Mother of the Bride: An Ending and a New Beginning

Highlights From my Daughter's Wedding

by Christiane Northrup, M.D.


As I sit here watching the solar powered Japanese lanterns swaying in the breeze on my patio, I look back on my daughter Kate’s recent wedding with a great deal of peace and happiness. We pulled it off. Best wedding ever. And pure magic on so many levels. I want to share a few highlights with you.

The Weather

Kate’s wedding was to take place outdoors on July 5th, by the ocean and overlooking a lighthouse. So, we were a bit concerned earlier in the week when Hurricane Arthur was on its way to Maine, leaving a watery mess on its way up the coast.

On the day of the rehearsal, it was raining so hard that we held the rehearsal in my dance room. It’s perfect for rehearsing a wedding, since there is no furniture—just a free space for dancing. I had a tent in the backyard for the rehearsal dinner. And although it continued to pour, the tent kept the guests dry and the mosquitoes out of sight and off our skin.

My girls and I, along with some of our guests, did a ritual in my backyard to bring on the sun and invoke Divine Order. Then, the bride and I released the whole thing. If it rained, it rained. We would be happy with whatever Mother Nature had in store.

My Daughter Kate's WeddingThe Wedding Slide Show

Every party needs a focus. This was mine. Kate had asked me to create a slide show of her and her fiancé Mike’s pictures through the years. I immediately had the idea to get pictures from childhood through adulthood from the groom’s mother, while I found similar shots of my daughter. (A big thanks to the groom’s mom, who gave me the pictures on a flash drive—bless her.) And like in Jean Auel’s book The Valley of the Horses (a very sexy romance, by the way) I arranged them so you could see and feel that Kate and Mike were destined to come together.

I finally got them arranged when my iPhone disappeared, with many of the pictures. Four days later I discovered that my iPhone had fallen in a toilet! I got a new phone, took pictures of old prints—again—and hooked it up to the computer. The pictures disappeared. Again. I copied them once more. After spending hours getting them into the right order a third time, the slide show program then showed many of the images upside down!

Thankfully, we finally got it sorted out, with help from Mike (and a trip to the Apple store). As I was fooling around with what’s called the Ken Burns effect—where one slide flows into another—the impact of the wedding finally hit me. I had been so resistant to doing this slide show, because I intuitively knew that it was going to be a big deal.

It certainly was. And in the end, it was completely and utterly worth it. So touching that many of us were weeping.

The Blessing Way

Kate asked me to create a Blessing Way ceremony for her on her wedding day. This ritual is about having the women who have loved the bride for a long time sit in a circle and bless her upcoming marriage with prayers, words of wisdom, funny stories, or whatever comes up.

We included Kate’s stepmother, who loves my daughters, and her 12-year-old half sister. Heaven knows, we can all use as many mothers—and blessings—as we can get.

Before it started, I had walked around the yard of her childhood home (where I still live), gathering flowers and foliage, praying over them, adding spring water, and then squeezing the plant material, getting their essence (and the energy of my blessings) into the water. Several others did the same.

I opened the ceremony by lighting a candle for Kate’s past, pointing out the “my little pony” and other objects from her childhood, which I had placed in the circle with candles and flowers. I blessed her head and feet with the water. And then we began.

The ceremony was potent and moving. It ended with my 88-year-old mother talking about what she had learned about marriage and motherhood. The ceremony took the edge off wedding day jitters, and Kate was able to be fully present during the actual wedding ceremony.

Hair and Makeup

My daughter hired a mother/daughter team, who I have worked with many times in the past. As we finished the Blessing Way ceremony, they were setting up at the dining room table. Perfect timing. They did a great job with the bridal party (me, my two daughters, and their little sister), and helped keep us on time.

The Wedding

I drove Kate to the venue—an outdoor park right on the ocean, which is part of a community college. The closer we got, the better the weather. I met Kate’s dad on a grassy knoll on top of an old WWII bunker.

