Use Astrology To Find Your Purpose

6 Rules for Consulting Astrology to Improve Your Life

by Christiane Northrup, M.D.


I’ve been following astrology for many years. I like how it connects me to the universe—to the whole—and with the larger, Divine cycles.  When used properly, astrology can help bring meaning to seemingly meaningless events, especially the ones that test our resolve.

When someone questions my belief in astrology, I reply by asking “Do you believe in the phases of the moon?”

The phrase “moon time” was used for eons as a euphemism for menstruation. When women lived together in clans, their menstrual cycles were synchronized with each other and with the moon. As an OB-GYN, I can tell you that more babies are born during a full moon than any other time of the month!

New moons signify new beginnings, and when a new moon occurs with a solar eclipse, it’s a new moon on steroids! A few years ago, I signed a contract to write my book, Goddesses Never Age. Underneath my signature, I wrote, “New moon in Taurus, solar eclipse.” I loved the idea of marrying the energy of this particular new moon with the left-hemisphere legal contract, which I’d been negotiating for months. The fact that everything came together on this new moon felt highly significant to me—like the culmination of forces much bigger than my own rational intellect.

You see, astrology is about aligning with the forces that rule the moon, the tides, and the turning of the planets, and then finding your unique place within this system based on how the planets were lined up at the moment of your birth.

The whole point of astrology is understanding there are universal forces acting on us that are far greater than we know, and far greater than we can control, but with which we can work consciously for maximum effectiveness and fulfillment.

6 Rules to Remember When Consulting Astrology

People often seek out astrological readings when their old ways of being aren’t working for them.  And astrology can be a very good blueprint.  Astrology acts as a reminder that your soul chose this.  It reminds us that we are part of a much bigger cycle and that we are not meant to suffer.

When it comes to astrology, I have a few rules that I live by:

Don’t give it power over you.  Astrology is simply a tool.  It’s like checking the weather forecast to see if you should pack a raincoat.  But it has no real power over you.

There are no bad astrology charts.  Astrology is like a roadmap designed to help you access your soul’s original blueprint.  But there aren’t any “bad” charts. Every chart has its challenges and its gifts.

Align with the Divine.  My friend, Astrologer Tosha Silver, teaches that there are no “bad” transits if you know how to align with the Divine. In other words, you are not a victim of your astrologic chart, though some aspects will test your soul’s resolve more than others. For example, wherever Saturn is going through your chart (a transit), it’s likely that that particular area of your life is undergoing a bit of “breakdown to breakthrough.” It all depends on how the degree of orbiting Saturn in the sky coincides with a particular portion of your own natal chart (the position of the planets at the time of your birth.) And each of these positions is associated with a different area of life, such as home and roots, partnerships, career, etc.

Ignore newspaper sun sign astrology.  Sun Sign horoscopes were started in the early the 20th century as a way to sell more newspapers. However, your sun sign is just one aspect of your individual astrologic signature. And it won’t give you much information unless you also know your rising sign, moon sign, and the positions of your personal planets, including Venus, Mars, and Mercury.

Avoid “doom and gloom” astrologers.  When looking for a trustworthy person to work with or follow, avoid “doom and gloom” astrologers. These are the astrologers who call planets like Saturn “malefic”—as if a planet could reach down and make your life a living hell.

Surrender to the process. A number of years ago I listened to Daniel Giamario talk about Pluto transits, and what we typically do when things get difficult: 1) Act/react, 2) Try to solve with our minds, or 3) Deny it with drugs, alcohol or sugar. When you’re going through some of the transits, there’s nothing to do but surrender to the process, and this is when having a blueprint of your soul’s journey and why this is happening is so helpful.

How to Find a Good Astrologer

There are many different schools of astrology.  For example, there is Vedic, Sidereal (most predictive), Tropical, Constellation, Shamanic, Evolutionary and many others.  They are all different.  And there is no one way that is better than another – they are just different schools of thoughts.  Plus, there are many types of readings.  And astrologers use different techniques to get information.

I believe that the school of astrology the astrologer derives the information from is less important than their level of expertise and accuracy of insight.  When choosing an astrologer, you want someone who understands that every single cycle is actually serving the purpose of your soul’s growth.

Here are some more tips for choosing an astrologer that is right for you:

Find an astrologer who is helpful and informative. Of course, a professional astrologer needs to know astrology inside and out, but they also need the ability to convey their knowledge to you in a way that is useful to you. This will make the difference between having an OK reading, and one that gives you the support and information you seek. And be sure to avoid anyone who says you are in a “bad transit” or that you have an “unlucky chart.”

Ask if the astrologer makes birth charts. Good astrologers will typically ask you for your birth time and place and then make a complete birth chart. Even if you have a prior birth chart, many good astrologers prefer to make their own.

Ask for referrals. Choosing an astrologer can be a lot like finding the right health care professional, massage therapist, or yoga instructor. Be sure to ask your friends who they like. (You’ll be surprised how many consult astrologers.) Of course, check out the astrologer’s experience and education. And, once you have narrowed the field down a bit, use your own intuition.

Know what you want to gain from astrology. When looking for an astrologer, it’s important to know how you will use astrology in your life. Are you looking for specific answers? For example, are you wondering about a relationship, a job change, a move or looking to understand some recent event? Or are you seeking high-level information? Do you prefer that your readings be in person? Or are you OK with virtual readings?

How I’m Looking to Astrology in 2023

Shifts, transits, and eclipses affect us as individuals, but also as a collective. One of the ways I like to view astrology is through a big picture lens of what is happening in the world. How great or subtle the energy of a particular transit feels is often reflected in how significant the events are that occur during it. It’s always interesting to see events unfolding and then look at the planetary movements to see how they support what’s happening.

Another thing you can do is look back at the planetary alignments that occurred during past events. For example, in March 2020 Saturn (rules, responsibility, discipline, restrictions, and control) moved out of Capricorn (“top down” authority, hierarchy, and process) and into Aquarius for a brief stay until July 2020 then re-entered Aquarius in December 2020. Of course, March 2020 was early in the COVID-19 narrative. After Saturn entered Aquarius, we saw the lockdowns and mandates begin. But with Saturn in Aquarius we also saw “pushback” in the form of the masses starting to rise up. We still had Saturn controlling our lives, punishing us for not complying with restrictions, even surveilling us online. But many people found their true voice and learned to assert their autonomy. These were the people who opposed mask mandates in schools, refused to get the jabs even when it meant losing their jobs, started new companies, defied censorship, and more.

