The HPV Vaccine: What You Need to Know Today

by Christiane Northrup, M.D.


Questions about HPV and whether getting the HPV vaccine will protect you and your children from getting cervical, throat, and other cancers are on the forefront of many people’s minds. The added interest is due in part to Michael Douglas’s announcement that his throat cancer was caused by the HPV virus, which he contracted while having oral sex. (More on this in a minute.) It is also August, and in the U.S., parents have to ensure that their children’s vaccines are up-to-date, because without them the children will be barred from attending school in the coming year. The fear and hysteria—and paperwork—around this issue make me doubt whether our society will ever be able to see the HPV vaccine issue objectively.

So let’s start with an important and irrefutable fact. The HPV vaccines Gardasil and Cervarix do not prevent cervical cancer or any other type of cancer. They may protect you from contracting some strains of HPV for a period of time. Gardasil is genetically engineered to target the four most common strains of HPV known to be associated with cervical cancer, although there are 14 strains that are also implicated. (There are actually over 100 known HPV strains.) Cervarix targets fewer cervical-cancer-causing strains, but seems to offer better protection from genital warts than Gardasil.

Both vaccines also protect against anal and penile lesions to some extent, which is one reason why HPV vaccines are being heavily marketed to boys and young men. But even a recent, highly-touted study that suggests that the rate of HPV lesions has decreased because of the vaccine is seriously flawed. The study included girls who had never had sex and also girls who had not been vaccinated!1

I am not a fan of vaccines, and have been particularly cautious about the HPV vaccines. I’ve written extensively about the fatal and debilitating side effects of Gardasil (and provide some recent data below). And since their approval in 2006, nothing has convinced me that the benefits of the HPV vaccine outweigh the risks—which are significant.2

And now I’m troubled by another aspect. Did you know that women require a booster shot every five years for Gardasil and every seven years for Cervarix? Or that no one seems to know whether the HPV vaccines provide coverage to males for more than two years? Yet, the pharmaceutical companies along with the mainstream medical community tout these vaccines as if they provide long-term protection.

A Little Perspective

Let me put the HPV/cervical cancer risk in perspective. According to the CDC, there are 9,710 new diagnoses of cervical cancer in the U.S. per year and 3,700 deaths, on average. Of these, about 70 percent are related to HPV. I say “related” because when a person’s natural immunity fails to clear HPV from the system, there is an immune problem, not an HPV problem. This, in combination with his smoking and alcohol habits, is why Michael Douglas was unable to clear the virus from his system (in my opinion). So that narrows it down to 6, 790 cases. Most of these (but not all) could be prevented through regular pap smears.

The death rate from cervical cancer in the U.S. is 3 out of 100,000 women. The rate of serious adverse events from Gardasil is about 3.4 per 100,000 doses.

If you really want to protect against cervical cancer, here are five things to do:

1. Boost your immunity and adopt lifestyle habits that support your health overall. This includes making sure your vitamin D levels are optimal. Studies show that those with optimal vitamin D levels cut their cancer risk (all causes) in half!

2. Get regular pap smears—even if you’ve had the vaccine. A yearly pap is no longer recommended for most. Every three-five years is sufficient. Women who have had the vaccine can still contract cervical cancer.

3. Practice safe sex. Use a condom, and talk about health concerns with your partner.

4. If you’re already infected, don’t get an HPV vaccine! Remember—your own immunity will likely clear that virus from your system within two years.

5. If you still plan to vaccinate, question the guidelines. Since Merck received FDA approval in 2006, they have marketed Gardasil to nine-year-old girls. Recently, they began marketing to eleven-year-old boys. It makes no sense to give your child a proven harmful substance to protect her from something she likely won’t even come in contact with for several years. I agree with HPV vaccine expert Diane Harper, M.D., who points out that most HPV is contracted in young adults between the ages of 16 and 26, which is the optimal time for vaccination if you’re going to do it at all. (Dr. Harper was one of the principal investigators in the initial Gardasil trial.)