We took our places on either side of our daughter and then began to escort her toward the sea, where the guests were all seated. A 270-degree expanse of the glorious Atlantic Ocean, overlooking Portland Harbor, lay in front of us, including a lighthouse at the end of a jetty. The sun had come out about fifteen minutes beforehand.

As we walked down the path to the sea towards my friend Deb, the officiant, her processional Crazy Love played in the background and a three-masted schooner sailed by. The view was right out of a movie. And I will never forget that walk. I told Kate to walk very slowly, because this was the day she had waited for all of her life.

Just before we got to the aisle between the benches, I told her to stop, take it in, and to truly be in the moment, awash in the beauty and wonder of it.

Love Lifts Everything Higher

After a touching ceremony and the best vows ever, Kate’s dad spontaneously took my hand, and we walked back up the hill from where we had come with our daughter. He turned to me and said, “This is a day of endings and new beginnings. And I so look forward to including you in the new beginning.”

The circle of my family widened in that moment. Later that evening, his young daughter came up to me during the fireworks. They had been postponed because of rain, so we had a spectacular view of them during the reception. She put her arms around my waist and said, “How are we related?”

I had met her only once before because they were living in England until just recently. My oldest daughter Annie told her, “She’s your bonus Mom.” Then she asked me if I’d come to her home to see her hamster. When her aunt came and told her it was time to go home, she held me closer and said, “If I go now, I will regret it the rest of my life.” Words of an old soul from a young girl. A few days after the wedding, Kate gave me a couple thank you gifts, with a card that included these words: I also want to acknowledge you for all the work you’ve done around your own heart… To be able to enjoy this time free of worry about any tension between you and Dad or around the blending of families is the biggest gift. THANK YOU! There is, of course, so much more to tell. My heart is full. There is no grief, no regret, no loneliness. Just a profound sense of having come through a portal. And simply feeling “whole, complete, and lacking in nothing.”

Weddings—they bring everything to the surface. And if you allow them to, they will heal your heart. (Tweet this)

Last Updated: July 15, 2014

Christiane Northrup, M.D.

Christiane Northrup, M.D., is a visionary pioneer and a leading authority in the field of women’s health and wellness. Recognizing the unity of body, mind, and spirit, she empowers women to trust their inner wisdom, their connection with Source, and their ability to truly flourish.


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  1. Lorna
    10 years ago

    Wonderful, full of love, forgiveness, gratitude joy and so much more. I know it was a private affair but I’d have loved just a few more pics. of the happy couple and yourself close up. Thanks for all your wisdom Dr. Northrup I’ve learned so much from you.

  2. Holly
    10 years ago

    Thank you for sharing your wedding story My daughter is getting married soon.We will have a lot of challenges with family dynamics. Reading your beautiful story gives me hope of the day going perfectly with warm memories for each of us. 🙂 Hearfelt appreciation

  3. Ardie
    10 years ago

    Such a great post on your family’s big day!
    My oldest daughter will wed in September amidst blended family and friends.
    I will remember to breathe and savor each moment of the day!
    Grateful for your insight and humor, Christine!
    Blessings to you and yours,

  4. Carolyn Pedego
    10 years ago

    That was the most moving description of the most beautiful day!! I could feel every word coming from your heart and it was lovely!!! Bless you and your “added” family! You are a good woman!!!

  5. marjorie joy
    10 years ago

    THANK YOU Dr. Northrup. My heart is filled with sweetness which always seems to come forth when I read your words or hear your talks. You are so truly genuine and share with us like a great mother, sister, friend, wise mentor and dearly loved one. I am so grateful for you in my life.
    Congratulations soon to be a grandmother

  6. Janet
    10 years ago

    Thank you, the feelings of love and joy and happiness came right through my pc!. Love “Mega Watts”!
    I work in a Lighthouse and they’re magical places for weddings.
    Thanks for sharing!