In short, while the last several years have felt difficult the cosmos has still been supporting “we, the people” in stepping up. Now, as Saturn gets ready to move into Pisces on March 7, 2023 (until February 2026) can we predict what will unfold with absolute certainty? No. On the other hand, we can guess what areas of our lives and which industries may be affected. For example, oil and gas, Big Pharma, and hospitals may be affected by this energy. Just how it will play out is not clear. Will Saturn’s restrictions mean more shortages when it comes to fuel and medications?  Or will it mean lowered costs of these items? Our spiritual beliefs may also be called into question under this energy.

Another big transit on the horizon is Pluto leaving Capricorn (patriarchy) and entering Aquarius on March 23, 2023, where it will remain until 2044. This is big transformational energy. By comparison Pluto was in Aquarius during some of the biggest revolutions in history including the Protestant Revolution, The French Revolution and the American Was for independence. So, this energy is truly about “we, the people”.  It’s about exposing what is not working in our society and correcting it. (By the way, Pluto’s return occurred on February 22, 2022. This is when the cracks in the financial structures of the world really started being exposed.)

I know a vast number of people have transformed their health, their lives, and their views about the world in the last 3 years. And, as a collective many have learned to embrace their autonomy while also stepping up and contributing to what will become a more productive society that values freedom, autonomy, and true community.

So, what’s next? I expect a lot will be happening on a global scale.

Do you use astrology in your life?  If so, how do you apply it? Please leave your comments below.

Last Updated: February 23, 2023

Christiane Northrup, M.D.

Christiane Northrup, M.D., is a visionary pioneer and a leading authority in the field of women’s health and wellness. Recognizing the unity of body, mind, and spirit, she empowers women to trust their inner wisdom, their connection with Source, and their ability to truly flourish.


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  1. Astro Mausi
    8 months ago

    Thanks for sharing this content, I really appreciate your hard work and intelligence which is clearly seen through your content.

  2. Wendy
    2 years ago

    I absolutely follow astrology. I find it helpful in understanding the energy we are experiencing and what areas of my life to focus on at the time. These 2 transits (Saturn/Pluto) in March will be huge! I am already seeing and hearing about people changing their focus in their lives in a big way. I follow the Leo King/David Palmer and highly recommend his work. Fixed Air Moon/Bryan Scarborough is also a good one who works with David in his studio, Highvibe TV.

  3. rosalyn thurecht
    2 years ago

    What a brilliant and giving woman you are. I would like to look at your birth chart. Well written for those who know little about astrology. Thank you!

  4. doovinator
    2 years ago

    Well done! Easy to read and understand! I’ve been drawing charts for 50 years and would say pretty much the same thing to anyone seeking answers through astrology–

  5. christine shahin
    2 years ago

    Thank you Dr Christiane for all you do for all of us. I do use astrology as you do, more often observing, like your experience with your book Goddesses Never Age – which btw is wonderful, as is the Hay House Course you created for it rather than manipulating though when I plan events i will look to choose dates with less stress and more fun.

  6. lachalupa
    2 years ago

    Thank you Dr. Northrup. What a great, impactful post. delivered with compassionate sharing.

  7. Funny Bunny
    2 years ago

    Thank you Dr. Northrop for sharing your thoughts and opinions on a subject close to home. It’s like the good ole days when you were sharing on your YouTube videos..miss those days.. it was such a treat to see you at home and in your comfort zone… so authentic!!
    Hope you are well and moving safely through your grief

  8. howtogetlostloveback
    5 years ago

    It is a great blog post about astrology .I am always read your blog helpful and informative tips. I like it thanks for sharing this information with us

  9. Horoscope Prediction
    5 years ago

    You have quite beautifully written how to use astrology to find our purpose. I have been using astrological predictions to make decisions about certain issues of my life yet not always fully depend on it. It is always been like your luck or destiny and your Karma. Astrology tell us more about this destiny aspect of our lives while our Karma is in our hand. Normally, I do check my horoscope prediction on monthly basis. But you can get it on daily and weekly basis too.

  10. Thanks for sharing the blog.
    I agree with the 6 rules that you shared with us. Everyone should must follow these tips before consulting an astrologer.

  11. harmony
    5 years ago

    thank you dr northrup- i am divine harmony and a student just sent this to me i was not aware you had posted this and referenced me. what an honor and some of those listed are dear friends and colleagues that i am proud to be included with. thank you for bringing Light to astrology as i know you put your reputation out there when doing so in this very divisive (but healing) world of science versus spirituality. thank you again <3. ~harmony (divine harmony)

  12. Debby Hock
    5 years ago

    You have left out all of the ground breaking Astrologer around the world. To leave out Steven Forrest, Frank Clifford, Mark Jones, Jessica Murry, Tony Howard, Rick Levine…….. you left out the best in the world and tell your readers to follow the fluff. The list you gave is unbelievable. I love Kaypacha and work with him and follow his weekly report. You should do your research

    1. A. Petriello
      5 years ago

      Debby Hock,
      How rude of you! If all ground-breaking astrologers were to be named, we’d have to go back thousands of years. We, as astrologers, must spread the word on astrology itself, not dismiss the goodness of those who counsel with it.

  13. Ellie
    5 years ago

    What a fascinating post thank you! I had no idea that more babies are born during the full moon than any other period – wow! Although we shouldn’t be surprised by the moons affect on our bodies when we remember we are mostly water 🙂 I am very new to this world of following the stars. I was recently gifted a star map and it has sparked my entry into this whole world of new meaning.
    One thing i wanted to ask you was – what if you don’t identify with your sign of the zodiac? I am Capricorn yet I feel so much more affinity with other star signs. How can I rectify this relationship?

    1. Tina Arapkiles
      5 years ago

      Ellie, You are much more than your Sun sign. The interplay of the planets, where they were in the sky when you were born and in which signs are what make you, you.

