s happen to me breast tenderness ,changes in my periods and unrinary tract infections ,insomnia. Thinning hair low sex drive joint pain! I am glad to know that I’m not alone but what I do I am 41 it started at 20 .

  188. Kristy
    9 years ago

    I am 41 have been having uinary bladder infections since 20 s now I have breastn tenderness mod eswings vaginal dryness insomnia and periods have changed from 7 days two three ug all of this it’s driving me insane help! Glad to know I’m not alone

  189. Chrisanthi Siolas
    9 years ago

    Can I take oral progesterone 100mg with Remeron 30mg and cymbalta 60mg

    1. Christiane Northrup
      9 years ago

      I’m fine with the progesterone. But chances are
      Good that there are good alternatives to the other stuff. Try the Pueraria mirifica herbal stuff I created. Read the testimonials first. Then ask your heart.

    2. Verity Saffron
      9 years ago

      I took 60 mg of Cymbalta for 17 months. After realizing that maybe the Cymbalta was making my peri menopausal symptoms worse I weaned myself off it but removing 10 grains more each day from each capsule over 8 weeks. I added 20 minutes of cardio to see if it would help with the depression. Life isn’t perfect but 8 months after stopping Cymbalta things are much better and my symptoms are much more manageable. Don’t quit Cymbalta quickly.

  190. Maria
    10 years ago

    I think I just had my last period 6 weeks ago. I am 54 years old. For the last three weeks I feel these crumps, same once I would normally feel before getting my periods in the past. Is it normal to have these crumps for so long and I also feel quite bloated.
    Should I be worried or is this normal? Any advise/comment would be appreciated.

    1. Christiane Northrup
      9 years ago

      This is really normal! Don’t worry.

  191. Kim
    10 years ago

    Ladies, the uterus does not have an open door! The cervix is the entry point…not the vagina. Things do not flow in and out of the womb as one might imagine. The vagina yes, uterus no. As far as I know, as when in labor and during menstruation the cervix opens (painful/uncomfortable cramping) allowing its contents (baby/menstrual blood) to exit. Then it closes again.

  192. Jolanda Simone
    10 years ago

    Hi Christine, I am a big fan of you and your work, i bought that book: “womens heath, womens wisdom” a long time ago and i followed your work ever since. But i stay with a question i have never seen answered yet anywhere. It is never discussed openly i can recall. My question is the following:
    Once a woman does not have her monthly menstruation anymore: how does the womb/uterus still cleanse itself?
    I refer to having sex for instance, semen and other related flueds could still remain in the body, even if you cleanse
    it. Normally we would have our monthly period to cleanse and wipe the remaining smells and not wanted energies
    out, and make the womb PH neutral again. To my knowledge 🙂 But when that stops? How does the womb get rid of
    the sperm and smells which are not of her own? I have noticed that i smell my “guy” still after a week, and i am really good for my body, eat healthy and am very much in balance. Can you tell us, what happens when we are not menstruating anymore? Thank you. 🙂

    1. Shara
      9 years ago

      I’d also like to know this answer. Thank you.

  193. 10 years ago

    I’ve also been meditating on the identical point myself recently. Glad to see a person on the same wavelength! Nice article.

  194. Kim
    10 years ago

    I love your article.
    I really need some advice. I am 56years old and have been having awful symptoms for I would say 4years. I recently went to my doctor and results show I am peri menopause. She has given me an option of hrt. I am scared. I have no breast cancer in family. I have all pretty much symptoms, put on a good 2 stone. I had a hysterectomy when I was 32years old, I kept my ovaries. I have tried herbal remedies but nothing works or maybe I needed to take longer. Look fwd to your reply. Thank you. Please help. kim

    1. Patti
      10 years ago

      I also had a hysterectomy and left my ovaries and I’m 52 yrs old I’m emotional one min then laughing the next,tired am also a breast cancer survivor so I can’t go on any hrt.i have learned that there is bio- identical hormone treatments.

  195. Lynn
    10 years ago

    In 2013 I had 2-3 periods (I was 43). In 2014 I had one period in January. I’m now approaching one year without a period. I’ve had hot flashes (warm moments) over the past two years but no other problems. My doctor told me today I should take provera to force my period because a thickening uterine wall could lead to uterine cancer. I feel hesitant to alter what my body is going through, natural menopause, by forcing a period. Blood work showed perimemopause. Any insight or feedback is appreciated.

    1. Pat
      10 years ago

      I’m going through the same thing. Perimenopause was about the same as yours with some “warm” moments and pretty much no other symptoms. Now a year and ten months after my last period I had post menopausal bleeding with all the old symptoms of pms ……breast tenderness, acne and cramps. I saw my Dr who did a transvaginal ultrasound and found irregular thickening of the endometrium so she did an endometrial biopsy which came back benign. Now she wants me to take Progesterone 100mg for ten days to bring on a heavy period to shed the lining. I’m having symptoms of tense muscles, irritability…laughing one minute and wanting to cry the next, and foggy thinking. I’m scared if I take it it will throw my whole system off! And why all of a sudden am I having these symptoms? Ugh! Help!!!

      1. Ms. O
        10 years ago

        So glad I came across this.
        I, too, am having the same exact symptoms. Dr. is recommending progesterone to force a cycle. My body is doing fine. I have been able to manage all my symptoms with food and diet. I do not feel the need for the prescription. Is it necessary? I am 49 years old.
        Any advise will be greatly appreciated!

        1. Ms. K
          9 years ago

          Did any of you take hormones to transition? I’m going though menopause at 44, but lots of research shows that I should take HRT to protect my heart and bones. Totally confused. My doc says it’s up to me.

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