  7. Marilyn
    10 years ago

    Dear Dr Northrup,

    What a beautiful story with many lessons embedded within. Isn’t it amazing how life comes full circle. Someone once said to me that you can’t help anyone until you have done your own work in healing. You my dear have certainly done yours and it reflects in everything from your daughter’s, your ex husband, to your extended family and beyond. I have always held you in the highest esteem and allowed you to mentor much of my life. Thank you for sharing your precious memories and may the birth of your grandchild bring you never ending love and joy. For all that has been, for all that is present and for all that is yet to come may the world continue to know you wisdom.

    With eternal gratitude Marilyn.

  8. Amatul Wadood Nazli
    10 years ago

    Dear loved one,

    Very impressive story about forgiveness on a very blessing day. You are amazing.

    “Love is the foundation of every thing”

    With loving greetings and prayers for you

  9. Patricia
    10 years ago

    What a beautiful posting. My son, Matt, will be marrying his bride, Kate in September. I am so excited for them–they are a perfect match for each other.
    I am looking forward to a new generation, a new cycle of life beginning in our family. What a joyous day it will be for all of us…

  10. Roxanne
    10 years ago

    I will be a mother of the bride this July 2015 for the first time! I also have a Kate marrying a Mike!!
    Lovely words and a lovely story of healing, moving on and forgiveness.
    I just finished watching you for the first time on public television and ordered your entire package of books and DVD’s.
    I will share them with my best girlfriends and hope my biological age is lower by the wedding and want to enjoy every moment. I have always believed it is just a number!

  11. Cindy
    10 years ago

    As I read this wonderful account of blended families, Iam reminded of how in my world of ex-husband with wife being at all functions ie birthday,holidays etc.. How difficult it is to be present and calm. So many thoughts of betraying,jealous,Lonley feelings pushed aside for the sake of happiness for everyone. No one knows (kids,ex) how difficult this is, but only YOU feel it’s the right thing for ALL and know without a doupt you’ve concouqed the demons that if gone unchecked will and can destroy everyone.

  12. Kerri Rosenzweig
    10 years ago

    As I approach the wedding of one of my daughters next November, this post brings tears of joy to my eyes. If it’s ok by you, which I am assuming it is, I plan to borrow some of your ideas. Thank you Dr. Northrup for once again helping heal my heart today!

  13. Kirstin
    11 years ago

    Wow, what a beautiful and powerful experience, and thank you for sharing about the results of yours and others healing – a vision for the healing that I hold for my family 🙂 We have some way to go to go yet, but I can do my part and be open to miracles! Bless all of you xx

  14. Shirley Bailey
    11 years ago

    Thanks for sharing this beautiful day! I cant express how much it touch my heart. you have been such an inspiration to me. Thank you! Bless you and your family!

  15. Sue Dumais
    11 years ago

    Beautiful, touching and heart warming! Thank you so much for being such a powerful beacon of courage for many. You are a spiritual warrior of divine love and I am so deeply grateful to have you in my life. Much love xo

  16. jen m
    11 years ago

    Simply beautiful, unfettered, inspiring and joyous! Thank you for sharing this very special, personal day in the life of you and your daughter Kate. Wonderful message! xo

  17. Nadjejda
    11 years ago

    Beautiful, thank you for sharing! Love and light to you and your family!

  18. Sidonie Grace
    11 years ago

    Kudos!!! I am truly delighted by your loving, empowering sharing… Thank YOU for showing the way. Stay blessed! Much love xxx

  19. Sidonie Grace
    11 years ago

    Kudos!!! I am truly delighted by your loving, empowering sharing… Thank YOU for showing the way. Stay blessed! Much love xxx

  20. Stephania Melnychuk
    11 years ago

    you ARE so beautiful! thank you for sharing your joyous wonder; rapturous surrender; and healing, calming, creating, soothing, easing, flowing ways as well as full embrace of EVERYthing. so touching….uplifting….affirming….the DANCE of LIFE……..namaste.