    2. Venus Styles
      2 years ago

      When’s your bday

  14. Yolanda
    5 years ago

    I just saw your youtube video today about the Saturn-Pluto conjunction happening on January 12th at 22 Capricorn. Not sure if you also mentioned the eclipse on January 10th at 20 Cancer which will also be sending a huge impulse of energy at the Saturn Pluto degree from across the sky. This comes off the heels of the December 26th eclipse at 4 Capricorn and an otherwise tough year with a previous 1-2 punch pair of eclipses in Cancer and Capricorn this past July! I wanted to mention these additional events to share information and perspective for those who have felt that 2019 was especially tough, because it really was, where ever you have these signs in your personal birthchart. And its not over yet! Also if you have Cancer, Capricorn, Aries or Libra in prominent positions, then you really have felt the impacts deeply. I practice astrology with the guidance of the Creative Force with the focus on free will and choice as to how to use these energies to their highest potential. I’m grateful for the opportunity to share the further information for the purpose of helping others understand and cope with the changes that affect and challenge us to grow and evolve. Best of luck to all!

    6 years ago

    I listened to your conversation on Hay House World Summit with Dr. Boborysenko. I have to say that was the best hour I have spent. I learned more than in my entire adulthood. I am going to get your book now. Have Intuitive Listening. Just want you to know what a profound effect that conversation had with this 65 years old twice divorced woman who was drying up and bitter. Thank you for a new lease on life. With deepest appreciation, Marlene Herself

  16. Shayla Cademis
    6 years ago

    I like what you said about astrology being like a roadmap that is designed to help you access your soul’s original blueprint and that every one has its own unique challenges and gifts. These past few months, I’ve been feeling a little disconnected from myself and my sense of purpose so I’ve been looking for ways to get back in touch. I’ll have to look for great astrologer I mesh well with so I can better navigate my blueprint. Thanks for the information!

  17. Manoj Mule
    6 years ago

    Good guidance for Consulting Astrology and astrology resources….

  18. Steele Honda
    6 years ago

    Thanks for pointing out that when looking for an astrologer, it’s important to know how you will use astrology in your life. I am thinking about signing up for an astrological consultation because I think that it would help me navigate my career better. I think that finding out that had experience with that kind of thing and could help me decipher everything would be really helpful.

  19. Sam
    6 years ago

    Thank you Christina for sharing this valuable information on how to use the ancient art of Astrology to find your purpose – it is very helpful.

  20. Sonu Sharma
    6 years ago

    Please tell me what I can do to learn about myself when I do not have DOB and DOB time

  21. Robin
    6 years ago

    I haven’t believed much in astrology, but being spiritual and a psychic and medium, maybe it has more validity than I give credit.
    My psychic teacher and friend puts information into a computer program to get the astrological chart. What do you think of that? I’m just not sure how to apply the information. I never thought about linking it with a question.
    I’m new to your website from listening to your Hay House encore talk. Celebrating my birthday today and wrote down my past year accomplishments and what I’m proud of. Great contemplating action! It’s been a lovely day!

  22. one face rudraksha
    7 years ago

    What a fantastic post This is so chock full of useful information I can’t wait to dig deep and start utilizing the resources you have given me. Your exuberance is refreshing.

    1. Christiane Northrup
      6 years ago

      Why thank you! What a refreshing comment.

  23. Amanda Wongsonegoro
    7 years ago

    I find vedic astrology to be helpful when life feels tumultuous. Check out

  24. Anna Marker
    7 years ago

    I heard the Hippocrates quote closer to “any doctor who has not incorporated astrology into his practice should not be
    practicing Medicine.

    1. Christiane Northrup
      7 years ago

      Thanks for this. Makes sense.

  25. Anna Marker
    7 years ago

    I am a newbie in astrology. My studies have consisted only and simply in googling a man that I dated for a short time. He is a Sagittarius. I am Virgo. As I watched seemingly countless Youtube videos in addition to pulling free natal charts for both of us on I became very interested in seriously studying Astrology. I found my friend’s personality and behavior almost spot
    on to what I had read about Sagittarius including the “dark” side that might manifest. It did and I was disappointed to realize that he could potentially destroy me emotionally. Admittedly I am super sensitive being pretty much a true Virgo in addition to having my rising sign in Sagittarius. I, too, can be unintentionally blunt but never deliberately hurtful to someone.
    I have loved hearing you on Hay House Radio and the Summit as well. You are a wonderfully knowledgeable professional who I deeply respect. You give a long list of other professionals for charts and studies but I am not sure who to contact even though
    you gave your opinion on their qualifications. Any further help you can give me would be greatly appreciated.
    I live according to Metaphysical tenets with meditation practice twice a day but feel I need additional balancing tools. That might be Astrology which I had never taught of before. Not until my recent relationship experience did that register. Then your latest email arrived a couple of days ago. I am deeply grateful. Anna Marker

    1. Christiane Northrup
      7 years ago

      I would go with someone who does evolutionary astrology. Knowing your soul purpose in this way will be immensely helpful for you.

  26. Irene
    7 years ago

    Vedic astrology (sidereal) can can calculate your accurate birth time. You’d need to fill out a 2 page questionaire with specific details about yourself & your family- moles, operations, accidents, outstanding physical traits etc.
    Chakrapani Ullal in Los Angeles did one for me.

    1. Christiane Northrup
      7 years ago

      This is very very helpful information. Thank you

  27. Mayella Reynolds
    7 years ago

    Thank you for sharing your use of astrology – I do use it too and have consulted many different people over the years; I’m currently subscribed to and have had sessions with Gregory Scott – who does astrology, tarot and numerology and I like his positive take on everything that shows up. His youtube channel is here:

    1. Christiane Northrup
      7 years ago

      Thanks for this. Love it!

  28. Cyndee
    7 years ago

    I have always wanted to get my chart done, but my birth certificate does not tell my birth time and my Mother said she doesn’t know. Is there a way one can still be done? Thank you!

    1. Christiane Northrup
      7 years ago

      A good astrologer can generally figure it out. Also– look above for the instructions about Vedic astrology and how they can find. it. I’ve also had people know what the birth time was from the Sidereal chart.

  29. Simone Butler
    7 years ago

    Beautifully said, Christiane! And thanks so much for the shout-out!

    1. Christiane Northrup
      7 years ago

      So glad you approve!

  30. Linda
    7 years ago

    Hi Christiane,
    I knew you were a smart woman! This is more confirmation 🙂
    I am an evolutionary astrologer. I have been for the past 30 years. I’m in New Zealand – which is a rather remote but with our information age it is not a problem. I have a website : and a blog site: – and offer astrology consultations via a written or audio report.
    Thank you for putting a good word in for us – astrology has been for many years a ‘shadow profession’…….but our time is coming with the shift to a more right brain (ie holistic) awareness. It’s very exciting!

    1. Christiane Northrup
      7 years ago

      Thank you SO much for weighing in here. May everyone who can most use your knowledge be directed to you!