Bottom line: About 98 percent of HPV infections will resolve on their own within two years. (This is the reason why the American College of OB/GYN changed their pap smear recommendations to begin at age 20 instead of when a girl first became sexually active.) I agree with Diane Harper, M.D., who put it this way, “This is a sobering reality. Would a parent accept such a rate of serious adverse events if the same cancer prevention can occur with continued pap screening? Is there any acceptable level of risk of serious adverse events, including death, to prevent genital warts?”3 Women and girls deserve better. So, forego the vaccine!


[1] Mercola, J., Oncology Dietitian Exposes Fraud in CDC’s HPV Vaccine Effectiveness Study, July 16, 2013

[2] As of August 13, 2012, Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) has received 119 reports of death following HPV vaccination, as well as:

• 894 reports of disability

• 517 life-threatening adverse events

• 9,889 emergency room visits

• 2,781 hospitalizations

Those adverse reports started coming in shortly after the vaccine was fast-tracked. In August of 2009, an article in the Journal of the American Medical Association noted that the U.S Government has received more than 12,000 reports of adverse events associated with Gardasil immunization—72 of them considered serious, including 32 deaths. (B. A. Slades, et al, Postlicensure safety surveillance for quadrivalent human papilloma recombinant vaccine, JAMA, 302:7, August 19, 2009, pps 750-57. See also

In July of this year, the Japanese government officially withdrew its support for the HPV because of the large number of adverse events associated with it.

[3] Death After Cervarix Propels HPV Vaccination Headlines Again, Medscape, September 30 2009: updated October 1, 2009, Available online at

Last Updated: August 1, 2013

Christiane Northrup, M.D.

Christiane Northrup, M.D., is a visionary pioneer and a leading authority in the field of women’s health and wellness. Recognizing the unity of body, mind, and spirit, she empowers women to trust their inner wisdom, their connection with Source, and their ability to truly flourish.


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  1. Courtney
    2 years ago

    I used to get annual pap’s + HPV, per Gyn protocol. HPV showed positive once, and was gone by the time biopsy was scheduled, 2 weeks later. Researching, I found 95% of the population has had some variant.

    Then my Gyn stopped the annual paps/HPV screenings, to every 2 years because there were so few cases to warrant annual testing. (she said according to research, she also had a passion for her work, awarded top microscopic surgeon in the state one year).

    Ironically, the vaccines came out AFTER that change in protocol.

    Also, pretty sure genital warts is HSV2, as I had a temporary scare and was tested multiple times. HSV1 is cold sores. Herpes virus variants (chicken pox, etc) are so common, and reactivation is directly related to immune health.

    1. Talia
      1 year ago

      I just had atypical cells on my pap and HPV 16 supposedly. I had a strong intuitive feeling this was not right. They wanted to schedule a colposcopy right away a few weeks out. I am hesitant and am working on clean eating and low/no sugar which is normally how I am yet I have not been great lately. I am also not that sexually active, use protection and not with that many people. It has been months. I was upset and shaken up. They put the fear in you of cancer and another look and biopsy if need be.
      I really wish I could talk to Dr. Northrup! And you had the closest situation to me so far that I have seen respond. I do not know if you or anyone else will see this but would love more truthful info. Thank you!

  2. Elena
    3 years ago

    I got the gardasil vaccine when I was 12 as a part of government program. My mum just signed the form without really reading it because she thought it was compulsory. The following year I didn’t get a period for 8 months (and I wasn’t sexually active), I felt panicked and tired all the time and my hair was falling out. Then at 16 I had the booster shot and started experiencing autoimmune reactions, fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue ever since. Can anyone help with this? I think I reacted to the preservatives. I wish I never got this vaccine and I’m so angry at the lack of accountability. When I told the doctor she just laughed at my face. It put me off vaccines forever but I still ended up getting the first corona jab out of fear. I’m debating if I should get the second one. My body is telling me not to yet I’m scared of covid. As someone who has been injured and ignored these forced mandates make me so mad

  3. John J.
    4 years ago

    I was surprised to see your blog still showing up on searches. I am looking for information before the Drs start pushing the HPV vaccine on my children, and all of it, except yours, has been scrubbed from the search engines. I know I read last year that the infection rate is higher in those vaccinated than those not vaccinated, and the cancer rate was higher in those with the vaccine than those without. Do you know where any of that research is now?