  21. Karen Sue
    11 years ago

    AMAZING….the power of love 🙂 and how we grow and benefit in countless ways that seem to evolve into a grander version of even our best intentions! Reminds me of the common comment we hear on Flourish “Listen folks, this is the deal I couldn’t make this stuff up” Thanks for sharing, my tears honor you and your family. Way to go for letting the Divine always take the lead!! You’re such a blessing and in full gratitude you Rocked my heart!

  22. Donna
    11 years ago

    Beautiful, in all ways.
    Have followed your writing over a couple of decades.
    This opened my heart even more, remembering that love is everywhere.

    Thank you

  23. Christiane Northrup
    11 years ago

    Being able to read your comments here is the best exquisite “digestion” of the entire process. About a week after the wedding I developed a really deep, painful cough. And then a cold. My body releasing the final shreds of grief. This kind of wedding joy doesn’t happen by chance. It happens by running head long into your heartbreak and pain. And transforming it into joy. This is the baseline CAUSE of health!! I feel so much LOVE from all of you!! Thank you so much!

  24. Joanne Young
    11 years ago

    Your view of Kate’s wedding is breathtaking! Thank you for sharing your journey with us! Truly beautiful!!!

  25. Ann Martin
    11 years ago

    So beautiful, touching, raw and real. I am praying that my x husband and I can do this one day altho I have been ready and reached out and he cannot. The only thing that counts in life is love, peace, joy. I am so happy for you and your family that you experienced this and are on your “new” trip. God Bless,

  26. Mary Burns
    11 years ago

    Congratulations on your amazing full healing.

  27. Carolyn Martin
    11 years ago

    Thank-you. I have tears in my eyes. You and your family live the grace and open hearts. You truly live what you teach and inspire us.

  28. Carolyn Martin
    11 years ago

    Thank-you. I have tears in my eyes. You and your family live the grace and open hearts. You truly live what you teach and inspire us.

  29. Lina
    11 years ago

    Thank you from the bottom of my heart for sharing this. I have 3 daughters and an ex husband. I hope that one day we will have a wedding with heart felt emotion like this.

    I cried, as many have done, when reading this beautiful piece – thank you so much for sharing it with us.

    Many happy years together to Kate and Mike xx (UK)

  30. Mireya
    11 years ago


  31. Carolyn Heuser
    11 years ago

    Thank you for sharing. I am soon to be the mother-of-the-bride too. It put my heart at ease knowing the “new beginnings” will still include me.

  32. Sue Urda
    11 years ago

    Thank you for sharing this beautiful family event with us all. Like your last line suggests, when we’re open pretty much everything can provide healing for us. With love and gratitude for your share.

  33. Beverly
    11 years ago

    Beautiful.My two children & 1 stepdaughter has gotten married so far. Our ex-spouses all love their children &grandchildren. There is more than enough love to go around. 17 yrs ago, it was a bit tense until the exes realized there was genuine love and caring in my heart & actions. It opened up a new world for us all! It continues to evolve in wondrous ways. Thank you for publicly setting a wonderful example. It will have an great ripple affect. Tango on!

  34. Lisa Joiner
    11 years ago

    Filled with reverence, wisdom and love. Thank you so much for sharing your wonderful and sacred experience. It touched my heart.

  35. Lisa Joiner
    11 years ago

    Filled with reverence, wisdom and love. Thank you so much for sharing your wonderful and sacred experience. It touched my heart.

  36. Bonnie
    11 years ago

    Bless you Christiane. My heart is so happy for you. Thank you for sharing your many triumphs in this experience. You are an inspiration, always.

  37. Connie
    11 years ago

    So much wisdom in this blog post I barely know where to begin! Thank you, Dr. Northrup, for sharing such an intimate part of your life with us. As a mom of two daughters myself, I hope I can be as wise and wonderful a mother as you are to your daughters. Esp. love the rituals you often suggest, as I think they have so much power. Many thanks to you for all you do!

  38. Janet
    11 years ago

    Your account was so moving and joy filled. Thank you so much for sharing it with all of us. The healing in your family is inspirational.

  39. Lisa
    11 years ago

    Beautiful. I am passing this on to my sister and my mother. My sister’s son is getting married next month and this blog is very timely. Very insightful and healing.