  31. Carmen
    7 years ago

    Robin Armstrong, astrologer, teacher, musician, spiritual leader

  32. Teri Burton
    7 years ago

    I use Jean Hart for my astrology. She has done this for a long long time. Very accurate.

    1. Lesley
      7 years ago

      How do I get in touch with Jean Hart?
      I am looking for a good astrologer.
      Please advise.

  33. Durelle
    7 years ago

    Kaypacha is my teacher.

    Jeffrey Wolfe Greene is another awesome teacher. He has many books.

    I agree, astrology has changed my life. I’ve use it to empower myself.
    We need more astrologers out there. I would advise you all to be careful. More expensive doesn’t necessarily mean “better”
    There are a couple people on Dr. Northrup’s list, who overcharge.
    Knowing your worth is one thing. Ripping people off is quite another.

  34. Dawn
    7 years ago

    Cal Garrison should be on your list! She is an amazing astrologer!! Thanks for all the resources.

  35. A great article & you are really brave.
    I really admire you for posting this article as its very informative & bringing a lot more clarity on our day to day lie.

    1. Christiane Northrup
      7 years ago

      Thank you for this comment. I have my north node in Aries on the 10th house cusp. And Pluto and Mars both at 15 degrees Leo in the second house. South node, Sun, Mercury, and Neptune in the 4th house. Pretty much had NO CHOICE but to have courage. I have a feeling I’ve AVOIDED speaking this truth for lifetimes!

  36. Dianne Deering
    7 years ago

    Can you kindly recommend a medical intuitive for me? Thanks so much!

    1. Christiane Northrup
      7 years ago

      Thank you for this comment. I have my north node in Aries on the 10th house cusp. And Pluto and Mars both at 15 degrees Leo in the second house. South node, Sun, Mercury, and Neptune in the 4th house. Pretty much had NO CHOICE but to have courage. I have a feeling I’ve AVOIDED speaking this truth for lifetimes!

  37. Mary Blake
    7 years ago

    Thanks so much Dr. Northrup, for this excellent perspective on astrology! It totally resonates with how I use astrology as a tool, and is content I will share with my friends.I am a Taurus sun sign, Pices rising and moon in Cancer. i have been following evolutionary astrologer, Kristin Fontana ( for some time. I would highly recommend her as her weekly forecasts are always right on with what is going on with me. I also had her do my transits a while back.I just ended a relationship with a Scorpio sun sign who is a energy vampire. I read Kristin’s weekly forecast for him as well as myself and got amazing insights as to why we met and why we were in relationship. It was a huge life lesson for me, and has already made me a better person. As an empath and energy healer (Reiki), I have made your book Dodging Energy Vampires my bible. Thank you so much for writing this! A dear friend who is in her 5th year of recovery from narcissistic abuse gave me your book for my birthday as a message to wake up and end the relationship. I bought a copy and gave it to a friend of mine whose mother is a narcissist. Thank you, thank you, thank you for ALL you do for women!!

    1. Christiane Northrup
      7 years ago

      Thank you SO much for this comment. I truly believe that my latest book Dodging Energy Vampires is one of those things I was BORN to write. And probably avoided for lifetimes. So glad it LANDED for you. I am finding more and more people who feel the same.

  38. Bette
    7 years ago

    Please tell me what I can do to learn about myself when I do not have my time of birth. I follow a few astrologers but cannot delve into my personal chart.

  39. Valerie
    7 years ago

    Yes I do use astrology, am in the process of learning it, and hope to become an astrologer one day soon!

  40. Becky
    7 years ago

    I’m sure you’ve been asked this before, but I’d love to know, too — do you do astrology readings or do you have someone that you would recommend? Thank you!

    1. Kauakea
      7 years ago

      I do readings! 🙂

    2. Sonja Francis
      7 years ago

      Hi Becky, It looks like Christiane has many recommendations for Astrologers… if you look below her article. I am also an Astrologer, as well as a Life/Relationship Coach. I offer free New Moon videos on my Youtube channel, as well as lots of other goodies on my website. Feel free to check it out, if that calls to you: or Wishing you all the best on your journey! Love and blessings, Sonja

      1. Christiane Northrup
        7 years ago

        Thanks for sharing your information. I really appreciate it!

  41. omshreesai
    7 years ago

    your blog is very helpful, thank you for sharing this valuable information.

  42. Linda Thompson
    7 years ago

    Hi Dr Northrup,

    I’m interested to know more about astrology sun & moon. But I’m unsure how to calculate it if you are born preemie, like really preemie say 12 weeks early. Do you still use your birthday & time or should guess your approx due date with no time?

    1. Ruth Nodel
      7 years ago

      As a Professional Astrologer and Psychic Medium, I believe it is very important to calculate a chart with the exact time a person was born.

      1. Sharon
        7 years ago

        My birth certificate doesn’t list a time of birth. Not sure how to find out.m? My mother doesn’t remember.

      2. Kauakea
        7 years ago

        If a reative or a birth certificate does not have the aproximate time of brith, there are ways to determine this. My astrology practice deals with it all the time. Happy to help you rectify and find a birth time.

    2. Pamela
      7 years ago

      No matter when you were supposed to be born, you came at the exact date, time and place that expresses who you are. You were always intended to come at this moment, no matter what the doctors told your mother. And the moment you took your first breath, at that date, time and place, you began the journey to discover who you are based on this moment. This is your contract with the Universe.

  43. Paul D Gates
    7 years ago

    To start with I have been hobbyist astrologer for about 20 years. However, most if not all, is self taught. I do not even have a high school diploma, although my two other siblings have degrees and one has taught at the university level.
    Our parents encouraged education, but due to some things that happen when you are born a Pisces with Pisces Rising, I have been in some way or another tortured most of my life. But it had nothing to do with our parents, but from people that use people with 12th houses, and real XP connections not the Mars XP connections for identity theft, and other things
    i was born August 22, 1950 in St Pete Florida. But the real reason I am including this is related to our mom who died on March 20, 1962. When I started teaching myself astrology I decided first of all to get the birth certificates of everyone in our family, most except me, had been born in Dayton Ohio. But when I requested the birth certificates I received them all except our mom’s with the Vital Statistics saying that they could not send it since it was hand written. But finally, about 30 years since that time, i finally was able to get the copy, but there was really nothing wrong with and it was readable. It was questioned when she died why she was heard coughing in the oxygen tent they put her in when she was in ICU. I was not able to even visit then since I was under 12 years old. But I do not think she was coughing because she was a smoker. I think that someone caused her death by means I cannot prove but she does have Neptune in the 12th house along with other planets there as a Leo. She also has the Sun and Saturn in Virgo in the first house opposing Uranus in Aquarius in the 7th house.
    As a medical doctor, and professional astrologer, is there anyway you might be able to help? Our mom was a very important person to me, and the only one that tried to tell me something. Something that most people would not understand about the 12th house and the, and I hate to use the word Karma, because it implies that the person is at fault. But i do not feel as though I am, although I did spend a long time thinking that.
    Excuse me for saying this, but in a way, the zodiac killer came to our house knowing there was a Pisces there

    1. Christiane Northrup
      7 years ago

      I recommend a session with Belinda Womack.