  4. Ben Rita
    5 years ago

    5 years ago I had warts, I was treated with some liquid applied to the warts they continued to grow and spread… The next 2 doctors did laser surgery to remove them. 1 year after the surgery, they grew back close to where the 1st ones were’ so I was finally told it was hpv. I have had it for very long time, I contract it from my cheated boyfriend and I found out he was also infected and I end up the relationship between us. the warts was so embarrasses because it started spreading all over I have be dealing with this things for very long time the last treatment I take was About 2 years ago I applied natural treatment from Dr onokun herbal cure, a week after applying the treatment all the warts was gone. it’s now 2 years and some months I don’t have single wart or any symptoms of hpv. wow”” it’s great, Dr onokun has finally cured me. Anyone living with hpv contact Dr onokun for natural treatment.
    His email address: dronokunherbalcure@gm‎  

  5. Carla
    8 years ago

    Thank you for writing about this Dr. Northrup! I made the decision to not let my 12 year old daughter take the Gardasil vaccine, which was administrated by medical staff affiliated with the schools in my area (I’m in Norway). I felt intense pressure to give in and have her get it because ‘everyone’ else in her class was getting it. We were given very little information so I did my own research. Completely agree with you- I refuse to risk my daughter’s health for a ‘vaccine’ that is not proven to work.

  6. Annicka
    10 years ago

    “The death rate from cervical cancer in the U.S. is 3 out of 100,000 women. The rate of serious adverse events from Gardasil is about 3.4 per 100,000 doses.”
    …Is that death rate for HPV-related cervical cancer deaths? Or cervical cancer deaths that can also be unrelated to HPV?

    I am so deeply thankful for Dr. Northrup’s posts on this subject. I chose not to get my teenage daughter vaccinated and read Dr. Northrup’s validating posts/articles after that, with such great relief and gratitude for having decided as I did.
    My heart goes out to all parents and individuals who have been hurt and devastated by the vaccine’s harmful impact – it’s truly heartbreaking. May all who are suffering and paying that awful price for having tried to do the right thing be deeply blessed and healed. And may those who hide information and put money above health and love wake up to find their heart and soul, to make the world more safe.

    Grateful, in Switzerland

  7. Cyn
    10 years ago

    I had the Gardisil shots although I’d been previously infected, no one told me not too. Within a month or two I developed chronic herpes (and had no partner at the time, so it must have been dormant before the shots). My health has been on a rollercoaster ever since with an autoimmune condition and regular herpes outbreaks (I take red marine algae and kyolic garlic extract just to try to manage them). If I had any idea about Gardisil previously, I would have never ever gotten the shots, and I would certainly never risk vaccinating my own children. Clearly it has an unpredictable effect on our immune systems, and can even trigger dormant viruses etc.

  8. Anne
    10 years ago

    I am an adenocarcinoma survivor…..stage 1B cervical cancer caused by HPV when I was 20. I was 40, with 2 young sons, when I had a radical hysterectomy. The fallout from the surgery and subsequent surgeries left me emotionally and physically traumatized for a long time. Initially I chose not to get my oldest vaccinated because of all the controversies mentioned here. That changed when he turned 14 and his pediatrician convinced me otherwise….playing into my own personal fears. He’s had 2 out of 3 of the series. Not sure if I should pursue the third.

  9. kathy
    11 years ago

    My fiance’s wife died of cervical cancer r/t HPV three years ago. She was diagnosed with HPV 15 years ago. After treatment her pap smears were negative. Turns out 7 years ago, she was diagnosed with cervical cancer. We understand there is no test for men. He has never had warts. Is it possible he has cleared this virus? My Paps are negative.