  40. Diane Green
    11 years ago

    Thank you so much for your story, so beautifully written. I had a similar experience with my own daughter’s wedding 2 years ago. I was so concerned about her father’s presence that I put all my energy and love into blessings and healing for him, my daughter and each and every guest ( including his estranged second wife, my daughter’s step mother). It was the loveliest, most glorious day in so many ways and has brought the greatest of blessings to all our relationships. Much love. Diane

  41. Christine
    11 years ago

    Crying with Joy! Wonderful Wedding! Peace n Happiness. You pulled it off, Amazing Job! Photos Challenging. Enjoyed Blessing Way, your 88-year-old Mother’s Words of Wisdom. Love ‘Crazy Love’ n Three-Masted Schooner.You and Kate’s Dad both walked Kate down the Aisle.

  42. Katerina L
    11 years ago

    Thank you for sharing this… It is so touching, I have tears in my eyes… I got married for the second time 2 years ago; my mother has longed passed and my dad has dementia. Even at the age of 51, I really missed them and wanted them by my side. Thankfully, bless fully, my two boys were my escorts. I will never forget that day, the car ride, the talks between us, the walk to to the aisle. yes, you are right, a wedding can bring so much to the surface… everything, indeed!
    Thank you Bless you

  43. Gesina
    11 years ago

    Wow this is so beautiful! Thank you for sharing!

  44. Sharon
    11 years ago

    A story that I can hear your heart…beautiful…

  45. Neuleke Goettsch
    11 years ago

    I too am a mum of two beautifull daughters and with their father re married i think what you wrote is beautifull x i hope to have similare experiences with my two girls x

  46. Neuleke goettsxh
    11 years ago

    I am a mother of two beautifull daughters and hope to have two similare experiences with th too xx beuatifull x

  47. Paula
    11 years ago

    Thank you for sharing this beautiful experience….it brought tears to my eyes…as one has always shared…you are so wise….and I add….so blessed…you are a true inspiration xox

  48. Christiane Northrup
    11 years ago

    Your comments have touched my heart and made ME cry!! Thank you so much!! If you want to see a TON of pictures from this wedding, get on instagram and put in #katemikewedding. This is the first time in my life that a hashtag made ANY sense to me. That technology gave us all the opportunity to see the wedding from many different points of view!!Bless you all!! Christiane

  49. Colleen Hannegan
    11 years ago

    How lovely to read your personal story here and allow it to go out to all of us you have never met, yet sense how much we care. And we do care. Because you and your daughter have been such lovely light to all who read and follow and pay attention to your work in the world. I love the Blessing Way. Want to use this for my own future wedding. Thanks Dr. CN!

  50. Jane Kendall
    11 years ago

    Such a beautiful and moving commentary – makes my heart sing! Thank you so much for sharing.

  51. Allison Willis Quast
    11 years ago

    This is a powerful post. Thank you so much!

  52. Sue Anderson
    11 years ago

    Thank you so much for sharing this special part of your life with us. My daughter’s wedding is coming up in October. I want so much to take it all in and accept and acknowledge this next stage of life that feels like such a mystery right now. It helped to hear your very positive words.

  53. Natalie
    11 years ago

    Thank you so much for this. Two of my kids are kids are getting married this year. Within 7 weeks of each other. Thank you for the reminder to stay present.

  54. Susan Walling
    11 years ago

    You are a woman I aspire to be, spontaneous, loving and aware. Thank you for sharing.

  55. Debbie Berg
    11 years ago

    Oh, I live every word of this. So inspiring. Esp the part about your “bonus daughter” holding you so tight. You are Mother Earth to us all.

  56. Jemima Lipari
    11 years ago

    So beautiful. Thank you.

  57. Bronwyn Barter
    11 years ago

    A tale of love, healing and living a new heartfelt way… Thank you for sharing it. You make a difference. XXB

  58. Janice
    11 years ago

    Beautiful story (as you would say) I love it.