  44. Suki
    8 years ago

    From what I can tell from these posts and Tosha Silvers’ websites, she uses Vedic Astrology, which is an older and reliable system of astrology, based on the constellations in the sky at the time of our actual birth rather than on the time of our birth if we were born 2000 years ago. It is a Sidereal, progressed system that actually works. Thank you for promoting this system as so many people still try to use Western Astrology/Sun Sign and then wonder their readings are inaccurate or they project the misinformation (the scourge of our time) onto their lives and are even more confused. I applaud your continued wise work. Thanks.

    1. Kauakea
      7 years ago

      Just like auruvedic and chinese medicine are both helpful, both vedic and western astrology can both be useful. Western has more of a psychological approach. It has helped me tremendously to navigate my life with more grace.

      I am a western astrologer and honor both traditions!

      1. Christiane Northrup
        7 years ago

        Thank you for this most balanced answer! TRUTH

  45. Dawn Silver
    9 years ago

    “He who does not understand astrology is not a doctor but a fool.”
    – Hippocrates (460BC – 380 BC), Father of Medicine

    Medicine has its origins in Astrology. Thank you for your recognition Dr. Christiane!

    1. Christiane L NOrthrup
      9 years ago

      Dear Dawn– you are a rock star!! THANK YOU for the high five!!

      1. Mardi
        8 years ago

        Dr. I’ve been looking for your astrology chart, online – would you kindly share it with us? I Love you! <3

  46. Kazina
    9 years ago

    I was so elated to hear you mention being a Pisces Moon in one of your videos lol ♥ I have a Pisces Ascendant but I am a Libra Sun sign, and I wanted to share that amazingly my weakest point has been my kidneys and I was hospitalized for emergency infections when I was a child. Of course I have had other issues as the body’s health or disorder is generally systemic, but I haven’t been hospitalized like that for anything else. Also an anxiety issue has ruled me so while learning about the body from Dr. Robert Morse, it dawned on me there is a connection with the adrenal glands which control the fight or flight fright mechanism being on top of the kidneys. Five years later at 14 I was so unwell I was put on antidepressants, which messed me up so much more and I battled to get off of them for a decade while drinking alcohol cuz apparently the pills make you crave it and it’s the only thing that temporarily took the anxiety away.

    Well anyways, if I’ve had to be sick to learn how to be well as so many others have then I guess I wouldn’t trade it, but I am sick of it lol. Thank you for the wonderful, inspiring, enlightening and informative videos, you are one of my new favorite people and I’m so glad to scour the rest of your speaking available online ♥

    1. Christiane L NOrthrup
      9 years ago

      Very very insightful. Bravo. And thank you.

  47. Brenda
    10 years ago

    I am actually encouraged by you admitting that you utilize astrology in your life. Others do as well and because they don’t want to face criticism from others who have little understanding of astrology, some would be less forthcoming than you. Your explanation along with examples of the moon phases and seasons is a concept I can use with friends who somehow believe astrology is sacrilegious. To take care of my health and to continue being ageless; I am using every tool available. Thank you for your contribution to my good health.

    1. Christiane
      10 years ago

      thanks so much. yes– I’ve certainly been criticized for this. It’s the old case of “What we’re not up on, we’re down on.” A quote from the late Nobel Laureate Linus Pauling.

  48. Kristina Merrick
    10 years ago

    I wish all Dr’s would use astrology,the real solutions would be so easy to obtain.

    1. Kauakea
      7 years ago


  49. Charles Drake
    10 years ago

    Great presentation with fantastic advice for all of us regardless of gender. Thank-you, Charles

  50. malu
    10 years ago

    Since every sign in astrology “rules” a different part of the body, I think doctors would be doing their diagnosis’ a favor by getting familiar with this fact. Aries rules the head; Taurus, the throat; Gemini, the shoulders, arms, hands and nervous system; Cancer. the stomach; Leo the heart and spine; Virgo, digestive system; Libra, the kidneys; Scorpio, the genitals; Sagittarius, the hips and thighs; Capricorn, the knees and skin; Aquarius, the ankles; and Pisces, the feet. There you have it Docs! Use this in your practices however you see fit!

    1. Christiane
      10 years ago

      Medical astrology!!! Nice summary. Thank you!!

  51. Jan H Stafl MD
    12 years ago

    There are many ways to augment our intuition. In addition to astrology, I have found working with the wisdom of Tarot cards and I Ching (and other oracles) to be profound, not as a silly fortune telling tool, but as a means of expressing archetypal symbolism and synchronicity (Jung’s meaningful coincidences). The history of these intuitive divinations is fascinating, and the art history associated with them is amazing. They are often completely misunderstood. Thanks for opening up this topic!

    1. Christiane Northrup
      10 years ago

      Love hearing this! Beautifully stated. Thank you!

  52. Janice
    12 years ago

    I have read every comment here and am so excited to learn more about Astrology. I have an advance beginner’s knowledge of Astrology and a strong intuitive sense of the art of it. Thanks, Dr. Northrup very very much for opening up this discussion. As you probably know, Carl Jung (a revolutionairy psychiatrist) used Astrology to help his patients and gain insights into their difficulties – I believe Paracelsus (correct me if I am wrong) also used Astrology for his patients.

  53. Marilyn Slagel
    12 years ago

    Dr. Northrup, I love your site! I first heard you during the HH Summit, ordered your book for young girls and now follow you here. I’ve always loved astrology and within the last year had my natal chart done. Thanks for giving the address. I’m going to get the book. I’m a 57-year-old widow and can do as I please – astrology is fascinating and I really don’t care who believes in it or not. Their loss if they refuse to accept it.