  10. cheryl
    11 years ago

    I read once awhile ago that Japan took it off their market because they found that it causes boys to be sterile. Of course, I can’t find that article now that everyone is talking about it. My sons are 19 & 14. I have raised them to respect the ladies. My oldest is waiting until marriage for sex. Hopefully my youngest follows suit. Therefore, I can see no reason for this vaccine. Am I a bad mom?

  11. Virginia
    11 years ago

    I vaccinated my teenage son about 4 years ago. He is now 17. Just found out of the side effects and am very worried. He is always very tired, he falls asleep in class and when he comes home the first thing he does is to go to bed. Adding to that he is just tired! Is there a way to stop this side effects that seems to continue over a lifetime? Please help! I’m so worried.

  12. Julie
    11 years ago

    My daughter has lost all her hair and her periods have stopped as a direct result of the HPV vaccine. I know this as having voiced my opinion we are now being treated as lepers by the medical profession.

  13. emma
    11 years ago

    I have only had 1 so far and I was to scared to have the second one what should I do cause I have now mist the chance to get number two ??? should I get number 3 before number 2??

  14. Jo Ann M
    11 years ago

    I don’t know if it is directly related but my perfectly healthy 16 year old son had the Gardasil shot upon the advice of his pediatrician and 4 months later he died. He had no other medical problems. I have been suspicious of this vaccination ever since my son’s unt
    imely death.

  15. Karen
    11 years ago

    Thank you for your insight on this matter. If my daughter already had 2 shots, can we discontinue the third?

  16. Jen
    11 years ago

    I am suffering from the effects after. I feel like I have the body of and 80 year old and I am 26. I am not the same person I used to be, don’t do this to your children at any age. I received it at 21.

  17. Darcy
    11 years ago

    3) I will take folic acid and vit D supplements now. Will it help my bf to clear HPV if he takes them too?

    Appreciate your insight and many thanks,

  18. Darcy
    11 years ago

    2) I have a monogamous relationship with boyfriend, I am on pills and we only want to have unprotected sex. He is probably infected with HPV too. We are both non smoker and drink socially, eats healthy, we should have good immune system. Should we just go on with unprotected sex, because even if I try to clear the virus, how do I know that he will not pass it back to me since there is no method to test HPV on a man.

  19. Darcy
    11 years ago

    Hi Dr Northrup,

    I did a pap smear in Sept, it was discovered that I had HPV. I was not told to do a HPV test but to repeat the pap smear in 6 months time. I didnt know what was HPV, after reading more online, I have a few questions:

    1) Should I go to get a HPV test NOW to know what strain I have?

  20. Mindanoiha
    11 years ago

    Gardasil may increase risk of cancer:
    – Lack of carcinogenicity testing of the vaccine.
    – Replacement (virus strains removed by the vaccine may be replaced by cancer causing strains).
    – Presence of aluminium bound recombinant DNA (rDNA), the consequences of which are unknown.
    – Those who are previously infected with the HPV virus and then get vaccinated have increased risk of cervical cancer.

    It may be an ironic stroke of fate if the vaccine is shown to be the cause of a cancer epidemic.

  21. Sadi
    12 years ago

    This very Scary at this generation also 5,000 women’s died each year in the US with Cervical Cancer. two viceancs are available to prevent this cancer but lack of awareness creating this situation.

  22. Lou
    12 years ago

    I am the mother of a daughter who didnt know of the vacinne in time nor was it readily available and ten years later she still suffers from non-clearing HPV despite a healthy lifestyle. I worry about her young future everyday. Luckily my two younger daughters are protected.

  23. Mindanoiha
    12 years ago

    Gardasil may increase risk of cancer:

    – Lack of carcinogenicity testing.

    – Replacement.

    – Aluminium bound recombinant DNA (rDNA).

    – Girls previously infected with the HPV virus who then get vaccinated have increased risk of cervical cancer.

    Considering that Gardasil is sometimes inappropriately termed a cancer vaccine, it may be an ironic stroke of fate if the vaccine is shown to be the cause of a cancer epidemic.