  59. Patty
    11 years ago

    Reading this one month before my daughter gets married warms and fills my heart. You are an inspiration and I thank you for sharing this … Wow!!

  60. Bev Bell Milsom
    11 years ago

    Beautiful and heartfelt! Thank you for sharing!

  61. CathyD
    11 years ago

    What a blessing for your daughter(s) and their half-sister to see how a loving heart can heal old wounds. A gift! Thank you so much for sharing!

  62. Jan
    11 years ago

    Dr. N, you continue to mentor me in so many ways! (lol as I read through this I was also listening to today’s HHRadio show with Layla 😉
    I have cried with joy thru this entire story, and I have so much respect for your willingness to do the work to live wholeheartedly, teaching us through your experience. I have a very similar scenario, a few years behind you. Pure magnificence, thank you so much for sharing.

  63. Amy Vieth
    11 years ago

    WOW! My daughter Danielle sent me this. I love what Dr. Northrup wrote on so any levels. Knowing how much Danielle loves Kate and Dr. Northrup and how they have brought so much wisdom and joy to her lfe makes me so thankful. I feel like I was a part on this wedding because of the eloquent way Dr. Northrup wrote about it. BRAVO! Much Love, Amy Vieth

  64. Therese Rose
    11 years ago

    I’m sobbing as I read this. So healing. This is who we are. Thank you for showing us the way to be human.

  65. Cindy
    11 years ago

    Thank you for sharing with us. I too would enjoy more pictures if you’re willing to share. Weddings are always such a stressful time. I am glad that your family was able to celebrate your daughter and son in law instead of focusing on yourselves. The day was about them. So many parents, aunts, grandparents forget that when planning a wedding.

  66. Teri McGilvray
    11 years ago

    WOW, moved to tears. Love it all, thanks for sharing.

  67. Ariel
    11 years ago

    Thank you, dear Dr Northrup, for sharing. Very moving to hear about the magic moments with Kate’s dad and your bonus daughter. Love and blessings to your healing heart and blended family.

  68. Debi Miller
    11 years ago

    Hi, was sending a friend a link to your website when I came across this post. It’s wonderful to hear about the healings taking place within your family. When parents are divorced, weddings can be a time of acting out and power struggles but it seems that honoring the power of love, old & new took everyone involved to a higher level. Thank you for showing us what can take place when we do the work to heal! Many blessings!

  69. Linda Memmesheimer
    11 years ago

    You have brought me to tears so many times over the years with your women’s wisdom. Your words have empowered me to overcome cancer and to make a commitment to helping others do so. I am so happy you had such a joyful day. You deserve it.
    Here’s to new beginnings!

  70. Maureen
    11 years ago

    THAT, is grace. Thank-you for being such a positive example!

  71. Laura Ceja
    11 years ago

    Sitting here crying because of all the intimate, lovely details you thought of. The love and the healing is so powerful here. What a gorgeous gift you have given to your daughter and your entire family.

  72. Michelle Elliot
    11 years ago

    Wow Christiane, the tears are flowing down my face. Both for joy and for sadness for myself for not willing to be this open to my ex husbands partner.
    You truly are a beautiful soul.
    Thank you for being so honest about your feelings on the special day.
    Blessings, Michelle xxx

  73. ruth barron
    11 years ago

    Stunning account Christiane. Thank you. Miracle followed miracle and why wouldnt it? Such an extraordinary tribe
    Much love,

  74. Elle
    11 years ago

    I don’t know why this just made me cry, but it did. Congratulations to your daughter and to you for being an awesome and fully present mother. I wish you all the best…and you’re right. This is right out of a novel!

  75. Amy Egan
    11 years ago

    Absolutely beautiful. Thank you for being so open with your feelings. They are helpful to many! Blessing to you and your new, extended family.

  76. Celia Ingrid Farber
    11 years ago

    My face is wet with tears.