  54. Mary Caparro
    12 years ago

    I read my horoscope daily and find that whatever I am going through in my life at that time, that day’s reading does correspond to what I am feeling on that day. I can’t say how may times I have felt down or depressed due to the current situation in my life and after reading a particular day’s reading, I become uplifted because the reading indicated that I am where I am supposed to be in my life at that moment and better times are ahead.

  55. Such wonderful company I am in. Thank you!. I daily look at my horoscope, generally after the day has started already and I can go “Aha!” Any help with our individual alignment to the powers that be: God, the Universe, call it what you will, but be awed!
    I hesitate sharing my”astrology aide” with anyone. It is so nice when one discovers one does not HAVE TO share anything, that one has CHOICES and that excusing and explaining puts one “Below the Line of Choice”, makes one a victim.

  56. Christiane NorthrupMD
    12 years ago

    Clearly I’m in some REALLY good company concerning astrology. LOVE reading these comments. And for those who asked where GOD is in this, here is my response. GOD– the CREATOR– created ALL OF IT!!! There’ a quote on the science building up at nearby Bowdoin College–” Scientific principles are the thoughts of God.” Or something like that. Astrologic knowledge also reflects the genius of our Creator. Thank you all for weighing in here!!!

  57. Rhonda
    12 years ago

    I was interested in astrology as a teenager, and didn’t pay much attention after that. Just recently, I joined The Astrology Salon and I am learning how to interpret charts. I am learning so much about myself and other people—it is mind blowing! Also, I never hide my interest in astrology. Although a lot of people say they don’t believe in it, I find that most people want to know what’s in their charts.

  58. Christiane NorthrupMD
    12 years ago

    Many of you wanted to know where to start with astrology. I am a very big fan of the Shamanic Astrology Mystery School. They publish a great book. You can also book a reading with someone trained in the system. For those of you who posted comments who are astrologers, feel free to post your contact info here in the comment section. Thanks everyone for such GREAT comments.

  59. Tafi cole
    12 years ago

    I use astrology as a tool and a guide. My natal chart shows me my strengths and weakness. The transits activate certain areas and challenges of my life. The north node confirmed that I was on the right path. I don’t look at my chart everyday, yet enough to be in flow with the universe.

  60. Debbie Goodman
    12 years ago

    I use psychological astrology to understand myself and other people.

  61. Anold Lane
    12 years ago

    How: “Even though the planets have gotten a “bad reputation” for
    being the cause of human miseries, Revolutionary Astrology
    teaches they are here (there) to serve us and work with us in
    our evolution…
    They represent a portion of our guides, teachers, and elders
    whom we “consulted with” before incarnating
    for our next evolutionary journey in human form.
    Befriend the planetary deities and see them as your allies.”

    from The Zodiac Within You: How All 12 Signs Impact Your Life.

  62. Lisa Campbell
    12 years ago

    I find astrology fascinating and sincerely believe that it is about aligning with the powers of the universe that rule the moon, the tides, and the moving of the planets..

    I would be so grateful if you would suggest a good sort of “dummies guide” for me to begin my journey into understanding and learning a solid foundation in order to grow my knowledge.

    I very much appreciate any input you could offer to me.

    Lisa Campbell

  63. Crystal B
    12 years ago

    What an amazing article! Thank you for your moving words and bringing such practicality to a science (yes it is in my eyes – just as the weather is!) that can be so useful and beneficial in “non-kooky”ways! We all should be using it 😉

  64. Marcia
    12 years ago

    I love it and enjoy that it’s a “parlor trick” of sorts. It’s nice to think that in all the randoms of the world some days you read your horoscope and it’s exactly on point.

  65. Laura W
    12 years ago

    I would love to learn how to use it. Any recommendations?

    1. Frankie
      7 years ago

      I have an old book called The only way to learn Astrology basic principles Vol. 101. Don’t know if it will help. I brought an astrologer here to teach my students years ago and she wanted them to have this book before the class. Maybe it may be still in print. It’s old but very easy to understand.

  66. Manon
    12 years ago

    I’m an astrologer since my teenage years. There was a time in my life that I feel ashamed about this “weird” interest! 🙂 Not anymore. It is a wonderful tool to help you to grow and to evolve. I am so please to read that you love it too!

  67. Lorig
    12 years ago

    Hi Dr. Northrup,
    As a “moon child” I’ve always found it challenging to fit into the world. So much of being at peace is deep acceptance of who we are to our very core…without shame. As you said, there are so many factors that contribute to who we are. Therapy was our first attempt to understand the human psyche but really so limited.
    xo Lorig
    PS: Wish I could adopt you as my sister/mother… 🙂

  68. mary graham
    12 years ago

    I believe in astrology, but I keep it to myself. I would love to learn more about it; especially the Saturn aspect of my chart……….. for instance how many years does it take for Saturn to move through?

  69. Jenni Stone
    12 years ago

    Thank you for writing about astrology with insight and awareness.

    I use astrology in my life everyday in every way. I am a realtor and always time my listings and showings by the stars and planets. I don’t always tell colleagues and clients – after all this is The Real Estate – earthbound and pragmatic.

    Some people, however, know me only as an astrologer. I write newsletters and have a blog.

    Again, thank you, thank you for your thoughtful comments – self understanding is empowerment.

  70. Fiona Marks
    12 years ago

    So happy to read your comments about astrology. I find it an invaluable tool on the journey of self-discovery and exploration of patterns and cycles in life. We have lost a willingness to honour the inherent mystery in life, and ridicule that which is not understood or deemed impossible. But I am more interested in using astrology as a useful tool in pursuit of deeper understanding, than trying to convince anyone else of its veracity.

  71. Julie fraiche
    12 years ago

    I’m new at all of this and I’m very interested. Can you please tell a beginner how to start.

  72. Elizabeth Liebendorfer
    12 years ago

    I am very curious about all of this and would like to learn more, but yes the stigma and judgment for mostly my ” Christian ” “friends” means keeping it on the down low. Though you work is highly respected it is interesting how they ignore the parts they don’t agree with and judge us that pay attention as ” sinners”

  73. Sheridan Kennedy
    12 years ago

    Absolutely agree with your description “astrology is like checking the weather to see if you should pack a raincoat”.
    I use astrology to take advantage of opportunities (especially those that aren’t so obvious) and in more challenging times its such a great tool for seeing meaning in difficult circumstances. And for knowing how best to deal with them, to add my evolution.
    I think its a far more powerful and accurate self-development tool than psychology.