  24. Christiane Northrup
    12 years ago

    Remember– vaccines and immunity are first chakra issues– related to our sense of safety and security in the world as well as our sense of belonging. The information in this article challenges a widely held belief– that vaccines keep us safe. And beliefs directly– and powerfully– affect immunity. I urge each of you to take a deep breath and allow your inner wisdom to guide your actions around Gardisil and everything else in front of you.

  25. Mellisa
    12 years ago

    My daughter had this vaccine and suffered devastating neurological side effects. It has changed the course of her life. Please, please, educate yourself before getting this vaccine. I am part of a group that has found each other via Facebook-there are so many of our daughters that have been injured! I believed I was doing the right thing and regret this decision as her mother more than I can say.

  26. Carly S
    12 years ago

    @ Kegel, What is a ‘lifetime death rate’? Using online USA gov stats: 3,909 women died of cervical cancer in USA 2009; 311 million population in 2011. Assuming even male:female, that’s roughly 4,000 deaths in 150 000 000 women, about 4 deaths in 150 00. V

  27. I don’t agree with the vaccine at all! Also don’t agree w/giving HPV clearing as a sense of security.Fighting cervical & vulvar cancer 15 years now,I say: if you’re sexually active,get an annual pap.Don’t count on it clearing. I’ve never been a drinker,smoker,nor a drug user–yet the HPV strains I contracted didn’t clear &still keep resurfacing!It’s a never-ending, horrifying battle that has lead to having my lady parts surgically maimed & severely ruining my quality of life-& I caught it early!

  28. I am also an advocate of yearly Pap testing. I do not agree that women should be tested every 3-5 years. I have seen patients progress from having a normal PAP to severe dysplasia in one year’s time. Although this process is usually much slower, HPV infection, poor diet, cigarette smoking, alcohol use and especially STRESS can accelerate this process. It seems silly to wait so long to find out if an abnormality is emerging in the cells of the cervix.

  29. One thing I would like to point out is that Gardasil is a quadrivalent vaccine for HPV types 6, 11, 16, 18- types 6 & 11 are more commonly associated with genital warts while 16 & 18 are more commonly associated with cervical cancer. Cervarix is bivalent- only for HPV types 16 & 18. There are many more strains associated with the development of both genital warts and cervical cancer, which are not included in these vaccines.

  30. I work a lot with women who have cervical dysplasia and HPV, as well as with their partners. I utilize immune boosting herbs and supplements and support my patients to choose a healthy diet and lifestyle. These interventions combined with vaginal suppositories, cervical escharotic treatments and penis soaks have helped many of my patients to have normal subsequent Pap tests and negative HPV tests (some of them going on 6+ years now).

  31. Johannes
    12 years ago

    Great article but the real issue is to understand how body-mind work and how illnesses develop in our body. META-Health provides these answers. Read…... But I also understand that many people are just so afraid about cancer and want the virus, bacteria or whatever might cause a cancer to appear) to be disappear. Unfortunately it is not that easy…

  32. lilliput
    12 years ago

    Thank you for this article. That’s all I can say. You most definitely have made this blog into something special. You clearly know what you are doing, you’ve covered so many bases.Thanks! lilliput

  33. Mary B
    12 years ago

    I was under the impression that viruses don’t cause cancer; rather, that a suppressed immune system allowed “cancer” to develop. Nice try (not), Kanga. Erica, what are the “twisted facts and half truths” of Dr. Northrup? Dan Kegel, how does one calculate the lifetime death rate from Gardasil? I’m still weighing in on this vaccine issue.

  34. Bonnie
    12 years ago

    And what did your pap smear tell you and your Doctor about this cancer? You were having them regularly, wern’t you?

  35. Sharon Gilbert
    12 years ago

    I was just at my peditrician last week with my 15 year old son and declined the vaccine as I feel it is not safe. She actually had not given it to her own daughter last year. I told her that not giving it to her daghter spoke volumes to me. My 10 year old daughter also will not be getting it. They can decide for themselves later on. As for me I am going with my gut onthis one! Thanks for the information.