  77. CJ
    11 years ago

    Thank you! I especially loved the description of the ritual that you created for Kate. Did the little sister go home after what she said? I hope that she was able to stay! I have a sense of threads that were pulled apart being woven into a new part of a tapestry along with lovely new threads. Blessings on you all!

  78. Elizabeth
    11 years ago

    Beautiful post, Christiane. Had me in tears. Love is what moves us all forward, isn’t it?

  79. Alisa
    11 years ago

    What a beautiful and precious story. Thank you for being an example of the mother I hope to be when my own daughters get married. xo

  80. Candy Newton
    11 years ago

    You have an amazing insight to the world, yourself, and your daughters. Thank you for sharing this day with us. Kate’s MLC was a life changing experience for my husband and me. I did so want to know about Kate’s special day but did not want to pry. The wedding dress is so beautiful. The picture Kate posted on FB of her with a sparkler, Mike, and her short, lacy, jump suit was so unique and pretty. Thanks for sharing. My curiosity is complete. Love to you and your family, Candy

  81. Jane Dulce
    11 years ago

    Just what i needed to hear today as i grapple with the remnants of my pain, anger and bitterness of my own divorce and the undertone that affects my daughters daily.
    Your sharing provides hope and inspiration to keep moving forward on my own journey of healing regardless of what steps the girls father does or doesn’t take. All in the best interest of my own personal health – mentally, physically, emotionally and spiritually as well as for my daughters.

  82. Molly
    11 years ago

    Dr. Northrup,

    I’ve come to know you through your daughter’s website and can say without a doubt that she is the reflection of you in innumerable ways. May you both be blessed.

  83. Lisa
    11 years ago

    I love what you did for your daughter and many others around you. You could have been bitter and instead you turned it into a beautiful experience, not just for you but for all future generations. I love how you acknowledged the energy in plants, things and infused it like holy water. You are teaching me how to walk a different path that most people don’t take the time acknowledge. I love it…. continue to teach and glow(grow)


    Lisa McCormick

  84. Debra
    11 years ago

    Thank you for sharing this lovely story and picture. It is so nice to hear of a friendly divorce and a blessed day between all.
    God’s grace was evident in your life that day with forgiveness and restoration.
    “His mercies are new every morning.”
    Congratulations to your new life of “Wholeness” and a beautiful daughter filled with wisdom, maturity, and a spirit filled with gratitude. xoDeb

  85. Veronica
    11 years ago

    Ohh! Tears. Heart strings playing. Beautiful. Thank you for sharing this! Squeezing you with love, Veronica

  86. Dara
    11 years ago

    You have shared a gift of love with all of us who follow you and provided a great example of how to love our daughters. May the love you share come back to you greatly multiplied by all of us who love you!!

  87. Kate
    11 years ago

    I truly enjoyed reading this, THANK YOU for sharing. Especially the end of no grief, loneliness or regrets. I now have a 5.5 month daughter and I wish this for her and I one day. Congratulations to you all, what a wonderfully magical day! Xx

  88. Kate
    11 years ago

    I truly enjoyed reading this, THANK YOU for sharing. Especially the end of no grief, loneliness or regrets. I now have a 5.5 month daughter and I wish this for her and I one day. Congratulations to you all, what a wonderfully magical day! Xx

  89. Belinda Wurn
    11 years ago

    Thank you SO much for sharing such a personal and profound experience that you had with your daughter and your ex-husband! It sounds like it was just the most perfect, spiritual and loving wedding ever! You are truly a remarkable woman, and I feel SO fortunate to have spent time with you years ago! Much love! xoxo Belinda

  90. Kiran
    11 years ago

    What a beautiful post. You are such a light to this world. Thank you and love you greatly.

  91. Marg Skinner
    11 years ago

    What a treat to read of Kate’s wedding & some special moments. More of your thoughts please! How wonderful that you had done “the work around your own heart” and it sounds like Kate’s Dad has done work too. Know that your writings have changed men as well as women. Incredibly touching, a reminder for all of us to move the ego aside, live from a warm heart, and find the courage to say the words that need to be said. My heart to yours.