  74. Terry Lehman
    12 years ago

    I have always had an interest in Astrology & wondered if some of my sleep patterns were related to the planets and mood to the solar flares, but what opened my world was when I went to a Naturopath (because I no Longer wanted to be poisoned by Pharmaceuticals) and he asked my Birth Date and time. It ROCKED MY WORLD!

  75. finstah
    12 years ago

    I use astrology as a guide in my life to help give me insight into the prevailing energies which I can then use to maximize on “Life’s experiences”. I share my love of astrology to those I feel are receptive but mostly I study with an ever deepening appreciation for my own education, for myself and for those I work with. Thank you for this recognition. The more I study, the more helpful and useful I find astrology.

  76. Camilla
    12 years ago

    Dr. Northrup what aresome onlineresources / tools for someone who wants to discover astrology?

  77. Jeni
    12 years ago

    Dr Northrup,

    I have loved reading your Wisdom of Menopause and this article. I have been following Astrology in my life since January 2012 when my daughter and I had our natal charts done. Since then, I have incorporated it into my work as a massage therapist encouraging both my colleagues and clients to become more aware of these factors in their own lives. While still a new avenue for me, it feels very right 🙂

  78. Windy
    12 years ago

    I find astrology fascinating and have always had an interest in it. I use it as a guide and as a tool for a deeper understanding of myself and others. Also, it touches something deep within me and puts a little “magic” in my life. I don’t mention my interest in astrology to others unless they bring it up.

  79. Lesley Horton MD
    12 years ago

    Following my previous comment, yes I keep my astrology tendencies far far away from all my colleagues! Western science tends heavily to dismiss what it doesn’t yet understand or isn’t yet able to measure. Like subtle energies of the body such as the chakras! Thanks so much for opening the door of conversation on this.

  80. Lesley Horton MD
    12 years ago

    Great topic- thanks for bringing it up! I am a medical physicianwho was always very skeptical about astrology. Then trusting a mentor, I consulted an astrologist and it blew my mind how accurate she was. I had to accept that my paradigm that followed Western science was too small and needed to expand. it’s become a wonderful tool! I tell patients about astrology when I sense it will help them make sense of their life purpose or a very difficult time.

  81. Claudia
    12 years ago

    Working at an institution of higher education, I most definitely try to keep it hidden. A couple of times, I’ve let a comment slip, such as: “I’ll get back to you after Mercury goes direct” or “you’ll have to forgive me, I have an Aries Moon” have been met with blank stares or laughs. Yes, I’ll use my birth chart road map, but not let my colleagues know. Thank you stating this so concisely and elegantly. I may have to use parts of it next time I let something slip.

  82. Gerri
    12 years ago

    Great newsletter.Just brought your new book for my granddaughter.It is fantastic.

    12 years ago

    What is a great astrology site to refer to & depend on? Ty 4 all the great wisdom you share!

  84. Glenda Vogel
    12 years ago

    Interesting. Where does God come into this? the creator Father God, Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit who leads and directs us? One of the key words here is CREATOR. We love, serve the creator….not the creation.
    Interesting reading but it is about the creation, leaving out the creator.

  85. Nyei Murez
    12 years ago

    Thank you! I use astrology daily with clients in sessions of Tensegrity –a practice of well-being. I often go straight for the moon’s nodes to see qualities the person’s soul is here to develop. I’m starting to notice patterns in certain time periods, for example in 1958, the moon’s north node was conjunct Neptune–indicating one is here to share intuitive gifts, and help others trust their own. Think Doreen Virtue, or clairaudient healer and author David Elliott. Viva!!!

  86. Angela
    12 years ago

    I have no idea at this point. Never thought about it till now. After reading your article I am going to find out.

  87. DM
    12 years ago

    I’m in my early 50s, raised in a fundamentalist Christian family, a PhD in science, a writer for big pharma and…wait for it…just passed level 1 astrology certification 2 months ago! An astrology obsession is the best midlife crisis! I use astrology to help me understand life’s difficulties – great for self-development. Still in the closet about it, but working on that. I’m considering “outing myself” by going back to school to be a therapist and using astrology in my practice.

  88. marie lynch
    12 years ago

    I have known astrology for thirty years privately because in the business and academic world it is a joke. Yet, I agree that the moon has an obvious energy release yet there are other undiscovered energies which affect our lives, bodies, moods, etc. The fact that stress causes inflation in the body, and even heart arrhythmias is mysterious. I agree that astrology helps give meaning to the search for self and why you are attracted or repelled by the energies of others.

  89. Jodi Kostal
    12 years ago

    Thank you for your positive words on the art of astrology which I have been practicing as a professional for over 20 years. I read once that Astrology clarifies our place in the universe, and it reminds and connects us with an order that is much greater than our own personal understanding. Astrology can help us transform and shift into greater awareness. At the start of each call I remind them that astrology is simply “the language that catalyzes the memory of your mission here.”

  90. Colleen
    12 years ago

    Every time Mercury goes into retrograde, the 24 hrs prior to that my life is turned upside down. I try and keep my comments to a minimal and not get into any heavy conversations. At this point I don’t read my horoscope daily, but if I notice an off day early enough I check it and judge my reactions for the rest of the day. I don’t hide it from colleagues, but it’s certainly not something I bring up in casual conversation. – Thank you!

  91. Janine
    12 years ago

    Thank you Dr. Northrup for being a successful, grounded person who endorses astrology. I have studied astrology for over 25 years now; I have found it to be a practical, useful tool for everyday living. It has been maligned over the years through unstable people, but anyone who really knows the art, really understands the wisdom behind it.

    It has been imperative to help me understand my gifts and challenges, as well as those of my children!

  92. Jeremy Roberts
    12 years ago

    Seasons and moon phases are NOT belief systems. Their impact on organisms is fact and verifiable through scientific observation. Alignment of distant stars as they may appear from random vantage points on earth acting as “a roadmap for the journey of your soul” IS a belief system. It is a false analogy to claim that the two are similar. To say that consulting astrology is akin to checking the weather for the need of a raincoat is ridiculous and undermines your professional status as a physician.

  93. Jill Tuwhare
    12 years ago

    I was surprised and interested to read about your interest in astrology. I receive an email from astrologer Mystic Medusa every morning and love to start each day with an idea of the astrological influences at play. I am amazed at her accuracy – and her site is beautiful.