  36. Kanga
    12 years ago

    As an HPV-16-caused cancer patient, I’m very disappointed by your negatively biased opinion–a serious disservice to your devoted readers! I was your fan for years. In clinical trials at Johns Hopkins I helped make these products effective and safer. Anti-vac. voices have been yelling since medicine first developed life-saving immunizations; so sad that you’ve joined their ranks. The HPV vac would’ve prevented my cancer and that of many who are no longer alive to write to you.

  37. D
    12 years ago

    Thank you, thank you, thank you for your well researched article. The risks are just too heavy with this, women have died from this vaccine. I’m older now but got HPV some years ago and it completely cleared from my system by taking care of myself and my immunity. The idea that it automatically leads to cancer is completely fear based only resulting huge profit for big pharma. I would never take this risk with my children.

  38. erica
    12 years ago

    I am disapointed in Dr. Northrup’s article. It is very biased with twisted facts and half truths. I unfortunately will have to look at the rest of her work in the same way now.

  39. Beth
    12 years ago

    Its apparent on here how much bullying from the medical field goes on to get vaccinated! I felt no need for my 13 year old to be under the risk of adverse effects from a vaccine that will only have to be given again in five years which is still BEFORE she ever has engaged in sex!

  40. Karen
    12 years ago

    Dan – your point is also misleading… Gardasil does not prevent 70% of cervical cancer simply because it prevents infection from 2 strains of HPV. The best statistic would be the number of deaths of cancer by people who have been vaccinated with Gardasil. Have to wait and be guinea pigs until those stats come out.

  41. Understanding that it is possible to risk stratify, and use this opportunity for sex education of young girls and boys, is not a prudish statement, but one based on solid science. Everyone agrees that regardless of receiving the vaccines, cytologic screening with Pap smears, with frequency TBD by high risk HPV status, is indicated. Dr. Northrup is correct that HPV clearance is very dependent on the robustness of individual immune responses, which are quite amenable to lifestyle choices.

  42. For most young women with multiple sexual partners, esp. before age 18, the vaccines make sense if they can be given before the onset of sexual activity. That is because cervical squamous metaplasia is mostly completed at age 18, and if an oncogenic strain of HPV is present before that, the rates of cervical dysplasia and risk of squamous cell carcinoma is significantly increased. Girls who wait to have sex till age 18 are obviously protected from pregnancy, STD’s and emotional trauma.

  43. Thank you Dr. Northrup for an insightful article on the cons of HPV vaccines available. Although the risk of both Gardasil and Cervarix vaccine is rather small for the general population, those with compromised immunity or predisposition to autoimmune diseases are at higher risk. The pros and cons of receiving three doses of either vaccine needs to be considered individually, an ideal opportunity for education. I agree that a clear benefit of immunizing boys has not been demonstrated.

  44. Anna
    12 years ago

    Love the article.
    Question: if you have vag lesions, what is a natural treatment and what ways do you recommend to boost immunity in this case? Thank you! Namaste.

  45. Joanne
    12 years ago

    I appreciate everyone is allowed an opinion and they need to make a choice right for them based on their beliefs. I went and had the vaccine after watching my cousin die from cervical cancer. If I ever have daughters they will be first in line.

  46. Jennifer
    12 years ago

    I had all three of my daughters vaccinated with no negative results. I think this is just one opinion.

  47. Dan Kegel
    12 years ago

    Dr. Northrup writes “The HPV vaccines Gardasil and Cervarix do not prevent cervical cancer or any other type of cancer.”

    But this is misleading. Gardasil prevents infections with the two strains of HPV that cause 70% of cervical cancer… and thus will prevent about 70% of cervical cancer.