  92. Doris Meehan
    11 years ago

    Beautiful, just beautiful. How blessed you all are.

  93. Susan Motheral
    11 years ago

    Thanks for sharing the beauty and presence of Kate and Mike’s wedding and the openings of full hearts to life and love. Ah my, it is exquisite to behold!

  94. Barbara
    11 years ago

    Spiritual and touching on some many levels. Thank you for sharing something so special knowing it can touch others hearts too.

  95. Mary Kiningham
    11 years ago

    Tears rolling down my checks. Lovely, thank you for sharing and teaching me how to live in a different way. Stop and pause.
    Thank you,

  96. Tracey
    11 years ago

    I cried when you wrote about walking your daughter down the isle and taking in the moment….every mother’s dream….thank you for sharing.

  97. Barbara Sinclair
    11 years ago

    What a beautiful story! I kept it together until the part about your ex taking your hand. Last summer I reached out to my ex to ask if we could meet and have a heart-to-heart. This was initiated after listening to you on your radio show one day! 🙂 One of the best decisions I even made. And I see wonderful new relationships on the horizon for your extended family – especially with your ex’s little daughter. How precious! Thank you for sharing the memories of this special day with all of us.

  98. Marketa
    11 years ago

    The most powerful and beautiful lines I have ever read about experiencing wedding. Thank you so much for sharing, you are a blessing for your daughters and for all women and men you share your journey with. Happy beginnings !!!

  99. Christine
    11 years ago

    Well done, Christiane!!

  100. Bettina Blanchard
    11 years ago

    Ohhhh Dear Chris, What a lovely, lovely post this is. My heart is full for you all. Thank you for sharing!
    Ox Bettina

  101. Meljoy
    11 years ago

    Such a beautiful tale, Dr. Northup. My tears are happy ones for you and your family. If we all could just realize how simple it truly is to love one another. Thank you for sharing your moments and memories with us.

  102. Nanette
    11 years ago

    I so love you Dr Northrope, You share your experiences and wisdom lovely and simply…always powerful.
    Blessings to A Wise Woman from A Wise Woman..

  103. Nancerator
    11 years ago

    I too celebrated with a family wedding of my son, on July 5, beautiful day on so many levels. I was aware at the “ending” this ceremony represented but as you have noted there also is a beginning to it all; a life affirming beauty of this force that marches us all forward. Long time fan of yours, I may be 50 something menopausal yet I see great possibilities that a new life is about to begin. Thank you for sharing your wisdom and the touching moments of your journey. Blessings to all

  104. Debbie Phillips
    11 years ago

    This has to be one of the most beautiful descriptions of a wedding, completely from the heart and blessed with love.

  105. Celine
    11 years ago


    Thank you for sharing yours with us~~~~~~

  106. S
    11 years ago

    I would be very curious to know how you’ve dealt with your ex husband’s wife and issues regarding her role in your daughter’s lives. I have had problems with this same thing for at least 15 years now. It causes me stress and heartache and I really struggle.

  107. Kat
    11 years ago

    Dr. N. More photos, please? You and Kate look stunning just from the little photo here. Many blessings!

  108. Penny Northrup Kirk
    11 years ago

    I bear witness to the truth of your words and the fullness in your heart! This is what creates our mythology and the stories we pass on. It was the epitome of FLOURISH, as verb and noun!

  109. Paula Gervais
    11 years ago

    WOW! Such an incredible accounting of what is such a special day in the lives of mothers and daughters! The memories will forever be embedded in your soul and will thrive into little threads that blend the families together like the weaving of a quilt! What an incredible gift of that little girl – she knows a GREAT and DIVINE soul when she meets it – YOU, dear, Dr. Northrup!

  110. Linda LeClaire
    11 years ago

    Thank you for sharing this beautiful experience. The love you expressed in everything you did and especially with everyone brought tears to my eyes. The note of appreciation from your daughter about dissolving the possible tension went straight to my heart. Such a good reminder~~~

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