  94. Susan HH
    12 years ago

    I find this very interesting. Would you suggest some resources on the subject?

  95. Granny in Nola
    12 years ago

    Great approach to the effects the planets have on us and the force of the moon on our liquidy body!! Thanks …you were fabulous on the Hay House World Summit! Thanks fir the humor too

  96. Tracey
    12 years ago

    My BA is in Political Science. My MA is in International Education. For 5 yrs I’ve been managing a high school exchange program, and for the past 3 yrs, I’ve been building a practice in Astrology 🙂 It’s not a secret from my colleagues, really. ALTHOUGH, just a couple of months ago, the President of our non-profit confronted me about it, wanting me to tell him his future. I’m not sure how he found out, but it’s a small org so these things get around. Thanks for writing this!

  97. Sarah Elizabeth
    12 years ago

    Thank you for this frank and honest overview of what an amazing teacher of mine calls Evolutionary Astrology. We work with what the planets are doing, and a healing takes place.

    So powerful, thank you for writing this today.

  98. Robbi
    12 years ago

    Hi Christiane,

    I recently had my chart done by a reputable astrologer David Hawthorne. He recommend that I wear a mystical pendant blessed by his guru to balance the ups & downs that take place in life. The pendant is on this web site – I’d love your opinion on this.

    1. Gourav
      7 years ago

      Did u wear the pendant Robbi wat was ur experience did it help u I also wanted to go for it .plz share ur experience

  99. Claire
    12 years ago

    I’ve been using my knowledge of astrology to manage my relationships with people for years. While it’s not the only factor I use when figuring out how to relate to someone, it definitely plays a large part. It is also helpful in understanding children who are not always adept at recognizing and stating their emotional needs. I wish more doctors and other professionals would incorporate astrology in what they do; I think we’d all be a lot better off!

  100. Margaret Sweet
    12 years ago

    I am an astrologer and was so happy to see you give such a positive spin on astrology. My clientele are mostly operating within metaphysical fields, so it’s been a long time since I met someone who had to be ‘convinced’ of the true value of astrology. I also love the way you describe your connection with it.
    Thank you!

  101. Barbara Allen
    12 years ago

    I’m a fan of Western astrology. The language of astrology is unlike any other, explaining the inexplicable in ways that are empowering. In a world that worships rational thinking, it provides the great healing power of enchantment. I’ve watched it play out in my business life in ways that never fail to amaze me. I am careful never to promote my interest at work but occasionally it comes up and sparks a deeper conversation. By the way, I’m a Libra with a Scorpio ascendant and a Capricorn moon.

  102. Annalisa
    12 years ago

    I use it when meeting new people, to give me a basic idea of their personality and how to interact with them. It works about 85% of the time. I let some people know I use it, but only as simplistic guide and used with a grain of salt 😉

  103. Aubrie De Clerck
    12 years ago

    This is wonderful, thank you so much! I use astrology in my career coaching practice and it is so useful. Having this article available for clients who are new to astrology is extremely helpful.

  104. Brigitte
    12 years ago

    I already think it has some truth especially since I have seen the gospel in the stars starting with the virgin and ending with the lion!

  105. Billie DeJohn
    12 years ago

    I have always been connected to the moon. The celebrations of new and full moons are often my anchor, helps to keep me grounded and focused on what is important in life. Recently I have learned the value of using astrology in creating the proper flow of energy within the home. This has opened a whole new and exciting viewpoint of how I align the different parts of my home with my family and my soul.

  106. susan
    12 years ago

    Brilliant description of the best way to incorporate astrology into other tools in living a divinely guided life. Have to find a good astrologer to do my chart – something I had done a long long time ago and have since lost. I’ve been more open in recent years about using a variety of tools to learn more about myself (Tarot, Goddess Cards, Archtypes, etc.). Thank you for sharing your personal experience and how you use these tools.

  107. JeanGirl
    12 years ago

    Love the AWESOME astrology article! I myself go super-crazy and put my love of astrology and my use of it OUT THERE, to the point I love to clarify and refine someone’s understanding of what a great tool it can be! Oh, that’s my Cancer Rising, Virgo Moon, Leo Mercury, and Cancer Venus/Mars talking … : )

  108. Katie Pfeiffer
    12 years ago

    Astrology became important in my life when I was in my early 20s ( I ‘m now in my late 40s). I experienced a profound psychic awakening at that time. Studying my own chart, I have come to understand myself better. The planets are always in moving. This knowledge helps me to go within for the answer . This journey can be scary and exciting. Astrology teaches all of us that change is constant.

  109. Maryanne Razzo
    12 years ago

    When I first started learning astrology, about 35 years ago, I was so enthusiastic about it that I wanted to share everything with everyone. But, truly, the language and the way the system changes your perception of the world, isn’t for everyone, so I communicate with my astrology peers nearly all the time. It is an amazing, amazing tool for growth and insight, but, you need to have a curious, open mind and a broad perspective to allow it to enter your consciousness.

  110. Janine
    12 years ago

    Thank you Dr. Northrup for relaying how important astrology is to you. It is a beautiful thing to hear that someone so grounded and accomplished realizes the important tool that astrology is. I have studied astrology since I was 15, many moons ago, and was always impressed by the guidance that it provides. Astrology has been a spiritual, practical gift to me, and it has helped me realize not only the talents and challenges that I have, but also those of my children.

  111. Marisa
    12 years ago

    How can I get my astrology chart done.? Thank you

  112. Christiane Northrup
    12 years ago

    So- how do YOU use astrology in your life? And if you do, do you keep it hidden from your colleagues? I’m really curious. Post a comment here!!

  113. Joanne
    12 years ago

    JP Morgan said “millionaires do not follow astrology but billionaires do” – some people will not understand some things – like some do not understand quantum physics however it has no impact on it existing and being a governing force. Dr Northrop is brilliant and I admire her speaking to the wisdom found in astrology. It is further demonstration of her pioneering spirit and her connection to truth and wisdom and her being authentic is communicating what is truth.

  114. marlene
    12 years ago

    I listened to your conversation on Hay House World Summit with Dr. Boborysenko. I have to say that was the best hour I have spent. I learned more than in my entire adulthood. I am going to get your book now. Have Intuitive Listening. Just want you to know what a profound effect that conversation had with this 65 years old twice divorced woman who was drying up and bitter. Thank you for a new lease on life. With deepest appreciation, Marlene Herself

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