  48. Dan Kegel
    12 years ago

    Dr. Northrup says “The death rate from cervical cancer in the U.S. is 3 out of 100,000 women. The rate of serious adverse events from Gardasil is about 3.4 per 100,000 doses.”
    This is true, but misleading. She should have said

    “The lifetime death rate from cervical cancer in the U.S. is 235 out of 100,000 women. No deaths have been proven to be due to Gardasil, but the lifetime death rate from Gardasil is estimated to be less than 1 out of 100,000 women.”

  49. Christiane Northrup
    12 years ago

    If you have already had one shot, there’s no need to continue. But check in with your inner guidance on this one. And if you haven’t had warts in a decade, chances are very good that your immune system has cleared the virus. There is ALWAYS the chance of passing on a virus to a sexual partner. But over time, when immunity is solid, this most likely won’t be a problem. The issue is how safe and secure one feels in his or her own skin. Seriously. The immune system picks up on all of this!!

  50. Johnson MD
    12 years ago

    I don’t know if this vaccine is safe or not, but since hpv is associated with every cervical cancer and many head and neck cancers, and anal cancers, then yes, if you can prevent hpv infection, and the non-clearing of hpv, that will prevent cancer. A+b does equal C here. We need a safe vaccine.
    I was never tested for this until 2011. Women, ask your gynecologist for the hpv test so you have proper surveillance. This can stay with you for years. There is no hpv test for men.

  51. Johnson MD
    12 years ago

    How judgmental your article is. I am 49. I have a healthy lifestyle. My husband of 20 years slept with others during our marriage. 80% of people will contract some form of hpv. Most will clear it. Some will not. Your article suggests i am at fault for my body not being able to clear hpv. How smug. Today I am recovering from multiple biopsies of my cervix, endocervix and endometrium under general anesthesia. I didn’t cause or ask for this. This is an epic health problem for our generation.

  52. Dr Dave Hawkes PhD
    12 years ago

    “Gardasil … target the four most common strains of HPV known to be associated with cervical cancer, although there are 14 strains that are also implicated… Cervarix targets fewer cervical-cancer-causing strains, but seems to offer better protection from genital warts than Gardasil.”
    Gardasil protects against HPV 6 and 11 which cause genital warts. Both Gardasil and Cervarix protect against cancer associated HPV 16 and 18. There are 15 cancer associated HPV types.

  53. Beverly
    12 years ago

    Great article Dr. Northrup. This is something I have been reading about and review as my boys are just reaching puberty and my daughter will be there one day. I have always been cautious about immunizing my children and opted for an extended immunization schedule rather than the government prescribed one. Thank you for the information and giving me even more confidence and courage to not immunize my children using these vaccines. Love and Hugs

  54. Veronica
    12 years ago

    Beautifully and clearly written! Why subject a girl to such possible effects when pap smears can provide the information needed and then wait for the virus to resolve on its own? Many factors must be considered, such as the child’s health. This is an engine driven by money which gathered steam along the way. Fear is such a motivator when it comes to vaccines and kids. it’s a shame more do not look at the facts and review the whole process.

  55. Joy Dawis Asuncion
    12 years ago

    Hi Dr. Northrup,

    Am very happy to know that someone has the same conviction as I do. There is a huge pharma campaign here in the Philippines, celebrities endorse it, even with the all girls school my 3 girls are going to has promoted HPV vaccine. I never did allowed our daughters precisely for the same reasons. It is not safe and it is not cheap. Thank you for writing this.

  56. Karen
    12 years ago

    Dr. Northrup,

    I so appreciate your thoughts on this matter, I just wish I knew this information about a month ago when I started with the first shot of three on my two daughters. If I knew then what I’ve learned over the last month I too wouldn’t have started them on this vaccine. Unfortunately I have and now my question to you is, should I continue and finish the last two rounds of shots or should I stop now with only the first shot in their system?

    So confused!

  57. Nancy
    12 years ago

    I got HPV and warts in my late 20’s. I am now in my early 40’s and while I have had the occasional wart removed in my 30’s, I’ve been wart free for a few years now. What is the likely hood that if I have sex with a safe partner (we both get tested first) that he will contract HPV and have warts? Thanks!

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